NeXus FileΒΆ
Images from a NeXus/HDF5 file, e.g. written in the SWMR mode (Single-Writer-Multiple-Reader) or after the scan.
The NeXus File image source frame contains the following fields:
File: nexus file name with its full path e.g. /gpfs/current/H2O_test.nxs
Field: nexus field with its path inside nexus file e.g. /entry12345/data/lambda
Stacking: stacking dimension of images inside a 3D field. Usually, for Nexus format is 0, i.e. the first dimension.
Frame: nexus field frame to display. The default value is -1, i.e. the last frame.
Status: shows the connection status. It also displays a port of ZMQ security stream if it is enabled.
Start/Stop button to launch or interrupt image querying