Source code for lavuelib.imageSource

# Copyright (C) 2017  DESY, Christoph Rosemann, Notkestr. 85, D-22607 Hamburg
# lavue is an image viewing program for photon science imaging detectors.
# Its usual application is as a live viewer using hidra as data source.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation in  version 2
# of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Authors:
#     Christoph Rosemann <>
#     Jan Kotanski <>
#     Andre Rothkirch <>

""" set of image sources """

from pyqtgraph import QtCore, QtGui
import json
import struct
import logging
import os
import glob

from . import dataFetchThread
from .sardanaUtils import debugmethod

    import requests
    #: (:obj:`bool`) requests imported
    REQUESTS = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) requests imported
    REQUESTS = False

    import hidra
    #: (:obj:`bool`) hidra imported
    HIDRA = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) hidra imported
    HIDRA = False

    import asapo_consumer
    #: (:obj:`bool`) asapo imported
    ASAPO = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) asapo imported
    ASAPO = False

        import tango
    except ImportError:
        import PyTango as tango
    #: (:obj:`bool`) tango imported
    TANGO = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) tango imported
    TANGO = False

    #: (:obj:`bool`) pyFAI imported
    PYFAI = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) pyFAI imported
    PYFAI = False

    import pydoocs
    #: (:obj:`bool`) pydoocs imported
    PYDOOCS = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) pydoocs imported
    PYDOOCS = False

    import PIL
    import PIL.Image
    #: (:obj:`bool`) PIL imported
    PILLOW = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) PIL imported
    PILLOW = False

    import zmq
    #: (:obj:`str`,:obj:`str`) zmq major version, zmq minor version
        list(map(int, zmq.zmq_version().split(".")))[:2])
except Exception:
    #: (:obj:`str`,:obj:`str`) zmq major version, zmq minor version

    import epics
    #: (:obj:`bool`) pyepics imported
    PYEPICS = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) pyepics imported
    PYEPICS = False

    import PyTine
    #: (:obj:`bool`) PyTine imported
    PYTINE = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) PyTine imported
    PYTINE = False
except AttributeError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) PyTine imported
    PYTINE = False

    import fabio
    #: (:obj:`bool`) fabio can be imported
    fbmj, fbmn, fbpa = fabio.version.split(".")
    fmj = int(fbmj)
    fmn = int(fbmn)
    if fmj > 0 or fmn > 10:
        FABIO11 = True
        FABIO11 = False
except ImportError:
    FABIO11 = False

import socket
import numpy as np
import random
import time
import datetime
import pytz
    import cPickle
except Exception:
    import _pickle as cPickle
import sys

from io import BytesIO
from . import imageFileHandler

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    buffer = memoryview
    unicode = str
    bytes = str

globalmutex = QtCore.QMutex()

logger = logging.getLogger("lavue")

#: (:obj:`bool`) PyTango bug #213 flag related to EncodedAttributes in python3
PYTG_BUG_213 = False
if sys.version_info > (3,):
            map(int, tango.__version__.split(".")[:3]))
        if PYTGMAJOR <= 9:
            if PYTGMAJOR == 9:
                if PYTGMINOR < 2:
                    PYTG_BUG_213 = True
                elif PYTGMINOR == 2 and PYTGPATCH <= 4:
                    PYTG_BUG_213 = True
                PYTG_BUG_213 = True
    except Exception:

[docs]def getLevel(elevel=None): """ get log level in string :param elevel: effective log level :type elevel: :obj:`int` :returns: log level in string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ elevel = elevel or logger.getEffectiveLevel() lmap = { "debug": [0, 10], "info": [11, 20], "warning": [21, 30], "error": [31, 40], "critical": [41, 100] } dname = None for name, vl in lmap.items(): if vl[0] <= elevel and elevel <= vl[1]: dname = name break return dname
[docs]def tobytes(x): """ decode str to bytes :param x: string :type x: :obj:`str` :returns: decode string in byte array :rtype: :obj:`bytes` """ if isinstance(x, bytes): return x if sys.version_info > (3,): return bytes(x, "utf8") else: return bytes(x)
[docs]def currenttime(): """ provides current time in iso format :returns: current time in iso format :rtype: :obj:`str` """ # does not work on py2 and old py3 # return datetime.datetime.utcnow().astimezone().isoformat() tzone = time.tzname[0] try: tz = pytz.timezone(tzone) except Exception: import tzlocal tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z' starttime = tz.localize( return str(starttime.strftime(fmt))
[docs]def tostr(x): """ decode bytes to str :param x: string :type x: :obj:`bytes` :returns: decode string in byte array :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if isinstance(x, str): return x if sys.version_info > (3,): return str(x, "utf8") else: return str(x)
[docs]class BaseSource(object): """ source base class""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ #: (:obj:`int`) timeout in ms self._timeout = timeout #: (:obj:`str`) configuration string self._configuration = None #: (:obj:`bool`) connection initiated flag self._initiated = False #: (:obj:`int`) internal counter self.__counter = 0 #: (:obj:`str`) errormessage self.errormessage = "" #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`numpy.ndarray`>) list of test images self.__images = [] #: (:obj:`int` <>) a number of test images self.__isize = 11
[docs] def getMetaData(self): """ get metadata :returns: dictionary with metadata :rtype: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`any`> """ return {}
[docs] @debugmethod def setConfiguration(self, configuration): """ set configuration :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if self._configuration != configuration: self._configuration = configuration self._initiated = False
[docs] @debugmethod def setTimeOut(self, timeout): """ set timeout :param timeout: timeout in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ self._timeout = timeout
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ self.__counter += 1 # if self.__counter % 20 == 0: # return str("Test error"), "__ERROR__", "" if not self.__images: for i in range(self.__isize): self.__images.append( np.random.randint( 1001, size=(512, 256), dtype='int16') ) return (self.__images[self.__counter % self.__isize], '__random_%s__' % self.__counter, "")
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ self._initiated = True self.__counter = 0 self.__images = [] return True
[docs] @debugmethod def disconnect(self): """ disconnects the source """ try: pass except Exception: pass
@debugmethod def _updaterror(self): """ updates error message """ import traceback self.errormessage = str(traceback.format_exc())
[docs]class FixTestSource(BaseSource): """ image source as Tango attributes describing an image file name and its directory""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:obj:`int`) internal counter self.__counter = 0 #: ([:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`]) image shape self.__shape = [2048, 4096] # self.__shape = [256, 512] # self.__shape = [1024, 2048] #: (:class:`numpy,ndarray`) index object self.__image = np.transpose( [ [random.randint(0, 1000) for _ in range(self.__shape[0])] for _ in range(self.__shape[1]) ])
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ self.__counter += 1 return (self.__image, '__random_%s__' % self.__counter, "")
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ self._initiated = True self.__counter = 0 return True
[docs] @debugmethod def disconnect(self): """ disconnects the source """ try: pass except Exception: pass
[docs]class NXSFileSource(BaseSource): """ image source as Tango attributes describing an image file name and its directory""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:obj:`str`) nexus file name with the full path self.__nxsfile = None #: (:obj:`str`) nexus field path self.__nxsfield = None #: (:obj:`int`) stacking dimension self.__gdim = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) the current frame self.__frame = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) the last frame to view self.__lastframe = -1 #: (:class:`lavuelib.imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler`) #: the nexus file handler self.__handler = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.filewriter.FTField`) field object self.__node = None #: (:obj:`bool`) nexus file source keeps the file open self.__nxsopen = False #: (:obj:`bool`) nexus file source starts from the last image self.__nxslast = False
[docs] @debugmethod def setConfiguration(self, configuration): """ set configuration :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if self._configuration != configuration: self._configuration = configuration self._initiated = False try: params = str( configuration).strip().split(",") self.__lastframe = int(params[2]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) self.__lastframe = -1
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ if self.__nxsfile is None: return "No file name defined", "__ERROR__", "" try: image = None metadata = "" try: if self.__handler is None: self.__handler = imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler( str(self.__nxsfile)) if self.__node is None: self.__node = self.__handler.getNode(self.__nxsfield) try: metadata = self.__handler.getMetaData(self.__node) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) metadata = "" # if metadata: # print("IMAGE Metadata = %s" % str(metadata)) fid = self.__handler.getFrameCount(self.__node, self.__gdim) if self.__lastframe < 0: if fid > - self.__lastframe: fid -= - self.__lastframe - 1 else: fid = min(1, fid) elif fid > self.__lastframe + 1: fid = self.__lastframe + 1 if self.__nxslast: if fid - 1 != self.__frame: self.__frame = fid - 1 else: if fid - 1 < self.__frame: self.__frame = fid - 1 image = self.__handler.getImage( self.__node, self.__frame, self.__gdim) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if not self.__nxsopen: self.__handler = None if hasattr(self.__node, "close"): self.__node.close() self.__node = None if image is not None: if hasattr(image, "size"): if image.size == 0: return None, None, None filename = "%s/%s:%s" % ( self.__nxsfile, self.__nxsfield, self.__frame) self.__frame += 1 return (np.transpose(image), '%s' % (filename), metadata) except Exception as e: self.__handler = None if hasattr(self.__node, "close"): self.__node.close() self.__node = None logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" return None, None, None
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ try: self.__handler = None self.__node = None self.__nxsfile, self.__nxsfield, frame, growdim, \ nxsopen, nxslast = str( self._configuration).strip().split(",", 6) try: self.__lastframe = int(frame) except Exception: self.__lastframe = -1 if self.__lastframe < 0: self.__frame = 0 try: self.__gdim = int(growdim) except Exception: self.__gdim = 0 if nxsopen.lower() == "false": self.__nxsopen = False else: self.__nxsopen = True if nxslast.lower() == "false": self.__nxslast = False else: self.__nxslast = True return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) self._updaterror() return False
[docs] @debugmethod def disconnect(self): """ disconnects the source """ self.__handler = None self.__node = None
[docs]class TangoFileSource(BaseSource): """ image source as Tango attributes describing an image file name and its directory""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:class`tango.AttributeProxy`:) #: device proxy for the image file name self.__fproxy = None #: (:class`tango.AttributeProxy`:) #: device proxy for the image directory self.__dproxy = None #: (:dict: <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>) #: translation dictionary for the image directory self.__dirtrans = {"/ramdisk/": "/gpfs/"} #: (:obj:`str`) nexus file name with the full path self.__nxsfile = None #: (:obj:`str`) nexus field path self.__nxsfield = None #: (:obj:`int`) stacking dimension self.__gdim = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) the current frame self.__frame = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) the last frame to view self.__lastframe = -1 #: (:class:`lavuelib.imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler`) #: the nexus file handler self.__handler = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.filewriter.FTField`) field object self.__node = None #: (:obj:`bool`) nexus file source keeps the file open self.__nxsopen = False #: (:obj:`bool`) nexus file source starts from the last image self.__nxslast = False #: (:obj:`list`) list of supported scheme self.__schema = ["file:/localhost//", "file:////", "file:///", "file://", "file:/"]
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ if self.__fproxy is None: return "No file attribute defined", "__ERROR__", None try: scheme = None filename = for sm in self.__schema: if filename.startswith(sm): filename = filename[(len(sm) - 1):] scheme = "file" break if not scheme: for sm in self.__schema: if filename.startswith("h5" + sm): filename = filename[(len(sm) + 1):] scheme = "h5file" break if self.__dproxy: dattr = filename = "%s/%s" % (dattr, filename) for sm in self.__schema: if filename.startswith(sm): filename = filename[(len(sm) - 1):] scheme = "file" break if not scheme: for sm in self.__schema: if filename.startswith("h5" + sm): filename = filename[(len(sm) + 1):] scheme = "h5file" break if not scheme: for sm in ("http://", "https://"): if filename.startswith(sm): scheme = "httplink" break for key, val in self.__dirtrans.items(): filename = filename.replace(key, val) if str(filename) in ["", "/"]: logger.warning("TangoFileSource: File name not defined") return None, None, None if scheme in ["h5file"]: if "::" in filename: nxsfile, nxsfield = filename.split("::", 1) else: nxsfield = None nxsfile = filename if nxsfile != self.__nxsfile: self.__nxsfile = nxsfile self.__handler = None if nxsfield != self.__nxsfield: self.__nxsfield = nxsfield self.__node = None image = None metadata = "" try: if self.__handler is None: self.__handler = imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler( str(self.__nxsfile)) if self.__node is None: self.__node = self.__handler.getNode(self.__nxsfield) try: metadata = self.__handler.getMetaData(self.__node) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) metadata = "" # if metadata: # print("IMAGE Metadata = %s" % str(metadata)) fid = self.__handler.getFrameCount( self.__node, self.__gdim) if self.__lastframe < 0: if fid > - self.__lastframe: fid -= - self.__lastframe - 1 else: fid = min(1, fid) elif fid > self.__lastframe + 1: fid = self.__lastframe + 1 if self.__nxslast: if fid - 1 != self.__frame: self.__frame = fid - 1 else: if fid - 1 < self.__frame: self.__frame = fid - 1 image = self.__handler.getImage( self.__node, self.__frame, self.__gdim) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if not self.__nxsopen: self.__handler = None if hasattr(self.__node, "close"): self.__node.close() self.__node = None if image is not None: if hasattr(image, "size"): if image.size == 0: return None, None, None filename = "%s/%s:%s" % ( self.__nxsfile, self.__nxsfield, self.__frame) self.__frame += 1 return (np.transpose(image), '%s' % (filename), metadata) elif scheme in ["httplink"]: httpSource = HTTPSource() httpSource.setConfiguration(filename) return httpSource.getData() else: self.__resetnexus() fh = imageFileHandler.ImageFileHandler(str(filename)) image = fh.getImage() mdata = fh.getMetaData() if image is not None: if hasattr(image, "size"): if image.size == 0: return None, None, None return (np.transpose(image), '%s' % (filename), mdata) except Exception as e: if "no successful acquisition done so far" in str(e): logger.warning("TangoFileSource: " "no successful acquisition done so far") return None, None, None elif "no successful acquisition done" in str(e): logger.warning("TangoFileSource: no acquisition done") return None, None, None logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" return None, None, None
def __resetnexus(self): """ resets nexus variables""" self.__nxsfile = None self.__nxsfield = None self.__gdim = 0 self.__frame = 0 self.__lastframe = -1 self.__handler = None self.__node = None # self.__nxsopen = False # self.__nxslast = False
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ self.__resetnexus() try: fattr, dattr, dirtrans, nxsopen, nxslast = str( self._configuration).strip().split(",", 4) self.__dirtrans = json.loads(dirtrans) if not self._initiated: self.__fproxy = tango.AttributeProxy(fattr) if dattr: self.__dproxy = tango.AttributeProxy(dattr) else: self.__dproxy = None if nxsopen.lower() == "false": self.__nxsopen = False else: self.__nxsopen = True if nxslast.lower() == "false": self.__nxslast = False else: self.__nxslast = True return True except Exception as e: self._updaterror() logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return False
[docs] @debugmethod def disconnect(self): """ disconnects the source """ self.__resetnexus()
[docs]class VDEOdecoder(object): """ VIDEO IMAGE LIMA decoder """ @debugmethod def __init__(self): """ constructor :brief: It clears the local variables """ #: (:obj:`str`) decoder name = "LIMA_VIDEO_IMAGE" #: (:obj:`str`) decoder format self.format = None #: (:obj:`str`) data type self.dtype = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) image data self.__value = None #: ([:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`]) header and image data self.__data = None #: (:obj:`str`) struct header format self.__headerFormat = '!IHHqiiHHHH' #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`any` > ) header data self.__header = {} #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`str` > ) format modes self.__formatID = {0: 'B', 1: 'H', 2: 'I', 3: 'Q'} #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`str` > ) dtype modes self.__dtypeID = {0: 'uint8', 1: 'uint16', 2: 'uint32', 3: 'uint64'} # @debugmethod
[docs] def load(self, data): """ loads encoded data :param data: encoded data :type data: [:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`] """ logger.debug( "lavuelib.imageSource.VDEOdecoder.load: %s" % str(data[0])) self.__data = data self.format = data[0] self._loadHeader(data[1][:struct.calcsize(self.__headerFormat)]) self.__value = None
@debugmethod def _loadHeader(self, headerData): """ loads the image header :param headerData: buffer with header data :type headerData: :obj:`str` """ hdr = struct.unpack(self.__headerFormat, headerData) self.__header = {} self.__header['magic'] = hdr[0] self.__header['headerVersion'] = hdr[1] self.__header['imageMode'] = hdr[2] self.__header['frameNumber'] = hdr[3] self.__header['width'] = hdr[4] self.__header['height'] = hdr[5] self.__header['endianness'] = hdr[6] self.__header['headerSize'] = hdr[7] self.__header['padding'] = hdr[7:] self.dtype = self.__dtypeID[self.__header['imageMode']]
[docs] @debugmethod def shape(self): """ provides the data shape :returns: the data shape if data was loaded :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int` > """ if self.__header: return [self.__header['height'], self.__header['width']]
[docs] @debugmethod def frameNumber(self): """ provides the frame number :returns: the frame number :rtype: :obj:`int` """ if 'frameNumber' in self.__header.keys(): return self.__header['frameNumber']
[docs] @debugmethod def decode(self): """ provides the decoded data :returns: the decoded data if data was loaded :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if not self.__header or not self.__data: return if self.__value is None: image = self.__data[1][struct.calcsize(self.__headerFormat):] dformat = self.__formatID[self.__header['imageMode']] fSize = struct.calcsize(dformat) self.__value = np.array( struct.unpack(dformat * (len(image) // fSize), image), dtype=self.dtype).reshape(self.shape()) fendian = self.__header['endianness'] lendian = ord(struct.pack('=H', 1).decode()[-1]) if fendian != lendian: try: self.__value.byteswap(inplace=False) except TypeError: self.__value = self.__value.byteswap() return self.__value
[docs]class DATAARRAYdecoder(object): """ DATA ARRAY LIMA decoder """ @debugmethod def __init__(self): """ constructor :brief: It clears the local variables """ #: (:obj:`str`) decoder name = "DATA_ARRAY" #: (:obj:`str`) decoder format self.format = None #: (:obj:`str`) data type self.dtype = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) image data self.__value = None #: ([:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`]) header and image data self.__data = None #: (:obj:`str`) struct header format self.__headerFormat = '<IHHIIHHHHHHHHIIIIIIII' #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`any` > ) header data self.__header = {} #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`str` > ) format modes self.__formatID = { 0: 'B', 1: 'H', 2: 'I', 3: 'Q', 4: 'b', 5: 'h', 6: 'i', 7: 'q', 8: 'f', 9: 'd' } #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`str` > ) dtype modes self.__dtypeID = { 0: 'uint8', 1: 'uint16', 2: 'uint32', 3: 'uint64', 4: 'int8', 5: 'int16', 6: 'int32', 7: 'int64', 8: 'float32', 9: 'float64', } # @debugmethod
[docs] def load(self, data): """ loads encoded data :param data: encoded data :type data: [:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`] """ logger.debug( "lavuelib.imageSource.DATAARRAYdecoder.load: %s" % str(data[0])) self.__data = data self.format = data[0] self._loadHeader(data[1][:struct.calcsize(self.__headerFormat)]) self.__value = None
@debugmethod def _loadHeader(self, headerData): """ loads the image header :param headerData: buffer with header data :type headerData: :obj:`str` """ hdr = struct.unpack(self.__headerFormat, headerData) self.__header = {} self.__header['magic'] = hdr[0] self.__header['headerVersion'] = hdr[1] self.__header['headerSize'] = hdr[2] self.__header['category'] = hdr[3] self.__header['imageMode'] = hdr[4] self.__header['endianness'] = hdr[5] self.__header['dim'] = hdr[6] self.__header['shape'] = [ hdr[7], hdr[8], hdr[9], hdr[10], hdr[11], hdr[12]] self.__header['steps'] = [ hdr[13], hdr[14], hdr[15], hdr[16], hdr[17], hdr[18]] self.__header['padding'] = hdr[19:] self.dtype = self.__dtypeID[self.__header['imageMode']]
[docs] @debugmethod def frameNumber(self): """ no data """
[docs] @debugmethod def shape(self): """ provides the data shape :returns: the data shape if data was loaded :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int` > """ if self.__header: return list(reversed( [self.__header['shape'][i] for i in range(self.__header['dim'])]))
[docs] @debugmethod def steps(self): """ provides the data steps :returns: the data steps if data was loaded :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int` > """ if self.__header: return list(reversed( [self.__header['steps'][i] for i in range(self.__header['dim'])]))
[docs] @debugmethod def decode(self): """ provides the decoded data :returns: the decoded data if data was loaded :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if not self.__header or not self.__data: return if self.__value is None: image = self.__data[1][struct.calcsize(self.__headerFormat):] dformat = self.__formatID[self.__header['imageMode']] fSize = struct.calcsize(dformat) self.__value = np.array( struct.unpack(dformat * (len(image) // fSize), image), dtype=self.dtype).reshape(self.shape()) fendian = self.__header['endianness'] lendian = ord(struct.pack('=H', 1).decode()[-1]) if fendian != lendian: try: self.__value.byteswap(inplace=False) except TypeError: self.__value = self.__value.byteswap() return self.__value
[docs]class TangoAttrSource(BaseSource): """ image source as IMAGE Tango attribute """ @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:class`tango.AttributeProxy`:) #: device proxy for the image attribute self.__aproxy = None #: (:dict: <:obj:`str`, :obj:`any`>) #: dictionary of external decorders self.__decoders = { "LIMA_VIDEO_IMAGE": VDEOdecoder(), "VIDEO_IMAGE": VDEOdecoder(), "DATA_ARRAY": DATAARRAYdecoder(), } #: (:dict: <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>) #: dictionary of tango decorders self.__tangodecoders = { "GRAY16": "decode_gray16", "GRAY8": "decode_gray8", "JPEG_GRAY8": "decode_gray8", "JPEG_RGB": "decode_rgb32", "RGB24": "decode_rgb32" } #: (:obj:`bool`) bytearray flag self.__bytearray = False
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ if self.__aproxy is None: return "No attribute name defined", "__ERROR__", None try: try: if not self.__bytearray: attr = else: attr = extract_as=tango.ExtractAs.ByteArray) except Exception: if sys.version_info > (3,): attr = extract_as=tango.ExtractAs.ByteArray) if str(attr.type) != "DevEncoded": attr = else: self.__bytearray = True else: attr = if str(attr.type) == "DevEncoded": if PYTG_BUG_213: raise Exception( "Reading Encoded Attributes for python3 and " "PyTango < 9.2.5 is not supported") avalue = attr.value if avalue[0] in ["RGB24", "JPEG_RGB"]: image = QtGui.QImage.fromData(avalue[1]) width = image.width() height = image.height() st = image.bits().asstring(width * height * 4) try: data = np.frombuffer(st, dtype=np.uint8).reshape( (height, width, 4)) except Exception: data = np.fromstring(st, dtype=np.uint8).reshape( (height, width, 4)) return (np.transpose(data), '%s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, str(attr.time)), "") elif avalue[0] in self.__tangodecoders: da = extract_as=tango.ExtractAs.Nothing) enc = tango.EncodedAttribute() data = getattr(enc, self.__tangodecoders[avalue[0]])(da) return (np.transpose(data), '%s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, str(attr.time)), "") else: dec = self.__decoders[avalue[0]] dec.load(avalue) fnumber = dec.frameNumber() or "" shape = dec.shape() if shape is None or shape[0] <= 0 or shape[1] <= 0: return None, None, None return (dec.decode().T, '%s %s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, fnumber, str(attr.time)), "") else: if attr.value is not None: if hasattr(attr.value, "size"): if attr.value.size == 0: return None, None, None return (np.transpose(attr.value), '%s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, str(attr.time)), "") except tango.DevFailed as e: if "Frame(s) not available yet" in str((e.args[0]).desc): logger.warning("TangoAttrSource: Frame(s) not available yet") return None, None, None logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" return None, None, None
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ self.__bytearray = False try: if not self._initiated: self.__aproxy = tango.AttributeProxy( str(self._configuration)) return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) self._updaterror() return False
[docs]class TangoEventsCB(object): """ tango attribute callback class""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, client, name, mutex): """ constructor :param client: tango controller client :type client: :class:`str` :param name: attribute name :type name: :obj:`str` :param mutex: mutex lock for CB :type type: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QMutex` """ self.__client = client self.__name = name self.__mutex = mutex # @debugmethod
[docs] def push_event(self, event_data): """callback method receiving the event """ if logger.getEffectiveLevel() >= 10: trunk = str(event_data) if len(trunk) > 1300: trunk = trunk[:800] + " ... " + trunk[-500:] logger.debug( "lavuelib.imageSource.TangoEventCB.push_event: %s" % trunk) if event_data.err: result = event_data.errors logger.warning(str(result)) # print(str(result)) else: if not self.__client.reading: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): try: self.__client.reading = True self.__client.attr = event_data.attr_value self.__client.fresh = True finally: self.__client.reading = False
[docs]class TangoReadyEventsCB(object): """ tango attribute callback class""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, client, name, mutex): """ constructor :param client: tango controller client :type client: :class:`str` :param name: attribute name :type name: :obj:`str` :param mutex: mutex lock for CB :type type: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QMutex` """ self.__client = client self.__name = name self.__mutex = mutex # @debugmethod
[docs] def push_event(self, event_data): """callback method receiving the event """ if logger.getEffectiveLevel() >= 10: trunk = str(event_data) if len(trunk) > 1300: trunk = trunk[:800] + " ... " + trunk[-500:] logger.debug( "lavuelib.imageSource.TangoEventCB.push_event: %s" % trunk) if event_data.err: result = event_data.errors logger.warning(str(result)) # print(str(result)) else: if not self.__client.reading: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): try: self.__client.reading = True _, attrnm = str(event_data.attr_name).rsplit("/", 1) self.__client.attr = event_data.device.read_attribute( attrnm) self.__client.fresh = True finally: self.__client.reading = False
[docs]class TangoEventsSource(BaseSource): """ image source as IMAGE Tango attribute """ @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:obj:`bool`) reading flag self.reading = False #: (:obj:`bool`) fresh attribute flag self.fresh = False #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QMutex`) mutex lock for CB self.__mutex = QtCore.QMutex() #: (:class`tango.DeviceProxy`:) #: device proxy for the image attribute self.__proxy = None self.__attrid = None self.__rattrid = None self.attr = None #: (:dict: <:obj:`str`, :obj:`any`>) #: dictionary of external decorders self.__decoders = { "LIMA_VIDEO_IMAGE": VDEOdecoder(), "VIDEO_IMAGE": VDEOdecoder(), "DATA_ARRAY": DATAARRAYdecoder() } #: (:dict: <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>) #: dictionary of tango decorders self.__tangodecoders = { "GRAY16": "decode_gray16", "GRAY8": "decode_gray8", "JPEG_GRAY8": "decode_gray8", "JPEG_RGB": "decode_rgb32", "RGB24": "decode_rgb32" }
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ if self.__proxy is None: return "No attribute name defined", "__ERROR__", None try: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): if self.attr is None or not self.fresh: return None, None, None self.fresh = False if str(self.attr.type) == "DevEncoded": avalue = self.attr.value if avalue[0] in ["RGB24", "JPEG_RGB"]: image = QtGui.QImage.fromData(avalue[1]) width = image.width() height = image.height() st = image.bits().asstring(width * height * 4) try: data = np.frombuffer(st, dtype=np.uint8).reshape( (height, width, 4)) except Exception: data = np.fromstring(st, dtype=np.uint8).reshape( (height, width, 4)) return (np.transpose(data), '%s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, str(self.attr.time)), "") elif avalue[0] in self.__tangodecoders: # da = # extract_as=tango.ExtractAs.Nothing) enc = tango.EncodedAttribute() data = getattr( enc, self.__tangodecoders[avalue[0]])(self.attr) return (np.transpose(data), '%s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, str(self.attr.time)), "") else: dec = self.__decoders[avalue[0]] dec.load(avalue) shape = dec.shape() if shape is None or shape[0] <= 0 or shape[1] <= 0: return None, None, None return (dec.decode().T, '%s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, str(self.attr.time)), "") else: if self.attr.value is not None: if hasattr(self.attr.value, "size"): if self.attr.value.size == 0: return None, None, None return (np.transpose(self.attr.value), '%s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, str(self.attr.time)), "") except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" return None, None, None
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ try: if not self._initiated: self.disconnect() # with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): dvname, atname = str(self._configuration).rsplit('/', 1) attr_cb = TangoEventsCB(self, atname, self.__mutex) rattr_cb = TangoReadyEventsCB(self, atname, self.__mutex) self.__proxy = tango.DeviceProxy(dvname) exc = "" try: self.__attrid = self.__proxy.subscribe_event( atname, tango.EventType.CHANGE_EVENT, attr_cb) except Exception as e: self.__attrid = None exc += str(e) try: self.__rattrid = self.__proxy.subscribe_event( atname, tango.EventType.DATA_READY_EVENT, rattr_cb) except Exception as e: self.__rattrid = None exc += str(e) raise Exception(exc) self._initiated = True return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) self._updaterror() return False
[docs] @debugmethod def disconnect(self): """ disconnects the source """ try: if self._initiated: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self._initiated = False proxy = self.__proxy if proxy is not None: if self.__attrid is not None: self.__proxy.unsubscribe_event(self.__attrid) self.__attrid = None if self.__rattrid is not None: self.__proxy.unsubscribe_event(self.__rattrid) self.__rattrid = None except Exception: self._updaterror()
[docs]class HTTPSource(BaseSource): """ image source as HTTP request response """ @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:obj:`bool`) use tiff loader self.__tiffloader = True #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`any` > ) HTTP header data self.__header = {}
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ if self._configuration: try: response = self.__get() if response.ok: mdata = "" name = self._configuration data = response.content if str(data[:10]) in ["###CBF: VE", "b'###CBF: VE'"]: # print("[cbf source module]::metadata", name) img = None if FABIO11: try: fimg = img = mdata = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().metadata( fimg.header.get( "_array_data.header_contents")) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) img = None if img is None: try: nimg = np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8) except Exception: nimg = np.fromstring(data[:], dtype=np.uint8) img = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().load(nimg) mdata = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().metadata(nimg) if img is None: return None, None, None if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: return None, None, None return (np.transpose(img), "%s (%s)" % (name, currenttime()), mdata) else: # print("[tif source module]::metadata", name) if PILLOW and not self.__tiffloader: try: img = np.array( except Exception: try: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) except Exception: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.fromstring(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) self.__tiffloader = True if img is None: return None, None, None if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: return None, None, None return (np.transpose(img), "%s (%s)" % (name, currenttime()), "") else: try: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) except Exception: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.fromstring(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) if img is None: return None, None, None if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: return None, None, None return (np.transpose(img), "%s (%s)" % (name, currenttime()), "") else: "HTTPSource.getData: %s" % str(response.content)) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" else: if str(response.text) == 'Image not available': return str(response.text), None, None if "File not found" in str(response.text): return str(response.text), None, None else: return str(response.text), "__ERROR__", None return "No url defined", "__ERROR__", None
# @debugmethod def __get(self): """ get response :returns: response object :rtype: :class:`requests.Response` """ if self.__header: try: return requests.get( self._configuration, headers=self.__header, timeout=(self._timeout/1000. if self._timeout else None)) except AttributeError: return requests.get( self._configuration, headers=self.__header) else: try: return requests.get( self._configuration, timeout=(self._timeout/1000. if self._timeout else None)) except AttributeError: return requests.get(self._configuration)
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ self.__tiffloader = False try: if self._configuration: self.__header = {} if self._configuration.endswith("/images/monitor"): sconf = self._configuration.split("/") if len(sconf) > 4: version = sconf[-3] lst = [int(x, 10) for x in version.split('.')] lst.reverse() lversion = sum( x * (100 ** i) for i, x in enumerate(lst)) if lversion >= 10800: self.__header = {'Accept': 'application/tiff'} self.__get() return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) self._updaterror() return False
[docs]class ZMQSource(BaseSource): """ image source as ZMQ stream""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:class:`zmq.Context`) zmq context self.__context = zmq.Context() #: (:class:`zmq.Socket`) zmq socket self.__socket = None #: (:obj:`int`) internal counter self.__counter = 0 #: (:obj:`bytes`) zmq topic self.__topic = b"10001" #: (:obj:`str`) zmq bind address self.__bindaddress = None #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QMutex`) mutex lock for zmq source self.__mutex = QtCore.QMutex()
[docs] @debugmethod def setConfiguration(self, configuration): """ set configuration :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if self._configuration != configuration: self._configuration = configuration self._initiated = False with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): if self.__socket: conf = self._configuration.split(":") if len(conf) < 3: shost = str(self._configuration).split("/") topic = shost[1] if len(shost) > 1 else "" else: shost = "%s:%s" % tuple(conf[:2]) if len(conf) > 2: topic = tobytes(conf[2]) else: topic = b"" self.__socket.unbind(self.__bindaddress) self.__socket.setsockopt( zmq.UNSUBSCRIBE, self.__topic) self.__socket.setsockopt( zmq.UNSUBSCRIBE, b"datasources") self.__socket.setsockopt( zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"datasources") self.__socket.setsockopt( zmq.SUBSCRIBE, tobytes(topic)) self.__topic = tobytes(topic) self.__socket.connect(self.__bindaddress)
@debugmethod def __loads(self, message, encoding=None): """ loads json or pickle string :param message: message to encode :type message: :obj:`str` :param encoding: JSON or PICKLE :type encoding: :obj:`str` :returns: encoded message object :rtype: :obj:`any` """ if encoding == "JSON": smessage = tostr(message) metadata = json.loads(smessage) else: try: metadata = cPickle.loads(message) except Exception: smessage = tostr(message) metadata = json.loads(smessage) return metadata
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ encoding = None if self.__socket is None: return "No socket defined", "__ERROR__", None try: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): message = self.__socket.recv_multipart(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) topic = None _array = None shape = None dtype = None name = None lmsg = None metadata = None if isinstance(message, tuple) or isinstance(message, list): lmsg = len(message) topic = message[0] if message[-1] == b"JSON": encoding = "JSON" lmsg -= 1 message.pop() elif message[-1] == b"PICKLE": encoding = "PICKLE" lmsg -= 1 message.pop() # print("topic %s %s" % (topic, self.__topic)) if topic == b"datasources" and lmsg == 2: (topic, _metadata) = message metadata = self.__loads(_metadata, encoding) if "shape" in metadata: metadata.pop("shape") if "dtype" in metadata: metadata.pop("dtype") jmetadata = "" if metadata: jmetadata = json.dumps(metadata) return ("", "", jmetadata) elif topic == b"datasources" and lmsg == 3: (topic, _, _metadata) = message metadata = self.__loads(_metadata, encoding) if "shape" in metadata: metadata.pop("shape") if "dtype" in metadata: metadata.pop("dtype") jmetadata = "" if metadata: jmetadata = json.dumps(metadata) return ("", "", jmetadata) elif self.__topic == b"" or tobytes(topic) == self.__topic: if lmsg == 3: (topic, _array, _metadata) = message metadata = self.__loads(_metadata, encoding) shape = metadata["shape"] dtype = metadata["dtype"] if "name" in metadata: name = metadata["name"] else: name = '%s/%s (%s)' % ( self.__bindaddress, tostr(topic), self.__counter) else: if lmsg == 4: (topic, _array, _shape, _dtype) = message name = '%s/%s (%s)' % ( self.__bindaddress, tostr(topic), self.__counter) elif lmsg == 5: (topic, _array, _shape, _dtype, name) = message if not isinstance(name, str): name = tostr(name) dtype = self.__loads(_dtype, encoding) shape = self.__loads(_shape, encoding) if _array is not None: array = np.frombuffer(buffer(_array), dtype=dtype) array = array.reshape(shape) array = np.transpose(array) self.__counter += 1 jmetadata = "" if metadata: metadata.pop("shape") metadata.pop("dtype") try: jmetadata = json.dumps(metadata) except Exception: pass if hasattr(array, "size") and array.size == 0: return ("", "", jmetadata) return (np.transpose(array), name, jmetadata) except zmq.Again: pass except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" return None, None, None
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ try: conf = self._configuration.split(":") if len(conf) < 3: shost = str(self._configuration).split("/") host, port = str(shost[0]).split(":") self.__topic = tobytes(shost[1] if len(shost) > 1 else "") hwm = int(shost[2]) if (len(shost) > 2 and shost[2]) else 2 else: host = conf[0] port = conf[1] if len(conf) > 2: self.__topic = tobytes(conf[2]) else: self.__topic = b"" try: hwm = int(conf[3]) except Exception: hwm = 2 if not self._initiated: if self.__socket: self.disconnect() with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__socket = self.__context.socket(zmq.SUB) if hwm is not None: self.__socket.set_hwm(hwm) self.__bindaddress = ( 'tcp://' + socket.gethostbyname(host) + ':' + str(port) ) self.__socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.__topic) self.__socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"datasources") self.__socket.connect(self.__bindaddress) time.sleep(0.2) return True except Exception as e: self.disconnect() logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) self._updaterror() return False
[docs] @debugmethod def disconnect(self): """ disconnects the source """ try: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): if self.__socket: if self.__bindaddress: self.__socket.unbind(self.__bindaddress) self.__socket.close(linger=0) self.__socket = None except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__bindaddress = None
def __del__(self): """ destructor """ self.disconnect() self.__context.destroy()
[docs]class ASAPOSource(BaseSource): """ asapo image source""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:obj:`str`) asapo token self.__token = "" #: (:obj:`str`) beamtime self.__beamtime = "" #: (:obj:`str`) sourcepath self.__sourcepath = "" #: (:obj:`str`>) beamtime metadata file self.__btmetafile = "" #: (:obj:`str`) asapo server self.__server = "" #: (:obj:`str`) stream self.__datasource = "" #: (:obj:`str`) stream self.__stream = "" #: (:obj:`str`) stream self.__streams = [] #: (:obj:`str`) last name self.__lastname = "" #: (:obj:`str`) last name self.__lastid = "" #: (:obj:`str`) asapo client server self.__targetname = socket.getfqdn() #: (:obj:``) asapo consumer self.__broker = None #: (:obj:`int`) group id self.__group_id = None #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QMutex`) mutex lock for asapo source self.__mutex = QtCore.QMutex() #: (:obj:`bool`) use tiff loader self.__tiffloader = False #: (:obj:`int`) counter self.__subcounter = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) counter max self.__subcntmax = 10 #: (:obj:`str`) counter max self.__lastjsubmeta = None self.__asapoversion = 'last'
[docs] @debugmethod def setConfiguration(self, configuration): """ set configuration :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if self._configuration != configuration: try: (self.__server, self.__datasource, self.__stream, self.__beamtime, self.__sourcepath, self.__btmetafile, self.__token) = str(configuration).split(",", 7) self.__lastname = "" self.__lastid = "" self.__subcounter = 0 self.__lastjsubmeta = None self._configuration = configuration except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) self._initiated = False self._initiated = False
[docs] @debugmethod def getMetaData(self): """ get metadata :returns: dictionary with metadata :rtype: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`any`> """ streams = [] meta = {} connected = False if self.__broker is None: self.connect() connected = True if self.__broker is not None: try: if self.__asapoversion in ['old']: streams = self.__broker.get_substream_list() else: streams = self.__broker.get_stream_list() except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if streams: self.__streams = [] for subs in streams: if isinstance(subs, dict) and "name" in subs.keys(): self.__streams.append(subs["name"]) else: self.__streams.append(subs) if connected: self.disconnect() if streams: meta["asapostreams"] = self.__streams return meta
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ self.__tiffloader = False try: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): if not self.__server or not self.__beamtime \ or not self.__token: if self.__btmetafile: btmfs = glob.glob(self.__btmetafile) if btmfs and btmfs[0]: btf = btmfs[0] try: with open(os.path.abspath(btf)) as fl: btmd = json.loads( if not self.__beamtime and \ "beamtimeId" in btmd and btmd["beamtimeId"]: self.__beamtime = btmd["beamtimeId"] if not self.__server and "asapo" in btmd and \ "endpoint" in btmd["asapo"] and \ btmd["asapo"]["endpoint"]: self.__server = btmd["asapo"]["endpoint"] if not self.__token and "asapo" in btmd and \ "beamtimeTokenPath" in btmd["asapo"] and \ btmd["asapo"]["beamtimeTokenPath"]: btp = btmd["asapo"]["beamtimeTokenPath"] bp, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(btf)) with open(os.path.join(bp, btp)) as fl: token = self.__token = str(token).strip() except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if self.__server and self.__beamtime and self.__token: if self.__sourcepath: sourcepath = self.__sourcepath if not os.path.isdir(sourcepath) or \ sourcepath.startswith("/asap3/") or \ sourcepath.startswith("/beamline/"): hasfs = False else: hasfs = True else: hasfs = False sourcepath = "" if hasattr(asapo_consumer, "create_server_broker"): self.__broker = asapo_consumer.create_server_broker( self.__server, sourcepath, hasfs, self.__beamtime, self.__datasource, self.__token, self._timeout or 3000) self.__asapoversion = 'old' else: self.__broker = asapo_consumer.create_consumer( self.__server, sourcepath, hasfs, self.__beamtime, self.__datasource, self.__token, self._timeout or 3000) self.__asapoversion = 'last' self.__group_id = self.__broker.generate_group_id() self._initiated = True self.__lastname = "" self.__lastid = "" self.__lastjsubmeta = None self.__subcounter = 0 # print("BORKER %s" % self.__broker) "ASAPOSource.connect: ENDPOINT %s" % self.__server) return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__broker = None self.__group_id = None self._updaterror() return False
[docs] @debugmethod def disconnect(self): """ disconnects the source """ try: if self.__broker is not None: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__broker = None self.__group_id = None self._initiated = False except Exception: self._updaterror()
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ metadata = None data = None if self.__broker is None: return "No server defined", "__ERROR__", None if self.__group_id is None: return "No group_id defined", "__ERROR__", None if not self._initiated: return None, None, None imagename = "" submeta = {} jsubmeta = None try: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): check = True if self.__subcounter == 0: submeta = self.getMetaData() if submeta: jsubmeta = json.dumps(submeta) if jsubmeta == self.__lastjsubmeta: jsubmeta = None else: self.__lastjsubmeta = jsubmeta self.__subcounter += 1 if self.__subcntmax == self.__subcounter: self.__subcounter = 0 stream = self.__stream or "default" if self.__stream == "**ALL**" and self.__streams: stream = self.__streams[-1] if self.__lastid and self.__lastname: if self.__asapoversion in ['old']: _, metadata = self.__broker.get_last( self.__group_id, substream=stream, meta_only=True) else: _, metadata = self.__broker.get_last( meta_only=True, stream=stream) curname, curid = metadata["name"], metadata["_id"] if curname == self.__lastname and curid == self.__lastid: check = False if not check: if jsubmeta: return "", "", jsubmeta return None, None, None if self.__asapoversion in ['old']: data, metadata = self.__broker.get_last( self.__group_id, substream=stream, meta_only=False) else: data, metadata = self.__broker.get_last( meta_only=False, stream=stream) self.__lastname = str(metadata["name"] or "") self.__lastid = metadata["_id"] imagename = "%s (%s)" % (self.__lastname, self.__lastid) # print ('id:', metadata['_id']) # print ('file name:', metadata['name']) # print ('file content:', data.tostring().decode("utf-8")) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if metadata is not None and data is not None: # print("data", str(data)[:10]) nameext = "" if self.__lastname: _, nameext = os.path.splitext(self.__lastname) if nameext in [".nxs", ".h5", "nx", "ndf", "hdf"]: try: handler = imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler() handler.frombuffer(data[:], self.__lastname) nexus_path = None if "meta" in metadata.keys() and \ "nexus_path" in metadata["meta"].keys(): nexus_path = metadata["meta"]["nexus_path"] frame = None if "meta" in metadata.keys() and \ "nexus_image_frame" in metadata["meta"].keys(): try: frame = int( metadata["meta"]["nexus_image_frame"]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) node = handler.getNode(nexus_path) try: mdata = handler.getMetaData(node, submeta) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) image = handler.getImage( node, frame) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if image is not None: if hasattr(image, "size") and image.size == 0: if jsubmeta: return "", "", jsubmeta return None, None, None if hasattr(image, "shape") and \ len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[0] == 1: return (np.transpose(image[0, :, :]), imagename, mdata) elif (frame is None and hasattr(image, "shape") and len(image.shape) > 2): return (np.swapaxes(image, 1, 2), imagename, mdata) else: return (np.transpose(image), imagename, mdata) return None, None, None elif (((type(data).__name__ == "ndarray") and np.all(data[:10] == np.frombuffer( b"###CBF: VE", dtype=np.int8))) or str(data[:10]) == "###CBF: VE"): # print("[cbf source module]::metadata", metadata["filename"]) "ASAPOSource.getData: " "[cbf source module]::metadata %s" % metadata["name"]) img = None if FABIO11: try: fimg = img = mdata = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().metadata( fimg.header.get( "_array_data.header_contents"), submeta) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) img = None if img is None: if type(data).__name__ == "ndarray": npdata = np.array(data[:], dtype="uint8") else: try: npdata = np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8) except Exception: npdata = np.fromstring(data[:], dtype=np.uint8) img = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().load(npdata) mdata = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().metadata( npdata, submeta) if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: if jsubmeta: return "", "", jsubmeta return None, None, None return np.transpose(img), imagename, mdata else: # elif data[:2] in ["II\x2A\x00", "MM\x00\x2A"]: # print("[tif source module]::metadata", metadata["name"]) "ASAPOSource.getData:" "[tif source module]::metadata %s" % metadata["name"]) if PILLOW and not self.__tiffloader: try: img = np.array( except Exception: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) self.__tiffloader = True if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: if jsubmeta: return "", "", jsubmeta return None, None, None if img is not None: return np.transpose(img), imagename, jsubmeta else: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: if jsubmeta: return "", "", jsubmeta return None, None, None if img is not None: return np.transpose(img), imagename, jsubmeta # print( # "[unknown source module]::metadata", metadata["name"]) else: if jsubmeta: return "", "", jsubmeta return None, None, None
[docs]class HiDRASource(BaseSource): """ hidra image source""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:obj:`str`) hidra port number self.__portnumber = "50001" #: (:obj:`str`) hidra client server self.__targetname = socket.getfqdn() #: (:obj:`str`) server host self.__shost = None #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, #: :obj:`int` :obj:`list` < :obj:`str`> >) hidra target: #: [host name, portnumber, priority, a list of extensions] self.__target = [self.__targetname, self.__portnumber, 19, [".cbf", ".tif", ".tiff"]] #: (:class:`hidra.transfer.Transfer`) hidra query self.__query = None #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QMutex`) mutex lock for hidra source self.__mutex = QtCore.QMutex() #: (:obj:`bool`) use tiff loader self.__tiffloader = False #: (:obj:`list`) list of supported scheme self.__schema = ["file:/localhost//", "file:////", "file:///", "file://", "file:/"] # @debugmethod
[docs] def setConfiguration(self, configuration): """ set configuration :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if self._configuration != configuration: try: self.__shost, self.__targetname, self.__portnumber \ = str(configuration).split(",") except Exception: self._initiated = False sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result = sock.connect_ex( (self.__targetname, int(self.__portnumber))) sock.close() if result: self._configuration = configuration self.__target = [ self.__targetname, self.__portnumber, 19, [".cbf", ".tif", ".tiff"]] with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): try: self.__query = hidra.Transfer( "QUERY_NEXT", self.__shost, use_log=getLevel()) except Exception: # support for older hidra versions self.__query = hidra.Transfer( "QUERY_NEXT", self.__shost) else: self.__query = None self._initiated = False
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ self.__tiffloader = False try: if self.__query is None: raise Exception( "%s:%s is busy. Please change the port" % (self.__targetname, self.__portnumber)) if not self._initiated: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): # print("TARGET %s" % self.__target) "HiDRASource.connect: TARGET %s" % self.__target) self.__query.initiate(self.__target) self._initiated = True with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__query.start() return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if self.__query is not None: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__query.stop() self._updaterror() return False
[docs] @debugmethod def disconnect(self): """ disconnects the source """ try: if self.__query is not None: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__query.stop() self._initiated = False except Exception: self._updaterror()
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ metadata = None data = None if self.__query is None: return "No server defined", "__ERROR__", None if not self._initiated: return None, None, None try: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): # [metadata, data] = self.__query.get() t1 = time.time() [metadata, data] = self.__query.get(self._timeout) if metadata is None and data is None \ and time.time() - t1 < self._timeout/2000.: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__query.stop() try: self.__query = hidra.Transfer( "QUERY_NEXT", self.__shost, use_log=getLevel()) except Exception: # support for older hidra versions self.__query = hidra.Transfer( "QUERY_NEXT", self.__shost) self.__query.initiate(self.__target) self._initiated = True self.__query.start() [metadata, data] = self.__query.get(self._timeout) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if metadata is not None and data is not None: # print("data", str(data)[:10]) nameext = "" filename = metadata["filename"] imagename = metadata["filename"] or "" scheme = None for sm in self.__schema: if filename.startswith(sm): filename = filename[(len(sm) - 1):] scheme = "file" break if not scheme: for sm in self.__schema: if filename.startswith("h5" + sm): filename = filename[(len(sm) + 1):] scheme = "h5file" break if filename: _, nameext = os.path.splitext(filename) if scheme in ["h5file"] or \ nameext in [".nxs", ".h5", "nx", "ndf", "hdf"]: try: nexus_path = None if scheme in ["h5file"]: if "::" in filename: filename, nexus_path = filename.split("::", 1) handler = imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler() handler.frombuffer(data[:], filename) if not nexus_path and "nexus_path" in metadata.keys(): nexus_path = metadata["nexus_path"] frame = None if "nexus_image_frame" in metadata.keys(): try: frame = int( metadata["nexus_image_frame"]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) node = handler.getNode(nexus_path) try: mdata = handler.getMetaData(node) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) image = handler.getImage( node, frame) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if image is not None: if hasattr(image, "size") and image.size == 0: return None, None, None if hasattr(image, "shape") and \ len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[0] == 1: return (np.transpose(image[0, :, :]), imagename, mdata) elif (frame is None and hasattr(image, "shape") and len(image.shape) > 2): return (np.swapaxes(image, 1, 2), imagename, mdata) else: return (np.transpose(image), imagename, mdata) return None, None, None elif str(data[:10]) in ["###CBF: VE", "b'###CBF: VE'"]: # print("[cbf source module]::metadata", metadata["filename"]) "HiDRASource.getData: " "[cbf source module]::metadata %s" % metadata["filename"]) img = None if FABIO11: try: fimg = img = mdata = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().metadata( fimg.header.get("_array_data.header_contents")) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) img = None if img is None: if type(data).__name__ == "ndarray": npdata = np.array(data[:], dtype="uint8") else: try: npdata = np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8) except Exception: npdata = np.fromstring(data[:], dtype=np.uint8) img = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().load(npdata) mdata = imageFileHandler.CBFLoader().metadata(npdata) if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: return None, None, None return np.transpose(img), metadata["filename"], mdata else: # elif data[:2] in ["II\x2A\x00", "MM\x00\x2A"]: "HiDRASource.getData:" "[tif source module]::metadata %s" % metadata["filename"]) # print("[tif source module]::metadata", metadata["filename"]) if PILLOW and not self.__tiffloader: try: img = np.array( except Exception: try: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) except Exception: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.fromstring(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) self.__tiffloader = True if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: return None, None, None if img is not None: return np.transpose(img), metadata["filename"], "" else: try: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.frombuffer(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) except Exception: img = imageFileHandler.TIFLoader().load( np.fromstring(data[:], dtype=np.uint8)) if hasattr(img, "size") and img.size == 0: return None, None, None if img is not None: return np.transpose(img), metadata["filename"], "" # else: # print( # "[unknown source module]::metadata", metadata["filename"]) else: return None, None, None
[docs]class DOOCSPropSource(BaseSource): """ image source as IMAGE DOOCS property """ @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout)
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ try: dt = npdata = dt['data'] tstamp = dt['timestamp'] return (np.transpose(npdata), '%s (%s)' % ( self._configuration, str(tstamp)), "") except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" return None, None, None
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ return True
[docs]class EpicsPVSource(BaseSource): """ image source as Epics Process variable""" @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:class:`epics.PV`) #: epics process variable self.__pv = None #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`int` >) #: process variable shape self.__shape = None #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`int` >) #: process variable size self.__size = 0
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ if self.__pv is None: return "No PV defined", "__ERROR__", None try: rawdata = self.__pv.get(as_numpy=True, timeout=float(self._timeout/1000.)) if not hasattr(rawdata, "size"): return None, None, None else: if self.__shape and rawdata.size >= self.__size: image = rawdata[:self.__size].reshape(self.__shape) else: image = rawdata return (np.transpose(image), '%s (%s)' % (self._configuration, currenttime()), None) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" return None, None, None
[docs] @debugmethod def connect(self): """ connects the source """ try: pvnm, pvsh = str( self._configuration).strip().split(",", 1) if not self._initiated: self.__pv = epics.PV(pvnm) try: shape = json.loads(pvsh) self.__shape = list(reversed([int(s) for s in shape])) self.__size = except Exception: self.__size = 0 self.__shape = None return True except Exception as e: self._updaterror() logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return False
[docs]class TinePropSource(BaseSource): """ image source as Tine Property """ @debugmethod def __init__(self, timeout=None): """ constructor :param timeout: timeout for setting connection in ms :type timeout: :obj:`int` """ BaseSource.__init__(self, timeout) #: (:obj:`str`) #: tine device address name self.__address = None #: (:obj:`str`) #: tine property name self.__prop = None @classmethod def __dtype(cls, header): """ provides dtype of tine property :param header: tine frameHeader :type header: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :returns: numpy dtype :rtype: :obj:`str` """ dtype = "" if not header or "bytesPerPixel" not in header: raise ValueError("bytesPerPixel not defined in the header") if header["bytesPerPixel"] == 1: dtype = "u1" elif header["bytesPerPixel"] == 2: dtype = "u2" elif header["bytesPerPixel"] == 4: dtype = "u4" else: raise ValueError("Invalid bytesPerPixel: %s" % header["bytesPerPixel"]) return dtype @classmethod def __height(cls, header): """ provides height of tine property :param header: tine frameHeader :type header: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :returns: numpy dtype :rtype: :obj:`str` """ height = 0 if "aoiHeight" in header and header["aoiHeight"] > 0: height = header["aoiHeight"] elif "sourceHeight" in header: height = header["sourceHeight"] if not 0 < height <= 65535: raise ValueError("Invalid height: %s" % height) return height @classmethod def __width(cls, header): """ provides width of tine property :param header: tine frameHeader :type header: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :returns: numpy dtype :rtype: :obj:`str` """ width = 0 if "aoiWidth" in header and header["aoiWidth"] > 0: width = header["aoiWidth"] elif "sourceWidth" in header: width = header["sourceWidth"] if not 0 < width <= 65535: raise ValueError("Invalid width: %s" % width) return width
[docs] @debugmethod def getData(self): """ provides image name, image data and metadata :returns: image name, image data, json dictionary with metadata :rtype: (:obj:`str` , :class:`numpy.ndarray` , :obj:`str`) """ if not self.__address or not self.__prop: return "No Tine Property defined", "__ERROR__", None try: interval = int(dataFetchThread.GLOBALREFRESHTIME*1000) with QtCore.QMutexLocker(globalmutex): prop = PyTine.get(address=self.__address, property=self.__prop, timeout=interval) rawdata = prop["data"] if "imageMatrix" in rawdata: image = rawdata["imageMatrix"] else: header = rawdata["frameHeader"] dtype = self.__dtype(header) height = self.__height(header) width = self.__width(header) image = np.frombuffer(rawdata["imageBytes"], dtype=dtype) if len(image) != height * width: raise ValueError( "Dimension mismatch: size: %s != %s" % (len(image), height * width)) image = image.reshape((height, width)) timestamp = prop["timestamp"] return (np.transpose(image), '%s (%s)' % (self._configuration, timestamp), None) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return str(e), "__ERROR__", "" return None, None, None
[docs] @debugmethod def setConfiguration(self, configuration): """ set configuration :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration and self._configuration != configuration: try: self.__address, self.__prop = str( configuration).rsplit("/", 1) self._configuration = configuration except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e))