ZMQ Stream server examplesΒΆ

An example of ZMQ Stream server (lavuezmqstreamfromtango) which sends images from TANGO attribribute to lavue via a PICKLE protocol is deployed with the GUI.

It can be launched by, e.g.

$ lavuezmqstreamfromtango  --port 5535

Another example of ZMQ Stream server (lavuezmqstreamtest) which sends random images to lavue via a JSON protocol (from v1.27.1) can be launched by, e.g.

$ lavuezmqstreamtest  --port 5535

To get all possible command-line parameters

$ lavuezmqstreamfromtango -h

usage: lavuezmqstreamfromtango [-h] [-g TIMEGAP] [-p PORT] [-t TOPIC]
                               [-n PREFIX] [-a ATTRIBUTE] [--no-dict]

ZMQ Pickle test server

optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g TIMEGAP, --time-gap TIMEGAP
                        maximal time gap in seconds (default: 0.1)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  zmq port (default: automatic)
  -t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
                        zmq topic (default: first one from datasources)
  -n PREFIX, --name-prefix PREFIX
                        image name prefix
  -a ATTRIBUTE, --attribute ATTRIBUTE
                        tango attribute (default: sys/tg_test/1/double_image_ro)
  --no-dict             create zmq stream without dictionary
  --debug               debug mode


$ lavuezmqstreamtest -h

usage: lavuezmqstreamtest [-h] [-g TIMEGAP] [-p PORT] [-t TOPIC]
                               [-n PREFIX] [--no-dict][--debug]

ZMQ JSON test server

optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g TIMEGAP, --time-gap TIMEGAP
                        maximal time gap in seconds (default: 0.1)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  zmq port (default: automatic)
  -t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
                        zmq topic (default: first one from datasources)
  -n PREFIX, --name-prefix PREFIX
                        image name prefix
  --no-dict             create zmq stream without dictionary
  --debug               debug mode

On debian systems the above scripts are installed at /usr/bin/lavuezmqstreamfromtango . Based on it the user can write its own servers.