Source code for lavuelib.channelGroupBox

# Copyright (C) 2017  DESY, Christoph Rosemann, Notkestr. 85, D-22607 Hamburg
# lavue is an image viewing program for photon science imaging detectors.
# Its usual application is as a live viewer using hidra as data source.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation in  version 2
# of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Authors:
#     Christoph Rosemann <>
#     Jan Kotanski <>

""" level widget """

from .qtuic import uic
from pyqtgraph import QtCore
import os
import logging

    from pyqtgraph import QtWidgets
except Exception:
    from pyqtgraph import QtGui as QtWidgets

_formclass, _baseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "ChannelGroupBox.ui"))

logger = logging.getLogger("lavue")

[docs]class ChannelGroupBox(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ Set minimum and maximum displayed values and its color. """ #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) color channel changed signal channelChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal() #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) rgb color channel changed signal rgbChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) def __init__(self, parent=None, settings=None, expertmode=False): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` :param settings: lavue configuration settings :type settings: :class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings` :param expertmode: expert mode flag :type expertmode: :obj:`bool` """ QtWidgets.QGroupBox.__init__(self, parent) #: (:class:`Ui_LevelsGroupBox') ui_groupbox object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _formclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:obj: `bool`) levels shown self.__levels = True #: (:obj: `bool`) colors to be shown self.__colors = True #: (:obj: `bool`) rgb flag self.__rgb = False #: (:obj: `int`) red channel self.__rindex = 0 #: (:obj: `int`) green channel self.__gindex = 1 #: (:obj: `int`) blue channel self.__bindex = 2 #: (:obj: `int`) default red channel self.__defrindex = 0 #: (:obj: `int`) default green channel self.__defgindex = 1 #: (:obj: `int`) default blue channel self.__defbindex = 2 #: (:obj: `int`) default color channel self.__defaultchannel = 0 #: (:obj: `int`) current color channel self.__colorchannel = 0 #: (:obj: `int`) number of color channels self.__numberofchannels = 0 #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) settings self.__settings = settings #: (:obj:`bool`) expert mode self.__expertmode = expertmode #: (:obj:`dict`) channellabels self.__channellabels = {} #: (:obj:`bool`) connected flag self.__connected = False self.__connectChannels() self.setNumberOfChannels(-1) self.__ui.rComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._onRChannelChanged) self.__ui.gComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._onGChannelChanged) self.__ui.bComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._onBChannelChanged)
[docs] def setDefaultColorChannel(self, channel): """ sets default color channel :param channel: default color channel(s) :type channel: :obj:`int` or :obj:`int` """ if isinstance(channel, list): self.__defaultchannel = -1 if len(channel) > 0: self.__defrindex = channel[0] if len(channel) > 1: self.__defgindex = channel[1] else: self.__defgindex = -1 if len(channel) > 2: self.__defbindex = channel[2] else: self.__defbindex = -1 else: self.__defaultchannel = channel
[docs] def changeView(self, showlevels=None): """ shows or hides the histogram widget :param showlevels: if levels should be shown :type showlevels: :obj:`bool` """ if showlevels is True and self.__levels is False: if self.__colors: else: self.__ui.channelGroupBox.hide() self.__ui.channelComboBox.hide() self.__ui.rLabel.hide() self.__ui.gLabel.hide() self.__ui.bLabel.hide() self.__ui.rComboBox.hide() self.__ui.gComboBox.hide() self.__ui.bComboBox.hide() elif showlevels is False and self.__levels is True: self.__ui.channelGroupBox.hide() self.__ui.channelComboBox.hide() if showlevels is not None: self.__levels = showlevels if not self.__levels: self.hide() else:
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setWidgetChannel(self): """ update channel comboboxs and sets color channel """ channel = self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.value() if self.__colorchannel != channel: self.__ui.channelComboBox.setCurrentIndex(channel) self.setChannel(channel) self.__ui.channelComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.setChannel) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _skipChannels(self): """ disconnects channel combobox """ self.__ui.channelComboBox.currentIndexChanged.disconnect( self.setChannel) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setChannelTips(self): """ update channel comboboxes """ channel = self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.value() if self.__colorchannel != channel: self.__ui.channelComboBox.setCurrentIndex(channel)
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def setChannel(self, channel, force=False): """ sets color channel :param channel: color channel :type channel: :obj:`int` :param force: force change :type force: :obj:`bool` """ if self.__colorchannel != channel or force: if channel >= 0 and channel <= self.__numberofchannels + 2: if self.__numberofchannels and \ channel == self.__numberofchannels + 2: self.__colorchannel = channel self.showGradient(False) self.rgbChanged.emit(True) elif self.__colorchannel == self.__numberofchannels + 2: self.__colorchannel = channel self.showGradient(True) self.rgbChanged.emit(False) else: self.__colorchannel = channel if force: self.showGradient(True) self.channelChanged.emit() self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.setValue(channel)
[docs] def showGradient(self, status=True): """ resets color channel :param status: show gradient flag :type status: :obj:`bool` """ if status: self.__ui.rLabel.hide() self.__ui.gLabel.hide() self.__ui.bLabel.hide() self.__ui.rComboBox.hide() self.__ui.gComboBox.hide() self.__ui.bComboBox.hide() else:
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _onRChannelChanged(self, index): """ set red channel """ if index < self.__numberofchannels: self.__rindex = index else: self.__rindex = -1 if self.__connected: self.channelChanged.emit() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _onGChannelChanged(self, index): """ set green channel """ if index < self.__numberofchannels: self.__gindex = index else: self.__gindex = -1 if self.__connected: self.channelChanged.emit() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _onBChannelChanged(self, index): """ set blue channel """ if index < self.__numberofchannels: self.__bindex = index else: self.__bindex = -1 if self.__connected: self.channelChanged.emit()
[docs] def updateChannelLabels(self, chlabels=None): """ update channel labels :param chlabels: dictionary with channel labels :type chlabels: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`int` :obj:`str`> """ if isinstance(chlabels, dict): for ky, vl in chlabels.items(): if not vl: if ky in self.__channellabels.keys(): self.__channellabels.pop(ky) else: try: self.__channellabels[int(ky)] = vl self.setChannelItemText(int(ky), vl) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) else: self.__channellabels = {} self.__numberofchannels = 0 self.__ui.channelGroupBox.hide() self.__ui.channelComboBox.hide() self.__colors = False
[docs] def channelLabels(self): """ provides channel labels :returns: list of channel labels :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ return [ (self.__channellabels[i] if i in self.__channellabels else "") for i in range(len(self.__channellabels.keys()))]
[docs] def setChannelItemText(self, iid, text): """ sets channel item text :param iid: label id :type iid: :obj:`int` :param iid: label text :type iid: :obj:`str` """ self.__ui.channelComboBox.setItemText( iid + 1, text) self.__ui.channelComboBox.setItemData( iid + 1, text, QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole)
[docs] def updateRChannel(self): """ update red channel """ current = self.__ui.rComboBox.currentIndex() if self.__rindex != self.__numberofchannels: if self.__rindex != current: self.__ui.rComboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.__rindex) if self.__rindex == -1: self.__ui.rComboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.__numberofchannels)
[docs] def updateGChannel(self): """ update green channel """ current = self.__ui.gComboBox.currentIndex() if self.__gindex != self.__numberofchannels: if self.__gindex != current: self.__ui.gComboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.__gindex) if self.__gindex == -1: self.__ui.gComboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.__numberofchannels)
[docs] def updateBChannel(self): """ update blue channel """ current = self.__ui.bComboBox.currentIndex() if self.__bindex != self.__numberofchannels: if self.__bindex != current: self.__ui.bComboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.__bindex) if self.__bindex == -1: self.__ui.bComboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.__numberofchannels)
[docs] def rgbchannels(self): return (self.__rindex, self.__gindex, self.__bindex)
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _lowerchannelpushed(self): """ select the one-lower channel """ channel = self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.value() channel -= 1 if channel >= 0: self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.setValue(channel) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _higherchannelpushed(self): """ select the one-higher channel """ channel = self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.value() channel += 1 if channel <= self.__numberofchannels + 2: self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.setValue(channel)
[docs] def colorChannel(self): """ provides color channel :returns: color channel :rtype: :obj:`int` """ return self.__colorchannel
[docs] def channelLabel(self): """ provides color channel label :returns: color channel label :rtype: :obj:`str` """ channel = self.__colorchannel if channel == -1 or self.__numberofchannels + 2 == channel: label = ",".join([str(ch) for ch in self.rgbchannels()]) elif channel == -2 or self.__numberofchannels + 1 == channel: label = 'mean' elif channel == 0: if self.__numberofchannels: label = 'sum' else: label = "" else: label = str(channel - 1) return label
def __connectChannels(self): """ connects channel signals """ self.__ui.channelComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.setChannel) self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.sliderReleased.connect( self._setWidgetChannel) self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.sliderPressed.connect( self._skipChannels) self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.valueChanged.connect( self._setChannelTips) self.__ui.lowerchannelPushButton.clicked.connect( self._lowerchannelpushed) self.__ui.higherchannelPushButton.clicked.connect( self._higherchannelpushed) self.__connected = True def __disconnectChannels(self): """ connects channel signals """ self.__ui.channelComboBox.currentIndexChanged.disconnect( self.setChannel) self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.sliderReleased.disconnect( self._setWidgetChannel) self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.sliderPressed.disconnect( self._skipChannels) self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.valueChanged.disconnect( self._setChannelTips) self.__ui.lowerchannelPushButton.clicked.disconnect( self._lowerchannelpushed) self.__ui.higherchannelPushButton.clicked.disconnect( self._higherchannelpushed) self.__connected = False
[docs] def setNumberOfChannels(self, number): """ sets maximum number of color channel :param number: number of color channel :type number: :obj:`int` """ if number != self.__numberofchannels: self.__disconnectChannels() self.__numberofchannels = int(max(number, 0)) if self.__numberofchannels > 0: for i in reversed( range(0, self.__ui.channelComboBox.count())): self.__ui.channelComboBox.removeItem(i) self.__ui.channelComboBox.addItem("sum") # self.__ui.channelComboBox.setSizeAdjustPolicy( # QtWidgets.QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLength) self.__ui.channelComboBox.setSizeAdjustPolicy( QtWidgets.QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.__ui.channelComboBox.addItems( ["channel %s" % (ch) for ch in range(self.__numberofchannels)]) for ky, vl in self.__channellabels.items(): if vl and ky < self.__numberofchannels: self.setChannelItemText(ky, vl) self.__ui.channelComboBox.addItem("mean") self.__ui.channelComboBox.addItem("RGB") self.__colors = True for i in reversed( range(0, self.__ui.rComboBox.count())): self.__ui.rComboBox.removeItem(i) for i in reversed( range(0, self.__ui.gComboBox.count())): self.__ui.gComboBox.removeItem(i) for i in reversed( range(0, self.__ui.bComboBox.count())): self.__ui.bComboBox.removeItem(i) self.__ui.rComboBox.addItems( ["%s" % (ch) for ch in range(self.__numberofchannels)]) self.__ui.bComboBox.addItems( ["%s" % (ch) for ch in range(self.__numberofchannels)]) self.__ui.gComboBox.addItems( ["%s" % (ch) for ch in range(self.__numberofchannels)]) self.__ui.rComboBox.addItem("None") self.__ui.bComboBox.addItem("None") self.__ui.gComboBox.addItem("None") if self.__numberofchannels > self.__defrindex: self.__rindex = self.__defrindex else: self.__rindex = 0 if self.__numberofchannels > self.__defgindex: self.__gindex = self.__defgindex elif self.__numberofchannels > 1: self.__gindex = 1 else: self.__gindex = -1 if self.__numberofchannels > self.__defbindex: self.__bindex = self.__defbindex elif self.__numberofchannels > 2: self.__bindex = 2 else: self.__bindex = -1 self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.setMaximum( self.__numberofchannels + 2) self.updateRChannel() self.updateGChannel() self.updateBChannel() else: self.__ui.channelGroupBox.hide() self.__ui.channelComboBox.hide() self.__colors = False channel = 0 if self.__defaultchannel >= 0: if self.__numberofchannels + 2 > self.__defaultchannel: channel = self.__defaultchannel else: if self.__numberofchannels + 2 > - self.__defaultchannel: channel = self.__numberofchannels + 3 \ + self.__defaultchannel self.__ui.channelHorizontalSlider.setValue(channel) self.__ui.channelComboBox.setCurrentIndex(channel) self.setChannel(channel, True) self.__connectChannels() self.channelChanged.emit()