Intensity Tool

Intensity Tool shows intensity of the selected pixels.

  • Pixel intensity pointed by mouse and its position

  • Axes Labels and Scales: also changeable from ZMQ Source

  • Crosshair locker: show red horizontal and vertical lines denoting a selected point

The configuration of the tool can be set with a JSON dictionary passed in the --tool-configuration option in command line or a toolconfig variable of LavueController.LavueState with the following keys:

crosshair_locker (boolean), xunits (string), yunits (string), xtext (string), ytext (string), position ([float, float]), scale ([float, float])


lavue -u intensity -s test --tool-configuration \{\"cross_hair\":false,\"position\":[112,125.5],\"scale\":[2,3]\} --start

A JSON dictionary with the tool results is passed to the LavueController or/and to user functions plugins. It contains the following keys:

tool : “intensity”, imagename (string), timestamp (float), pixel ([float, float]), scaled_coordiantes ([float, float]), coordiantes_units ([str, str]), intensity_scaling (str) [i.e. “log”, “linear” or “sqrt”]