Start the Viewer

To start LaVue

$ lavue


$ lavue3

for python 3 version (for older debian/ubuntu releases).

Start the Viewer in the expert mode

Changing LaVue settings is available in the expert mode, i.e.

$ lavue -m expert

under an additional button: Configuration.

Launching options

To get all possible command-line parameters

$ lavue -h

usage: lavue [-h] [-v] [-m MODE] [-y STYLE] [-e STYLESHEET] [-j INSTANCE]
             [-f IMAGEFILE] [-s SOURCE] [-c CONFIGURATION] [-z] [-o MBUFFER]
             [--channel CHANNEL] [-b BKGFILE] [-k MASKFILE] [-p MASKHIGHVALUE]
             [-g GRADIENT] [-r VIEWRANGE] [-x] [-u TOOL] [-a TANGODEVICE]
             [-d DOORDEVICE] [-n ANALYSISDEVICE]

2d detector live image viewer

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         program version
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  interface mode, i.e. user, expert
  -y STYLE, --style STYLE
                        Qt style
  -e STYLESHEET, --stylesheet STYLESHEET
                        Qt stylesheet
  -j INSTANCE, --instance INSTANCE
                        LaVue instance with separate configuration
  -ns, --no-space-instance
                        the configuration file name without a space character
                          (in the future major release it will become the default one)
  --organization ORGANIZATION
                        Organization name
  --domain DOMAIN
                        Organization domain name
  --configuration-path CONFIGPATH
                        Configuration path
  -f IMAGEFILE, --image-file IMAGEFILE
                        image file name to show, e.g. /tmp/myfile2.nxs://entry/data/pilatus,,-1
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        image source, i.e. hidra, http, tangoattr,
                            tangoevents, tangofile, doocsprop, tineprop,
                            epicspv, zmq, asapo, nxsfile, test
                        multiple-source names is separated by semicolon ';'
                        configuration strings for the image source separated by comma, e.g.
                          hidra -> '-c'
                          http -> '-c haso228eiger/1.5.0'
                          tangoattr -> '-c sys/tg_test/1/double_image_ro'
                          tangoevents -> '-c sys/lamccds/1/video_last_image'
                          tangofile -> '-c p00/plt/1/LastImageTaken,p00/plt/1/LastImagePath'
                          zmq -> '-c haso228:5535,topic'
                          doocsprop -> '-c TTF2.FEL/BLFW2.CAM/BL0M1.CAM/IMAGE_EXT'
                          nxsfile -> '-c /tmp/myfile.nxs://entry/data/pilatus'
                                  or '-c /tmp/myfile2.nxs://entry/data/pilatus,0,34'
                          tineprop -> '-c /HASYLAB/P00_LM00/Output/Frame'
                          asapo -> '-c pilatus,substream2'
                          epicspv -> '-c '00SIM0:cam1:,[640,480]'
                       configuration for multiple-sources is separated by semicolon ';'
  --offset OFFSET relative offset x,y[,TRANSFORMATION]
                        where x,y are position of the first pixel for a particular image source
                        while optional TRANSFORMATION can be:
                          flip-up-down, flipud, fud, flip-left-right, fliplr, flr, transpose, t,
                          rot90, r90, rot180, r180, r270, rot270, rot180+transpose, rot180t or r180t
                        offset for multiple-sources is separated by semicolon ';'
  -w RANGEWINDOW, --range-window RANGEWINDOW
                        range window slices, i.e. x1:x2,y1:y2 , e.g. -w 10:500,20:200
                          where 'm' is '-'
  --ds-factor DSFACTOR integer down-sampling factor
  --ds-reduction DSREDUCTION
                        down-sampling reduction function, i.e. 'max', 'min', 'mean' or 'sum'
  -z, --filters apply image filters
  -o MBUFFER, --memory-buffer MBUFFER
                     size of memory buffer in frames
  --channel CHANNEL
                     default channel number or 'sum', 'mean', 'rgb' or RGB channels separated by comma e.g.'0,1,3'
  -b BKGFILE, --bkg-file BKGFILE
                        background file-name to load
  --bkg-scale BKGSCALE background scaling factor
  --bright-field-file BRIGHTFIELDFILE
                        bright field file-name to load
  --bright-field-scale BRIGHTFIELDSCALE
                     bright field scaling factor
  -k MASKFILE, --mask-file MASKFILE
                     mask file-name to load
                        highest pixel value to show
                        image transformation, i.e.
                          flip-up-down, flip-left-right, transpose,
                          rot90, rot180, rot270, rot180+transpose
  -i SCALING, --scaling SCALING
                        intensity scaling, i.e. sqrt, linear, log
  -l LEVELS, --levels LEVELS
                        intensity display levels e.g. -l m20,20
                          where 'm' is '-'
                        the RGB channel levels can be added separated by ';' e.g.
                          -l '0,40;1,35;0,30;2,45;green'
                              where 0,40 are the main intensity dispay levels
                                    1,35 are the red channel intensity dispay levels
                                    0,30 are the green channel intensity dispay levels
                                    2,45 are the blue channel intensity dispay levels
                                       and the green channel level widgets are selected
                        factor of the highest pick for automatic levels in %, e.g. -q 0.5
  -g GRADIENT, --gradient GRADIENT
                        color gradient, i.e. grey, highcontrast, thermal, flame,
                          bipolar, spectrum, spectrumclip, greyclip, reversegrey, cyclic,
                          yellowy, inverted
                        the multi channel color gradients can be added separated by ';' e.g.  -g 'thermal;flame'
                        viewbox range, i.e. xmin,ymin,xsize,ysize , e.g. -r 5.6,m60.7,543.2,444.11
                            where 'm' is '-'
  -x, --start           connect the image source
  -u TOOL, --tool TOOL  utility tool, i.e. intensity, roi, movemotors, meshscan, maxima,
                          linecut, projections, 1d-plot, angle/q, q+roi+proj, parameters, diffractogram
  --tool-configuration TOOLCONFIG
                          JSON dictionary with tool configuration, e.g. {"rows_to_plot":"0,1","buffer_size":512}
  -a TANGODEVICE, --tango-device TANGODEVICE
                        tango device of LavueController to communicated with clients during the run
                        door device to communicated with sardana during the run
                        tango analysis device of LambdaOnlineAnalysis to communicate with analysis clients during the run
  --log LOG logging level, i.e. debug, info, warning, error, critical