Tango AttributeΒΆ

Images from a tango attribute, e.g. Lambda, PCO, AGIPD, Jungfrau or LimaCCDs detectors


The Tango Attribute image source frame contains the following fields:

  • Attribute: selects the tango attributes of the detector last image,
    e.g. sys/tg_test/1/double_image_ro or haslambda02:10000/petra3/lambda/01/LiveLastImageData.
    The possible attributes can be preselected in the configuration dialog.

  • Status: shows the connection status. It also displays a port of ZMQ security stream if it is enabled.

  • Start/Stop button to launch or interrupt image querying

LaVue can read also Tango DevEncoded attributes. Thus, in order to read LimaCCDs images:

  1. set its video_active attribute (or video_live attribute) to true

  2. select the video_last_image attribute of LimaCCDs as a Tango Attribute source

or during your scan

  1. select the last_image attribute of LimaCCDs as a Tango Attribute source

By clicking on an empty start in the Attribute combobox you can add a label to the current item (only in the expert mode).

By clicking on an full start in the Attribute combobox you can remove the label of the current item (only in the expert mode).