Source code for lavuelib.settings

# Copyright (C) 2017  DESY, Notkestr. 85, D-22607 Hamburg
# lavue is an image viewing program for photon science imaging detectors.
# Its usual application is as a live viewer using hidra as data source.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation in  version 2
# of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Authors:
#     Christoph Rosemann <>
#     Jan Kotanski <>

""" live viewer image display base it on a qt dialog """

import zmq
import sys
import json
from pyqtgraph import QtCore

from .sardanaUtils import numpyEncoder

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    unicode = str

    #: (:obj:`bool`) pyFAI imported
    PYFAI = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) pyFAI imported
    PYFAI = False

[docs]class Settings(object): """ lavue configuration settings """ def __init__(self): """ constructor """ #: (:obj:`bool`) sardana enabled self.sardana = True #: (:obj:`bool`) add rois to sardana self.addrois = False #: (:obj:`bool`) fetch rois order enabled self.orderrois = False #: (:obj:`bool`) fetch typed rois enabled self.typedrois = False #: (:obj:`bool`) search for security stream port automatically self.secautoport = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show intensity hostogram self.showhisto = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show intensity hostogram self.showaddhisto = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show mask widget self.showmask = False #: (:obj:`bool`) map image sources to color channels self.imagechannels = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show high mask value widget self.showhighvaluemask = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show intensity overflow widget self.showoverflow = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show statistics widget self.showstats = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show image step widget self.showsteps = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show user plot widget self.showuserplot = False #: (:obj:`bool`) calculate variance self.calcvariance = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show bakcground subtraction widget self.showsub = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show image normalization widget self.shownorm = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show bakcground subtraction scaling factor widget self.showsubsf = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show image normalization scaling factor widget self.shownormsf = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show transformation widget self.showtrans = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show memory buffer widget self.showmbuffer = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show range window widget self.showrange = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show filter widget self.showfilters = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show intensity scale widget self.showscale = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show intensity levels widget self.showlevels = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show frame rate widget self.showframerate = True #: (:obj:`bool`) image aspect ratio locked self.aspectlocked = False #: (:obj:`bool`) auto down sample self.autodownsample = False #: (:obj:`bool`) keep original coordinates self.keepcoords = False #: (:obj:`bool`) accelerate buffer sum self.accelbuffersum = False #: (:obj:`bool`) image channels shown with gradient colors self.gradientcolors = False #: (:obj:`bool`) lazy image slider self.lazyimageslider = True #: (:obj:`str`) security stream port self.secport = "5657" #: (:obj:`str`) hidra data port self.hidraport = '["50001"]' #: (:obj:`str`) maximal number of images in memory buffer self.maxmbuffersize = "1000" #: (:obj:`int`) number of image sources self.nrsources = 1 #: (:obj:`int`) image source timeout for connection self.timeout = 3000 #: (:class:`zmq.Context`) zmq context self.seccontext = zmq.Context() #: (:class:`zmq.Socket`) zmq security stream socket self.secsocket = self.seccontext.socket(zmq.PUB) #: (:obj:`bool`) zmq colon configuration separator self.zmqcolon = False #: (:obj:`bool`) security stream enabled self.secstream = False #: (:obj:`bool`) zero mask enabled self.zeromask = False #: (:obj:`bool`) nan mask enabled self.nanmask = True #: (:obj:`bool`) adding maximal type value to negative high value mask self.negmask = False #: (:obj:`bool`) security stream options self.secsockopt = b"" #: (:obj:`float`) refresh time is s self.refreshtime = 0.2 #: (:obj:`bool`) auto enlarge refresh time self.autorefreshtime = True #: (:obj:`float`) tool refresh time is s self.toolrefreshtime = 0.02 #: (:obj:`float`) tool polling interval is s self.toolpollinginterval = 1.0 #: (:obj:`bool`) interrupt on error self.interruptonerror = True #: (:obj:`str`) last image file name self.imagename = None #: (:obj:`str`) calibration file name self.calibrationfilename = None #: (:obj:`str`) last mask image file name self.maskimagename = None #: (:obj:`str`) last background/darkfield image file name self.bkgimagename = None #: (:obj:`str`) last brightfield image file name self.bfimagename = None #: (:obj:`bool`) statistics without scaling self.statswoscaling = True #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > ) zmq source topics self.zmqtopics = [] #: (:obj:`bool`) automatic zmq source topics self.autozmqtopics = False #: (:obj:`str`) file name translation json dictionary self.dirtrans = '{"/ramdisk/": "/gpfs/"}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: tango attribute} # for Tango Attribute source self.tangoattrs = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: tango detector attribute} # for Tango Attribute source self.tangodetattrs = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: tina properties} # for Tine Property source self.tineprops = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: epics PV name} # for Epics PV source self.epicspvnames = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: epics PV shape} # for Epics PV source self.epicspvshapes = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: doocs property} # for DOOCS Property source self.doocsprops = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: tango attribute} # for Tango Attribute Events source self.tangoevattrs = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: file tango attribute} # for Tango Attribute source self.tangofileattrs = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: dir tango attribute} # for Tango Attribute source self.tangodirattrs = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: url} # for HTTP responce source self.httpurls = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) JSON dictionary with {label: <server:port>} # for ZMQ source self.zmqservers = '{}' #: (:obj:`str`) door device name self.doorname = "" #: (:obj:`str`) analysis device name self.analysisdevice = "" #: (:obj:`bool`) nexus file source keeps the file open self.nxsopen = False #: (:obj:`bool`) nexus file source starts from the last image self.nxslast = False #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str`>) hidra detector server list self.detservers = "[]" #: (:obj:`str`) asapo server self.asaposerver = "" #: (:obj:`str`) asapo token self.asapotoken = "" #: (:obj:`str`) asapo beamtime id self.asapobeamtime = "" #: (:obj:`str`) asapo sourcepath self.asaposourcepath = "" #: (:obj:`str`) asapo beamline metadata file self.asapobtmetafile = "/gpfs/current/beamtime-metadata-*.json" #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > ) asapo datasources self.asapodatasources = [] #: (:obj:`bool`) use default detector servers self.defdetservers = True #: (:obj:`bool`) store detector geometry self.storegeometry = False #: (:obj:`bool`) fetch geometry from source self.geometryfromsource = False #: (:obj:`bool`) crosshair locker switched on self.crosshairlocker = True #: (:obj:`str`) json list with roi colors self.roiscolors = "[]" #: (:obj:`str`) float type for pixel intensity self.floattype = "float" #: (:obj:`str`) json list with overflow color self.overflowcolor = "[255, 255, 255]" #: (:obj:`str`) json list with filters self.filters = "[]" #: (:obj:`str`) json list with user functions self.userfunctions = "[]" #: (:obj:`str`) json list with image source widget names self.imagesources = "[]" #: (:obj:`str`) json list with tool widget names self.toolwidgets = "[]" #: (:class:`pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator.AzimuthalIntegrator`) # azimuthal integrator = None #: (:class:`pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator.AzimuthalIntegrator`) # azimuthal integrator #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QMutex`) ai mutex self.aimutex = QtCore.QMutex() #: (:obj:`float`) x-coordinates of the center of the image self.centerx = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) y-coordinates of the center of the image self.centery = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) energy in eV = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) pixel x-size in um self.pixelsizex = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) pixel y-size in um self.pixelsizey = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) detector distance in mm self.detdistance = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) poni1 parameter in m self.detponi1 = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) poni2 parameter in m self.detponi2 = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) rot1 parameter in rad self.detrot1 = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) rot2 parameter in rad self.detrot2 = 0.0 #: (:obj:`float`) rot3 parameter in rad self.detrot3 = 0.0 #: (:obj:`str`) detector name self.detname = "" #: (:obj:`str`) detector splineFile self.detsplinefile = "" #: (:obj:`int`) number of points for diffractogram self.diffnpt = 1000 #: (:obj:`bool`) correct solid angle flag self.correctsolidangle = True #: (:obj:`bool`) show all rois flag self.showallrois = False #: (:obj:`bool`) single rois flag self.singlerois = False #: (:obj:`bool`) display roi aliases on the 2d image self.labelrois = False #: (:obj:`bool`) send rois to LavueController flag self.sendrois = False #: (:obj:`bool`) send results to LavueController flag self.sendresults = False #: (:obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`,`any`> > # custom gradients self.__customgradients = {} #: (:obj:`bool`) store display parameters for specific sources self.sourcedisplay = False #: (:obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`,`any`> > # source display dictionary self.__sourcedisplay = {} self.__units = { 'eV': ['eV'], 'keV': ['keV'], 'MeV': ['MeV'], 'A': ['A', 'Angstrom'], 'm': ['m', 'meter', 'metre'], 'nm': ['nm', 'nanometer', 'nanometre'], 'um': ['um', 'micrometer', 'micrometre'], 'mm': ['mm', 'millimeter', 'millimetre'], 'cm': ['cm', 'centimeter', 'centimetre'], 'km': ['km', 'kilometer', 'kilometre'], 'pixel': ['pixels', 'pixel'], } #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QMutex`) settings mutex self.__mutex = QtCore.QMutex()
[docs] def setCustomGradients(self, gradients): """ sets custom gradients :param gradients: custom gradients :type gradients: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): self.__customgradients = dict(gradients)
[docs] def customGradients(self): """ sets source display parameters :returns: custom gradients :rtype: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ gradients = {} with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): gradients = dict(self.__customgradients) return gradients
[docs] def setSourceDisplay(self, source, values): """ sets source display parameters :param source: source name :type source: :obj:`str` :param values: display parameter dictionary :type values: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): if source and isinstance(values, dict): self.__sourcedisplay[str(source)] = values
[docs] def sourceDisplay(self, source): """ gets source display parameters :param source: source name :type source: :obj:`str` :returns: display parameter dictionary :rtype: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ values = None with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): if source in self.__sourcedisplay.keys(): values = dict(self.__sourcedisplay[str(source)]) if 'maskfile' not in values.keys(): values['maskfile'] = None if 'bkgfile' not in values.keys(): values['bkgfile'] = None if 'levels' not in values.keys() and \ 'autofactor' in values.keys(): if not values['autofactor']: values['autofactor'] = '' return values
[docs] def load(self, settings): """ load settings :param settings: QSettings object :type settings: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QSettings` :returns: error messages list :rtype: :obj:`list` < (:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`) > """ status = [] qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/Sardana", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.sardana = False else: self.sardana = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/AddROIs", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.addrois = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/OrderROIs", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.orderrois = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/TypedROIs", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.typedrois = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ImageChannels", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.imagechannels = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/SecAutoPort", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.secautoport = False qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/FloatType", type=str)) if qstval.lower() in ["float", "float32", "float64"]: self.floattype = qstval.lower() else: self.floattype = "float" qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowSubtraction", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.showsub = False qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowNormalization", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.shownorm = False qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowSubtractionScaling", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showsubsf = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowNormalizationScaling", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.shownormsf = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowTransformations", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.showtrans = False qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowIntensityScaling", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.showscale = False qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowIntensityLevels", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.showlevels = False qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowFrameRate", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.showframerate = False qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowHistogram", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.showhisto = False qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowRangeWindowWidget", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showrange = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowFilterWidget", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showfilters = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowMemoryBuffer", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showmbuffer = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowAdditionalHistogram", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showaddhisto = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowMaskWidget", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showmask = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowHighValueMaskWidget", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showhighvaluemask = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ShowOverflowWidget", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showoverflow = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowStatistics", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.showstats = False qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowImageSteps", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.showsteps = False qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowUserPlot", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showuserplot = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/CrossHairLocker", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.crosshairlocker = False qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/CalculateVariance", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.calcvariance = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/AspectLocked", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.aspectlocked = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/AutoDownSample", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.autodownsample = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/KeepOriginalCoordinates", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.keepcoords = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/AccelerateBufferSum", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.accelbuffersum = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ChannelsWithGradientColors", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.gradientcolors = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/LazyImageSlider", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.lazyimageslider = False qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/NXSFileOpen", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.nxsopen = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/NXSLastImage", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.nxslast = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/SingleROIAliases", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.singlerois = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/LabelROIsWithAliases", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.labelrois = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/SendROIs", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.sendrois = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/SendToolResults", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.sendresults = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/ShowAllROIs", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.showallrois = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/SecPort", type=str)) try: int(qstval) self.secport = str(qstval) except Exception: pass qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/HidraDataPort", type=str)) if qstval.startswith("["): try: ports = json.loads(qstval) for port in ports: int(port) self.hidraport = qstval except Exception: for port in qstval: int(port) self.hidraport = json.dumps( [str(tp) for tp in qstval], cls=numpyEncoder) else: try: int(qstval) self.hidraport = json.dumps([str(qstval)], cls=numpyEncoder) except Exception: pass qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/MaxBufferSize", type=str)) try: self.maxmbuffersize = str(qstval) int(self.maxmbuffersize) except Exception: self.maxmbuffersize = "1000" qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/SourceTimeout", type=str)) try: int(qstval) self.timeout = int(qstval) except Exception: pass qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/NumberOfImageSources", type=str)) try: int(qstval) self.nrsources = int(qstval) except Exception: pass qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/MaskingWithZeros", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.zeromask = True qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/MaskingAsNAN", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.nanmask = False qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/AddMaxValueToNegativeMask", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.negmask = True qstval = str(settings.value("Configuration/SecStream", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": try: if self.secautoport: self.secsockopt = b"tcp://*:*" self.secsocket.bind(self.secsockopt) self.secport = unicode(self.secsocket.getsockopt( zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT)).split(":")[-1] if self.secport.endswith("'"): self.secport = self.secport[:-1] else: self.secsockopt = b"tcp://*:%s" % self.secport self.secsocket.bind(self.secsockopt) self.secstream = True except Exception: self.secstream = False import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() text = "lavue: Cannot connect to: %s" % self.secsockopt status = [(text, value)] qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/ZMQColonSeparator", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.zmqcolon = True else: self.zmqcolon = False try: rt = settings.value("Configuration/RefreshTime", type=str) if not rt: rt = settings.value("Configuration/RefreshRate", type=str) self.refreshtime = float(rt) except Exception: pass qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/AutoEnlargeRefreshTime", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.autorefreshtime = False elif qstval.lower() == "true": self.autorefreshtime = True try: self.toolrefreshtime = float( settings.value("Configuration/ToolRefreshTime", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.toolpollinginterval = float( settings.value("Configuration/ToolPollingInterval", type=str)) except Exception: pass qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/InterruptOnError", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.interruptonerror = False elif qstval.lower() == "true": self.interruptonerror = True qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/LastImageFileName", type=str)) if qstval: self.imagename = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/LastMaskImageFileName", type=str)) if qstval: self.maskimagename = qstval qstval = str( settings.value( "Configuration/LastBackgroundImageFileName", type=str)) if qstval: self.bkgimagename = qstval qstval = str( settings.value( "Configuration/LastBrightFieldImageFileName", type=str)) if qstval: self.bfimagename = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/LastCalibrationFileName", type=str)) if qstval: self.calibrationfilename = qstval qstval = str( settings.value( "Configuration/StatisticsWithoutScaling", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.statswoscaling = False qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ImageSources", type=str) if qstval: self.imagesources = str(qstval) qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ToolWidgets", type=str) if qstval: self.toolwidgets = str(qstval) qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ZMQStreamTopics", type=str) if qstval: try: self.zmqtopics = json.loads(qstval) except Exception: self.zmqtopics = [str(tp) for tp in qstval] qstval2 = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ASAPOStreams", type=str) qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ASAPODataSources", type=str) if qstval: try: self.asapodatasources = json.loads(qstval) except Exception: self.asapodatasources = [str(tp) for tp in qstval] elif qstval2: try: self.asapodatasources = json.loads(qstval2) except Exception: self.asapodatasources = [str(tp) for tp in qstval2] else: self.asapodatasources = [] qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ASAPOServer", type=str) if qstval: self.asaposerver = str(qstval) else: self.asaposerver = "" qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ASAPOToken", type=str) if qstval: self.asapotoken = str(qstval) else: self.asapotoken = "" qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ASAPOBeamtime", type=str) if qstval: self.asapobeamtime = str(qstval) else: self.asapobeamtime = "" qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ASAPOSourcePath", type=str) if qstval: self.asaposourcepath = str(qstval) else: self.asaposourcepath = "" qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/ASAPOMetadataFile", type=str) if qstval: self.asapobtmetafile = str(qstval) else: self.asapobtmetafile = "/gpfs/current/beamtime-metadata-*.json" qstval = \ settings.value( "Configuration/HidraDetectorServers", type=str) if qstval: try: json.loads(qstval) self.detservers = qstval except Exception: self.detservers = json.dumps( [str(tp) for tp in qstval], cls=numpyEncoder) qstval = str( settings.value( "Configuration/HidraDefaultDetectorServers", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.defdetservers = False qstval = str(settings.value( "Configuration/AutoZMQStreamTopics", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.autozmqtopics = True qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/DirectoryTranslation", type=str)) if qstval: self.dirtrans = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/TangoAttributes", type=str)) if qstval: self.tangoattrs = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/TangoDetectorAttributes", type=str)) if qstval: self.tangodetattrs = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/TineProperties", type=str)) if qstval: self.tineprops = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/EpicsPVNames", type=str)) if qstval: self.epicspvnames = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/EpicsPVShapes", type=str)) if qstval: self.epicspvshapes = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/DOOCSProperties", type=str)) if qstval: self.doocsprops = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/TangoEventsAttributes", type=str)) if qstval: self.tangoevattrs = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/TangoFileAttributes", type=str)) if qstval: self.tangofileattrs = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/TangoDirAttributes", type=str)) if qstval: self.tangodirattrs = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/HTTPURLs", type=str)) if qstval: self.httpurls = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/ZMQServers", type=str)) if qstval: self.zmqservers = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/StoreGeometry", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.storegeometry = True qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/GeometryFromSource", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.geometryfromsource = True qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/ROIsColors", type=str)) if qstval: self.roiscolors = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/IntensityOverflowColor", type=str)) if qstval: self.overflowcolor = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/Filters", type=str)) if qstval: self.filters = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Configuration/UserFunctions", type=str)) if qstval: self.userfunctions = qstval qstval = str( settings.value( "Configuration/SourceDisplayParams", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "true": self.sourcedisplay = True try: self.centerx = float( settings.value("Tools/CenterX", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.centery = float( settings.value("Tools/CenterY", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: = float( settings.value("Tools/Energy", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.pixelsizex = float( settings.value("Tools/PixelSizeX", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.pixelsizey = float( settings.value("Tools/PixelSizeY", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.detdistance = float( settings.value("Tools/DetectorDistance", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.detponi1 = float( settings.value("Tools/DetectorPONI1", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.detponi2 = float( settings.value("Tools/DetectorPONI2", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.diffnpt = int( settings.value("Tools/DiffractogramNPT", type=str)) except Exception: pass qstval = str(settings.value( "Tools/CorrectSolidAngle", type=str)) if qstval.lower() == "false": self.correctsolidangle = False try: self.detrot1 = float( settings.value("Tools/DetectorRot1", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.detrot2 = float( settings.value("Tools/DetectorRot2", type=str)) except Exception: pass try: self.detrot3 = float( settings.value("Tools/DetectorRot3", type=str)) except Exception: pass qstval = str( settings.value("Tools/DetectorName", type=str)) if qstval: self.detname = qstval qstval = str( settings.value("Tools/DetectorSplineFile", type=str)) if qstval: self.detsplinefile = qstval self.__loadDisplayParams(settings) self.__loadCustomGradients(settings) self.updateAISettings() return status
[docs] def updateAISettings(self): """ update AI settings """ if PYFAI: wvln = self.energy2m( pixel1 = self.distance2m((self.pixelsizey, "um")) pixel2 = self.distance2m((self.pixelsizex, "um")) splineFile = self.detsplinefile or None detector = self.detname or None detdistance = self.distance2m((self.detdistance, "mm")) with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.aimutex): if wvln and detdistance and pixel1 and pixel2: from pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator import AzimuthalIntegrator = AzimuthalIntegrator( dist=detdistance, poni1=self.detponi1, poni2=self.detponi2, rot1=self.detrot1, rot2=self.detrot2, rot3=self.detrot3, pixel1=pixel1, pixel2=pixel2, splineFile=splineFile, detector=detector, wavelength=wvln) if not self.detponi1 and not self.detponi2 \ and self.centerx and self.centery: aif =["directDist"], self.centerx, self.centery, aif["tilt"], aif["tiltPlanRotation"])
[docs] def store(self, settings): """ Stores settings in QSettings object :param settings: QSettings object :type settings: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QSettings` """ settings.setValue( "Configuration/AddROIs", self.addrois) settings.setValue( "Configuration/OrderROIs", self.orderrois) settings.setValue( "Configuration/TypedROIs", self.typedrois) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ImageChannels", self.imagechannels) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowSubtraction", self.showsub) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowNormalization", self.shownorm) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowSubtractionScaling", self.showsubsf) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowNormalizationScaling", self.shownormsf) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowTransformations", self.showtrans) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowIntensityScaling", self.showscale) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowIntensityLevels", self.showlevels) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowFrameRate", self.showframerate) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowHistogram", self.showhisto) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowAdditionalHistogram", self.showaddhisto) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowMaskWidget", self.showmask) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowRangeWindowWidget", self.showrange) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowFilterWidget", self.showfilters) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowMemoryBuffer", self.showmbuffer) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowHighValueMaskWidget", self.showhighvaluemask) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowOverflowWidget", self.showoverflow) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowStatistics", self.showstats) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowImageSteps", self.showsteps) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowUserPlot", self.showuserplot) settings.setValue( "Configuration/CrossHairLocker", self.crosshairlocker) settings.setValue( "Configuration/CalculateVariance", self.calcvariance) settings.setValue( "Configuration/RefreshTime", self.refreshtime) settings.setValue( "Configuration/AutoEnlargeRefreshTime", self.autorefreshtime) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ToolRefreshTime", self.toolrefreshtime) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ToolPollingInterval", self.toolpollinginterval) settings.setValue( "Configuration/SecPort", self.secport) settings.setValue( "Configuration/FloatType", self.floattype) settings.setValue( "Configuration/HidraDataPort", self.hidraport) settings.setValue( "Configuration/MaxBufferSize", self.maxmbuffersize) settings.setValue( "Configuration/SecAutoPort", self.secautoport) settings.setValue( "Configuration/SecStream", self.secstream) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ZMQColonSeparator", self.zmqcolon) settings.setValue( "Configuration/MaskingWithZeros", self.zeromask) settings.setValue( "Configuration/MaskingAsNAN", self.nanmask) settings.setValue( "Configuration/AddMaxValueToNegativeMask", self.negmask) settings.setValue( "Configuration/Sardana", self.sardana) settings.setValue( "Configuration/InterruptOnError", self.interruptonerror) settings.setValue( "Configuration/SourceTimeout", self.timeout) settings.setValue( "Configuration/NumberOfImageSources", self.nrsources) settings.setValue( "Configuration/AspectLocked", self.aspectlocked) settings.setValue( "Configuration/AutoDownSample", self.autodownsample) settings.setValue( "Configuration/KeepOriginalCoordinates", self.keepcoords) settings.setValue( "Configuration/AccelerateBufferSum", self.accelbuffersum) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ChannelsWithGradientColors", self.gradientcolors) settings.setValue( "Configuration/LazyImageSlider", self.lazyimageslider) settings.setValue( "Configuration/LastImageFileName", self.imagename) settings.setValue( "Configuration/LastMaskImageFileName", self.maskimagename) settings.setValue( "Configuration/LastCalibrationFileName", self.calibrationfilename) settings.setValue( "Configuration/LastBackgroundImageFileName", self.bkgimagename) settings.setValue( "Configuration/LastBrightFieldImageFileName", self.bfimagename) settings.setValue( "Configuration/StatisticsWithoutScaling", self.statswoscaling) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ImageSources", self.imagesources) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ToolWidgets", self.toolwidgets) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ZMQStreamTopics", json.dumps(self.zmqtopics or [], cls=numpyEncoder)) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ASAPODataSources", json.dumps(self.asapodatasources or [], cls=numpyEncoder)) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ASAPOServer", self.asaposerver) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ASAPOToken", self.asapotoken) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ASAPOBeamtime", self.asapobeamtime) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ASAPOSourcePath", self.asaposourcepath) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ASAPOMetadataFile", self.asapobtmetafile) settings.setValue( "Configuration/HidraDetectorServers", self.detservers) settings.setValue( "Configuration/HidraDefaultDetectorServers", self.defdetservers) settings.setValue( "Configuration/AutoZMQStreamTopics", self.autozmqtopics) settings.setValue( "Configuration/DirectoryTranslation", self.dirtrans) settings.setValue( "Configuration/TangoAttributes", self.tangoattrs) settings.setValue( "Configuration/TangoDetectorAttributes", self.tangodetattrs) settings.setValue( "Configuration/TineProperties", self.tineprops) settings.setValue( "Configuration/EpicsPVNames", self.epicspvnames) settings.setValue( "Configuration/EpicsPVShapes", self.epicspvshapes) settings.setValue( "Configuration/DOOCSProperties", self.doocsprops) settings.setValue( "Configuration/TangoEventsAttributes", self.tangoevattrs) settings.setValue( "Configuration/TangoFileAttributes", self.tangofileattrs) settings.setValue( "Configuration/TangoDirAttributes", self.tangodirattrs) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ZMQServers", self.zmqservers) settings.setValue( "Configuration/HTTPURLs", self.httpurls) settings.setValue( "Configuration/NXSLastImage", self.nxslast) settings.setValue( "Configuration/NXSFileOpen", self.nxsopen) settings.setValue( "Configuration/StoreGeometry", self.storegeometry) settings.setValue( "Tools/CorrectSolidAngle", self.correctsolidangle) settings.setValue( "Configuration/GeometryFromSource", self.geometryfromsource) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ROIsColors", self.roiscolors) settings.setValue( "Configuration/IntensityOverflowColor", self.overflowcolor) settings.setValue( "Configuration/Filters", self.filters) settings.setValue( "Configuration/UserFunctions", self.userfunctions) settings.setValue( "Configuration/SendROIs", self.sendrois) settings.setValue( "Configuration/SendToolResults", self.sendresults) settings.setValue( "Configuration/SingleROIAliases", self.singlerois) settings.setValue( "Configuration/LabelROIsWithAliases", self.labelrois) settings.setValue( "Configuration/ShowAllROIs", self.showallrois) settings.setValue( "Configuration/SourceDisplayParams", self.sourcedisplay) if not self.storegeometry: self.centerx = 0.0 self.centery = 0.0 = 0.0 self.pixelsizex = 0.0 self.pixelsizey = 0.0 self.detdistance = 0.0 self.detrot1 = 0.0 self.detrot2 = 0.0 self.detrot3 = 0.0 self.detponi1 = 0.0 self.detponi2 = 0.0 settings.setValue( "Tools/CenterX", self.centerx) settings.setValue( "Tools/CenterY", self.centery) settings.setValue( "Tools/Energy", settings.setValue( "Tools/PixelSizeX", self.pixelsizex) settings.setValue( "Tools/PixelSizeY", self.pixelsizey) settings.setValue( "Tools/DetectorDistance", self.detdistance) settings.setValue( "Tools/DetectorPONI1", self.detponi1) settings.setValue( "Tools/DetectorPONI2", self.detponi2) settings.setValue( "Tools/DiffractogramNPT", self.diffnpt) settings.setValue( "Tools/DetectorRot1", self.detrot1) settings.setValue( "Tools/DetectorRot2", self.detrot2) settings.setValue( "Tools/DetectorRot3", self.detrot3) settings.setValue( "Tools/DetectorName", self.detname) settings.setValue( "Tools/DetectorSplineFile", self.detsplinefile) self.__storeDisplayParams(settings) self.__storeCustomGradients(settings)
[docs] def length2ev(self, length): """ converts length to energy in eV :param length: length as value in A or tuple with units :type length: :obj:`float` or (:obj:`float`, :obj:`str`) :returns: energy in eV :rtype: :obj:`float` """ energy = None #: :obj:`float` value of hc in eV * um hc = 1.23984193 if length is not None: if type(length) in [list, tuple]: if len(length) == 1: if length[0]: energy = hc * 10000 / length[0] elif len(length) > 1: if length[1] in self.__units['A']: if length[0]: energy = hc * 10000 / length[0] elif length[1] in self.__units['nm']: if length[0]: energy = hc * 1000 / length[0] elif length[1] in self.__units['um']: if length[0]: energy = hc / length[0] elif length[1] in self.__units['m']: if length[0]: energy = hc * 1e-6 / length[0] elif length[1] in self.__units['mm']: if length[0]: energy = hc * 1e-3 / length[0] elif length[1] in self.__units['cm']: if length[0]: energy = hc * 1e-4 / length[0] else: if length: energy = hc * 10000 / length return energy
[docs] def energy2m(self, energy): """ converts energy to m :param energy: energy as value in eV or tuple with units :type energy: :obj:`float` or (:obj:`float`, :obj:`str`) :returns: length in m :rtype: :obj:`float` """ length = None #: :obj:`float` value of hc in eV * um hc = 1.23984193 if energy is not None: if type(energy) in [list, tuple]: if len(energy) == 1: if energy[0]: length = hc * 1e-6 / energy[0] elif len(energy) > 1: if energy[1] in self.__units['eV']: if energy[0]: length = hc * 1e-6 / energy[0] elif energy[1] in self.__units['keV']: if energy[0]: length = hc * 1e-3 / energy[0] elif energy[1] in self.__units['MeV']: if energy[0]: length = hc / energy[0] elif energy: length = hc * 1e-6 / energy return length
[docs] def distance2mm(self, distance): """ converts distance to mm units :param distance: distance as value in m or tuple with units :type distance: :obj:`float` or (:obj:`float`, :obj:`str`) :returns: distance in mm :rtype: :obj:`float` """ res = None if distance is not None: if type(distance) in [list, tuple]: if len(distance) == 1: res = distance[0] * 1e+3 elif len(distance) > 1: if distance[1] in self.__units['A']: res = distance[0] * 1e-7 elif distance[1] in self.__units['nm']: res = distance[0] * 1e-6 elif distance[1] in self.__units['um']: res = distance[0] * 1e-3 elif distance[1] in self.__units['km']: res = distance[0] * 1e+6 elif distance[1] in self.__units['m']: res = distance[0] * 1e+3 elif distance[1] in self.__units['mm']: res = distance[0] elif distance[1] in self.__units['cm']: res = distance * 1e+1 else: res = distance * 1e+3 return res
[docs] def distance2m(self, distance): """ converts distance to m units :param distance: distance as value in m or tuple with units :type distance: :obj:`float` or (:obj:`float`, :obj:`str`) :returns: distance in m :rtype: :obj:`float` """ res = None if distance is not None: if type(distance) in [list, tuple]: if len(distance) == 1: res = distance[0] * 1e+3 elif len(distance) > 1: if distance[1] in self.__units['A']: res = distance[0] * 1e-10 elif distance[1] in self.__units['nm']: res = distance[0] * 1e-9 elif distance[1] in self.__units['um']: res = distance[0] * 1e-6 elif distance[1] in self.__units['km']: res = distance[0] * 1e+3 elif distance[1] in self.__units['m']: res = distance[0] elif distance[1] in self.__units['mm']: res = distance[0] * 1e-3 elif distance[1] in self.__units['cm']: res = distance * 1e-2 else: res = distance * 1e+3 return res
[docs] def distance2um(self, distance): """ converts distance to um units :param distance: distance as value in m or tuple with units :type distance: :obj:`float` or (:obj:`float`, :obj:`str`) :returns: distance in um :rtype: :obj:`float` """ res = None if distance is not None: if type(distance) in [list, tuple]: if len(distance) == 1: res = distance[0] * 1e+6 elif len(distance) > 1: if distance[1] in self.__units['A']: res = distance[0] * 1e-4 elif distance[1] in self.__units['nm']: res = distance[0] * 1e-3 elif distance[1] in self.__units['um']: res = distance[0] elif distance[1] in self.__units['km']: res = distance[0] * 1e+9 elif distance[1] in self.__units['m']: res = distance[0] * 1e+6 elif distance[1] in self.__units['mm']: res = distance[0] * 1e+3 elif distance[1] in self.__units['cm']: res = distance * 1e+4 else: res = distance * 1e+6 return res
[docs] def distance2pixels(self, distance, psize): """ converts distance to pixels :param distance: distance as value in pixels or tuple with units :type distance: :obj:`float` or (:obj:`float`, :obj:`str`) :param psize: pixel size :type psize: :obj:`float` :returns: distance in pixels :rtype: :obj:`float` """ res = None if distance is not None: if type(distance) in [list, tuple]: if len(distance) == 1: res = distance[0] elif len(distance) > 1: if distance[1] in self.__units['pixel']: res = distance[0] elif distance[1] in self.__units['nm']: res = distance[0] * 1e+3 / psize elif distance[1] in self.__units['um']: res = distance[0] / psize elif distance[1] in self.__units['m']: res = distance[0] * 1e-6 / psize if distance[1] in self.__units['A']: res = distance[0] * 1e+4 / psize elif distance[1] in self.__units['mm']: res = distance[0] * 1e-3 / psize elif distance[1] in self.__units['cm']: res = distance[0] * 1e-4 / psize else: res = distance return res
[docs] def pixelsize2um(self, psize): """ converts pixel size to um units :param psize: pixelsize as value in m or tuple with units :type psize: :obj:`float` or (:obj:`float`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`str`) :returns: pixelsize in um :rtype: (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) """ resx = None resy = None if psize is not None: if type(psize) in [list, tuple]: if len(psize) == 2: if type(psize[0]) in [list, tuple]: resx = self.distance2um(psize[0]) else: resx = psize[0] * 1e+6 if type(psize[1]) in [list, tuple]: resy = self.distance2um(psize[1]) else: resy = psize[1] * 1e+6 elif len(psize) > 2: if len(psize) == 3: px, py, ux = psize uy = ux elif len(psize) >= 4: px, ux, py, uy = psize resx = self.distance2um([px, ux]) resy = self.distance2um([py, uy]) return resx, resy
[docs] def xyposition2pixels(self, xypos): """ converts xy position to pixel units :param xypos: xy-position a tuple value or tuple with units :type xypos: :obj:`float` or (:obj:`float`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`str`) :returns: xy-position in pixels :rtype: (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) """ resx = None resy = None if xypos is not None: if type(xypos) in [list, tuple]: if len(xypos) == 2: if type(xypos[0]) in [list, tuple]: resx = self.distance2pixels(xypos[0], self.pixelsizex) else: resx = xypos[0] if type(xypos[1]) in [list, tuple]: resy = self.distance2pixels(xypos[1], self.pixelsizey) else: resy = xypos[1] elif len(xypos) > 2: if len(xypos) == 3: px, py, ux = xypos uy = ux elif len(xypos) >= 4: px, ux, py, uy = xypos resx = self.distance2pixels([px, ux], self.pixelsizex) resy = self.distance2pixels([py, uy], self.pixelsizey) return resx, resy
[docs] def updateDetectorParameters(self): """ update physical parameters """ if PYFAI: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.aimutex): aic = self.pixelsizex = self.distance2um( (, "m")) self.pixelsizey = self.distance2um( (, "m")) self.detponi1 = aic["poni1"] self.detponi2 = aic["poni2"] self.detrot1 = aic["rot1"] self.detrot2 = aic["rot2"] self.detrot3 = aic["rot3"] self.detsplinefile = self.detname = aic["detector"] self.detdistance = self.distance2mm( (aic["dist"], "m")) = self.length2ev( (float(aic["wavelength"]), "m")) with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.aimutex): aif = self.centerx = float(aif["centerX"]) self.centery = float(aif["centerY"])
[docs] def updateMetaData(self, **kargs): """ update physical parameters :param kargs: physical parameter dictionary :type kargs: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`any`> """ # #: (:obj:`float`) x-coordinates of the center of the image # self.centerx = 0.0 # #: (:obj:`float`) y-coordinates of the center of the image # self.centery = 0.0 # #: (:obj:`float`) energy in eV # = 0.0 # #: (:obj:`float`) pixel x-size in um # self.pixelsizex = 0.0 # #: (:obj:`float`) pixel y-size in um # self.pixelsizey = 0.0 # #: (:obj:`float`) detector distance in mm # self.detdistance = 0.0 # beam_xy pixels # wavelength A # detector_distance m # pixel_size m if "wavelength" in kargs.keys(): energy = self.length2ev(kargs["wavelength"]) if energy is not None: = energy if "detector_distance" in kargs.keys(): detdistance = self.distance2mm(kargs["detector_distance"]) if detdistance is not None: self.detdistance = detdistance if "distance" in kargs.keys(): detdistance = self.distance2mm(kargs["distance"]) if detdistance is not None: self.detdistance = detdistance if "pixel_size" in kargs.keys(): psizex, psizey = self.pixelsize2um(kargs["pixel_size"]) if psizex is not None and psizey is not None: self.pixelsizex = psizex self.pixelsizey = psizey if "x_pixel_size" in kargs.keys(): psizex = self.distance2um(kargs["x_pixel_size"]) if psizex is not None: self.pixelsizex = psizex if "y_pixel_size" in kargs.keys(): psizey = self.distance2um(kargs["y_pixel_size"]) if psizey is not None: self.pixelsizey = psizey if "beam_xy" in kargs.keys(): cx, cy = self.xyposition2pixels(kargs["beam_xy"]) if psizex is not None and psizey is not None: self.centerx = cx self.centery = cy if "beam_x" in kargs.keys(): cx = self.distance2pixels(kargs["beam_x"], self.pixelsizex) if cx is not None: self.centerx = cx if "beam_y" in kargs.keys(): cy = self.distance2pixels(kargs["beam_y"], self.pixelsizey) if cy is not None: self.centery = cy if "beam_center_x" in kargs.keys(): cx = self.distance2pixels(kargs["beam_center_x"], self.pixelsizex) if cx is not None: self.centerx = cx if "beam_center_y" in kargs.keys(): cy = self.distance2pixels(kargs["beam_center_y"], self.pixelsizey) if cy is not None: self.centery = cy
def __storeCustomGradients(self, settings): """ Stores custom color gradients settings in QSettings object :param settings: QSettings object :type settings: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QSettings` """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): for name, value in self.__customgradients.items(): settings.setValue( "CustomColorGradients/%s" % (name), str(value)) try: settings.beginGroup("CustomColorGradients") oldkeys = set([str(key) for key in settings.allKeys()]) - \ set(self.__customgradients.keys()) for key in oldkeys: settings.remove(key) finally: settings.endGroup() def __loadCustomGradients(self, settings): """ Loads custom color gradients settings in QSettings object :param settings: QSettings object :type settings: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QSettings` """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): settings.beginGroup("CustomColorGradients") try: for key in settings.allKeys(): qstval = str( settings.value( "%s" % str(key), type=str)) self.__customgradients[str(key)] = eval(str(qstval)) finally: settings.endGroup() def __storeDisplayParams(self, settings): """ Stores display parameters settings in QSettings object :param settings: QSettings object :type settings: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QSettings` """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): for source, dct in self.__sourcedisplay.items(): for key, value in dct.items(): settings.setValue( "Source_%s/%s" % (source, key), value) try: settings.beginGroup("Source_%s" % source) oldkeys = set([str(key) for key in settings.allKeys()]) - \ set(dct.keys()) for key in oldkeys: settings.remove(key) finally: settings.endGroup() def __loadDisplayParams(self, settings): """ loads display parameters settings :param settings: QSettings object :type settings: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QSettings` """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__mutex): qgroups = list(settings.childGroups()) groups = [str(f) for f in qgroups if str(f).startswith("Source_")] for gr in groups: source = gr[7:] if source not in self.__sourcedisplay.keys(): self.__sourcedisplay[source] = {} settings.beginGroup(gr) try: for key in settings.allKeys(): qstval = str( settings.value( "%s" % str(key), type=str)) self.__sourcedisplay[source][str(key)] = str(qstval) finally: settings.endGroup()