Source code for lavuelib.filewriter

# Copyright (C) 2017  DESY, Notkestr. 85, D-22607 Hamburg
# lavue is an image viewing program for photon science imaging detectors.
# Its usual application is as a live viewer using hidra as data source.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation in  version 2
# of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Authors:
#     Jan Kotanski <>

""" Provides abstraction for file writer """

import weakref
import time
import pytz
import datetime
import threading
import numpy

#: (:mod:`H5PYWriter`or :mod:`H5CppWriter`)
#    default writer module
writer = None

#: (:class:`threading.Lock`) writer module
writerlock = threading.Lock()

[docs]def open_file(filename, readonly=False, **pars): """ open the new file :param filename: file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :param readonly: readonly flag :type readonly: :obj:`bool` :param pars: parameters :type pars: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :returns: file object :rtype: :class:`FTFile` """ if 'writer' in pars.keys(): wr = pars.pop('writer') else: with writerlock: wr = writer fl = wr.open_file(filename, readonly, **pars) if hasattr(fl, "writer"): fl.writer = wr return fl
[docs]def create_file(filename, overwrite=False, **pars): """ create a new file :param filename: file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :param overwrite: overwrite flag :type overwrite: :obj:`bool` :param pars: parameters :type pars: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :returns: file object :rtype: :class:`FTFile` """ if 'writer' in pars.keys(): wr = pars.pop('writer') else: with writerlock: wr = writer fl = wr.create_file(filename, overwrite, **pars) if hasattr(fl, "writer"): fl.writer = wr return fl
[docs]def load_file(membuffer, filename=None, readonly=False, **pars): """ load a file from memory byte buffer :param membuffer: memory buffer :type membuffer: :obj:`bytes` or :obj:`io.BytesIO` :param filename: file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :param readonly: readonly flag :type readonly: :obj:`bool` :param pars: parameters :type pars: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :returns: file objects :rtype: :class:`H5PYFile` or :class:`H5CppFile` """ if 'writer' in pars.keys(): wr = pars.pop('writer') else: with writerlock: wr = writer fl = wr.load_file(membuffer, filename, readonly, **pars) if hasattr(fl, "writer"): fl.writer = wr return fl
[docs]def data_filter(parent=None): """ create deflate filter :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`FTObject` :returns: deflate filter object :rtype: :class:`FTDeflate` """ node = parent wr = None while node: if hasattr(node, "writer"): wr = node.writer break else: if hasattr(node, "parent"): node = node.parent else: break if not wr: with writerlock: wr = writer return wr.data_filter()
deflate_filter = data_filter
[docs]def unlimited(parent=None): """ return dataspace UNLIMITED variable for the current writer module :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`FTObject` :returns: dataspace UNLIMITED variable :rtype: :class:`h5cpp.dataspace.UNLIMITED` or :class:`h5py.UNLIMITED` """ node = parent wr = None while node: if hasattr(node, "writer"): wr = node.writer break else: if hasattr(node, "parent"): node = node.parent else: break if not wr: with writerlock: wr = writer return wr.unlimited()
[docs]def target_field_view(filename, fieldpath, shape, dtype=None, maxshape=None, parent=None): """ create target field view for VDS :param filename: file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :param fieldpath: nexus field path :type fieldpath: :obj:`str` :param shape: shape :type shape: :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > :param dtype: attribute type :type dtype: :obj:`str` :param maxshape: shape :type maxshape: :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`FTObject` :returns: target field object :rtype: :class:`FTTargetFieldView` """ node = parent wr = None while node: if hasattr(node, "writer"): wr = node.writer break else: if hasattr(node, "parent"): node = node.parent else: break if not wr: with writerlock: wr = writer return wr.target_field_view(filename, fieldpath, shape, dtype, maxshape)
[docs]def virtual_field_layout(shape, dtype, maxshape=None, parent=None): """ creates a virtual field layout for a VDS file :param shape: shape :type shape: :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > :param dtype: attribute type :type dtype: :obj:`str` :param maxshape: shape :type maxshape: :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`FTObject` :returns: virtual layout :rtype: :class:`FTVirtualFieldLayout` """ node = parent wr = None while node: if hasattr(node, "writer"): wr = node.writer break else: if hasattr(node, "parent"): node = node.parent else: break if not wr: with writerlock: wr = writer return wr.virtual_field_layout(shape, dtype, maxshape)
[docs]def setwriter(wr): """ sets writer :param wr: writer module :type wr: :mod:`H5PYWriter` or :mod:`H5CppWriter` """ global writer with writerlock: writer = wr
[docs]class FTHyperslab(object): """ hyperslab class """ def __init__(self, offset=None, block=None, count=None, stride=None): """ constructor :param offset: a list of offsets :type offset: :obj:`tuple` :param block: a list of blocks :type block: :obj:`tuple` :param count: a list of counts :type count: :obj:`tuple` :param stride: a list of strides :type stride: :obj:`tuple` """ self.offset = offset self.block = block self.count = count self.stride = stride def __eq__(self, other): """ compares hyporslabs :param other: hyperslab to compare :type other: :class:`FTHyperslab` :returns: if they are equal :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ return hasattr(other, 'offset') and \ hasattr(other, 'block') and \ hasattr(other, 'count') and \ hasattr(other, 'stride') and \ self.offset == other.offset and \ self.block == other.block and \ self.count == other.count and \ self.stride == other.stride def __ne__(self, other): """ compares hyporslabs :param other: hyperslab to compare :type other: :class:`FTHyperslab` :returns: if they are not equal :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __len__(self): """ dimension length of hyperslab :returns: dimension length of hyperslab :rtype: :obj:`int` """ return max(len(self.offset or []), len(self.block or []), len(self.count or []), len(self.stride or []))
[docs]class FTObject(object): """ virtual file tree object """ def __init__(self, h5object, tparent=None): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` :param tparent: tree parent :type tparent: :obj:`FTObject` """ #: (:obj:`any`) h5 object self._h5object = h5object #: (:obj:`FTObject`) tree parent self._tparent = tparent #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`FTObject` > ) weak references of children self.__tchildren = [] if tparent: tparent.append(self)
[docs] def append(self, child): """ append child weakref :param tparent: tree parent :type tparent: :obj:`FTObject` """ self.__tchildren.append(weakref.ref(child))
def __del__(self): """ removes weakref in parent object """ if self._tparent: self._tparent.reload()
[docs] def reload(self): """ reload a list of valid children """ if self.__tchildren: self.__tchildren = [ kd for kd in self.__tchildren if kd() is not None]
[docs] def close(self): """ close element """ for ch in self.__tchildren: if ch() is not None: ch().close()
def _reopen(self): """ reopen elements and children """ self.__tchildren = [ch for ch in self.__tchildren if ch() is not None] for ch in self.__tchildren: ch().reopen() @property def parent(self): """ return the parent object :returns: file tree group :rtype: :class:`FTGroup` """ return self._tparent @property def h5object(self): """ provide object of native library :returns: h5 object :rtype: :obj:`any` """ return self._h5object @property def is_valid(self): """ check if attribute is valid :returns: valid flag :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ return True
[docs]def first(array): """ get first element if the only :param array: numpy array :type array: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: first element of the array :type array: :obj:`any` """ try: if isinstance(array, numpy.ndarray) and len(array) == 1: return array[0] except Exception: pass return array
[docs]class FTFile(FTObject): """ file tree file """ def __init__(self, h5object, filename): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` :param filename: file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :param writer: writer module :type writer: :mod:`H5PYWriter` or :mod:`H5CppWriter` """ FTObject.__init__(self, h5object, None) #: (:obj:`str`) file name = filename #: (:mod:`H5PYWriter` or :mod:`H5CppWriter`) # writer module self.writer = None
[docs] def root(self): """ root object :returns: parent object :rtype: :class:`FTGroup` """
[docs] def flush(self): """ flash the data """
@property def readonly(self): """ check if file is readonly :returns: readonly flag :rtype: :obj:`bool` """
[docs] def hasswmr(self): """ if has swmr_mode :returns: has swmr_mode :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ return False
[docs] def reopen(self, readonly=False, swmr=False, libver=None): """ reopen attribute :param readonly: readonly flag :type readonly: :obj:`bool` :param swmr: swmr flag :type swmr: :obj:`bool` :param libver: library version, default: 'latest' :type libver: :obj:`str` """ FTObject._reopen(self)
[docs] @classmethod def currenttime(cls): """ returns current time string :returns: current time :rtype: :obj:`str` """ tzone = time.tzname[0] try: tz = pytz.timezone(tzone) except Exception: import tzlocal tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z' starttime = tz.localize( return str(starttime.strftime(fmt))
[docs] def default_field(self): """ field pointed by default attributes :returns: field pointed by default attributes :rtype: :class:`FTField` """ node = self.root() searching = True while searching: attrs = node.attributes if hasattr(node, "names") and "default" in attrs.names(): nname = attrs["default"].read() if isinstance(nname, numpy.ndarray) and len(nname): nname = nname[0] if nname in node.names(): node = continue searching = False if hasattr(node, "names"): attrs = node.attributes if "signal" in attrs.names(): nname = attrs["signal"].read() if isinstance(nname, numpy.ndarray) and len(nname): nname = nname[0] if nname in node.names(): node = if not hasattr(node, "names"): return node for cnm in ["NXentry", "NXdata", "NXmonitor", "NXlog"]: names = node.names() if cnm[2:] in names: snames = [cnm[2:]] else: snames = [] snames.extend(sorted([nm for nm in names if nm != cnm[2:]])) for nn in snames: nd = if not hasattr(nd, "attributes"): continue attrs = nd.attributes if "NX_class" in attrs.names(): nname = attrs["NX_class"].read() if isinstance(nname, numpy.ndarray) and len(nname): nname = nname[0] if nname in cnm: node = nd break if hasattr(node, "names") and hasattr(node, "attributes"): attrs = node.attributes if "signal" in attrs.names(): nname = attrs["signal"].read() if isinstance(nname, numpy.ndarray) and len(nname): nname = nname[0] if nname in node.names(): node = if not hasattr(node, "names"): return node while hasattr(node, "names") and "data" in node.names(): node ="data") if hasattr(node, "names"): for nn in sorted(node.names()): nd = if not hasattr(nd, "names"): node = nd break if not hasattr(node, "names"): return node return None
[docs]class FTGroup(FTObject): """ file tree group """ def __init__(self, h5object, tparent=None): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` :param tparent: treee parent :type tparent: :obj:`FTObject` """ FTObject.__init__(self, h5object, tparent) # : (:obj:`int`) current file id self.currentfileid = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) steps per file self.stepsperfile = 0
[docs] def open(self, name): """ open a file tree element :param name: element name :type name: :obj:`str` :returns: file tree object :rtype: :class:`FTObject` """
[docs] def create_group(self, n, nxclass=""): """ open a file tree element :param n: group name :type n: :obj:`str` :param nxclass: group type :type nxclass: :obj:`str` :returns: file tree group :rtype: :class:`FTGroup` """
[docs] def create_virtual_field(self, name, layout, fillvalue=None): """ creates a virtual filed tres element :param name: group name :type name: :obj:`str` :param layout: virual field layout :type layout: :class:`H5CppFieldLayout` :param fillvalue: fill value :type fillvalue: :obj:`int` or :class:`np.ndarray` """
[docs] def create_field(self, name, type_code, shape=None, chunk=None, dfilter=None): """ open a file tree element :param n: group name :type n: :obj:`str` :param type_code: nexus field type :type type_code: :obj:`str` :param shape: shape :type shape: :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > :param chunk: chunk :type chunk: :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > :param dfilter: filter deflater :type dfilter: :class:`FTDeflate` :returns: file tree field :rtype: :class:`FTField` """
@property def size(self): """ group size :returns: group size :rtype: :obj:`int` """ @property def attributes(self): """ return the attribute manager :returns: attribute manager :rtype: :class:`FTAttributeManager` """
[docs] def exists(self, name): """ if child exists :param name: child name :type name: :obj:`str` :returns: existing flag :rtype: :obj:`bool` """
[docs] def names(self): """ read the child names :returns: h5 object :rtype: :obj:`list` <`str`> """
[docs] def reopen(self): """ reopen attribute """ FTObject._reopen(self)
[docs]class FTVirtualFieldLayout(FTObject): """ virtual field layout """ def __init__(self, h5object=None): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` """ FTObject.__init__(self, h5object) def __setitem__(self, key, source): """ add target field view to layout :param key: slide or selection :type key: :obj:`tuple` :param source: target field view :type source: :class:`FTTargetFieldView` """ self._h5object.__setitem__(key, source._h5object)
[docs] def add(self, key, source, sourcekey=None): """ add target field to layout :param key: slide or selection :type key: :obj:`tuple` :param source: target field :type source: :class:`FTTargetFieldView` :param sourcekey: slide or selection :type sourcekey: :obj:`tuple` """ self._h5object.add(key, source, sourcekey)
[docs]class FTTargetFieldView(FTObject): """ target field view for VDS""" def __init__(self, h5object=None): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` """ FTObject.__init__(self, h5object)
[docs]class FTField(FTObject): """ file writer field """ def __init__(self, h5object, tparent=None): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` :param tparent: treee parent :type tparent: :obj:`FTObject` """ FTObject.__init__(self, h5object, tparent) @property def attributes(self): """ return the attribute manager :returns: attribute manager :rtype: :class:`FTAttributeManager` """
[docs] def grow(self, dim=0, ext=1): """ grow the field :param dim: growing dimension :type dim: :obj:`int` :param dim: size of the grow :type dim: :obj:`int` """
[docs] def refresh(self): """ refresh the field :returns: refreshed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """
[docs] def read(self): """ read the field value :returns: h5 object :rtype: :obj:`any` """
[docs] def write(self, o): """ write the field value :param o: h5 object :type o: :obj:`any` """
def __setitem__(self, t, o): """ set value :param t: slice tuple :type t: :obj:`tuple` :param o: h5 object :type o: :obj:`any` """ def __getitem__(self, t): """ get value :param t: slice tuple :type t: :obj:`tuple` :returns: h5 object :rtype: :obj:`any` """ @property def dtype(self): """ field data type :returns: field data type :rtype: :obj:`str` """ @property def shape(self): """ field shape :returns: field shape :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > """ @property def size(self): """ field size :returns: field size :rtype: :obj:`int` """
[docs] def reopen(self): """ reopen attribute """ FTObject._reopen(self)
[docs]class FTDataFilter(FTObject): """ file tree data filter """ def __init__(self, h5object=None, tparent=None): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` :param tparent: treee parent :type tparent: :obj:`FTObject` """ FTObject.__init__(self, h5object, tparent) #: (:obj:`bool`) compression shuffle self._shuffle = False #: (:obj:`int`) compression rate self._rate = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) compression filter id self._filterid = 1 #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`int`>) compression options self._options = tuple() @property def options(self): """ getter for compression options :returns: compression options :rtype: :obj:`tuple` <:obj:`int`> """ return self._options @options.setter def options(self, value): """ setter for compression options :param value: compression options :type value: :obj:`tuple` <:obj:`int`> """ self._options = value @property def rate(self): """ getter for compression rate :returns: compression rate :rtype: :obj:`int` """ return self._rate @rate.setter def rate(self, value): """ setter for compression rate :param value: compression rate :type value: :obj:`int` """ self._rate = value @property def filterid(self): """ getter for compression filter id :returns: compression rate :rtype: :obj:`int` """ return self._filterid @filterid.setter def filterid(self, value): """ setter for compression filter id :param value: compression filter id :type value: :obj:`int` """ self._filterid = value @property def shuffle(self): """ getter for compression shuffle :returns: compression shuffle :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ return self._shuffle @shuffle.setter def shuffle(self, value): """ setter for compression shuffle :param value: compression shuffle :type value: :obj:`bool` """ self._shuffle = value
[docs] def reopen(self): """ reopen attribute """ FTObject._reopen(self)
[docs]class FTDeflate(FTDataFilter): pass
[docs]class FTAttributeManager(FTObject): """ file tree attribute """ def __init__(self, h5object, tparent=None): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` :param tparent: treee parent :type tparent: :obj:`FTObject` """ FTObject.__init__(self, h5object, tparent)
[docs] def create(self, name, dtype, shape=None, overwrite=False): """ create a new attribute :param name: attribute name :type name: :obj:`str` :param dtype: attribute type :type dtype: :obj:`str` :param shape: attribute shape :type shape: :obj:`list`< :obj:`int`> :param overwrite: overwrite flag :type overwrite: :obj:`bool` :returns: attribute object :rtype: :class:`FTAtribute` """
def __len__(self): """ number of attributes :returns: number of attributes :rtype: :obj:`int` """ def __getitem__(self, name): """ get value :param name: attribute name :type name: :obj:`str` :returns: attribute object :rtype: :class:`FTAtribute` """
[docs] def names(self): """ key values :returns: attribute names :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """
[docs] def reopen(self): """ reopen attribute """ FTObject._reopen(self)
[docs]class FTAttribute(FTObject): """ virtual file tree attribute """ def __init__(self, h5object, tparent=None): """ constructor :param h5object: h5 object :type h5object: :obj:`any` :param tparent: treee parent :type tparent: :obj:`FTObject` """ FTObject.__init__(self, h5object, tparent)
[docs] def read(self): """ read attribute value :returns: python object :rtype: :obj:`any` """
[docs] def write(self, o): """ write attribute value :param o: python object :type o: :obj:`any` """
def __setitem__(self, t, o): """ write attribute value :param t: slice tuple :type t: :obj:`tuple` :param o: python object :type o: :obj:`any` """ def __getitem__(self, t): """ read attribute value :param t: slice tuple :type t: :obj:`tuple` :returns: python object :rtype: :obj:`any` """ @property def dtype(self): """ attribute data type :returns: attribute data type :rtype: :obj:`str` """ @property def shape(self): """ attribute shape :returns: attribute shape :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > """
[docs] def reopen(self): """ reopen attribute """ FTObject._reopen(self)