Tine PropertyΒΆ

Images from a tine property, e.g. Tine Camera


The Tine Property image source frame contains the following fields:

  • Addr/Prop: selects the tine address and property of the detector last image,
    e.g. /HASYLAB/P00_LM00/Output/Frame
    The possible address/property can be preselected in the configuration dialog.

  • Status: shows the connection status. It also displays a port of ZMQ security stream if it is enabled.

  • Start/Stop button to launch or interrupt image querying

By clicking on an empty start in the Addr/Prop combobox you can add a label to the current item (only in the expert mode).

By clicking on an full start in the Addr/Prop combobox you can remove the label of the current item (only in the expert mode).