Q+ROI+Proj Tool

Q+ROI+Proj Tool combines Angle/Q, ROI and Projections



  • Row/Column slice e.g. 9:10 or 100:120:2, <empty> for all

  • Mapping: mean or sum


The user can use rectangle and ellipse ROI shapes. The rectangle bounds are represented by a list of four integer numbers, [x1, y1, x2, y2]. The elliptic bounds are represented by a list of five float numbers, i.e. [x, y, width, height, angle].

  • ROI alias(es) for roi tango devices

  • Add to or Fetch from sardana environment (see below). If lavue is working with ANALYSISDEVICE , i.e. lavue -n <device>, ROIs bounds are sending also to tango SPECTRUM RoIs attribute of the device, e.g. LambdaOnlineAnalysis server.

  • Sum of the selected ROI or all ROIs. The used version can be selected in the configuration.


  • Geometry: detector geometry parameters. They can be pass in both ways via **LavueController tango server

  • theta angles or q-space selects the radial transformation

  • Pixel intensity pointed by mouse and its position

The configuration of the tool can be set with a JSON dictionary passed in the --tool-configuration option in command line or a toolconfig variable of LavueController.LavueState with the following keys:

aliases (list of strings), rois_number (integer), mapping (sum or mean string), rows (string with a python slice), columns (string with a python slice), units (angles or q-spaces string), geometry (string:float dictionary with the centerx, centery, energy, pixelsizex, pixelsizey, detdistance keywords)


lavue -u q+roi+proj -s test --tool-configuration \{\"rois_number\":2,\"aliases\":[\"pilatus_roi1\",\"polatus_roi2\"],\"mapping\":\"sum\",\"rows\":\"10:200:5\",\"columns\":\"50:150\",\"units\":\"angles\",\"geometry\":\{\"centerx\":123.4,\"centery\":93.4,\"pixelsizex\":70,\"pixelsizey\":70.2,\"energy\":5050,\"detdistance\":50.5\}\} --start

A JSON dictionary with the tool results is passed to the LavueController or/and to user functions plugins. It contains the following keys:

tool : “q+roi+proj”, imagename (string), timestamp (float), xx ([float, .., float]), sx ([float, .., float]), yy ([float, .., float]), sy ([float, .., float]), xscale (float), xslice ([float, float, float]), yscale (float), yslice ([float, float, float]), fun (str) [i.e. “mean” or “sum”]