Source code for lavuelib.toolWidget

# Copyright (C) 2017  DESY, Christoph Rosemann, Notkestr. 85, D-22607 Hamburg
# lavue is an image viewing program for photon science imaging detectors.
# Its usual application is as a live viewer using hidra as data source.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation in  version 2
# of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Authors:
#     Jan Kotanski <>
#     Christoph Rosemann <>

""" image widget """

from .qtuic import uic

import os
import re
import math
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.interpolate
import pyqtgraph as _pg
import logging
import warnings
import random
import json
from pyqtgraph import QtCore, QtGui, functions
from enum import Enum

    from pyqtgraph import QtWidgets
except Exception:
    from pyqtgraph import QtGui as QtWidgets

from . import geometryDialog
from . import rangeDialog
from . import diffRangeDialog
from . import takeMotorsDialog
from . import intervalsDialog
from . import motorWatchThread
from . import edDictDialog
from . import edListDialog
from . import commandThread
from .sardanaUtils import debugmethod, numpyEncoder

        import tango
    except ImportError:
        import PyTango as tango
    #: (:obj:`bool`) tango imported
    TANGO = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) tango imported
    TANGO = False

    import pyFAI
    #: (:obj:`bool`) pyFAI imported
    PYFAI = True
except ImportError:
    #: (:obj:`bool`) pyFAI imported
    PYFAI = False

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    long = int

_intensityformclass, _intensitybaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "IntensityToolWidget.ui"))

_roiformclass, _roibaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "ROIToolWidget.ui"))

_cutformclass, _cutbaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "LineCutToolWidget.ui"))

_angleqformclass, _angleqbaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "AngleQToolWidget.ui"))

_diffractogramformclass, _diffractogrambaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "DiffractogramToolWidget.ui"))

_maximaformclass, _maximabaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "MaximaToolWidget.ui"))

_motorsformclass, _motorsbaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "MotorsToolWidget.ui"))

_meshformclass, _meshbaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "MeshToolWidget.ui"))

_onedformclass, _onedbaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "OneDToolWidget.ui"))

_projectionformclass, _projectionbaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "ProjectionToolWidget.ui"))

_parametersformclass, _parametersbaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "ParametersToolWidget.ui"))

_qroiprojformclass, _qroiprojbaseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "QROIProjToolWidget.ui"))

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger("lavue")

class Converters(object):

    """ set of converters

    def toBool(cls, value):
        """ converts to bool

        :param value: variable to convert
        :type value: any
        :returns: result in bool type
        :rtype: :obj:`bool`
        if type(value).__name__ == 'str' or type(value).__name__ == 'unicode':
            lvalue = value.strip().lower()
            if lvalue == 'false' or lvalue == '0':
                return False
                return True
        elif value:
            return True
        return False

class ToolParameters(object):
    """ tool parameters
    def __init__(self):
        """ constructor

        #: (:obj:`bool`) lines enabled
        # self.lines = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) rois enabled
        self.rois = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) cuts enabled
        self.cuts = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) mesh enabled
        self.mesh = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) axes scale enabled
        self.scale = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) tool axes scale enabled
        self.toolscale = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) bottom 1d plot enabled
        self.bottomplot = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) right 1d plot enabled
        self.rightplot = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) cross hair locker enabled
        self.crosshairlocker = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) center lines enabled
        self.centerlines = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) mark position lines enabled
        self.marklines = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) tracking position lines enabled
        self.trackinglines = False
        #: (:obj:`str`) infolineedit text
        self.infolineedit = None
        #: (:obj:`str`) infolabel text
        self.infolabel = None
        #: (:obj:`str`) infolabel text
        self.infotips = None
        #: (:obj:`str`) show maxima
        self.maxima = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) vertical and horizontal bounds
        self.vhbounds = False
        #: (:obj:`bool`) angle range enabled
        self.regions = False

class ToolBaseWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
    """ tool widget

    #: (:obj:`str`) tool name
    name = "None"
    #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias
    alias = "none"
    #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages
    requires = ()

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        """ constructor

        :param parent: parent object
        :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject`
        QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject`) mainwidget
        self._mainwidget = parent
        #: (:class:`Ui_ToolBaseWidget')
        #:     ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner
        self._ui = None
        #: (:class:`ToolParameters`) tool parameters
        self.parameters = ToolParameters()

        #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >)
        #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect
        self.signal2slot = []

    def activate(self):
        """ activates tool widget

    def deactivate(self):
        """ deactivates tool widget

    def afterplot(self):
        """ command after plot

    def beforeplot(self, array, rawarray):
        """ command  before plot

        :param array: 2d image array
        :type array: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param rawarray: 2d raw image array
        :type rawarray: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :return: 2d image array and raw image
        :rtype: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`)

    def configure(self, configuration):
        """ set configuration for the current tool

        :param configuration: configuration string
        :type configuration: :obj:`str`

    def configuration(self):
        """ provides configuration for the current tool

        :returns configuration: configuration string
        :rtype configuration: :obj:`str`
        return ""

[docs]class IntensityToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ intensity tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "Intensity" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "intensity" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = () def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:class:`Ui_IntensityToolWidget') #: ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _intensityformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() self.parameters.scale = True self.parameters.crosshairlocker = True self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = \ "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer" self.__ui.crosshairCheckBox.setChecked(self.__settings.crosshairlocker) self._updateCrossHairLocker(self.__settings.crosshairlocker) #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.axesPushButton.clicked, self._mainwidget.setTicks], [self.__ui.crosshairCheckBox.stateChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.crosshairCheckBox.stateChanged, self._updateCrossHairLocker], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message] ] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _updateCrossHairLocker(self, status): self.parameters.crosshairlocker = bool(status) self._mainwidget.updateinfowidgets(self.parameters) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides intensity message """ x, y, intensity = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity()[:3] if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy(x, y) xunits, yunits = self._mainwidget.axesunits() if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray) and \ intensity.size <= 3: itn = [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity] if len(itn) >= 3: if txdata is not None: message = "x = %f%s, y = %f%s, " \ "%s = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)" % ( txdata, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", tydata, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, itn[0], itn[1], itn[2]) else: message = "x = %i%s, y = %i%s, " \ "%s = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)" % ( x, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", y, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, itn[0], itn[1], itn[2]) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message) else: if txdata is not None: message = "x = %f%s, y = %f%s, %s = %.2f" % ( txdata, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", tydata, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, intensity ) else: message = "x = %i%s, y = %i%s, %s = %.2f" % ( x, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", y, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message)
[docs] def afterplot(self): """ command after plot """ if self.__settings.sendresults: self.__sendresults()
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "crosshair_locker" in cnf.keys(): crosshairlocker = cnf["crosshair_locker"] self.__ui.crosshairCheckBox.setChecked(crosshairlocker) pars = ["position", "scale", "xtext", "ytext", "xunits", "yunits"] if any(par in cnf.keys() for par in pars): self._mainwidget.updateTicks(cnf)
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["crosshair_locker"] = self.__ui.crosshairCheckBox.isChecked() xpos, ypos, xsc, ysc = self._mainwidget.scale() cnf["xunits"], cnf["yunits"] = self._mainwidget.axesunits() cnf["xtext"], cnf["ytext"] = self._mainwidget.axestext() cnf["position"] = [xpos, ypos] cnf["scale"] = [xsc, ysc] return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
def __sendresults(self): """ send results to LavueController """ x, y, intensity = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity()[:3] if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 scaling = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() sx, sy = self._mainwidget.scaledxy(x, y) xunits, yunits = self._mainwidget.axesunits() results = {"tool": self.alias} if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray): intensity = [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else float(it) for it in intensity] results["intensity"] = intensity else: results["intensity"] = float(intensity) results["imagename"] = self._mainwidget.imageName() results["timestamp"] = time.time() results["pixel"] = [float(x), float(y)] results["scaled_coordiantes"] = [float(sx), float(sy)] results["coordiantes_units"] = [xunits, yunits] results["intensity_scaling"] = scaling self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "ToolResults", json.dumps(results, cls=numpyEncoder))
[docs]class MotorsToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ motors tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "MoveMotors" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "movemotors" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = ("TANGO",) def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:obj:`str`) x-motor name self.__xmotorname = "" #: (:obj:`str`) y-motor name self.__ymotorname = "" #: (:obj:`str`) x final position self.__xfinal = None #: (:obj:`str`) y final position self.__yfinal = None #: (:obj:`str`) state of x-motor self.__statex = None #: (:obj:`str`) state of y-motor self.__statey = None #: (:class:`tango.DeviceProxy`) x-motor device self.__xmotordevice = None #: (:class:`tango.DeviceProxy`) y-motor device self.__ymotordevice = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.motorWatchThread.motorWatchThread`) motor watcher self.__motorWatcher = None #: (:obj:`bool`) is moving self.__moving = False #: (:obj:`bool`) is tracking self.__tracking = False #: (:class:`Ui_MotorsToolWidget') #: ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _motorsformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.hide() self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.hide() #: (:obj:`bool`) position lines enabled self.parameters.scale = True self.parameters.marklines = True self.parameters.trackinglines = False self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = \ "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer" #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.axesPushButton.clicked, self._mainwidget.setTicks], [self.__ui.takePushButton.clicked, self._setMotors], [self.__ui.movePushButton.clicked, self._moveStopMotors], [self.__ui.trackPushButton.clicked, self._trackStopMotors], [self._mainwidget.mouseImageDoubleClicked, self._updateFinal], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message], [self.__ui.xLineEdit.textEdited, self._getFinal], [self.__ui.xLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.yLineEdit.textEdited, self._getFinal], [self.__ui.yLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], ] # @debugmethod
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) pars = ["position", "scale", "xtext", "ytext", "xunits", "yunits"] if any(par in cnf.keys() for par in pars): self._mainwidget.updateTicks(cnf) if "motors" in cnf.keys(): try: motorname = cnf["motors"][0] motordevice = tango.DeviceProxy(motorname) for attr in ["state", "position"]: if not hasattr(motordevice, attr): raise Exception("Missing %s" % attr) self.__xmotorname = motorname self.__xmotordevice = motordevice except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) try: motorname = cnf["motors"][1] motordevice = tango.DeviceProxy(motorname) for attr in ["state", "position"]: if not hasattr(motordevice, attr): raise Exception("Missing %s" % attr) self.__ymotorname = motorname self.__ymotordevice = motordevice except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if "x_position" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__ui.xLineEdit.setText(str(cnf["x_position"])) except Exception: pass if "y_position" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__ui.yLineEdit.setText(str(cnf["y_position"])) except Exception: pass if "track" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["track"]: if str(self.__ui.trackePushButton.text()) == "Track": self._trackStopMotors() if "untrack" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["untrack"]: if str(self.__ui.trackePushButton.text()) == "Untrack": self._trackStopMotors() if "move" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["move"]: if str(self.__ui.movePushButton.text()) == "Move": self._moveStopMotors() if "stop" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["stop"]: if str(self.__ui.movePushButton.text()) == "Stop": self._moveStopMotors()
# @debugmethod
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} xpos, ypos, xsc, ysc = self._mainwidget.scale() cnf["xunits"], cnf["yunits"] = self._mainwidget.axesunits() cnf["xtext"], cnf["ytext"] = self._mainwidget.axestext() cnf["position"] = [xpos, ypos] cnf["scale"] = [xsc, ysc] try: cnf["x_position"] = float(self.__ui.xLineEdit.text()) except Exception: cnf["x_position"] = self.__ui.xLineEdit.text() try: cnf["y_position"] = float(self.__ui.yLineEdit.text()) except Exception: cnf["y_position"] = self.__ui.yLineEdit.text() cnf["motors"] = [self.__xmotorname, self.__ymotorname] if str(self.__ui.movePushButton.text()) == "Move": cnf["motor_state"] = "ON" else: cnf["motor_state"] = "MOVING" if self.__tracking: cnf["tracking"] = True else: cnf["tracking"] = False return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ if self.__xfinal is not None and self.__yfinal is not None: self._mainwidget.updatePositionMark( self.__xfinal, self.__yfinal, True)
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(float, float) def _updateFinal(self, xdata, ydata): """ updates the final motors position :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` """ if not self.__moving: x, y = self._mainwidget.scaledxy(float(xdata), float(ydata)) if x is not None: self.__xfinal = x self.__yfinal = y else: self.__xfinal = float(xdata) self.__yfinal = float(ydata) self.__ui.xLineEdit.setText(str(self.__xfinal)) self.__ui.yLineEdit.setText(str(self.__yfinal)) self.__ui.movePushButton.setToolTip( "Move to x- and y-motors to (%s, %s)" % (self.__xfinal, self.__yfinal)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _moveStopMotors(self): """ move or stop motors depending on movePushButton """ if str(self.__ui.movePushButton.text()) == "Move": self.__moveMotors() else: self.__stopMotors() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _trackStopMotors(self): """ move or stop motors depending on movePushButton """ if str(self.__ui.trackPushButton.text()) == "Track": self.__trackMotors() else: self.__hideMotors() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _finished(self): """ stop motors """ self.__stopMotors() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() def __stopMotors(self): """ move motors :returns: motors stopped :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ try: if hasattr(self.__xmotordevice, "stop"): self.__xmotordevice.stop() elif hasattr(self.__xmotordevice, "StopMove"): self.__xmotordevice.StopMove() else: return False if hasattr(self.__ymotordevice, "stop"): self.__ymotordevice.stop() elif hasattr(self.__ymotordevice, "StopMove"): self.__ymotordevice.StopMove() else: return False except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if self.__motorWatcher: self.__motorWatcher.motorStatusSignal.disconnect(self._showMotors) self.__motorWatcher.watchingFinished.disconnect(self._finished) self.__motorWatcher.stop() self.__motorWatcher.wait() self.__motorWatcher = None if not self.__tracking: self.parameters.trackinglines = False self._mainwidget.updateinfowidgets(self.parameters) self._mainwidget.updateinfowidgets(self.parameters) self._mainwidget.setDoubleClickLock(False) self.__ui.movePushButton.setText("Move") self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.hide() self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.hide() self.__moving = False self.__ui.xLineEdit.setReadOnly(False) self.__ui.yLineEdit.setReadOnly(False) self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") if self.__tracking: self.__trackMotors() return True def __hideMotors(self, changestatus=True): """ move motors :returns: motors stopped :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.__motorWatcher: self.__motorWatcher.motorStatusSignal.disconnect(self._showMotors) # self.__motorWatcher.watchingFinished.disconnect(self._hide) self.__motorWatcher.stop() self.__motorWatcher.wait() self.__motorWatcher = None self.parameters.trackinglines = False self._mainwidget.updateinfowidgets(self.parameters) # self._mainwidget.setDoubleClickLock(False) self.__ui.trackPushButton.setText("Track") self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.hide() self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.hide() if changestatus: self.__tracking = False # self.__ui.xLineEdit.setReadOnly(False) # self.__ui.yLineEdit.setReadOnly(False) self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") return True @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _getFinal(self): """ update final positions """ try: self.__xfinal = float(self.__ui.xLineEdit.text()) except Exception: self.__ui.xLineEdit.setFocus() return False try: self.__yfinal = float(self.__ui.yLineEdit.text()) except Exception: self.__ui.yLineEdit.setFocus() return False self._mainwidget.updatePositionMark( self.__xfinal, self.__yfinal, True) def __moveMotors(self): """ move motors :returns: motors started :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ self._getFinal() if self.__xmotordevice is None or self.__ymotordevice is None: if not self._setMotors(): return False if str(self.__xmotordevice.state) != "ON" \ and str(self.__ymotordevice.state) != "ON": try: self.__xmotordevice.position = self.__xfinal self.__ymotordevice.position = self.__yfinal except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return False else: return False # print("%s %s" % (self.__xfinal, self.__yfinal)) if self.__tracking: self.__hideMotors(False) self.parameters.trackinglines = True self._mainwidget.updateinfowidgets(self.parameters) self.__motorWatcher = motorWatchThread.MotorWatchThread( self.__xmotordevice, self.__ymotordevice) self.__motorWatcher.motorStatusSignal.connect(self._showMotors) self.__motorWatcher.watchingFinished.connect(self._finished) self.__motorWatcher.start() self._mainwidget.setDoubleClickLock(True) self.__ui.movePushButton.setText("Stop") self.__ui.takePushButton.hide() self.__ui.axesPushButton.hide() self.__ui.trackPushButton.hide() self.__ui.xLineEdit.setReadOnly(True) self.__ui.yLineEdit.setReadOnly(True) self.__moving = True self.__statex = None self.__statey = None return True def __trackMotors(self): """ track motors :returns: motors tracked :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.__xmotordevice is None or self.__ymotordevice is None: if not self._setMotors(): return False try: self.parameters.trackinglines = True self._mainwidget.updateinfowidgets(self.parameters) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) return False # print("%s %s" % (self.__xfinal, self.__yfinal)) self.__motorWatcher = motorWatchThread.MotorWatchThread( self.__xmotordevice, self.__ymotordevice) self.__motorWatcher.motorStatusSignal.connect(self._showMotors) # self.__motorWatcher.watchingFinished.connect(self._hide) self.__motorWatcher.start() self.__ui.trackPushButton.setText("Untrack") self.__ui.takePushButton.hide() self.__ui.axesPushButton.hide() # self.__ui.trackPushButton.hide() # self.__ui.xLineEdit.setReadOnly(True) # self.__ui.yLineEdit.setReadOnly(True) self.__tracking = True return True @QtCore.pyqtSlot(float, str, float, str) def _showMotors(self, positionx, statex, positiony, statey): """ shows motors positions and states """ # print("%s %s %s %s" % (positionx, statex, positiony, statey)) self._mainwidget.updatePositionTrackingMark( positionx, positiony, True) self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setText(str(positionx)) self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setText(str(positiony)) if self.__statex != statex: self.__statex = statex if statex == "MOVING": self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #ADD8E6;") else: self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") if self.__statey != statey: self.__statey = statey if statey == "MOVING": self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #ADD8E6;") else: self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setMotors(self): """ launches motors widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ motors = self._mainwidget.getElementNames("MotorList") cnfdlg = takeMotorsDialog.TakeMotorsDialog() if motors is not None: cnfdlg.motortips = motors cnfdlg.xmotorname = self.__xmotorname cnfdlg.ymotorname = self.__ymotorname cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__xmotorname = cnfdlg.xmotorname self.__ymotorname = cnfdlg.ymotorname self.__xmotordevice = cnfdlg.xmotordevice self.__ymotordevice = cnfdlg.ymotordevice self.__ui.takePushButton.setToolTip( "x-motor: %s\ny-motor: %s" % ( self.__xmotorname, self.__ymotorname)) self.__ui.xLabel.setToolTip( "x-motor position (%s)" % self.__xmotorname) self.__ui.xLineEdit.setToolTip( "final x-motor position (%s)" % self.__xmotorname) self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setToolTip( "current x-motor position (%s)" % self.__xmotorname) self.__ui.yLabel.setToolTip( "y-motor position (%s)" % self.__ymotorname) self.__ui.yLineEdit.setToolTip( "final y-motor position (%s)" % self.__ymotorname) self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setToolTip( "current y-motor position (%s)" % self.__ymotorname) return True self._mainwidget.emitTCC() return False @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides intensity message """ x, y, intensity = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity()[:3] if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy(x, y) xunits, yunits = self._mainwidget.axesunits() if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray) and \ intensity.size <= 3: itn = [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity] if len(itn) >= 3: if txdata is not None: message = "x = %f%s, y = %f%s, " \ "%s = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)" % ( txdata, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", tydata, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, itn[0], itn[1], itn[2]) else: message = "x = %i%s, y = %i%s, " \ "%s = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)" % ( x, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", y, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, itn[0], itn[1], itn[2]) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message) else: if txdata is not None: message = "x = %f%s, y = %f%s, %s = %.2f" % ( txdata, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", tydata, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, intensity ) else: message = "x = %i%s, y = %i%s, %s = %.2f" % ( x, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", y, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message)
class WD(Enum): """ Enum with Parameter Widget positions """ label = 0 read = 1 write = 2 button = 3
[docs]class ParametersToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ motors tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "Parameters" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "parameters" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = ("TANGO",) #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`type` or :obj:`types.MethodType` >) \ #: map of type : converting function convert = {"float16": float, "float32": float, "float64": float, "float": float, "int64": long, "int32": int, "int16": int, "int8": int, "int": int, "uint64": long, "uint32": long, "uint16": int, "uint8": int, "uint": int, "string": str, "str": str, "bool": Converters.toBool} def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() # #: (:obj:`list` <str, str, str>) # detector parameters (label, devicename, type) self.__detparams = [] #: (:obj:`list` <:class:`tango.DeviceProxy`>) attribute proxies self.__aproxies = [] #: (:obj:`list` <:list:`any`>) attribute values self.__avalues = [] #: (:class:`lavuelib.motorWatchThread.attributeWatchThread`) # attribute watcher self.__attrWatcher = None #: (:obj:`bool`) is watching self.__watching = False #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`list` <:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject`> >) # widgets self.__widgets = [] #: (:class:`Ui_ParametersToolWidget') #: ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _parametersformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = \ "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer" #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.setupPushButton.clicked, self._setParameters], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message], ] #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QSignalMapper`) apply mapper self.__applymapper = QtCore.QSignalMapper(self) self.__applymapper.mapped.connect(self._applypars)
[docs] @debugmethod def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "tango_det_attrs" in cnf.keys(): record = cnf["tango_det_attrs"] if self.__settings.tangodetattrs != \ str(json.dumps(record, cls=numpyEncoder)): self.__settings.tangodetattrs = \ str(json.dumps(record, cls=numpyEncoder)) self.__updateParams()
[docs] @debugmethod def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} try: cnf["tango_det_attrs"] = json.loads(self.__settings.tangodetattrs) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
def _applypars(self, wid): """ apply the parameter with the given widget id :param wid: widget id :type wid: :obj:`int` """ txt = str(self.__widgets[wid][WD.write.value].text() or "") tp = self.__detparams[wid][2] frm = self.__detparams[wid][4] ap = self.__aproxies[wid] if frm == "SPECTRUM": try: vl = json.loads(txt) except Exception as e: try: vl = txt.split() if tp and tp in self.convert.keys(): vl = [self.convert[tp](v) for v in vl] except Exception as e2: logger.warning(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e2)) vl = txt elif frm == "IMAGE": try: vl = json.loads(txt) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) vl = txt else: try: if tp and tp in self.convert.keys(): vl = self.convert[tp](txt) else: vl = txt except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) vl = txt try: ap.write(vl) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e))
[docs] @debugmethod def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ record = json.loads(str(self.__settings.tangodetattrs or "{}").strip()) if not isinstance(record, dict): record = {} self.deactivate() for lb in sorted(record.keys()): try: dv = record[lb] ap = tango.AttributeProxy(dv) unit = "" frm = "" try: cap = ap.get_config() unit = cap.unit or "" vl = tp = type(vl).__name__ if tp == "ndarray": tp = str(vl.dtype) frm = str(cap.data_format) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) vl = None tp = "" except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) dv = None if dv is not None: self.__aproxies.append(ap) self.__detparams.append([lb, dv, tp, unit, frm]) self.__avalues.append(vl) self.__updateWidgets() self.__attrWatcher = motorWatchThread.AttributeWatchThread( self.__aproxies, self.__settings.toolpollinginterval) self.__attrWatcher.attrValuesSignal.connect(self._showValues) self.__attrWatcher.start() while not self.__attrWatcher.isWatching(): QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() time.sleep(0.1)
def __updateWidgets(self): """ add widgets """ layout = self.__ui.parGridLayout while len(self.__detparams) > len(self.__widgets): self.__widgets.append( [ QtWidgets.QLabel(parent=self._mainwidget), QtWidgets.QLineEdit(parent=self._mainwidget), QtWidgets.QLineEdit(parent=self._mainwidget), QtWidgets.QPushButton("Apply", parent=self._mainwidget), ] ) last = len(self.__widgets) self.__widgets[-1][].setReadOnly(True) self.__widgets[-1][].setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") self.__widgets[-1][].setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.__widgets[-1][WD.write.value].setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) for i, w in enumerate(self.__widgets[-1]): layout.addWidget(w, last, i) self.__widgets[-1][WD.button.value].clicked.connect( self.__applymapper.setMapping( self.__widgets[-1][WD.button.value], last - 1) # self.__widgets[-1][].setMaximumWidth(200) while len(self.__detparams) < len(self.__widgets): wds = self.__widgets.pop() self.__applymapper.removeMappings(wds[WD.button.value]) for w in wds: w.hide() layout.removeWidget(w) for i, pars in enumerate(self.__detparams): self.__widgets[i][WD.label.value].setText("%s:" % pars[0]) self.__widgets[i][WD.label.value].setToolTip("%s" % pars[1]) self.__widgets[i][WD.write.value].setText("") self.__widgets[i][WD.write.value].setToolTip("%s" % pars[1]) self.__widgets[i][WD.write.button.value].setToolTip( "Write the new value of %s" % pars[0]) if self.__avalues[i] is None: vl = "" else: vl = str(self.__avalues[i]) if pars[3]: vl = "%s %s" % (vl, pars[3]) self.__widgets[i][].setToolTip(vl) self.__widgets[i][].setText(vl)
[docs] @debugmethod def deactivate(self): """ activates tool widget """ if self.__attrWatcher: self.__attrWatcher.attrValuesSignal.disconnect(self._showValues) # self.__attrWatcher.watchingFinished.disconnect(self._finished) logger.debug("STOPING %s" % str(self.__attrWatcher)) self.__attrWatcher.stop() logger.debug("WAITING for %s" % str(self.__attrWatcher)) self.__attrWatcher.wait() logger.debug("REMOVING for %s" % str(self.__attrWatcher)) self.__attrWatcher = None self.__aproxies = [] self.__detparams = [] self.__avalues = []
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _showValues(self, values): """ show values """ vls = json.loads(values) for i, pars in enumerate(self.__widgets): if i < len(vls): vl = str(vls[i]) if self.__detparams[i][3]: vl = "%s %s" % (vl, self.__detparams[i][3]) self.__widgets[i][].setText(vl) self.__widgets[i][].setToolTip(vl) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setParameters(self): """ launches parameters widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ record = json.loads(str(self.__settings.tangodetattrs or "{}").strip()) if not isinstance(record, dict): record = {} dform = edDictDialog.EdDictDialog(self) dform.record = record dform.title = "Tango Detector Attributes" dform.createGUI() dform.exec_() if dform.dirty: for key in list(record.keys()): if not str(key).strip(): record.pop(key) if self.__settings.tangodetattrs != \ str(json.dumps(record, cls=numpyEncoder)): self.__settings.tangodetattrs = \ str(json.dumps(record, cls=numpyEncoder)) self.__updateParams() def __updateParams(self): """ update parameters """ self.deactivate() self.activate() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides intensity message """ _, _, intensity, x, y = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity() if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray): intensity = np.nansum( [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity]) ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy(x, y) xunits, yunits = self._mainwidget.axesunits() if txdata is not None: message = "x = %f%s, y = %f%s, %s = %.2f" % ( txdata, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", tydata, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, intensity ) else: message = "x = %f%s, y = %f%s, %s = %.2f" % ( x, (" %s" % xunits) if xunits else "", y, (" %s" % yunits) if yunits else "", ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message)
[docs]class MeshToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ mesh tool widget """ #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) roi info Changed signal roiInfoChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "MeshScan" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "meshscan" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = ("TANGO",) def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:obj:`str`) x-motor name self.__xmotorname = "" #: (:obj:`str`) y-motor name self.__ymotorname = "" #: (:obj:`str`) state of x-motor self.__statex = None #: (:obj:`str`) state of y-motor self.__statey = None #: (:class:`tango.DeviceProxy`) x-motor device self.__xmotordevice = None #: (:class:`tango.DeviceProxy`) y-motor device self.__ymotordevice = None #: (:class:`tango.DeviceProxy`) door server self.__door = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.motorWatchThread.motorWatchThread`) motor watcher self.__motorWatcher = None #: (:obj:`bool`) is moving self.__moving = False #: (:obj:`int`) number of x intervals self.__xintervals = 2 #: (:obj:`int`) number of y intervals self.__yintervals = 3 #: (:obj:`float`) integration time in seconds self.__itime = 0.1 #: (:class:`Ui_MeshToolWidget') #: ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _meshformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) self.__showLabels() self.parameters.scale = True self.parameters.rois = False self.parameters.mesh = True self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infolabel = "[x1, y1, x2, y2]: " self.parameters.infotips = \ "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer" #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.axesPushButton.clicked, self._mainwidget.setTicks], [self.__ui.takePushButton.clicked, self._setMotors], [self.__ui.intervalsPushButton.clicked, self._setIntervals], [self.__ui.scanPushButton.clicked, self._scanStopMotors], [self.roiInfoChanged, self._mainwidget.updateDisplayedText], [self._mainwidget.roiValueChanged, self.updateROIDisplayText], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message] ] # @debugmethod
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) pars = ["position", "scale", "xtext", "ytext", "xunits", "yunits"] if any(par in cnf.keys() for par in pars): self._mainwidget.updateTicks(cnf) if "motors" in cnf.keys(): try: motorname = cnf["motors"][0] motordevice = tango.DeviceProxy(motorname) for attr in ["state", "position"]: if not hasattr(motordevice, attr): raise Exception("Missing %s" % attr) self.__xmotorname = motorname self.__xmotordevice = motordevice except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) try: motorname = cnf["motors"][1] motordevice = tango.DeviceProxy(motorname) for attr in ["state", "position"]: if not hasattr(motordevice, attr): raise Exception("Missing %s" % attr) self.__ymotorname = motorname self.__ymotordevice = motordevice except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) pars = ["x_intervals", "y_intervals", "interval_time"] if any(par in cnf.keys() for par in pars): if "x_intervals" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__xintervals = int(cnf["x_intervals"]) except Exception: pass if "y_intervals" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__yintervals = int(cnf["y_intervals"]) except Exception: pass if "interval_time" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__itime = float(cnf["interval_time"]) except Exception: pass self._updateIntervals() if "scan" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["scan"]: if str(self.__ui.scanPushButton.text()) == "Scan": self._scanStopMotors() if "stop" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["stop"]: if str(self.__ui.scanPushButton.text()) == "Stop": self._scanStopMotors()
# @debugmethod
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} xpos, ypos, xsc, ysc = self._mainwidget.scale() cnf["xunits"], cnf["yunits"] = self._mainwidget.axesunits() cnf["xtext"], cnf["ytext"] = self._mainwidget.axestext() cnf["position"] = [xpos, ypos] cnf["scale"] = [xsc, ysc] cnf["x_intervals"] = self.__xintervals cnf["y_intervals"] = self.__yintervals cnf["interval_time"] = self.__itime cnf["motors"] = [self.__xmotorname, self.__ymotorname] if str(self.__ui.scanPushButton.text()) == "Scan": cnf["motor_state"] = "ON" else: cnf["motor_state"] = "MOVING" return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ self._mainwidget.changeMeshRegion()
# self._mainwidget.updateROIs(1)
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ deactivates tool widget """ self._mainwidget.meshCoordsChanged.emit()
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, int, str) def updateROIDisplayText(self, text, currentroi, roiVal): """ updates ROI display text :param text: standard display text :type text: :obj:`str` :param currentroi: current roi label :type currentroi: :obj:`str` :param text: roi sum value :type text: :obj:`str` """ if "/" in roiVal: sroiv = " / ".split(roiVal) roiVal = sroiv[currentroi] if len(sroiv) > currentroi else "" roilabel = "roi [%s]" % (currentroi + 1) self.roiInfoChanged.emit("%s, %s = %s" % (text, roilabel, roiVal))
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _scanStopMotors(self): """ starts or stops scan """ if str(self.__ui.scanPushButton.text()) == "Scan": self.__startScan() else: self.__stopScan() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _finished(self): """ stops mesh scan without stopping the macro """ self.__stopScan(stopmacro=False) self._mainwidget.emitTCC() def __stopScan(self, stopmacro=True): """ stops mesh scan :param stopmacro: call stopmacro :type stopmacro: :obj:`bool` :returns: motors stopped :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if stopmacro: try: self.__door.StopMacro() except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if self.__motorWatcher: self.__motorWatcher.motorStatusSignal.disconnect(self._showMotors) self.__motorWatcher.watchingFinished.disconnect(self._finished) self.__motorWatcher.stop() self.__motorWatcher.wait() self.__motorWatcher = None self.__showLabels() self.__moving = False self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") self._mainwidget.showDoorError() return True def __showLabels(self): """ shows GUI labels """ self.__ui.scanPushButton.setText("Scan") self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.hide() self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.hide() self.__ui.xLabel.setText("X: %s" % (self.__xintervals)) self.__ui.yLabel.setText("Y: %s" % (self.__yintervals)) self.__ui.timeLabel.setText("dT: %ss" % str(self.__itime)) def __hideLabels(self): """ hides GUI labels """ self.__ui.scanPushButton.setText("Stop") self.__ui.takePushButton.hide() self.__ui.axesPushButton.hide() self.__ui.intervalsPushButton.hide() self.__ui.xLabel.setText("X: %s" % (self.__xintervals)) self.__ui.yLabel.setText("Y: %s" % (self.__yintervals)) self.__ui.timeLabel.setText("dT: %ss" % str(self.__itime)) def __startScan(self): """ start scan :returns: motors started :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ coords = self._mainwidget.meshCoords() if 0 < len(coords): curcoords = coords[0] else: return False if self.__xmotordevice is None or self.__ymotordevice is None: if not self._setMotors(): return False macrocommand = [] macrocommand.append("mesh") macrocommand.append(str(self.__xmotorname)) macrocommand.append(str(float(curcoords[0]))) macrocommand.append(str(float(curcoords[2]))) macrocommand.append(str(self.__xintervals)) macrocommand.append(str(self.__ymotorname)) macrocommand.append(str(float(curcoords[1]))) macrocommand.append(str(float(curcoords[3]))) macrocommand.append(str(self.__yintervals)) macrocommand.append(str(self.__itime)) macrocommand.append("True") self.__door = self._mainwidget.getDoor() if self.__door is None: logger.error( "MeshToolWidget.__startScan: Cannot access Door device") return False if not self._mainwidget.runMacro(macrocommand): logger.error( "MeshToolWidget.__startScan: Cannot in running %s" % macrocommand) return False self.__motorWatcher = motorWatchThread.MotorWatchThread( self.__xmotordevice, self.__ymotordevice, self.__door) self.__motorWatcher.motorStatusSignal.connect(self._showMotors) self.__motorWatcher.watchingFinished.connect(self._finished) self.__motorWatcher.start() self.__hideLabels() self.__moving = True self.__statex = None self.__statey = None return True @QtCore.pyqtSlot(float, str, float, str) def _showMotors(self, positionx, statex, positiony, statey): """ shows motors positions and states """ # print("%s %s %s %s" % (positionx, statex, positiony, statey)) self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setText(str(positionx)) self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setText(str(positiony)) if self.__statex != statex: self.__statex = statex if statex == "MOVING": self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #ADD8E6;") else: self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") if self.__statey != statey: self.__statey = statey if statey == "MOVING": self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #ADD8E6;") else: self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setStyleSheet( "color: black; background-color: #90EE90;") @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setMotors(self): """ launches motors widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ motors = self._mainwidget.getElementNames("MotorList") cnfdlg = takeMotorsDialog.TakeMotorsDialog() if motors is not None: cnfdlg.motortips = motors cnfdlg.title = "Motor aliases" cnfdlg.xmotorname = self.__xmotorname cnfdlg.ymotorname = self.__ymotorname cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__xmotorname = cnfdlg.xmotorname self.__ymotorname = cnfdlg.ymotorname self.__xmotordevice = cnfdlg.xmotordevice self.__ymotordevice = cnfdlg.ymotordevice self.__ui.takePushButton.setToolTip( "x-motor: %s\ny-motor: %s" % ( self.__xmotorname, self.__ymotorname)) self.__ui.xLabel.setToolTip( "x-motor interval number (%s)" % self.__xmotorname) self.__ui.xcurLineEdit.setToolTip( "current x-motor position (%s)" % self.__xmotorname) self.__ui.yLabel.setToolTip( "y-motor interval number (%s)" % self.__ymotorname) self.__ui.ycurLineEdit.setToolTip( "current y-motor position (%s)" % self.__ymotorname) self.__showLabels() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() return True return False @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setIntervals(self): """ launches motors widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ cnfdlg = intervalsDialog.IntervalsDialog() cnfdlg.xintervals = self.__xintervals cnfdlg.yintervals = self.__yintervals cnfdlg.itime = self.__itime cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__xintervals = cnfdlg.xintervals self.__yintervals = cnfdlg.yintervals self.__itime = cnfdlg.itime self._updateIntervals() return True return False def _updateIntervals(self): """ update interval informations """ self.__ui.intervalsPushButton.setToolTip( "x-intervals:%s\ny-intervals:%s\nintegration time:%s" % ( self.__xintervals, self.__yintervals, self.__itime)) self.__showLabels() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides mesh message """ message = "" coords = self._mainwidget.meshCoords() if 0 < len(coords): message = "%s" % coords[0] self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message)
[docs]class ROIToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ roi tool widget """ #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) apply ROI pressed signal applyROIPressed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, int) #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) fetch ROI pressed signal fetchROIPressed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) roi info Changed signal roiInfoChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "ROI" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "roi" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = () def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:class:`Ui_ROIToolWidget') ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _roiformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:obj:`list`< :obj:`str`>) sardana aliases self.__aliases = [] #: (:obj:`int`) ROI label length self.__textlength = 0 self.parameters.rois = True self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infolabel = "[x1, y1, x2, y2], sum: " self.parameters.infotips = \ "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer" #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() self._updateApplyButton() #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.clicked, self._emitApplyROIPressed], [self.__ui.fetchROIPushButton.clicked, self._emitFetchROIPressed], [self.applyROIPressed, self._mainwidget.applyROIs], [self.fetchROIPressed, self._mainwidget.fetchROIs], [self.roiInfoChanged, self._mainwidget.updateDisplayedText], [self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.textChanged, self._updateApplyButton], [self.__ui.roiSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.updateROIs], [self.__ui.roiSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.roiSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.writeDetectorROIsAttribute], [self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.textEdited, self._writeDetectorROIs], [self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.textEdited, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.roiLineEditChanged, self._updateApplyButton], [self._mainwidget.roiAliasesChanged, self.updateROILineEdit], [self._mainwidget.roiValueChanged, self.updateROIDisplayText], [self._mainwidget.roiNumberChanged, self.setROIsNumber], # [self._mainwidget.sardanaEnabled, self.updateROIButton], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message], ] # @debugmethod
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "aliases" in cnf.keys(): aliases = cnf["aliases"] if isinstance(aliases, list): aliases = " ".join(aliases) self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.setText(aliases) self._mainwidget.roilabels = str( self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) self._mainwidget.writeDetectorROIsAttribute() if "rois_number" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__ui.roiSpinBox.setValue(int(cnf["rois_number"])) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if "rois_coords" in cnf.keys(): self._mainwidget.updateROIs( len(cnf["rois_coords"]), cnf["rois_coords"]) if "apply" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["apply"]: self._emitApplyROIPressed() if "fetch" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["fetch"]: self._emitFetchROIPressed()
# @debugmethod
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["aliases"] = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()).split(" ") cnf["rois_number"] = self.__ui.roiSpinBox.value() cnf["rois_coords"] = self._mainwidget.roiCoords() return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ self._mainwidget.changeROIRegion() self.setROIsNumber(len(self._mainwidget.roiCoords())) self.__aliases = self._mainwidget.getElementNames("ExpChannelList") self.updateROILineEdit(self._mainwidget.roilabels) self.__updateCompleter()
# self.updateROIButton( # self.__settings.sardana or bool(self.__settings.analysisdevice)) def __updateCompleter(self): """ updates the labelROI help """ text = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) sttext = text.strip() sptext = sttext.split() stext = "" if text.endswith(" "): stext = sttext elif len(sptext) > 1: stext = " ".join(sptext[:-1]) if stext: if self.__aliases: hints = ["%s %s" % (stext, al) for al in self.__aliases] else: hints = [stext] else: hints = self.__aliases or [] completer = QtWidgets.QCompleter(hints, self) self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.setCompleter(completer)
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ deactivates tool widget """ self._mainwidget.roiCoordsChanged.emit()
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _writeDetectorROIs(self): """ writes Detector rois and updates roi labels """ self._mainwidget.roilabels = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) self._mainwidget.writeDetectorROIsAttribute() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides roi message """ message = "" current = self._mainwidget.currentROI() coords = self._mainwidget.roiCoords() if current > -1 and current < len(coords): message = "%s" % coords[current] self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _emitApplyROIPressed(self): """ emits applyROIPressed signal""" text = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()).strip() if self.__settings.singlerois: slabel = re.split(';|,| |\n', str(text)) slabel = [lb for lb in slabel if lb] lsl = len(slabel) while lsl < len(self._mainwidget.roiCoords()): lsl += 1 slabel.append("roi%s" % lsl) self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.setText(" ".join(slabel)) self._updateApplyButton() text = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()).strip() if not text: self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.setText("rois") self._updateApplyButton() text = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()).strip() roispin = int(self.__ui.roiSpinBox.value()) self.applyROIPressed.emit(text, roispin) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _emitFetchROIPressed(self): """ emits fetchROIPressed signal""" text = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) self.fetchROIPressed.emit(text) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateApplyButton(self): """ updates applied button""" stext = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) self._mainwidget.roilabels = stext currentlength = len(stext) # if not stext.strip(): # self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setEnabled(False) self.__updateCompleter() # else: # # self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setEnabled(True) if stext.endswith(" ") or currentlength < self.__textlength: self.__updateCompleter() self.__textlength = currentlength
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def updateROILineEdit(self, text): """ updates ROI line edit text :param text: text to update :type text: :obj:`str` """ if not self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.hasFocus(): self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.setText(text) self._updateApplyButton()
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def updateROIButton(self, enabled): """ enables/disables ROI buttons :param enable: buttons enabled :type enable: :obj:`bool` """
# self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setEnabled(enabled) # self.__ui.fetchROIPushButton.setEnabled(enabled)
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def updateApplyTips(self, rid): """ updates apply tips :param rid: current roi id :type rid: :obj:`int` """ if rid < 0: self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setToolTip( "remove ROI aliases from the Door environment" " as well as from Active MntGrp") else: self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setToolTip( "add ROI aliases to the Door environment " "as well as to Active MntGrp")
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, int, str) def updateROIDisplayText(self, text, currentroi, roiVal): """ updates ROI display text :param text: standard display text :type text: :obj:`str` :param currentroi: current roi label :type currentroi: :obj:`str` :param text: roi sum value :type text: :obj:`str` """ roilabel = "roi [%s]" % (currentroi + 1) slabel = [] rlabel = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) if rlabel: slabel = re.split(';|,| |\n', rlabel) slabel = [lb for lb in slabel if lb] if slabel: roilabel = "%s [%s]" % ( slabel[currentroi] if currentroi < len(slabel) else slabel[-1], (currentroi + 1) ) if "/" in roiVal: self.roiInfoChanged.emit( "%s, %s; values = %s" % (text, roilabel, roiVal)) else: self.roiInfoChanged.emit("%s, %s = %s" % (text, roilabel, roiVal))
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def setROIsNumber(self, rid): """sets a number of rois :param rid: number of rois :type rid: :obj:`int` """ self.__ui.roiSpinBox.setValue(rid)
[docs]class LineCutToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ line-cut tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "LineCut" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "linecut" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = () def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:class:`Ui_LineCutToolWidget') ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _cutformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) self.parameters.cuts = True self.parameters.bottomplot = True self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = \ "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer" #: (:obj:`int`) 1d x-coorindate index, #: i.e. {0:Points, 1:"X-Pixels", 2:"Y-Pixels"} self.__xindex = 0 #: (:obj:`bool`) plot cuts self.__allcuts = False #: (:obj:`list`<:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`>) 1D plot freezed self.__freezed = [] #: (:obj:`list`<:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`>) 1D plot self.__curves = [] #: (:obj:`int`) current plot number self.__nrplots = 0 #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.cutSpinBox.valueChanged, self._updateCuts], [self.__ui.cutSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.cutNumberChanged, self._setCutsNumber], [self._mainwidget.cutCoordsChanged, self._plotCuts], [self.__ui.xcoordsComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setXCoords], [self.__ui.xcoordsComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message], [self.__ui.allcutsCheckBox.stateChanged, self._updateAllCuts], [self.__ui.allcutsCheckBox.stateChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.freezeBottomPlotClicked, self._freezeplot], [self._mainwidget.clearBottomPlotClicked, self._clearplot], ]
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "cuts_number" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__ui.cutSpinBox.setValue(int(cnf["cuts_number"])) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if "all_cuts" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.allcutsCheckBox.setChecked(bool(cnf["all_cuts"])) if "x_coordinates" in cnf.keys(): idxs = ["points", "x-pixels", "y-pixels"] xcrd = str(cnf["x_coordinates"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception: idx = 0 self.__ui.xcoordsComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx)
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["x_coordinates"] = str( self.__ui.xcoordsComboBox.currentText()).lower() cnf["all_cuts"] = self.__ui.allcutsCheckBox.isChecked() cnf["cuts_number"] = self.__ui.cutSpinBox.value() return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _freezeplot(self): """ freeze plot """ self._clearplot() nrplots = self.__nrplots while nrplots > len(self.__freezed): cr = self._mainwidget.onedbottomplot() cr.setPen(_pg.mkColor(0.5)) self.__freezed.append(cr) for i in range(nrplots): dt = self.__curves[i].xData, self.__curves[i].yData self.__freezed[i].setData(*dt) self.__freezed[i].show() self.__freezed[i].setVisible(True) for i in range(nrplots, len(self.__freezed)): self.__freezed[i].hide() self.__freezed[i].setVisible(True) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _clearplot(self): """ clear plot """ for cr in self.__freezed: cr.setVisible(False) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _updateCuts(self, cid): """ update Cuts :param cid: cut id :type cid: :obj:`int` """ if self.__allcuts: self.__allcuts = True else: self.__allcuts = False self._mainwidget.updateCuts(cid)
[docs] def afterplot(self): """ command after plot """ self._plotCuts()
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ if not self.__curves: self.__curves.append(self._mainwidget.onedbottomplot(True)) self.__nrplots = 1 for curve in self.__curves: curve.setVisible(True) self._updateAllCuts(self.__allcuts) self._plotCuts() self._mainwidget.bottomplotShowMenu(True, True)
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ activates tool widget """ self._mainwidget.bottomplotShowMenu() for curve in self.__curves: curve.hide() curve.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removebottomplot(curve) self.__curves = [] for freezed in self.__freezed: freezed.hide() freezed.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removebottomplot(freezed) self.__freezed = []
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _updateAllCuts(self, value): """ updates X row status :param value: if True or not 0 x-cooridnates taken from the first row :param value: :obj:`int` or :obj:`bool` """ self.__allcuts = value self._updateCuts(self.__ui.cutSpinBox.value()) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setXCoords(self, xindex): """ sets x-coodinates for 1d plot :param xindex: 1d x-coorindate index, :type xindex: :obj:`int` """ self.__xindex = xindex self._plotCuts() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _plotCuts(self): """ plots the current 1d Cut """ if self.__allcuts: self._plotAllCuts() else: self._plotCut() def _plotAllCuts(self): """ plot all 1d Cuts """ if self._mainwidget.currentTool() == if self.__settings.sendresults: xl = [] yl = [] nrplots = self.__ui.cutSpinBox.value() if self.__nrplots != nrplots: while nrplots > len(self.__curves): self.__curves.append(self._mainwidget.onedbottomplot()) for i in range(nrplots): self.__curves[i].show() for i in range(nrplots, len(self.__curves)): self.__curves[i].hide() self.__nrplots = nrplots if nrplots: for i, cr in enumerate(self.__curves): if i < nrplots: cr.setPen(_pg.hsvColor(i/float(nrplots))) coords = self._mainwidget.cutCoords() rws = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowScale() for i in range(nrplots): dt = self._mainwidget.cutData(i) if dt is not None: if self.__settings.nanmask: if dt.dtype.kind == 'f' and np.isnan(dt.min()): dt = np.nan_to_num(dt) if self.__xindex: if i < len(coords): crds = coords[i] else: crds = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0.00001] if self.__xindex == 2: dx = np.linspace(crds[1], crds[3], len(dt)) else: dx = np.linspace(crds[0], crds[2], len(dt)) self.__curves[i].setData(x=dx, y=dt) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append([float(e) for e in dx]) yl.append([float(e) for e in dt]) else: if rws > 1.0: dx = np.linspace(0, len(dt - 1) * rws, len(dt)) self.__curves[i].setData(x=dx, y=dt) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append([float(e) for e in dx]) yl.append([float(e) for e in dt]) else: self.__curves[i].setData(y=dt) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append(list(range(len(dt)))) yl.append([float(e) for e in dt]) self.__curves[i].setVisible(True) else: self.__curves[i].setVisible(False) if self.__settings.sendresults: self.__sendresults(xl, yl) def _plotCut(self): """ plot the current 1d Cut """ if self.__nrplots > 1: for i in range(1, len(self.__curves)): self.__curves[i].setVisible(False) self.__curves[i].hide() self.__nrplots = 1 if self._mainwidget.currentTool() == if self.__settings.sendresults: xl = [] yl = [] dt = self._mainwidget.cutData() self.__curves[0].setPen(_pg.mkColor('r')) if dt is not None: if self.__settings.nanmask: if dt.dtype.kind == 'f' and np.isnan(dt.min()): dt = np.nan_to_num(dt) if self.__xindex: crds = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0.00001] if self._mainwidget.currentCut() > -1: crds = self._mainwidget.cutCoords()[ self._mainwidget.currentCut()] if self.__xindex == 2: dx = np.linspace(crds[1], crds[3], len(dt)) else: dx = np.linspace(crds[0], crds[2], len(dt)) self.__curves[0].setData(x=dx, y=dt) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append([float(e) for e in dx]) yl.append([float(e) for e in dt]) else: rws = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowScale() if rws > 1.0: dx = np.linspace(0, len(dt - 1) * rws, len(dt)) self.__curves[0].setData(x=dx, y=dt) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append([float(e) for e in dx]) yl.append([float(e) for e in dt]) else: self.__curves[0].setData(y=dt) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append(list(range(len(dt)))) yl.append([float(e) for e in dt]) self.__curves[0].setVisible(True) else: self.__curves[0].setVisible(False) if self.__settings.sendresults: self.__sendresults(xl, yl) def __sendresults(self, xl, yl): """ send results to LavueController :param xl: list of x's for each diffractogram :type xl: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>> :param yl: list of values for each diffractogram :type yl: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>> """ results = {"tool": self.alias} npl = len(xl) results["imagename"] = self._mainwidget.imageName() results["timestamp"] = time.time() results["nrlinecuts"] = len(xl) for i in range(npl): results["linecut_%s" % (i + 1)] = [xl[i], yl[i]] results["unit"] = ["point", "x-pixel", "y-pixel"][self.__xindex] self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "ToolResults", json.dumps(results, cls=numpyEncoder)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setCutsNumber(self, cid): """sets a number of cuts :param cid: number of cuts :type cid: :obj:`int` """ self.__ui.cutSpinBox.setValue(cid) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides cut message """ _, _, intensity, x, y = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity() if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() if self._mainwidget.currentCut() > -1: crds = self._mainwidget.cutCoords()[ self._mainwidget.currentCut()] crds = "[[%.2f, %.2f], [%.2f, %.2f], width=%.2f]" % tuple(crds) else: crds = "[[0, 0], [0, 0], width=0]" if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray) and \ intensity.size <= 3: itn = [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else float(it) for it in intensity] if len(itn) >= 3: message = "%s, x = %.2f, y = %.2f, " \ "%s = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)" % ( crds, x, y, ilabel, itn[0], itn[1], itn[2]) else: message = "%s, x = %.2f, y = %.2f, %s = %.2f" % ( crds, x, y, ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message)
[docs]class ProjectionToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ Projections tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "Projections" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "projections" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = () def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:class:`Ui_ProjectionToolWidget') #: ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _projectionformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`) 1D bottom plot self.__bottomplot = None #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`) 1D bottom plot self.__rightplot = None #: (:obj:`int`) function index self.__funindex = 0 #: (:obj:`slice`) selected rows self.__rows = None #: (:obj:`slice`) selected columns self.__columns = None #: (:obj:`slice`) selected rows self.__dsrows = None #: (:obj:`slice`) selected columns self.__dscolumns = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() self.parameters.bottomplot = True self.parameters.rightplot = True self.parameters.vhbounds = True self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = \ "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer" #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.funComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setFunction], [self.__ui.funComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.textChanged, self._updateRows], [self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.textChanged, self._updateColumns], [self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.scalesChanged, self._updateRows], [self._mainwidget.scalesChanged, self._updateColumns], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message] ] # @debugmethod
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "mapping" in cnf.keys(): idxs = ["mean", "sum"] xcrd = str(cnf["mapping"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception: idx = 0 self.__ui.funComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx) if "rows" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.setText(cnf["rows"]) if "columns" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.setText(cnf["columns"])
# @debugmethod
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["mapping"] = str( self.__ui.funComboBox.currentText()).lower() cnf["rows"] = self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.text() cnf["columns"] = self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.text() return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
def __updateslice(self, text, dx=None, ds=None): """ create slices from the text """ rows = "ERROR" dsrows = "ERROR" if text: try: if ":" in text: slices = text.split(":") s0 = int(slices[0]) if slices[0].strip() else 0 s1 = int(slices[1]) if slices[1].strip() else None if len(slices) > 2: s2 = int(slices[2]) if slices[2].strip() else None rows = slice(s0, s1, s2) if dx is not None: dsrows = slice((s0-dx)/ds, (s1-dx)/ds, s2/ds) else: dsrows = rows else: rows = slice(s0, s1) if dx is not None: dsrows = slice((s0-dx)/ds, (s1-dx)/ds) else: dsrows = rows else: rows = int(text) if dx is not None: dsrows = int((rows - dx)/ds) else: dsrows = rows except Exception: pass else: rows = None dsrows = None return rows, dsrows @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateSlices(self): """ updates applied button""" rtext = str(self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.text()).strip() ctext = str(self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.text()).strip() rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) self.__rows, self.__dsrows = self.__updateslice( rtext, int(dy), int(ds2)) self.__columns, self.__dscolumns = self.__updateslice( ctext, int(dx), int(ds1)) else: self.__rows, self.__dsrows = self.__updateslice(rtext) self.__columns, self.__dscolumns = self.__updateslice(ctext) if self.__rows is None: self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(None, None) elif isinstance(self.__rows, int): self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(self.__rows, self.__rows + 1) elif isinstance(self.__rows, slice): self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(self.__rows.start, self.__rows.stop) if self.__columns is None: self._mainwidget.updateVBounds(None, None) elif isinstance(self.__columns, int): self._mainwidget.updateVBounds(self.__columns, self.__columns + 1) elif isinstance(self.__columns, slice): self._mainwidget.updateVBounds( self.__columns.start, self.__columns.stop) self._plotCurves() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateRows(self): """ updates applied button""" rtext = str(self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.text()).strip() rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) self.__rows, self.__dsrows = self.__updateslice( rtext, int(dy), int(ds2)) else: self.__rows, self.__dsrows = self.__updateslice(rtext) if self.__rows is None: self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(None, None) elif isinstance(self.__rows, int): self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(self.__rows, self.__rows + 1) elif isinstance(self.__rows, slice): self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(self.__rows.start, self.__rows.stop) self._plotCurves() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateColumns(self): """ updates applied button""" text = str(self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.text()).strip() rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) if rwe: self.__columns, self.__dscolumns = self.__updateslice( text, int(dx), int(ds1)) else: self.__columns, self.__dscolumns = self.__updateslice(text) if self.__columns is None: self._mainwidget.updateVBounds(None, None) elif isinstance(self.__columns, int): self._mainwidget.updateVBounds(self.__columns, self.__columns + 1) elif isinstance(self.__columns, slice): self._mainwidget.updateVBounds( self.__columns.start, self.__columns.stop) self._plotCurves() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setFunction(self, findex): """ set sum or mean function :param findex: function index, i.e. 0:mean, 1:sum :type findex: :obj:`int` """ self.__funindex = findex self._plotCurves()
[docs] def afterplot(self): """ command after plot """ self._plotCurves()
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ if self.__bottomplot is None: self.__bottomplot = self._mainwidget.onedbarbottomplot() if self.__rightplot is None: self.__rightplot = self._mainwidget.onedbarrightplot() self.__bottomplot.setVisible(True) self.__rightplot.setVisible(True) self._updateSlices() self._plotCurves()
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ activates tool widget """ if self.__bottomplot is not None: self.__bottomplot.hide() self.__bottomplot.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removebottomplot(self.__bottomplot) self.__bottomplot = None if self.__rightplot is not None: self.__rightplot.hide() self.__rightplot.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removerightplot(self.__rightplot) self.__rightplot = None
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _plotCurves(self): """ plots the current image in 1d plots """ if self._mainwidget.currentTool() == dts = self._mainwidget.rawData() if dts is not None: while dts.ndim > 2: dts = np.nanmean(dts, axis=2) if dts is not None: if self.__funindex: npfun = np.nansum else: npfun = np.nanmean if self.__dsrows == "ERROR": sx = [] elif self.__dsrows is not None: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r'Mean of empty slice') if isinstance(self.__dsrows, slice): sx = npfun(dts[:, self.__dsrows], axis=1) else: sx = dts[:, self.__dsrows] except Exception: sx = [] else: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r'Mean of empty slice') sx = npfun(dts, axis=1) except Exception: sx = [] if self.__dscolumns == "ERROR": sy = [] if self.__dscolumns is not None: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r'Mean of empty slice') if isinstance(self.__dscolumns, slice): sy = npfun(dts[self.__dscolumns, :], axis=0) else: sy = dts[self.__dscolumns, :] except Exception: sy = [] else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r'Mean of empty slice') sy = npfun(dts, axis=0) rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: x, y, s1, s2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) if self._mainwidget.transformations()[3]: x, y = y, x s1, s2 = s2, s1 xx = list( range(int(x), len(sx) * int(s1) + int(x), int(s1))) yy = list( range(int(y), len(sy) * int(s2) + int(y), int(s2))) else: s1 = 1.0 s2 = 1.0 xx = list(range(len(sx))) yy = list(range(len(sy))) width = [s1] * len(sx) height = [s2] * len(sy) self.__bottomplot.setOpts( y0=[0]*len(sx), y1=sx, x=xx, width=width) self.__bottomplot.drawPicture() self.__rightplot.setOpts( x0=[0]*len(sy), x1=sy, y=yy, height=height) self.__rightplot.drawPicture() if self.__settings.sendresults: xslice = self.__dsrows yslice = self.__dscolumns if hasattr(xslice, "start"): xslice = [xslice.start, xslice.stop, xslice.step] if hasattr(yslice, "start"): yslice = [yslice.start, yslice.stop, yslice.step] self.__sendresults( xx, [float(e) for e in sx], s1, xslice, yy, [float(e) for e in sy], s2, yslice, "sum" if self.__funindex else "mean" ) def __sendresults(self, xx, sx, xscale, xslice, yy, sy, yscale, yslice, fun): """ send results to LavueController :param xx: x's coordinates :type xx: :obj:`list` <float> :param sx: projection to x coordinate :type sx: :obj:`list` <float> :param xscale: x scale :type xscale: :obj:`float` :param xslice: x slice :type xslice: :obj:`list` <float> :param yy: y's coordinates :type yy: :obj:`list` <float> :param sy: projection to y coordinate :type sy: :obj:`list` <float> :param yscale: y scale :type yscale: :obj:`float` :param yslice: y slice :type yslice: :obj:`list` <float> :param fun: projection function name :type fun: :obj:`str` """ results = {"tool": self.alias} results["imagename"] = self._mainwidget.imageName() results["timestamp"] = time.time() results["xx"] = xx results["sx"] = sx results["xscale"] = xscale results["xslice"] = xslice results["yy"] = yy results["sy"] = sy results["yscale"] = yscale results["yslice"] = yslice results["function"] = fun self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "ToolResults", json.dumps(results, cls=numpyEncoder)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides intensity message """ x, y, intensity = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity()[:3] if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray): intensity = np.nansum( [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity]) ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() message = "x = %i, y = %i, %s = %.2f" % ( x, y, ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message)
[docs]class OneDToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ 1d plot tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "1d-Plot" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "1d-plot" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = () def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:class:`Ui_OneDToolWidget') ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _onedformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:obj:`list`<:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`>) 1D plot self.__curves = [] #: (:obj:`int`) current plot number self.__nrplots = 0 #: ((:obj:`list`<:obj:`int`>) selected rows self.__rows = [0] #: ((:obj:`list`<:obj:`int`>) selected rows self.__dsrows = [0] #: ((:obj:`list`<:obj:`str`>) legend labels self.__labels = [] #: ((:obj:`bool`) x in first row self.__xinfirstrow = False #: ((:obj:`bool`) accumalate status self.__accumulate = False #: ((:obj:`int`) buffer size self.__buffersize = 1024 #: ((:class:`ndarray`) buffer self.__buffer = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() self.__ui.rowsLineEdit.setText("0") self.parameters.bottomplot = True self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = \ "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer" #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.rowsLineEdit.textChanged, self._updateRows], [self.__ui.rowsLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.scalesChanged, self._updateRows], [self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.textChanged, self._setBufferSize], [self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.xCheckBox.stateChanged, self._updateXRow], [self.__ui.xCheckBox.stateChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.accuPushButton.clicked, self._startStopAccu], [self.__ui.resetPushButton.clicked, self._resetAccu], [self.__ui.labelsPushButton.clicked, self._setLabels], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message] ]
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "rows_to_plot" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.rowsLineEdit.setText(cnf["rows_to_plot"]) if "buffer_size" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.setText(str(cnf["buffer_size"])) if "collect" in cnf.keys(): self._startStopAccu() if "xrow" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.xCheckBox.setChecked(bool(cnf["xrow"])) if "reset" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["reset"]: self._resetAccu() if "labels" in cnf.keys(): self.__labels = cnf["labels"] self.deactivate() self.activate() if "1d_stretch" in cnf.keys(): try: val = int(cnf["1d_stretch"]) self._mainwidget.bottomplotStretch(val) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e))
# print(str(e))
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["rows_to_plot"] = self.__ui.rowsLineEdit.text() try: cnf["buffer_size"] = int(self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.text()) except Exception: cnf["buffer_size"] = self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.text() cnf["collect"] = self.__accumulate cnf["xrow"] = self.__ui.xCheckBox.isChecked() cnf["labels"] = self.__labels return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
[docs] def afterplot(self): """ command after plot """ self._plotCurves()
[docs] def beforeplot(self, array, rawarray): """ command before plot :param array: 2d image array :type array: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param rawarray: 2d raw image array :type rawarray: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: 2d image array and raw image :rtype: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`) """ if self.__accumulate: dts = rawarray while dts.ndim > 2: dts = np.nanmean(dts, axis=2) newrow = np.sum(dts[:, self.__dsrows], axis=1) if self.__buffer is not None and \ self.__buffer.shape[1] == newrow.shape[0]: if self.__buffer.shape[0] >= self.__buffersize: self.__buffer = np.vstack( [self.__buffer[ self.__buffer.shape[0] - self.__buffersize + 1:, :], newrow] ) else: self.__buffer = np.vstack([self.__buffer, newrow]) else: self.__buffer = np.array([newrow]) return np.transpose(self.__buffer), rawarray
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.setText(str(self.__buffersize)) self._updateRows() self._mainwidget.onedshowlegend(True)
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ activates tool widget """ for cr in self.__curves: cr.hide() cr.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removebottomplot(cr) self.__curves = [] self.__nrplots = 0 self._mainwidget.onedshowlegend(False)
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setLabels(self): """ launches label widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ dform = edListDialog.EdListDialog(self) dform.record = list(self.__labels or []) dform.title = "Tango Detector Attributes" dform.createGUI() dform.exec_() if dform.dirty: self.__labels = dform.record self.deactivate() self.activate() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _resetAccu(self): """ reset accumulation buffer """ self.__buffer = None self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _startStopAccu(self): """ start/stop accumulation buffer """ if not self.__accumulate: self.__accumulate = True self.__ui.accuPushButton.setText("Stop") else: self.__accumulate = False self.__ui.accuPushButton.setText("Collect") self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setBufferSize(self): """ start/stop accumulation buffer """ try: self.__buffersize = int(self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.text()) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) self.__buffersize = 1024 @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _updateXRow(self, value): """ updates X row status :param value: if True or not 0 x-cooridnates taken from the first row :param value: :obj:`int` or :obj:`bool` """ self.__xinfirstrow = True if value else False self._updateRows() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateRows(self): """ updates applied button""" text = str(self.__ui.rowsLineEdit.text()).strip() rows = [] dsrows = [] rwe = None if text: if text == "ALL": rows = [None] else: try: rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) if self._mainwidget.transformations()[3]: dx, dy = dy, dx ds1, ds2 = ds2, ds1 stext = [rw for rw in re.split(",| ", text) if rw] for rw in stext: if ":" in rw: slices = rw.split(":") s0 = int(slices[0]) if slices[0].strip() else 0 s1 = int(slices[1]) if slices[1].strip() else 0 if len(slices) > 2: s2 = int(slices[2]) if slices[2].strip() else 1 rows.extend(list(range(s0, s1, s2))) if rwe: dsrows.extend( list(range(int((s0-dy)/ds2), int((s1-dy)/ds2), int(s2/ds2)))) else: rows.extend(list(range(s0, s1))) if rwe: dsrows.extend( list(range(int((s0-dy)/ds2), int((s1-dy)/ds2)))) else: rows.append(int(rw)) if rwe: dsrows.append(int((int(rw)-dy)/ds2)) except Exception: rows = [] self.__rows = rows if not rwe: self.__dsrows = rows else: self.__dsrows = dsrows self._plotCurves() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _plotCurves(self): """ plots the current image in 1d plots """ if self._mainwidget.currentTool() == reset = False if self.__settings.sendresults: xl = [] yl = [] dts = self._mainwidget.rawData() if dts is not None: while dts.ndim > 2: dts = np.nanmean(dts, axis=2) if dts is not None: dtnrpts = dts.shape[1] if self.__dsrows: if self.__dsrows[0] is None: if self.__xinfirstrow: nrplots = dtnrpts - 1 else: nrplots = dtnrpts else: nrplots = len(self.__dsrows) else: nrplots = 0 if self.__nrplots != nrplots: while nrplots > len(self.__curves): ii = len(self.__curves) lb = str(ii + 1) if self.__labels and len(self.__labels) > ii: if self.__labels[ii] is not None: lb = self.__labels[ii] else: lb = str(ii + 1) self.__curves.append( self._mainwidget.onedbottomplot(name=lb)) for i in range(nrplots): self.__curves[i].show() for i in range(nrplots, len(self.__curves)): self.__curves[i].hide() if nrplots < self.__nrplots: reset = True self.__nrplots = nrplots if nrplots: for i, cr in enumerate(self.__curves): if i < nrplots: cr.setPen(_pg.hsvColor(i/float(nrplots))) rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) if self._mainwidget.transformations()[3]: dx, dy = dy, dx ds1, ds2 = ds2, ds1 for i in range(nrplots): if self.__dsrows: if self.__dsrows[0] is None: if self.__xinfirstrow and i: self.__curves[i].setData( x=dts[:, 0], y=dts[:, i]) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append([float(e) for e in dts[:, 0]]) yl.append([float(e) for e in dts[:, i]]) elif rwe: y = dts[:, i] x = np.linspace( dx, len(y - 1) * ds1 + dx, len(y)) self.__curves[i].setData(x=x, y=y) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append([float(e) for e in x]) yl.append([float(e) for e in y]) else: self.__curves[i].setData(dts[:, i]) if self.__settings.sendresults: dt = dts[:, i] xl.append(list(range(len(dt)))) yl.append([float(e) for e in dt]) self.__curves[i].setVisible(True) elif (self.__dsrows[i] >= 0 and self.__dsrows[i] < dtnrpts): if self.__xinfirstrow: self.__curves[i].setData( x=dts[:, 0], y=dts[:, self.__dsrows[i]]) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append([float(e) for e in dts[:, 0]]) yl.append([float(e) for e in dts[:, self.__dsrows[i]]]) elif rwe: y = dts[:, self.__dsrows[i]] x = np.linspace( dx, len(y - 1) * ds1 + dx, len(y)) self.__curves[i].setData(x=x, y=y) if self.__settings.sendresults: xl.append([float(e) for e in x]) yl.append([float(e) for e in y]) else: self.__curves[i].setData( dts[:, self.__dsrows[i]]) if self.__settings.sendresults: dt = dts[:, self.__dsrows[i]] xl.append(list(range(len(dt)))) yl.append([float(e) for e in dt]) self.__curves[i].setVisible(True) else: self.__curves[i].setVisible(False) else: self.__curves[i].setVisible(False) if self.__settings.sendresults: self.__sendresults(xl, yl) else: for cr in self.__curves: cr.setVisible(False) if reset: self.deactivate() self.activate() def __sendresults(self, xl, yl): """ send results to LavueController :param xl: list of x's for each diffractogram :type xl: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>> :param yl: list of values for each diffractogram :type yl: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>> """ results = {"tool": self.alias} npl = len(xl) results["imagename"] = self._mainwidget.imageName() results["timestamp"] = time.time() results["nrplots"] = len(xl) for i in range(npl): results["onedplot_%s" % (i + 1)] = [xl[i], yl[i]] self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "ToolResults", json.dumps(results, cls=numpyEncoder)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides intensity message """ x, y, intensity = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity()[:3] if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray): intensity = np.nansum( [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity]) ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() message = "x = %i, y = %i, %s = %.2f" % ( x, y, ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message)
[docs]class AngleQToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ angle/q tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "Angle/Q" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "angle/q" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = () def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:obj:`int`) geometry space index -> 0: angle, 1 q-space self.__gspaceindex = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) plot index -> 0: Cartesian, 1 polar-th, 2 polar-q self.__plotindex = 0 #: (:class:`Ui_ROIToolWidget') ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _angleqformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:obj:`bool`) old lock value self.__oldlocked = None #: (:class:`numpy.array`) radial array cache self.__lastradial = None #: (:class:`numpy.array`) angle array cache self.__lastangle = None #: (:obj:`float`) energy cache self.__lastenergy = None #: (:obj:`float`) radmax cache self.__lastradmax = None #: (:obj:`float`) plotindex cache self.__lastpindex = None #: (:obj:`float`) detdistance cache self.__lastdistance = None #: (:obj:`float`) center x cache self.__lastcenterx = None #: (:obj:`float`) center y cache self.__lastcentery = None #: (:obj:`float`) pixelsizeycache self.__lastpsizex = None #: (:obj:`float`) pixelsizey cache self.__lastpsizey = None #: (:class:`numpy.array`) x array cache self.__lastx = None #: (:class:`numpy.array`) y array cache self.__lasty = None #: (:obj:`float`) maxdim cache self.__lastmaxdim = None #: (:obj:`float`) start position of radial q coordinate self.__radqstart = None #: (:obj:`float`) end position of radial q coordinate self.__radqend = None #: (:obj:`int`) grid size of radial q coordinate self.__radqsize = None #: (:obj:`float`) start position of radial theta coordinate self.__radthstart = None #: (:obj:`float`) end position of radial theta coordinate self.__radthend = None #: (:obj:`int`) grid size of radial theta coordinate self.__radthsize = None #: (:obj:`float`) start position of polar angle self.__polstart = None #: (:obj:`float`) end position of polar angle self.__polend = None #: (:obj:`int`) grid size of polar angle self.__polsize = None #: (:obj:`float`) range changed flag self.__rangechanged = True # self.parameters.lines = True #: (:obj:`str`) infolineedit text self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = "" self.parameters.centerlines = True self.parameters.toolscale = False # self.parameters.rightplot = True #: (`lavuelib.imageDisplayWidget.AxesParameters`) axes backup self.__axes = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() #: (:obj:`float`) radial coordinate factor self.__radmax = 1. #: (:obj:`float`) polar coordinate factor self.__polmax = 1. #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.angleqPushButton.clicked, self._setGeometry], [self.__ui.rangePushButton.clicked, self._setPolarRange], [self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setGSpaceIndex], [self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.plotComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setPlotIndex], [self.__ui.plotComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.mouseImageDoubleClicked, self._updateCenter], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self.updateGeometryTip], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message] ] # @debugmethod
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "geometry" in cnf.keys(): try: self._updateGeometry(cnf["geometry"]) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) if "plot_type" in cnf.keys(): idxs = ["pixels", "polar-th", "polar-q"] xcrd = str(cnf["plot_type"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception: idx = 0 self.__ui.plotComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx) if "units" in cnf.keys(): idxs = ["angles", "q-space"] xcrd = str(cnf["units"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception: idx = 0 self.__ui.angleqComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx) if "plot_range" in cnf.keys(): try: self._updatePolarRange(cnf["plot_range"]) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e))
# @debugmethod
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["plot_type"] = str( self.__ui.plotComboBox.currentText()).lower() cnf["units"] = str( self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentText()).lower() cnf["plot_range"] = [ [self.__polstart, self.__polend, self.__polsize], [self.__radthstart, self.__radthend, self.__radthsize], [self.__radqstart, self.__radqend, self.__radqsize] ] cnf["geometry"] = { "centerx": self.__settings.centerx, "centery": self.__settings.centery, "energy":, "pixelsizex": self.__settings.pixelsizex, "pixelsizey": self.__settings.pixelsizey, "detdistance": self.__settings.detdistance, } return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
# @debugmethod
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ self.__oldlocked = None self.updateGeometryTip() self.updateRangeTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery)
# @debugmethod
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ deactivates tool widget """ self._setPlotIndex(0)
# @debugmethod
[docs] def beforeplot(self, array, rawarray): """ command before plot :param array: 2d image array :type array: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param rawarray: 2d raw image array :type rawarray: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: 2d image array and raw image :rtype: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`) """ if self.__plotindex != 0: if self._mainwidget.transformations()[0]: tdata = self.__plotPolarImage(np.transpose(array)) else: tdata = self.__plotPolarImage(array) return tdata, tdata
def __havexychanged(self, radial, angle): """ if xy changed :param radial: radial coordinate :type radial: :obj:`float` or :class:`numpy.array` :param angle: polar angle coordinate :type angle: :obj:`float` or :class:`numpy.array` :returns: flag if (x, y) have changed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ recalc = False if self.__lastradial is None or self.__lastangle is None or \ self.__lastenergy is None or self.__lastradmax is None or \ self.__lastpindex is None or self.__lastdistance is None or \ self.__lastcenterx is None or self.__lastcentery is None or \ self.__lastpsizex is None or self.__lastpsizey is None or \ self.__lastx is None or self.__lasty is None: recalc = True elif self.__lastenergy != recalc = True elif self.__lastradmax != self.__radmax: recalc = True elif self.__lastpindex != self.__plotindex: recalc = True elif self.__lastdistance != self.__settings.detdistance: recalc = True elif self.__lastcenterx != self.__settings.centerx: recalc = True elif self.__lastcentery != self.__settings.centery: recalc = True elif self.__lastpsizex != self.__settings.pixelsizex: recalc = True elif self.__lastpsizey != self.__settings.pixelsizey: recalc = True elif (isinstance(radial, np.ndarray) and not np.array_equal(self.__lastradial, radial)): recalc = True elif (not isinstance(radial, np.ndarray) and self.__lastradial != radial): recalc = True elif (isinstance(angle, np.ndarray) and not np.array_equal(self.__lastangle, angle)): recalc = True elif not isinstance(angle, np.ndarray) and self.__lastangle != angle: recalc = True return recalc def __intintensity(self, radial, angle): """ intensity interpolation function :param radial: radial coordinate :type radial: :obj:`float` or :class:`numpy.array` :param angle: polar angle coordinate :type angle: :obj:`float` or :class:`numpy.array` :return: interpolated intensity :rtype: :obj:`float` or :class:`numpy.array` """ if self.__rangechanged or self.__havexychanged(radial, angle): if self.__plotindex == 1: rstart = self.__radthstart \ if self.__radthstart is not None else 0 theta = radial * self.__radmax + rstart * math.pi / 180 else: wavelength = 12398.4193 / rstart = self.__radqstart \ if self.__radqstart is not None else 0 theta = 2. * np.arcsin( (radial * self.__radmax + rstart) * wavelength / (4. * math.pi)) if self.__polsize is not None or \ self.__polstart is not None or self.__polend is not None: pstart = self.__polstart if self.__polstart is not None else 0 angle = angle * self.__polmax + pstart fac = 1000. * self.__settings.detdistance * np.tan(theta) self.__lastx = self.__settings.centerx + \ fac * np.sin(angle * math.pi / 180) \ / self.__settings.pixelsizex self.__lasty = self.__settings.centery + \ fac * np.cos(angle * math.pi / 180) \ / self.__settings.pixelsizey self.__lastenergy = self.__lastradmax = self.__radmax self.__lastpindex = self.__plotindex self.__lastdistance = self.__settings.detdistance self.__lastcenterx = self.__settings.centerx self.__lastcentery = self.__settings.centery self.__lastpsizex = self.__settings.pixelsizex self.__lastpsizey = self.__settings.pixelsizey self.__lastradial = radial self.__lastangle = angle self.__rangechanged = False if hasattr(self.__inter, "ev"): return self.__inter.ev(self.__lastx, self.__lasty) else: return self.__inter(np.transpose( [self.__lastx, self.__lasty], axes=[1, 2, 0])) def __calculateRadMax(self, pindex, rdata=None): """ recalculates radmax :param rarray: 2d image array :type rarray: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if rdata is None: rdata = self._mainwidget.currentData() if rdata is not None: if pindex == 1: if self.__lastmaxdim is not None \ and self.__radthsize is not None: maxdim = self.__lastmaxdim else: maxdim = max(rdata.shape[0], rdata.shape[1]) rstart = self.__radthstart \ if self.__radthstart is not None else 0 if self.__radthend is None: _, _, th0 = self.__pixel2theta(0, 0, False) _, _, th1 = self.__pixel2theta(0, rdata.shape[1], False) _, _, th2 = self.__pixel2theta(rdata.shape[0], 0, False) _, _, th3 = self.__pixel2theta( rdata.shape[0], rdata.shape[1], False) try: rmax = max(th0, th1, th2, th3) except TypeError: rmax = None else: rmax = (self.__radthend - rstart) * math.pi / 180. if self.__radthsize is not None: maxdim = self.__radthsize if rmax is None: # self._setGeometry() logger.warning( "Please set the detector geometry to continue") return False self.__radmax = rmax/float(maxdim) elif pindex == 2: if self.__lastmaxdim is not None \ and self.__radqsize is not None: maxdim = self.__lastmaxdim else: maxdim = max(rdata.shape[0], rdata.shape[1]) rstart = self.__radqstart \ if self.__radqstart is not None else 0 if self.__radqend is None: _, _, q0 = self.__pixel2q(0, 0, False) _, _, q1 = self.__pixel2q(0, rdata.shape[1], False) _, _, q2 = self.__pixel2q(rdata.shape[0], 0, False) _, _, q3 = self.__pixel2q( rdata.shape[0], rdata.shape[1], False) try: rmax = max(q0, q1, q2, q3) except TypeError: rmax = None else: rmax = (self.__radqend - rstart) if self.__radqsize is not None: maxdim = self.__radqsize if rmax is None: # self._setGeometry() logger.warning( "Please set the detector geometry to continue") return False self.__radmax = rmax/float(maxdim) if pindex: psize = self.__polsize if self.__polsize is not None else 360 pstart = self.__polstart if self.__polstart is not None else 0 pend = self.__polend if self.__polend is not None else 360 self.__polmax = float(pend - pstart) / psize return True # @debugmethod def __plotPolarImage(self, rdata=None): """ intensity interpolation function :param rarray: 2d image array :type rarray: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: 2d image array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if > 0 and self.__settings.detdistance > 0 and \ self.__settings.pixelsizex > 0 and self.__settings.pixelsizey > 0: if rdata is None: rdata = self._mainwidget.currentData() rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) xx = np.array(range(int(dx), int((rdata.shape[0])*ds1 + dx), int(ds1))) yy = np.array(range(int(dy), int((rdata.shape[1])*ds2 + dy), int(ds2))) else: xx = np.array(range(rdata.shape[0])) yy = np.array(range(rdata.shape[1])) self.__inter = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator( (xx, yy), rdata, fill_value=(0 if self._mainwidget.scaling() != 'log' else -2), bounds_error=False) maxpolar = self.__polsize if self.__polsize is not None else 360 if self.__plotindex == 1: if self.__radthsize is not None: self.__lastmaxdim = self.__radthsize else: self.__lastmaxdim = max(rdata.shape[0], rdata.shape[1]) else: if self.__radqsize is not None: self.__lastmaxdim = self.__radqsize else: self.__lastmaxdim = max(rdata.shape[0], rdata.shape[1]) while not self.__calculateRadMax(self.__plotindex, rdata): pass tdata = np.fromfunction( lambda x, y: self.__intintensity(x, y), (int(self.__lastmaxdim), int(maxpolar)), dtype=float) # else: # self.__inter = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( # xx, yy, rdata) # tdata = np.fromfunction( # lambda x, y: self.__intintensity(x, y), # (int(self.__lastmaxdim), int(maxpolar)), # dtype=float) return tdata # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(float, float) def _updateCenter(self, xdata, ydata): """ updates the image center :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` """ if self.__plotindex == 0: txdata = None if self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled(): txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy( xdata, ydata, useraxes=False) if txdata is not None: xdata = txdata ydata = tydata self.__settings.centerx = float(xdata) self.__settings.centery = float(ydata) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute("BeamCenterX", float(xdata)) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute("BeamCenterY", float(ydata)) self._message() self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides geometry message """ message = "" _, _, intensity, x, y = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity() if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray): intensity = np.nansum( [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity]) if self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled(): txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy( x, y, useraxes=False) if txdata is not None: x = txdata y = tydata ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() if self.__plotindex == 0: if self.__gspaceindex == 0: thetax, thetay, thetatotal = self.__pixel2theta(x, y) if thetax is not None: message = "th_x = %f deg, th_y = %f deg," \ " th_tot = %f deg, %s = %.2f" \ % (thetax * 180 / math.pi, thetay * 180 / math.pi, thetatotal * 180 / math.pi, ilabel, intensity) else: qx, qy, q = self.__pixel2q(x, y) if qx is not None: message = u"q_x = %f 1/\u212B, q_y = %f 1/\u212B, " \ u"q = %f 1/\u212B, %s = %.2f" \ % (qx, qy, q, ilabel, intensity) elif self.__plotindex == 1: rstart = self.__radthstart \ if self.__radthstart is not None else 0 pstart = self.__polstart if self.__polstart is not None else 0 iscaling = self._mainwidget.scaling() if iscaling != "linear" and not ilabel.startswith(iscaling): if ilabel[0] == "(": ilabel = "%s%s" % (iscaling, ilabel) else: ilabel = "%s(%s)" % (iscaling, ilabel) message = u"th_tot = %f deg, polar = %f deg, " \ u" %s = %.2f" % ( x * 180 / math.pi * self.__radmax + rstart, y * self.__polmax + pstart, ilabel, intensity) elif self.__plotindex == 2: iscaling = self._mainwidget.scaling() pstart = self.__polstart if self.__polstart is not None else 0 rstart = self.__radqstart \ if self.__radqstart is not None else 0 if iscaling != "linear" and not ilabel.startswith(iscaling): if ilabel[0] == "(": ilabel = "%s%s" % (iscaling, ilabel) else: ilabel = "%s(%s)" % (iscaling, ilabel) message = u"q = %f 1/\u212B, polar = %f deg, " \ u" %s = %.2f" % ( x * self.__radmax + rstart, y * self.__polmax + pstart, ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message) def __pixel2theta(self, xdata, ydata, xy=True): """ converts coordinates from pixel positions to theta angles :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` :param xy: flag :type xy: :obj:`bool` :returns: x-theta, y-theta, total-theta :rtype: (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) """ thetax = None thetay = None thetatotal = None if > 0 and self.__settings.detdistance > 0: xcentered = xdata - self.__settings.centerx ycentered = ydata - self.__settings.centery if xy: thetax = math.atan( xcentered * self.__settings.pixelsizex / 1000. / self.__settings.detdistance) thetay = math.atan( ycentered * self.__settings.pixelsizey / 1000. / self.__settings.detdistance) r = math.sqrt( (xcentered * self.__settings.pixelsizex / 1000.) ** 2 + (ycentered * self.__settings.pixelsizey / 1000.) ** 2) thetatotal = math.atan( r / self.__settings.detdistance) return thetax, thetay, thetatotal def __pixel2q(self, xdata, ydata, xy=True): """ converts coordinates from pixel positions to q-space coordinates :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` :param xy: flag :type xy: :obj:`bool` :returns: q_x, q_y, q_total :rtype: (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) """ qx = None qy = None q = None if > 0 and self.__settings.detdistance > 0: thetax, thetay, thetatotal = self.__pixel2theta( xdata, ydata, xy) wavelength = 12398.4193 / if xy: qx = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetax/2.) qy = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetay/2.) q = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetatotal/2.) return qx, qy, q def __tipmessage(self): """ provides geometry messate :returns: geometry text :rtype: :obj:`unicode` """ return u"geometry:\n" \ u" center = (%s, %s) pixels\n" \ u" pixel_size = (%s, %s) \u00B5m\n" \ u" detector_distance = %s mm\n" \ u" energy = %s eV" % ( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery, self.__settings.pixelsizex, self.__settings.pixelsizey, self.__settings.detdistance, ) # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setPolarRange(self): """ launches range widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ cnfdlg = rangeDialog.RangeDialog() cnfdlg.polstart = self.__polstart cnfdlg.polend = self.__polend cnfdlg.polsize = self.__polsize cnfdlg.radqstart = self.__radqstart cnfdlg.radqend = self.__radqend cnfdlg.radqsize = self.__radqsize cnfdlg.radthstart = self.__radthstart cnfdlg.radthend = self.__radthend cnfdlg.radthsize = self.__radthsize cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__polstart = cnfdlg.polstart self.__polend = cnfdlg.polend self.__polsize = cnfdlg.polsize self.__radthstart = cnfdlg.radthstart self.__radthend = cnfdlg.radthend self.__radthsize = cnfdlg.radthsize self.__radqstart = cnfdlg.radqstart self.__radqend = cnfdlg.radqend self.__radqsize = cnfdlg.radqsize self.__rangechanged = True self.updateRangeTip() self._setPlotIndex(self.__plotindex) if self.__plotindex: self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage() # @debugmethod def _updatePolarRange(self, plotrange): """ update polar range :returns: (start, end, size) for polar, theta and q coordinates :rtype: :obj:`list`< [:obj:`float` ,:obj:`float` ,:obj:`float`] > """ try: self.__polstart = float(plotrange[0][0]) except Exception: self.__polstart = None try: self.__polend = float(plotrange[0][1]) except Exception: self.__polend = None try: self.__polsize = float(plotrange[0][2]) except Exception: self.__polsize = None try: self.__radthstart = float(plotrange[1][0]) except Exception: self.__radthstart = None try: self.__radthend = float(plotrange[1][1]) except Exception: self.__radthend = None try: self.__radthsize = float(plotrange[1][2]) except Exception: self.__radthsize = None try: self.__radqstart = float(plotrange[2][0]) except Exception: self.__radqstart = None try: self.__radqend = float(plotrange[2][1]) except Exception: self.__radqend = None try: self.__radqsize = float(plotrange[2][2]) except Exception: self.__radqsize = None self.__rangechanged = True self.updateRangeTip() # self._setPlotIndex(self.__plotindex) if self.__plotindex: self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateGeometry(self, geometry): """ update geometry widget :param geometry: geometry dictionary :type geometry: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`list`> """ try: if "centerx" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.centerx = float(geometry["centerx"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterX", float(self.__settings.centerx)) except Exception: pass try: if "centery" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.centery = float(geometry["centery"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterY", float(self.__settings.centery)) except Exception: pass try: if "energy" in geometry.keys(): = float(geometry["energy"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "Energy", float( except Exception: pass try: if "pixelsizex" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.pixelsizex = float(geometry["pixelsizex"]) except Exception: pass try: if "pixelsizey" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.pixelsizey = float(geometry["pixelsizey"]) except Exception: pass try: if "detdistance" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.detdistance = float(geometry["detdistance"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "DetectorDistance", float(self.__settings.detdistance)) except Exception: pass if geometry: self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) if self.__plotindex: self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setGeometry(self): """ launches geometry widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ cnfdlg = geometryDialog.GeometryDialog() cnfdlg.centerx = self.__settings.centerx cnfdlg.centery = self.__settings.centery = cnfdlg.pixelsizex = self.__settings.pixelsizex cnfdlg.pixelsizey = self.__settings.pixelsizey cnfdlg.detdistance = self.__settings.detdistance cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__settings.centerx = cnfdlg.centerx self.__settings.centery = cnfdlg.centery = self.__settings.pixelsizex = cnfdlg.pixelsizex self.__settings.pixelsizey = cnfdlg.pixelsizey self.__settings.detdistance = cnfdlg.detdistance self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterX", float(self.__settings.centerx)) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterY", float(self.__settings.centery)) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "Energy", float( self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "DetectorDistance", float(self.__settings.detdistance)) self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) if self.__plotindex: self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setGSpaceIndex(self, gindex): """ set gspace index :param gspace: g-space index, i.e. angle or q-space :type gspace: :obj:`int` """ self.__gspaceindex = gindex # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setPlotIndex(self, pindex=None): """ set gspace index :param gspace: g-space index, : i.e. 0: Cartesian, 1: polar-th, 2: polar-q :type gspace: :obj:`int` """ if pindex: if not self.__calculateRadMax(pindex): self.__ui.plotComboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) return self.parameters.centerlines = False self.parameters.toolscale = True if pindex == 1: rscale = 180. / math.pi * self.__radmax rstart = self.__radthstart \ if self.__radthstart is not None else 0 else: rscale = self.__radmax rstart = self.__radqstart \ if self.__radqstart is not None else 0 pstart = self.__polstart if self.__polstart is not None else 0 pscale = self.__polmax self._mainwidget.setToolScale([rstart, pstart], [rscale, pscale]) if not self.__plotindex: self.__oldlocked = self._mainwidget.setAspectLocked(False) else: if self.__oldlocked is not None: self._mainwidget.setAspectLocked(self.__oldlocked) self.parameters.centerlines = True self.parameters.toolscale = False if pindex is not None: self.__plotindex = pindex if self.__ui.plotComboBox.currentIndex != pindex: self.__ui.plotComboBox.setCurrentIndex(pindex) self._mainwidget.updateinfowidgets(self.parameters) self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage()
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateGeometryTip(self): """ update geometry tips """ message = self.__tipmessage() self._mainwidget.updateDisplayedTextTip( "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer\n%s" % message) self.__ui.angleqPushButton.setToolTip( "Input physical parameters\n%s" % message) self.__ui.angleqComboBox.setToolTip( "Select the display space\n%s" % message) self.__ui.toolLabel.setToolTip( "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer\n%s" % message)
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateRangeTip(self): """ update geometry tips """ self.__ui.rangePushButton.setToolTip( u"Polar: [%s, %s] deg, size=%s\n" u"th_tot: [%s, %s] deg, size=%s\n" u"q: [%s, %s] 1/\u212B, size=%s" % ( self.__polstart if self.__polstart is not None else "0", self.__polend if self.__polend is not None else "360", self.__polsize if self.__polsize is not None else "max", self.__radthstart if self.__radthstart is not None else "0", self.__radthend if self.__radthend is not None else "thmax", self.__radthsize if self.__radthsize is not None else "max", self.__radqstart if self.__radqstart is not None else "0", self.__radqend if self.__radqend is not None else "qmax", self.__radqsize if self.__radqsize is not None else "max") )
[docs]class DiffractogramToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ diffractogram tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "Diffractogram" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "diffractogram" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = ("PYFAI",) def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:obj:`int`) unit index # -> 0: q_nm^-1, 1: q_A-1, 2: 2th_deg, 3: 2th_rad self.__unitindex = 0 #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) list of units self.__units = ["q_nm^-1", "q_A^-1", "2th_deg", "2th_rad", "r_mm", "r_pixel"] #: (:obj:`int`) plot index # -> 0: Image, <i>: Buffer <i> self.__plotindex = 0 #: (:obj:`bool`) old lock value self.__oldlocked = None #: (:class:`Ui_ROIToolWidget') ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _diffractogramformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:obj:`bool`) old lock value self.__oldlocked = None #: (:obj:`bool`) reset scale flag self.__resetscale = True #: ((:obj:`bool`) show diffractogram status self.__showdiff = False #: (:obj:`list` < [:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`] >) # range positions of radial in current units self.__radrange = [None] #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`float`>) start position of radial in deg self.__radstart = [None] #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`float >) end position of radial in deg self.__radend = [None] #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`float`>) start position of azimuth angle in deg self.__azstart = [None] #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`float`>) end position of azimuth angle in deg self.__azend = [None] #: (:obj:`list` < [:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`] > ) # range positions of azimuth in deg self.__azrange = [None] #: (:obj:`list`<:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`>) 1D plot freezed self.__freezed = [] #: (:obj:`list`<:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`>) 1D plot self.__curves = [] #: (:obj:`int`) current plot number self.__nrplots = 0 #: (:obj:`bool`) progressbar is running self.__progressFlag = False #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtWidgets.QProgressDialog`) progress bar self.__progress = None #: (:obj:`list` <:class:`lavuelib.commandThread.CommandThread`>) \ #: command thread self.__commandthread = None #: ( :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` < (float, float) > > >) # list of region lines self.__regions = [] #: (:obj:`list` < (int, int, int) > ) list with region colors self.__colors = [] #: ( (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int', :obj:`int`)) default pen color self.__defpen = (0, 255, 127) #: (:obj:`bool`) accumalate status self.__accumulate = False #: (:obj:`bool`) show buffer status self.__showbuffer = False #: (:obj:`bool`) use simple find peaks algorithm self.__simplefindpeaks = False #: (:obj:`int`) buffer size self.__buffersize = 1024 #: ([:class:`ndarray`,:class:`ndarray` :class:`ndarray`, # :class:`ndarray`]) y-buffers for diffractogram self.__buffers = [None, None, None, None] #: (:obj:`list` < [:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`] > ) # x-buffers of (position, scale) for diffractogram self.__xbuffers = [None, None, None, None] #: (:obj:`list` < `list` < :obj:`int` > > ) time stamps self.__timestamps = [[], [], [], []] # self.parameters.lines = True #: (:obj:`str`) infolineedit text self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = "" self.parameters.bottomplot = True self.parameters.centerlines = True self.parameters.toolscale = False self.parameters.regions = True # self.parameters.rightplot = True #: (`lavuelib.imageDisplayWidget.AxesParameters`) axes backup self.__axes = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() self.setColors(self.__settings.roiscolors) #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.diffSpinBox.valueChanged, self._updateDiffNumber], [self.__ui.diffSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.rangePushButton.clicked, self._setPolarRange], [self.__ui.showPushButton.clicked, self._showhideDiff], [self.__ui.nextPushButton.clicked, self._nextPlotDiff], [self.__ui.calibrationPushButton.clicked, self._loadCalibration], [self.__ui.unitComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setUnitIndex], [self.__ui.unitComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.mainplotComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setPlotIndex], [self.__ui.mainplotComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.mouseImageDoubleClicked, self._updateCenter], [self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.textChanged, self._setBufferSize], [self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.accuPushButton.clicked, self._startStopAccu], [self.__ui.bufferPushButton.clicked, self._showBuffer], [self.__ui.resetPushButton.clicked, self._resetAccu], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self.updateGeometryTip], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self._updateSetCenter], [self._mainwidget.freezeBottomPlotClicked, self._freezeplot], [self._mainwidget.clearBottomPlotClicked, self._clearplot], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message], [self._mainwidget.colorsChanged, self.setColors] ] # self.__ui.showPushButton.hide() # self.__ui.nextPushButton.hide() self._showBuffer(False) # @debugmethod
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ self.__simplefindpeaks = False"Simple find peaks algorithm is used") if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "calibration" in cnf.keys(): calib = cnf["calibration"] try: self._loadCalibration(calib) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) if "diff_number" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__ui.diffSpinBox.setValue(int(cnf["diff_number"])) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if "diff_ranges" in cnf.keys(): try: self._updatePolarRange(cnf["diff_ranges"]) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) if "diff_units" in cnf.keys(): idxs = ["q [1/nm]", "q [1/A]", "2th [deg]", "2th [rad]", "r [mm]", "r [pixel]"] xcrd = str(cnf["diff_units"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception: idx = 0 self.__ui.unitComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx) if "show_diff" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["show_diff"]: if str(self.__ui.showPushButton.text()) == "Show": self._showhideDiff() else: if str(self.__ui.showPushButton.text()) == "Stop": self._showhideDiff() if "stop_diff" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["stop_diff"]: if str(self.__ui.showPushButton.text()) == "Stop": self._showhideDiff() if "next" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["next"]: if str(self.__ui.nextPushButton.text()) == "Next": self._nextPlotDiff() if "main_plot" in cnf.keys(): idxs = [ "image", "buffer 1", "buffer 2", "buffer 3", "buffer 4"] xcrd = str(cnf["main_plot"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) idx = 0 self.__ui.mainplotComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx) if "buffering" in cnf.keys(): self._showBuffer() if "buffer_size" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.setText(str(cnf["buffer_size"])) if "reset" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["reset"]: self._resetAccu() if "collect" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["collect"] and not self.__accumulate: self._startStopAccu() elif not cnf["collect"] and self.__accumulate: self._startStopAccu()
# @debugmethod
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["calibration"] = self.__settings.calibrationfilename cnf["diff_number"] = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() ranges = [] for nip in range(cnf["diff_number"]): azs = self.__azstart[nip] if len(self.__azstart) > nip else None aze = self.__azend[nip] if len(self.__azend) > nip else None rds = self.__radstart[nip] if len(self.__radstart) > nip else None rde = self.__radend[nip] if len(self.__radend) > nip else None ranges.append([azs, aze, rds, rde]) cnf["diff_ranges"] = ranges units = ["q [1/nm]", "q [1/A]", "2th [deg]", "2th [rad]", "r [mm]", "r [pixel]"] idx = self.__ui.unitComboBox.currentIndex() cnf["diff_units"] = units[idx] try: cnf["buffer_size"] = int(self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.text()) except Exception: cnf["buffer_size"] = self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.text() cnf["buffering"] = self.__showbuffer cnf["collect"] = self.__accumulate cnf["show_diff"] = self.__showdiff cnf["main_plot"] = str( self.__ui.mainplotComboBox.currentText()).lower() return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
# @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setBufferSize(self): """ start/stop accumulation buffer """ try: self.__buffersize = int(self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.text()) self._resetAccu() except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) self.__buffersize = 1024 # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _resetAccu(self): """ reset accumulation buffer """ self.__buffers = [None, None, None, None] self.__xbuffers = [None, None, None, None] self.__timestamps = [[], [], [], []] # np.empty(shape=(int(self.__settings.diffnpt), 0)) # diffdata = None self.__resetscale = True if self.__plotindex != 0: diffdata = np.zeros(shape=(1, 1)) self._mainwidget.updateImage(diffdata, diffdata) self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _startStopAccu(self): """ start/stop accumulation buffer """ if not self.__accumulate: self.__accumulate = True self.__ui.accuPushButton.setText("Stop") else: self.__accumulate = False self.__ui.accuPushButton.setText("Collect") self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _showBuffer(self, status=None): """ show/hide buffer widgets """ if status is not None: self.__showbuffer = not status if not self.__showbuffer: self.__showbuffer = True if QtGui.QIcon.hasThemeIcon("go-up"): icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("go-up") self.__ui.bufferPushButton.setIcon(icon) else: # self.__ui.bufferPushButton.setText(u" \u25B2 Buffering") self.__ui.bufferPushButton.setText(u" \u25B4 Buffering ") else: self.__showbuffer = False if QtGui.QIcon.hasThemeIcon("go-down"): icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("go-down") self.__ui.bufferPushButton.setIcon(icon) else: # self.__ui.bufferPushButton.setText(u" \u25BC Buffering") self.__ui.bufferPushButton.setText(u" \u25BE Buffering ") self.__ui.bufferFrame.hide() self.adjustSize() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def setColors(self, colors=None, force=False): """ sets colors :param colors: json list of roi colors :type colors: :obj:`str` :returns: change status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if colors is not None: colors = json.loads(colors) if not isinstance(colors, list): return False for cl in colors: if not isinstance(cl, list): return False if len(cl) != 3: return False for clit in cl: if not isinstance(clit, int): return False else: colors = self.__colors force = True if self.__colors != colors or force: self.__colors = colors for i, cr in enumerate(self.__curves): clr = tuple(colors[i % len(colors)]) if colors \ else self.__defpen cr.setPen(_pg.mkPen(clr))
# @debugmethod
[docs] def runProgress(self, commands, onclose="_closeReset", text="Updating diffractogram ranges ..."): """ starts progress thread with the given commands :param commands: list of commands :type commands: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param onclose: close command name :type onclose: :obj:`str` :param text: text to display :type text: :obj:`str` """ if self.__progress: return if self.__commandthread: self.__commandthread.setParent(None) self.__commandthread = None self.__commandthread = commandThread.CommandThread( self, commands, self._mainwidget) oncloseaction = getattr(self, onclose) self.__commandthread.finished.connect( oncloseaction, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.__progress = None self.__progress = QtWidgets.QProgressDialog( text, "Cancel", 0, 0, self) self.__progress.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) self.__progress.setCancelButton(None) self.__progress.rejected.connect( self.waitForThread, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.__commandthread.start()
# @debugmethod
[docs] def waitForThread(self): """ waits for running thread """ logger.debug("waiting for Thread") if self.__commandthread: try: self.__commandthread.wait() except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) logger.debug("waiting for Thread ENDED")
# @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _freezeplot(self): """ freeze plot """ self._clearplot() nrplots = self.__nrplots while nrplots > len(self.__freezed): cr = self._mainwidget.onedbottomplot() cr.setPen(_pg.mkColor(0.5)) self.__freezed.append(cr) for i in range(nrplots): dt = self.__curves[i].xData, self.__curves[i].yData self.__freezed[i].setData(*dt) self.__freezed[i].show() self.__freezed[i].setVisible(True) for i in range(nrplots, len(self.__freezed)): self.__freezed[i].hide() self.__freezed[i].setVisible(True) # print(type(cr)) # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _clearplot(self): """ clear freezed plot """ for cr in self.__freezed: cr.setVisible(False) # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _updateDiffNumber(self, did): """ update diffractorgram number :param did: diffractogram id :type did: :obj:`int` """ QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() self.updateRangeTip() self.__updateBufferCombobox(did) # self.__nrplots = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() # self._plotDiff() self.setColors(self.__settings.roiscolors, True) # self.__updateregion() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() while len(self.__regions) > self.__nrplots: self.regions.pop() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() self._updateRegionsAndPlot() # @debugmethod def __updateBufferCombobox(self, did): """ update buffer combobox :param did: diffractogram id :type did: :obj:`int` """ combo = self.__ui.mainplotComboBox # idx = combo.currentIndex() cnt = combo.count() while did >= cnt: if cnt: combo.addItem("Buffer %s" % (cnt)) else: combo.addItem("Image") cnt = combo.count() while did + 1 < cnt: combo.removeItem(cnt - 1) cnt = combo.count() # if idx >= cnt: # changed = True # @debugmethod
[docs] def afterplot(self): """ command after plot """
# @debugmethod
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ self.__oldlocked = None self.__ui.sizeLineEdit.setText(str(self.__buffersize)) self.updateGeometryTip() self.updateRangeTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) self.__updateButtons() if not self.__curves: self.__curves.append(self._mainwidget.onedbottomplot(True)) self.__nrplots = 1 for curve in self.__curves: curve.setVisible(True) self.setColors(self.__settings.roiscolors, True) # if self.__settings.calibrationfilename: # self._loadCalibration( # self.__settings.calibrationfilename) # self.__ui.diffSpinBox.setEnabled(False) with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): aistat = is not None if aistat: self._plotDiff() self._mainwidget.bottomplotShowMenu(True, True) self.__ui.mainplotComboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) self._setPlotIndex(0)
# @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _nextPlotDiff(self): """ plot all diffractograms and update """ self._plotDiffWithBuffering() if self.__plotindex > 0 and \ self.__plotindex <= len(self.__buffers): if self.__buffers[self.__plotindex - 1] is not None: diffdata = np.transpose(self.__buffers[self.__plotindex - 1]) else: diffdata = None diffdata = np.zeros(shape=(1, 1)) self.__resetscale = True # np.empty(shape=(int(self.__settings.diffnpt), 0)) self._mainwidget.updateImage(diffdata, diffdata) self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ deactivates tool widget """ self.waitForThread() self._mainwidget.bottomplotShowMenu() for curve in self.__curves: curve.hide() curve.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removebottomplot(curve) self.__curves = [] for freezed in self.__freezed: freezed.hide() freezed.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removebottomplot(freezed) self.__freezed = []
# @debugmethod def _plotDiffWithBuffering(self): """ plot diffractogram with buffering """ xl, yl, ts = self._plotDiff() # print(yl) if self.__accumulate: for i, yy in enumerate(yl): newrow = np.array(yy) if self.__buffers[i] is not None and \ self.__buffers[i].shape[1] == newrow.shape[0]: if self.__buffers[i].shape[0] >= self.__buffersize: self.__buffers[i] = np.vstack( [self.__buffers[i][ self.__buffers[i].shape[0] - self.__buffersize + 1:, :], newrow] ) if self.__timestamps[i]: self.__timestamps[i].pop(0) else: self.__buffers[i] = np.vstack( [self.__buffers[i], newrow]) self.__timestamps[i].append(ts) else: self.__buffers[i] = np.array([yy]) self.__timestamps[i] = [ts] if self.__xbuffers[i] is None or self.__resetscale: xbuf = np.array(xl[i]) pos = 0.0 sc = 1.0 if len(xbuf) > 0: pos = xbuf[0] if len(xbuf) > 1: sc = (xbuf[-1] - xbuf[0])/(len(xbuf) - 1) self.__xbuffers[i] = [pos, sc] if (self.__ui.mainplotComboBox.currentIndex() - 1 == i): self._mainwidget.setToolScale( [pos, 0], [sc, 1]) # self._mainwidget.setToolScale( # [0, 0], [1, 1]) self.__resetscale = False # @debugmethod
[docs] def beforeplot(self, array, rawarray): """ command before plot :param array: 2d image array :type array: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param rawarray: 2d raw image array :type rawarray: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: 2d image array and raw image :rtype: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`) """ if self.__showdiff: self._plotDiffWithBuffering() if self.__plotindex > 0 and \ self.__plotindex <= len(self.__buffers): if self.__buffers[self.__plotindex - 1] is not None: diffdata = np.transpose(self.__buffers[self.__plotindex - 1]) else: diffdata = None diffdata = np.zeros(shape=(1, 1)) self.__resetscale = True # np.empty(shape=(int(self.__settings.diffnpt), 0)) return (diffdata, diffdata)
# @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(float, float) def _updateCenter(self, xdata, ydata): """ updates the image center :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` """ if self.__plotindex == 0: txdata = None if self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled(): txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy( xdata, ydata, useraxes=False) if txdata is not None: xdata = txdata ydata = tydata self.__settings.centerx = float(xdata) self.__settings.centery = float(ydata) with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): if is not None: aif =["directDist"], self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery, aif["tilt"], aif["tiltPlanRotation"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute("BeamCenterX", float(xdata)) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute("BeamCenterY", float(ydata)) self._message() self.__updateregion() self._plotDiff() self.updateGeometryTip() self._resetAccu() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # self.__resetscale = True # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateSetCenter(self): """ updates the image center """ # return with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): if is not None: aif =["directDist"], self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery, aif["tilt"], aif["tiltPlanRotation"]) self._resetAccu() self.__updateregion() self._plotDiff() # self.__resetscale = True # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _loadCalibration(self, fileName=None): """ load calibration file """ if fileName is None: fileDialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() fileout = fileDialog.getOpenFileName( self._mainwidget, 'Open calibration file', self.__settings.calibrationfilename or '/ramdisk/', "PONI (*.poni);;All files (*)" ) if isinstance(fileout, tuple): fileName = str(fileout[0]) else: fileName = str(fileout) if fileName: try: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): = pyFAI.load(fileName) # = 0 # = math.pi/4 * 0.5 # = math.pi/4 * 0.75 # = math.pi/4. # = math.pi/4. # = math.pi/2. # print(str( self.__settings.calibrationfilename = fileName self.__writedetsettings() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): = None with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): self.__updateButtons( is not None) self.__updateregion() self.updateGeometryTip() self._resetAccu() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() self.__resetscale = True # @debugmethod def __writedetsettings(self): """ write detector settings from ai object """ self.__settings.updateDetectorParameters() self._mainwidget.writeDetectorAttributes() # @debugmethod def __updateButtons(self, status=None): """ update buttons :param status: show button flag :type status: :obj:`bool` """ if status is None: status = is not None self.__ui.showPushButton.setEnabled(status) self.__ui.nextPushButton.setEnabled(status) self.__ui.diffSpinBox.setEnabled(status) # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides geometry message """ message = "" if self.__plotindex == 0: _, _, intensity, x, y = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity() if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray): intensity = np.nansum( [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity]) if self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled(): txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy( x, y, useraxes=False) if txdata is not None: x = txdata y = tydata ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() chi = None with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): if is not None: chi = np.array([y - 0.5]), np.array([x - 0.5])) if len(chi): chi = chi[0] if self.__unitindex in [2, 3]: tth = None with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): if is not None: tth = np.array([y - 0.5]), np.array([x - 0.5])), if len(tth): tth = tth[0] if tth is not None and chi is not None: unit = "rad" if self.__unitindex == 2: unit = "deg" chi = chi * 180./math.pi tth = tth * 180./math.pi message = "x, y = [%s, %s], tth = %f %s, chi = %f %s," \ " %s = %.2f" \ % (x, y, tth, unit, chi, unit, ilabel, intensity) if self.__unitindex == 3: ap = self.__approxpoint(tth, chi) message += " $%s$" % str(ap) else: message = "x, y = [%s, %s], %s = %.2f" % ( x, y, ilabel, intensity) elif self.__unitindex in [0, 1]: qa = None with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): if is not None: qa = np.array([y - 0.5]), np.array([x - 0.5])), if len(qa): qa = qa[0] if qa is not None and chi is not None: unit = u"1/\u212B" chi = chi * 180./math.pi if self.__unitindex == 0: unit = "1/nm" if self.__unitindex == 1: qa = qa / 10. message = "x, y = [%s, %s], q = %f %s, chi = %f %s," \ " %s = %.2f" \ % (x, y, qa, unit, chi, "deg", ilabel, intensity) else: message = "x, y = [%s, %s], %s = %.2f" % ( x, y, ilabel, intensity) elif self.__unitindex in [4]: ra = None with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): if is not None: ra = np.array([y - 0.5]), np.array([x - 0.5])), if len(ra): ra = ra[0] * 1000. if ra is not None and chi is not None: chi = chi * 180./math.pi message = "x, y = [%s, %s], r = %f %s, chi = %f %s," \ " %s = %.2f" \ % (x, y, ra, "mm", chi, "deg", ilabel, intensity) else: message = "x, y = [%s, %s], %s = %.2f" % ( x, y, ilabel, intensity) elif self.__unitindex in [5]: cx = self.__settings.centerx cy = self.__settings.centery ra = math.sqrt((cx - x)**2 + (cy - y)**2) if ra is not None and chi is not None: chi = chi * 180./math.pi message = "x, y = [%s, %s], r = %f %s, chi = %f %s," \ " %s = %.2f" \ % (x, y, ra, "pixel", chi, "deg", ilabel, intensity) else: message = "x, y = [%s, %s], %s = %.2f" % ( x, y, ilabel, intensity) elif self.__plotindex > 0: ix, iy, intensity, x, y = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity() ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() pindex = self.__ui.mainplotComboBox.currentIndex() pos = 0.0 sc = 1.0 tst = [] ts = "" if len(self.__xbuffers) >= pindex and \ self.__xbuffers[pindex - 1]: pos, sc = self.__xbuffers[pindex - 1] xc = pos + x * sc if len(self.__timestamps) >= pindex and \ self.__timestamps[pindex - 1]: tst = self.__timestamps[pindex - 1] it = int(iy) # itx = int(ix) if it < len(tst) and it >= 0: ts = tst[it] # store first tst[0] # ts = tst[it] - tst[0] units = self.__units[self.__unitindex] xlabel = self.__ui.unitComboBox.currentText() if "[" in xlabel: xlabel, units = xlabel.split("[", 1) units = units.replace("]", "") message = "no: %s, %s = %s %s, %s = %.2f (time = %s s)" % ( it, xlabel, xc, units, ilabel, intensity, ts) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message) # @debugmethod def __tipmessage(self): """ provides geometry messate :returns: geometry text :rtype: :obj:`unicode` """ tips = "" with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): if tips = str( return tips # @debugmethod
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateGeometryTip(self): """ update geometry tips """ message = self.__tipmessage() self.__ui.calibrationPushButton.setToolTip( "Input physical parameters\n%s" % message)
# @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _showhideDiff(self): """ show or hide diffractogram """ if not self.__showdiff: self.__showdiff = True self.__ui.showPushButton.setText("Stop") self._plotDiff() else: self.__showdiff = False self.__ui.showPushButton.setText("Show") self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _plotDiff(self): """ plot all diffractograms :returns: (list of x's for each diffractogram, list of y's for each diffractogram, integer timestamp) :rtype: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>>, :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>>, int) """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): aistat = is not None xl = [] yl = [] timestamp = time.time() if aistat: if self._mainwidget.currentTool() == if self.__settings.sendresults: xl = [] yl = [] pxl = [] pyl = [] pel = [] nrplots = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() if self.__nrplots != nrplots: while nrplots > len(self.__curves): self.__curves.append(self._mainwidget.onedbottomplot()) for i in range(nrplots): self.__curves[i].show() for i in range(nrplots, len(self.__curves)): self.__curves[i].hide() self.__nrplots = nrplots if nrplots: for i, cr in enumerate(self.__curves): if i < nrplots: colors = self.__colors clr = tuple(colors[i % len(colors)]) \ if colors else self.__defpen cr.setPen(_pg.mkPen(clr)) dts = self._mainwidget.rawData() if dts is not None: while dts.ndim > 2: dts = np.nanmean(dts, axis=2) if dts is not None: trans = self._mainwidget.transformations()[0] csa = self.__settings.correctsolidangle unit = self.__units[self.__unitindex] if self.__unitindex in [5]: unit = "r_mm" else: unit = self.__units[self.__unitindex] dts = dts if trans else dts.T mask = None if dts.dtype.kind == 'f' and np.isnan(dts.min()): mask = np.isnan(dts) dts = np.array(dts) dts[mask] = 0. if mask is not None: mask = mask.astype("int") if self.__settings.showhighvaluemask and \ self._mainwidget.maskValue() is not None and \ self._mainwidget.maskValueIndices() is not None: if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(dts.shape) try: mask[self._mainwidget.maskValueIndices().T] = 1 except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) return xl, yl, timestamp if self.__settings.showmask and \ self._mainwidget.applyMask() and \ self._mainwidget.maskIndices() is not None: if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(dts.shape) try: mask[self._mainwidget.maskIndices().T] = 1 except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) return xl, yl, timestamp for i in range(nrplots): try: with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): res = dts, self.__settings.diffnpt, correctSolidAngle=csa, radial_range=( self.__radrange[i] if len(self.__radrange) > i else None), azimuth_range=( self.__azrange[i] if len(self.__azrange) > i else None), unit=unit, mask=mask) # print(res) x = res[0] y = res[1] if self.__unitindex in [5]: with QtCore.QMutexLocker( self.__settings.aimutex): aif = if aif["pixelX"] and aif["pixelY"]: if self.__azrange[i] is None: azs, aze = 0, math.pi/2 else: azs, aze = self.__azrange[i] azs *= math.pi / 180. aze *= math.pi / 180. facx = 1000./aif["pixelX"] facy = 1000./aif["pixelY"] with QtCore.QMutexLocker( self.__settings.aimutex): cs1 = math.cos( azs + cs2 = math.cos( aze + sn1 = math.sin( azs + sn2 = math.sin( aze + fc1 = facx * cs1 / math.cos( fc2 = facx * cs2 / math.cos( fs1 = facy * sn1 / math.cos( fs2 = facy * sn2 / math.cos( x = [ (math.sqrt( (fc1 * r)**2 + (fs1 * r)**2) + math.sqrt( (fc2 * r)**2 + (fs2 * r)**2)) / 2 for r in x] self.__curves[i].setData(x=x, y=y) if self.__settings.sendresults or \ self.__accumulate: xl.append([float(e) for e in x]) yl.append([float(e) for e in y]) if self.__settings.sendresults: try: if self.__simplefindpeaks: px, py, pe = self.__findpeaks(x, y) else: px, py, pe = self.__findpeaks2(x, y) pyl.append([float(e) for e in py]) pel.append(float(pe)) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) self.__simplefindpeaks = True "Simple find peaks algorithm is used") px, py, pe = self.__findpeaks(x, y) pxl.append([float(e) for e in px]) pyl.append([float(e) for e in py]) pel.append(float(pe)) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) x = [] y = [] self.__curves[i].setData(x=x, y=y) self.__curves[i].setVisible(True) else: for i in range(nrplots): self.__curves[i].setVisible(False) if self.__settings.sendresults: self.__sendresults(xl, yl, pxl, pyl, pel, timestamp) return xl, yl, timestamp def __sendresults(self, xl, yl, pxl=None, pyl=None, pel=None, timestamp=None): """ send results to LavueController :param xl: list of x's for each diffractogram :type xl: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>> :param yl: list of values for each diffractogram :type yl: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>> :param pxl: list of peak x's for each diffractogram :type pxl: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>> :param pyl: list of peak values for each diffractogram :type pyl: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` <float>> :param pel: peak x's errors for each diffractogram :type pel: :obj:`list` <float> :param timestamp: timestamp :type timestamp: :obj:`int` """ results = {"tool": self.alias} npl = len(xl) results["imagename"] = self._mainwidget.imageName() results["timestamp"] = timestamp results["nrdiffs"] = len(xl) results["calibration"] = self.__settings.calibrationfilename for i in range(npl): results["radial_range_%s" % (i + 1)] = self.__radrange[i] \ if len(self.__radrange) > i else None results["azimuth_range_%s" % (i + 1)] = self.__azrange[i] \ if len(self.__azrange) > i else None results["diff_%s" % (i + 1)] = [xl[i], yl[i]] if pxl is not None and pyl is not None: if len(pxl) > i and len(pyl) > i: results["peaks_%s" % (i + 1)] = [pxl[i], pyl[i]] if pel is not None: results["peaks_%s_error" % (i + 1)] = pel[i] results["unit"] = self.__units[self.__unitindex] self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "ToolResults", json.dumps(results, cls=numpyEncoder)) def __findpeaks(self, x, y, nr=20): """ find peaks from diffractogram :param x: x of diffractogram :type x: :obj:`list` <float>> :param y: values of diffractogram :type y: :obj:`list` <float>> :param nr: list of peak x's for each diffractogram :type nr: :obj:`int` :returns: (peak_xs, peak_values, x_error) :rtype: (:obj:`list` <float>, :obj:`list` <float>, :obj:`float`) """ t = np.array(y) xml = [] yml = [] iml = [] eml = [] it = 0 while (t > 0).any() and it < nr: im = np.argmax(t) tm = t[im] iml.append(im) xml.append(x[im]) yml.append(tm) er = max(x[im] - x[max(im - 1, 0)], x[min(im + 1, len(x) - 1)] - x[im]) eml.append(er) it += 1 # print("%s. found %s (%s +- %s, %s)" % (it, im, x[im], er, tm)) i1 = im while i1 and t[i1 - 1] < t[i1]: i1 -= 1 ib = i1 i1 = im while i1 + 1 < len(t) and t[i1 + 1] < t[i1]: i1 += 1 ie = i1 # print(t) # print("cut: [%s: %s]" % (ib, ie)) t[ib:(ie + 1)] = 0 # print(t) return ([float(e) for e in xml], [float(e) for e in yml], max(eml)) def __findpeaks2(self, x, y, nr=20): """ find peaks from diffractogram with scipy :param x: x of diffractogram :type x: :obj:`list` <float>> :param y: values of diffractogram :type y: :obj:`list` <float>> :param nr: list of peak x's for each diffractogram :type nr: :obj:`int` :returns: (peak_xs, peak_values, x_error) :rtype: (:obj:`list` <float>, :obj:`list` <float>, :obj:`float`) """ f = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, y, k=4) xml = f.derivative().roots() yml = f(xml) er = max([(x[i+1] - x[i]) for i in range(len(x) - 1)]) nr = min(nr, len(yml)) iml = np.argpartition(yml, -nr)[-nr:] iml = iml[np.argsort(-yml[iml])] iml = iml[:nr] return ([float(e) for e in xml[iml]], [float(e) for e in yml[iml]], er) # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setPolarRange(self): """ launches range widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ nrplots = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() if nrplots: cnfdlg = diffRangeDialog.DiffRangeTabDialog(nrplots) cnfdlg.azstart = self.__azstart cnfdlg.azend = self.__azend cnfdlg.radstart = self.__radstart cnfdlg.radend = self.__radend cnfdlg.radunitindex = 2 cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__azstart = cnfdlg.azstart self.__azend = cnfdlg.azend self.__radstart = cnfdlg.radstart self.__radend = cnfdlg.radend self.__updateregion() self._resetAccu() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod def _updatePolarRange(self, ranges): """ update diffractogram ranges :param ranges: list of [azimuth_start, azimuth_end, radial_start, radial_end] elements for each diffractograms :type ranges: :obj:`list` < [ :obj:`float`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`float` ]> """ nrplots = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() if nrplots: azstart = [] azend = [] radstart = [] radend = [] for rn in ranges: azstart.append(rn[0]) azend.append(rn[1]) radstart.append(rn[2]) radend.append(rn[3]) self.__azstart = azstart self.__azend = azend self.__radstart = radstart self.__radend = radend self.__updateregion() self._resetAccu() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() def __updateaz(self): """ update azimuth range in deg """ nrplots = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() self.__azrange = [] for _ in range(len(self.__azend), nrplots): self.__azend.append(None) for _ in range(len(self.__azstart), nrplots): self.__azstart.append(None) for i in range(nrplots): if self.__azend[i] is None and self.__azstart[i] is None: self.__azrange.append(None) elif (self.__azend[i] is not None or self.__azstart[i] is not None): if self.__azstart[i] is None: self.__azstart[i] = 0 if self.__azend[i] is None: self.__azend[i] = 360 self.__azrange.append([self.__azstart[i], self.__azend[i]]) def __updaterad(self): """update radial range in deg """ nrplots = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() self.__radrange = [] for _ in range(len(self.__radend), nrplots): self.__radend.append(None) for _ in range(len(self.__radstart), nrplots): self.__radstart.append(None) for i in range(nrplots): if self.__radend[i] is not None or \ self.__radstart[i] is not None: if self.__radstart[i] is None: self.__radstart[i] = 0 if self.__radend[i] is None: self.__radend[i] = 90 if self.__radend[i] is None or self.__radstart[i] is None: self.__radrange.append(None) else: if self.__unitindex == 2: self.__radrange.append( [self.__radstart[i], self.__radend[i]]) else: rs = self.__radstart[i] * math.pi / 180. re = self.__radend[i] * math.pi / 180. if self.__unitindex < 2: oneoverlength = / 12398.4193 fac = 4 * math.pi * oneoverlength qs = fac * math.sin(rs/2.) qe = fac * math.sin(re/2.) if self.__unitindex == 0: qs = qs * 10. qe = qe * 10. self.__radrange.append([qs, qe]) elif self.__unitindex == 3: self.__radrange.append([rs, re]) elif self.__unitindex in [4, 5]: try: [rbb, rbe, reb, ree, _, _, _, _] = \ self.__getcorners( self.__radstart[i], self.__radend[i], self.__azstart[i], self.__azend[i]) logger.debug( "RESULT %s %s %s" % ( str(rbb.x), rbb.success, logger.debug( "RESULT %s %s %s" % ( str(rbe.x), rbe.success, logger.debug( "RESULT %s %s %s" % ( str(reb.x), reb.success, logger.debug( "RESULT %s %s %s" % ( str(ree.x), ree.success, rsl = [] rel = [] if rbb.success: with QtCore.QMutexLocker( self.__settings.aimutex): ra = np.array([rbb.x[1] - 0.5]), np.array([rbb.x[0] - 0.5])) if len(ra): rsl.append(ra[0] * 1000.) if rbe.success: with QtCore.QMutexLocker( self.__settings.aimutex): ra = np.array([rbe.x[1] - 0.5]), np.array([rbe.x[0] - 0.5])) if len(ra): rsl.append(ra[0] * 1000.) if reb.success: with QtCore.QMutexLocker( self.__settings.aimutex): ra = np.array([reb.x[1] - 0.5]), np.array([reb.x[0] - 0.5])) if len(ra): rel.append(ra[0] * 1000.) if ree.success: with QtCore.QMutexLocker( self.__settings.aimutex): ra = np.array([ree.x[1] - 0.5]), np.array([ree.x[0] - 0.5])) if len(ra): rel.append(ra[0] * 1000.) if rsl: rs = np.mean(rsl) else: rs = math.tan(rs) * self.__settings.detdistance if rel: re = np.mean(rel) else: re = math.tan(re) * self.__settings.detdistance except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e)) rs = math.tan(rs) * self.__settings.detdistance re = math.tan(re) * self.__settings.detdistance self.__radrange.append([rs, re]) def __updateregion(self): """ update diffractogram region """ self.__updateaz() self.__updaterad() self.updateRangeTip() self.runProgress(["findregions"], "_updateRegionsAndPlot") # @debugmethod
[docs] def findregions(self): """ find regions lists """ nrplots = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() regions = [] with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): aistat = is not None for i in range(nrplots): if ((self.__azrange and self.__azrange[i]) or (self.__radrange and self.__radrange[i])) and aistat: azstart = self.__azstart[i] \ if self.__azstart[i] is not None else 0 azend = self.__azend[i] \ if self.__azend[i] is not None else 360 radstart = self.__radstart[i] \ if self.__radstart[i] is not None else 0 radend = self.__radend[i] \ if self.__radend[i] is not None else 70 try: regions.append( self.__findregion(radstart, radend, azstart, azend)) except Exception as e: try: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) regions.append( self.__findregion2( radstart, radend, azstart, azend)) except Exception as e2: logger.warning(str(e2)) # print(str(e2)) # regions.append([]) self.__regions = regions
# @debugmethod def _updateRegionsAndPlot(self, regions=None): """ update regions and plots :param regions: list of region lines :type regions: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` < (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) > > > """ regions = regions if regions is not None else self.__regions self._mainwidget.updateRegions(regions) self._resetAccu() self._plotDiff() self._closeReset() # @debugmethod def _closeReset(self): """ close reset method for progressbar :returns: progress status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ status = True logger.debug("closing Progress") if self.__progress: self.__progress.reset() if self.__commandthread and self.__commandthread.error: logger.error( "Problems in updating Channels %s" % str(self.__commandthread.error)) self.__commandthread.error = None status = False if self.__progress: self.__progress.setParent(None) self.__progress = None self.waitForThread() logger.debug("closing Progress ENDED") return status def __findregion2(self, radstart, radend, azstart, azend): """ find region defined by angle range using image masking method :param radstart: start of radial region :type radstart: :obj:`float` :param radend: end of radial region :type radend: :obj:`float` :param azstart: start of azimuth region :type azstart: :obj:`float` :param azend: end of azimuth region :type azend: :obj:`float` :returns: list of region lines :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` < (float, float) > > """ if azend - azstart >= 360: azstart = 0 azend = 360 with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): aistat = is not None if aistat: dts = self._mainwidget.rawData() if dts is not None: while dts.ndim > 2: dts = np.nanmean(dts, axis=2) if dts is not None and dts.shape and len(dts.shape) == 2: shape = dts.T.shape else: shape = [1000., 1000.] with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): tta = cha = rb = self.__degtrim(radstart, 0, 360) * math.pi / 180. re = self.__degtrim(radend, 0, 360) * math.pi / 180. ab = self.__degtrim(azstart, -180, 180) * math.pi / 180. ae = self.__degtrim(azend, -180, 180) * math.pi / 180. lines = [] if azend - azstart < 360: chmask = (cha < ab) | (cha > ae) ttaa = (tta - rb) * (tta - re) ttaa[chmask] = 6 rblines = functions.isocurve( ttaa, 0, connected=True) logger.debug("RUN1 %s " % len(rblines)) thmask = (tta < rb) | (tta > re) chaa = (cha - ab) * (cha - ae) chaa[thmask] = 6 ablines = functions.isocurve( chaa, 0, connected=True) logger.debug("RUN2 %s " % len(ablines)) else: ttaa = (tta - rb) * (tta - re) rblines = functions.isocurve( ttaa, 0, connected=True) logger.debug("RUN4 %s " % len(rblines)) for line in rblines: lines.append([(p[1], p[0]) for p in line]) if azend - azstart < 360: for line in ablines: lines.append([(p[1], p[0]) for p in line]) # for line in relines: # lines.append([(p[1], p[0]) for p in line]) # print(lines) return lines # self._mainwidget.updateRegions(lines) else: return [] # self._mainwidget.updateRegions([[(0, 0)]]) def __findregion(self, radstart, radend, azstart, azend): """ find region defined by angle range using Newton method :param radstart: start of radial region :type radstart: :obj:`float` :param radend: end of radial region :type radend: :obj:`float` :param azstart: start of azimuth region :type azstart: :obj:`float` :param azend: end of azimuth region :type azend: :obj:`float` :returns: list of region lines :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`list` < (float, float) > > """ if azend - azstart >= 360: azstart = 0 azend = 360 [rbb, rbe, reb, ree, rb, re, ab, ae] = self.__getcorners( radstart, radend, azstart, azend) azb = azstart * math.pi / 180. aze = azend * math.pi / 180. logger.debug("RESULT %s %s %s" % (str(rbb.x), rbb.success, logger.debug("RESULT %s %s %s" % (str(rbe.x), rbe.success, logger.debug("RESULT %s %s %s" % (str(reb.x), reb.success, logger.debug("RESULT %s %s %s" % (str(ree.x), ree.success, # print("RESULT %s %s %s" % (str(rbb.x), rbb.success, # print("RESULT %s %s %s" % (str(rbe.x), rbe.success, # print("RESULT %s %s %s" % (str(reb.x), reb.success, # print("RESULT %s %s %s" % (str(ree.x), ree.success, lines = [] if azend - azstart < 360: pbbeb = self.__findfixchipath(rbb.x, reb.x, ab, rb, re) lines.append(pbbeb) pbeee = self.__findfixchipath(rbe.x, ree.x, ae, rb, re) lines.append(pbeee) if self.__radstart[0] > 0: pbbbe = self.__findfixradpath( rbb.x, rbe.x, rb, azb, aze, full=(azend - azstart >= 360)) lines.append(pbbbe) if self.__radend[0] < 60: pebee = self.__findfixradpath( reb.x, ree.x, re, azb, aze, full=(azend - azstart >= 360)) lines.append(pebee) return lines @classmethod def __degtrim(cls, vl, lowbound, upbound): """ trim angle value to bounds in deg :param vl: value to trim :type vl: :obj:`float` :param lowbound: lower bound of value :type lowbound: :obj:`float` :param upbound: upper blund of value :type upbound: :obj:`float` :returns: trimmed value :rtype: :obj:`float` """ while vl >= upbound: vl -= 360 while vl < lowbound: vl += 360 return vl @classmethod def __radtrim(cls, vl, lowbound, upbound): """ trim angle value to bounds in rad :param vl: value to trim :type vl: :obj:`float` :param lowbound: lower bound of value :type lowbound: :obj:`float` :param upbound: upper blund of value :type upbound: :obj:`float` :returns: trimmed value :rtype: :obj:`float` """ while vl >= upbound: vl -= 2 * math.pi while vl < lowbound: vl += 2 * math.pi return vl def __findfixchipath(self, xstart, xend, chi, radstart, radend, step=4, fmax=1.e-10): """ find a path for fix azimuth angle :param xstart: start point :type xstart: :obj:`float` :param xend: end point :type xend: :obj:`float` :param chi: chi angle value :type chi: :obj:`float` :param radstart: radial angle start value :type radstart: :obj:`float` :param radend: radial angle end value :type radend: :obj:`float` :param fmax: maximal allowed value for the test function :type fmax: :obj:`float` :returns: list of points :rtype: :obj:`list` < (float, float) > """ points = [tuple(xstart)] if self.__dist2(xstart, xend) < step * step: points.append(tuple(xend)) return points alphas = [] cut = None tchi = self.__radtrim(chi, -math.pi, math.pi) if tchi < -math.pi/2 or tchi > math.pi/2: cut = 0 cchi = self.__chi(xstart, cut) x = xstart def rsfun(alpha, x, step, cut, chi): y = [x[0] + step * math.cos(alpha), x[1] + step * math.sin(alpha)] return [self.__chi(y, cut) - chi] res = scipy.optimize.root(rsfun, cchi, (x, step, cut, cchi)) y = [x[0] + step * math.cos(res.x[0]), x[1] + step * math.sin(res.x[0])] if self.__tth(x) - self.__tth(y) > 0 or \ (not res.success and abs( > fmax): res = scipy.optimize.root(rsfun, - cchi, (x, step, cut, cchi)) y = [x[0] + step * math.cos(res.x[0]), x[1] + step * math.sin(res.x[0])] if self.__tth(x) - self.__tth(y) > 0 or \ (not res.success and abs( > fmax): raise Exception("__findfixchipath: Cannot find the next point") points.append(tuple(y)) if self.__dist2(y, xend) < step * step: points.append(tuple(xend)) return points alphas.append(res.x[0]) waking = True maxit = 10000 it = 0 istep = step while waking and maxit > it: it += 1 alp = self.__fitnext(alphas[-5:]) x = y res = scipy.optimize.root(rsfun, alp, (x, istep, cut, cchi)) y = [x[0] + istep * math.cos(res.x[0]), x[1] + istep * math.sin(res.x[0])] if self.__tth(x) - self.__tth(y) > 0 or \ (not res.success and abs( > fmax): istep = step / 2. continue points.append(tuple(y)) if self.__dist2(y, xend) < istep * istep: waking = False alphas.append(res.x[0]) istep = step points.append(tuple(xend)) return points def __findfixradpath(self, xstart, xend, rad, azstart, azend, step=4, fmax=1.e-10, full=False): """ find a path for fixed radial angle :param xstart: start point :type xstart: :obj:`float` :param xend: end point :type xend: :obj:`float` :param rad: radial angle value :type rad: :obj:`float` :param azstart: azimuth angle start value :type azstart: :obj:`float` :param azend: azimuth angle end value :type azend: :obj:`float` :param fmax: maximal allowed value for the test function :type fmax: :obj:`float` :param full: full angle flag :type full: :obj:`bool` :returns: list of points :rtype: :obj:`list` < (float, float) > """ aze = azend points = [tuple(xstart)] while azstart > aze: aze += 2 * math.pi alphas = [] cut = None tth1 = self.__tth(xstart) tth2 = self.__tth([xstart[0] + 1, xstart[1]]) tth3 = self.__tth([xstart[0], xstart[1] + 1]) dth = max(abs(tth1 - tth2), abs(tth1 - tth3)) if (rad/dth) < 10. * step: step = (rad / dth) / 10. elif (rad/dth) > 10000. * step: step = (rad / dth) / 10000. if ((self.__dist2(xstart, xend) < step * step and abs(azstart - aze) < math.pi) or step < 1.e-6): points.append(tuple(xend)) return points # tth = self.__tth(xstart) tchi = self.__chi(xstart) if tchi < -math.pi/2 or tchi > math.pi/2: cut = 0 cchi = self.__chi(xstart, cut) x = xstart logger.debug("CUT %s %s " % (cut, cchi)) def rsfun(alpha, x, step, cut, tth): y = [x[0] + step * math.cos(alpha), x[1] + step * math.sin(alpha)] return [self.__tth(y) - tth] itm = 10 it = 0 istep = step while it < itm: it += 1 res = scipy.optimize.root(rsfun, cchi + math.pi/2, (x, istep, cut, rad)) y = [x[0] + istep * math.cos(res.x[0]), x[1] + istep * math.sin(res.x[0])] if self.__chi(x, cut) - self.__chi(y, cut) > 0 or \ (not res.success and abs( > fmax): res = scipy.optimize.root(rsfun, -cchi - math.pi/2, (x, istep, cut, rad)) y = [x[0] + istep * math.cos(res.x[0]), x[1] + istep * math.sin(res.x[0])] if self.__chi(x, cut) - self.__chi(y, cut) > 0 or \ (not res.success and abs( > fmax): istep = istep / 2. else: break else: break if it == itm: raise Exception("__findfixradpath: Cannot find the next point") points.append(tuple(y)) if self.__dist2(y, xend) < step * step and not full: points.append(tuple(xend)) return points alphas.append(res.x[0]) waking = True maxit = 10000 it = 0 istep = step while waking and maxit > it: it += 1 alp = self.__fitnext(alphas[-5:]) x = y tchi = self.__chi(x, cut) if tchi < -math.pi/2 or tchi > math.pi/2: cut = 0 else: cut = None res = scipy.optimize.root(rsfun, alp, (x, istep, cut, rad)) y = [x[0] + istep * math.cos(res.x[0]), x[1] + istep * math.sin(res.x[0])] if self.__chi(x, cut) - self.__chi(y, cut) > 0 or \ (not res.success and abs( > fmax): istep = step / 2. continue points.append(tuple(y)) if self.__dist2(y, xend) < istep * istep: waking = False alphas.append(res.x[0]) istep = step points.append(tuple(xend)) return points def __fitnext(self, y, x=None, x0=None): """ fits next y value :param y: list of y values :type y: :obj:`list` <:obj:`float`> :param x: list of x values :type x: :obj:`list` <:obj:`float`> :param x0: next x value :type x0: :obj:`float` :returns: next y value :rtype: :obj:`float` """ n = len(y) if x is None: x = range(n) x0 = n return np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, n - 1))(x0) def __dist2(self, x, y): """ distance square of x and y :param x: 2d point x :type x: :obj:`list` <:obj:`float`> :param y: 2d point y :type y: :obj:`list` <:obj:`float`> :returns: distance square :rtype: :obj:`float` """ d0 = x[0] - y[0] d1 = x[1] - y[1] return d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 def __chi(self, x, cut=None): """ chi of left bottom pixel corner in rad :param x: 2d point x :type x: :obj:`list` <:obj:`float`> :param cut: cut position in rad :type cut: :obj:`float` :returns: chi value :rtype: :obj:`float` """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): chi = float( np.array([x[1] - 0.5]), np.array([x[0] - 0.5]))[0]) if cut is not None and chi > cut and cut > -math.pi: chi += 2 * math.pi return chi def __tth(self, x, path=None): """ tth of left bottom pixel corner in rad :param x: 2d point x :type x: :obj:`list` <:obj:`float`> :param path: path method :type path: :obj:`str` :returns: chi value :rtype: :obj:`float` """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): tth = np.array([x[1] - 0.5]), np.array([x[0] - 0.5]), path=path)[0] return float(tth) def __findpoint(self, rd, az, shape, start=None, itmax=20, fmax=1e-9): """ find a point in pixels :param rd: radial coordinate :type rd: :obj:`float` :param az: azimuth coordinate :type az: :obj:`float` :param shape: shape of the image :type shape: [:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`] :param start: start coordinate :type start: [:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`] :param itmaxstart: maximal number of tries :type start: :obj:`int` :param fmax: maximal allowed value for the test function :type fmax: :obj:`float` """ def rafun(x, f1, f2): return [self.__tth(x) - f1, self.__chi(x) - f2] found = False it = 0 if start is None: start = self.__approxpoint(rd, az) while not found and it < itmax: res = scipy.optimize.root(rafun, start, (rd, az)) f = f2 = f[0] * f[0] + f[1] * f[1] found = res.success and f2 < fmax it += 1 start = [random.randint(0, shape[0]), random.randint(0, shape[1])] logger.debug("Tries: %s" % it) logger.debug(res) return res def __getcorners(self, radstart, radend, azstart, azend): """ find region corners :param radstart: start of radial region in deg :type radstart: :obj:`float` :param radend: end of radial region in deg :type radend: :obj:`float` :param azstart: start of azimuth region in deg :type azstart: :obj:`float` :param azend: end of azimuth region in deg :type azend: :obj:`float` :returns: [rbb, rbe, reb, ree, rb, re, ab, ae] where rbb, rbe, reb, ree are result objects of found region corners while rb, re, ab, ae are input angles in radians :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`float`> """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): aistat = is not None if aistat: dts = self._mainwidget.rawData() if dts is not None: while dts.ndim > 2: dts = np.nanmean(dts, axis=2) if dts is not None and dts.shape and len(dts.shape) == 2: shape = dts.shape else: shape = [1000., 1000.] rb = self.__degtrim(radstart, 0, 360) * math.pi / 180. re = self.__degtrim(radend, 0, 360) * math.pi / 180. ab = self.__degtrim(azstart, -180, 180) * math.pi / 180. ae = self.__degtrim(azend, -180, 180) * math.pi / 180. rbb = self.__findpoint(rb, ab, shape) rbe = self.__findpoint(rb, ae, shape) ree = self.__findpoint(re, ae, shape) reb = self.__findpoint(re, ab, shape) return [rbb, rbe, reb, ree, rb, re, ab, ae] def __approxpoint(self, rad, az): """ find approximate x,y coorinates from angles :param rad: radial angle in rad :type rad: :obj:`float` :param az: azimuth angle in rad :type az: :obj:`float` :returns: [x, y] coordinates :rtype: [:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`] """ with QtCore.QMutexLocker(self.__settings.aimutex): aistat = is not None if aistat: tnr = math.tan(rad) csa = math.cos(az) sna = math.sin(az) dst = self.__settings.detdistance xc = self.__settings.centerx yc = self.__settings.centery px = self.__settings.pixelsizex / 1000. py = self.__settings.pixelsizey / 1000. y = (dst * sna * tnr + yc * py)/py x = (dst * csa * tnr + xc * px)/px return [x, y] # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setUnitIndex(self, uindex): """ set unit index :param uindex: unit index, i.e. q_nm^-1, q_A^-1, 2th_deg, 2th_rad :type uindex: :obj:`int` """ if self.__unitindex != uindex: self._resetAccu() self.__unitindex = uindex self.__updaterad() self._plotDiff() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setPlotIndex(self, pindex): """ set plot index :param pindex: plot index -> 0: Image, <i>: Buffer <i> :type pindex: :obj:`int` """ if pindex and pindex > 0: self.parameters.centerlines = False self.parameters.toolscale = True self.parameters.regions = False if len(self.__xbuffers) >= pindex and \ self.__xbuffers[pindex - 1]: pos, sc = self.__xbuffers[pindex - 1] self._mainwidget.setToolScale([pos, 0], [sc, 1]) else: self._mainwidget.setToolScale([0, 0], [1, 1]) # self._mainwidget.setToolScale([0, 0], [1, 1]) if not self.__plotindex: self.__oldlocked = self._mainwidget.setAspectLocked(False) else: if self.__oldlocked is not None: self._mainwidget.setAspectLocked(self.__oldlocked) self.parameters.centerlines = True self.parameters.toolscale = False self.parameters.regions = True if pindex is not None: self.__plotindex = pindex self._mainwidget.updateinfowidgets(self.parameters) self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage() # @debugmethod
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateRangeTip(self): """ update geometry tips """ text = u"" nrplots = self.__ui.diffSpinBox.value() for i in range(nrplots): if nrplots > 1: text += "%s. " % (i + 1) text += \ u"Radial range: [%s, %s] deg; Azimuth range: [%s, %s] deg" % ( self.__radstart[i] if (len(self.__radstart) > i and self.__radstart[i] is not None) else "0", self.__radend[i] if (len(self.__radend) > i and self.__radend[i] is not None) else "90", self.__azstart[i] if (len(self.__azstart) > i and self.__azstart[i] is not None) else "0", self.__azend[i] if (len(self.__azend) > i and self.__azend[i] is not None) else "360") if i < nrplots - 1: text += "\n" self.__ui.rangePushButton.setToolTip(text)
[docs]class MaximaToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ maxima tool widget """ #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "Maxima" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "maxima" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = () def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:obj:`int`) geometry space index -> 0: angle, 1 q-space self.__gspaceindex = 0 #: (:obj:`int`) plot index -> 0: Cartesian, 1 polar-th, 2 polar-q self.__plotindex = 0 #: (:class:`Ui_ROIToolWidget') ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _maximaformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) # self.parameters.lines = True #: (:obj:`str`) infolineedit text self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = "" self.parameters.centerlines = True self.parameters.toolscale = False self.parameters.maxima = True # self.parameters.rightplot = True #: (`lavuelib..imageDisplayWidget.AxesParameters`) axes backup self.__axes = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() #: (:obj:`float`) radail coordinate factor self.__radmax = 1. #: (:obj:`float`) polar coordinate factor self.__polmax = 1. #: (:obj:`bool`) reploting flag self.__reploting = False #: (:obj:`bool`) reploting flag self.__updating = False #: (:obj:`list`) last combo items self.__lastcomboitems = [] #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.angleqPushButton.clicked, self._setGeometry], [self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setGSpaceIndex], [self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.mouseImageDoubleClicked, self._updateCenter], [self.__ui.maximaComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._replot], [self.__ui.maximaComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.numberSpinBox.valueChanged, self._replot], [self.__ui.numberSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self.updateGeometryTip], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message] ] # @debugmethod
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "geometry" in cnf.keys(): try: self._updateGeometry(cnf["geometry"]) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) if "maxima_number" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__ui.numberSpinBox.setValue(int(cnf["maxima_number"])) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if "units" in cnf.keys(): idxs = ["angles", "q-space", "xy-space"] xcrd = str(cnf["units"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception: idx = 0 self.__ui.angleqComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx) if "current_maximum" in cnf.keys(): try: cmx = int(cnf["current_maximum"]) - 1 self.__ui.maximaComboBox.setCurrentIndex(cmx) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) cmx = 0
# @debugmethod
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["units"] = str( self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentText()).lower() cnf["maxima_number"] = self.__ui.numberSpinBox.value() cnf["current_maximum"] = self.__ui.maximaComboBox.currentIndex() + 1 cnf["geometry"] = { "centerx": self.__settings.centerx, "centery": self.__settings.centery, "energy":, "pixelsizex": self.__settings.pixelsizex, "pixelsizey": self.__settings.pixelsizey, "detdistance": self.__settings.detdistance, } return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery)
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ deactivates tool widget """
[docs] def beforeplot(self, array, rawarray): """ command before plot :param array: 2d image array :type array: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param rawarray: 2d raw image array :type rawarray: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: 2d image array and raw image :rtype: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`) """ if rawarray is not None and rawarray.any(): while rawarray.ndim > 2: rawarray = np.nanmean(rawarray, axis=2) nr = self.__ui.numberSpinBox.value() nr = min(nr, rawarray.size) if nr > 0: offset = [0.5, 0.5] if self.__settings.nanmask: if rawarray.dtype.kind == 'f' and \ np.isnan(rawarray.min()): rawarray = np.nan_to_num(rawarray) fidxs = np.argsort(rawarray, axis=None)[-nr:] aidxs = [np.unravel_index(idx, rawarray.shape) for idx in fidxs] naidxs = aidxs rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: x, y, s1, s2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) naidxs = [(int(i * s1 + x), int(j * s2 + y)) for i, j in aidxs] offset = [offset[0] * s1, offset[1] * s2] maxidxs = [[naidxs[n][0], naidxs[n][1], rawarray[i, j]] for n, (i, j) in enumerate(aidxs)] current = self.__updatemaxima(maxidxs) if current >= 0: aidxs.append(aidxs.pop(len(naidxs) - current - 1)) self._mainwidget.setMaximaPos(naidxs, offset) else: self.__updatemaxima([]) self._mainwidget.setMaximaPos([]) self.__reploting = False
# @debugmethod def __updatemaxima(self, maxidxs): """ updates maxima in the combobox :param maxidxs: list with [[xn,yn, maxn], ... [x1,y1, max1]] :type maxidxs: """ self.__updating = True combo = self.__ui.maximaComboBox idx = combo.currentIndex() if len(maxidxs) < idx: idx = len(maxidxs) if len(maxidxs) and idx < 0: idx = 0 QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() trans = self._mainwidget.transformations()[0] if trans: comboitems = ["%s: %s at (%s, %s)" % (i + 1, vl[2], vl[1], vl[0]) for i, vl in enumerate(reversed(maxidxs))] else: comboitems = ["%s: %s at (%s, %s)" % (i + 1, vl[2], vl[0], vl[1]) for i, vl in enumerate(reversed(maxidxs))] if self.__lastcomboitems != comboitems: self.__lastcomboitems != comboitems combo.clear() # self.__reploting = True combo.addItems(comboitems) combo.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.__updating = False if self.__settings.sendresults: self.__sendresults(maxidxs) return idx def __sendresults(self, maxidxs): """ send results to LavueController :param maxidxs: list with [[xn,yn, maxn], ... [x1,y1, max1]] :type maxidxs: """ results = {"tool": self.alias} results["imagename"] = self._mainwidget.imageName() results["timestamp"] = time.time() results["maxima"] = maxidxs self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "ToolResults", json.dumps(results, cls=numpyEncoder)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(float, float) def _updateCenter(self, xdata, ydata): """ updates the image center :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` """ txdata = None if self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled(): txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy( xdata, ydata, useraxes=False) if txdata is not None: xdata = txdata ydata = tydata self.__settings.centerx = float(xdata) self.__settings.centery = float(ydata) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute("BeamCenterX", float(xdata)) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute("BeamCenterY", float(ydata)) self._message() self.updateGeometryTip() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _replot(self): if not self.__reploting and not self.__updating: self.__reploting = True self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage(False) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides geometry message """ message = "" _, _, intensity, x, y = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity() if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray): intensity = np.nansum( [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity]) txdata = None if self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled(): txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy( x, y, useraxes=False) if txdata is not None: x, y = txdata, tydata ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() if self.__gspaceindex == 0: thetax, thetay, thetatotal = self.__pixel2theta(x, y) if thetax is not None: message = "th_x = %f deg, th_y = %f deg," \ " th_tot = %f deg, %s = %.2f" \ % (thetax * 180 / math.pi, thetay * 180 / math.pi, thetatotal * 180 / math.pi, ilabel, intensity) elif self.__gspaceindex == 1: qx, qy, q = self.__pixel2q(x, y) if qx is not None: message = u"q_x = %f 1/\u212B, q_y = %f 1/\u212B, " \ u"q = %f 1/\u212B, %s = %.2f" \ % (qx, qy, q, ilabel, intensity) else: message = "x = %.2f, y = %.2f, %s = %.2f" % ( x, y, ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.setDisplayedText(message) def __pixel2theta(self, xdata, ydata, xy=True): """ converts coordinates from pixel positions to theta angles :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` :param xy: flag :type xy: :obj:`bool` :returns: x-theta, y-theta, total-theta :rtype: (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) """ thetax = None thetay = None thetatotal = None if > 0 and self.__settings.detdistance > 0: xcentered = xdata - self.__settings.centerx ycentered = ydata - self.__settings.centery if xy: thetax = math.atan( xcentered * self.__settings.pixelsizex / 1000. / self.__settings.detdistance) thetay = math.atan( ycentered * self.__settings.pixelsizey / 1000. / self.__settings.detdistance) r = math.sqrt( (xcentered * self.__settings.pixelsizex / 1000.) ** 2 + (ycentered * self.__settings.pixelsizey / 1000.) ** 2) thetatotal = math.atan( r / self.__settings.detdistance) return thetax, thetay, thetatotal def __pixel2q(self, xdata, ydata, xy=True): """ converts coordinates from pixel positions to q-space coordinates :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` :param xy: flag :type xy: :obj:`bool` :returns: q_x, q_y, q_total :rtype: (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) """ qx = None qy = None q = None if > 0 and self.__settings.detdistance > 0: thetax, thetay, thetatotal = self.__pixel2theta( xdata, ydata, xy) wavelength = 12398.4193 / if xy: qx = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetax/2.) qy = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetay/2.) q = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetatotal/2.) return qx, qy, q def __tipmessage(self): """ provides geometry messate :returns: geometry text :rtype: :obj:`unicode` """ return u"geometry:\n" \ u" center = (%s, %s) pixels\n" \ u" pixel_size = (%s, %s) \u00B5m\n" \ u" detector_distance = %s mm\n" \ u" energy = %s eV" % ( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery, self.__settings.pixelsizex, self.__settings.pixelsizey, self.__settings.detdistance, ) # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setGeometry(self): """ launches geometry widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ cnfdlg = geometryDialog.GeometryDialog() cnfdlg.centerx = self.__settings.centerx cnfdlg.centery = self.__settings.centery = cnfdlg.pixelsizex = self.__settings.pixelsizex cnfdlg.pixelsizey = self.__settings.pixelsizey cnfdlg.detdistance = self.__settings.detdistance cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__settings.centerx = cnfdlg.centerx self.__settings.centery = cnfdlg.centery = self.__settings.pixelsizex = cnfdlg.pixelsizex self.__settings.pixelsizey = cnfdlg.pixelsizey self.__settings.detdistance = cnfdlg.detdistance self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterX", float(self.__settings.centerx)) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterY", float(self.__settings.centery)) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "Energy", float( self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "DetectorDistance", float(self.__settings.detdistance)) self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) if self.__plotindex: self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateGeometry(self, geometry): """ update geometry widget :param geometry: geometry dictionary :type geometry: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`list`> """ try: if "centerx" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.centerx = float(geometry["centerx"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterX", float(self.__settings.centerx)) except Exception: pass try: if "centery" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.centery = float(geometry["centery"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterY", float(self.__settings.centery)) except Exception: pass try: if "energy" in geometry.keys(): = float(geometry["energy"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "Energy", float( except Exception: pass try: if "pixelsizex" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.pixelsizex = float(geometry["pixelsizex"]) except Exception: pass try: if "pixelsizey" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.pixelsizey = float(geometry["pixelsizey"]) except Exception: pass try: if "detdistance" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.detdistance = float(geometry["detdistance"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "DetectorDistance", float(self.__settings.detdistance)) except Exception: pass if geometry: self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) if self.__plotindex: self._mainwidget.emitReplotImage() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setGSpaceIndex(self, gindex): """ set gspace index :param gspace: g-space index, i.e. angle or q-space :type gspace: :obj:`int` """ self.__gspaceindex = gindex
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateGeometryTip(self): """ update geometry tips """ message = self.__tipmessage() self._mainwidget.updateDisplayedTextTip( "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer\n%s" % message) self.__ui.angleqPushButton.setToolTip( "Input physical parameters\n%s" % message) self.__ui.angleqComboBox.setToolTip( "Select the display space\n%s" % message)
[docs]class QROIProjToolWidget(ToolBaseWidget): """ angle/q +roi + projections tool widget """ #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) apply ROI pressed signal applyROIPressed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, int) #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) fetch ROI pressed signal fetchROIPressed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) roi info Changed signal roiInfoChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) #: (:obj:`str`) tool name name = "Q+ROI+Proj" #: (:obj:`str`) tool name alias alias = "q+roi+proj" #: (:obj:`tuple` <:obj:`str`>) capitalized required packages requires = () def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ ToolBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: (:obj:`int`) geometry space index -> 0: angle, 1 q-space self.__gspaceindex = 0 #: (:class:`Ui_ROIToolWidget') ui_toolwidget object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _qroiprojformclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`) 1D bottom plot self.__bottomplot = None #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem`) 1D bottom plot self.__rightplot = None #: (:obj:`int`) function index self.__funindex = 0 #: (:obj:`slice`) selected rows self.__rows = None #: (:obj:`slice`) selected columns self.__columns = None #: (:obj:`slice`) selected rows self.__dsrows = None #: (:obj:`slice`) selected columns self.__dscolumns = None #: (:obj:`list`< :obj:`str`>) sardana aliases self.__aliases = [] #: (:obj:`int`) ROI label length self.__textlength = 0 self.parameters.bottomplot = True self.parameters.rightplot = True self.parameters.rois = True self.parameters.infolineedit = "" self.parameters.infotips = "" self.parameters.centerlines = True #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) configuration settings self.__settings = self._mainwidget.settings() self._updateApplyButton() #: (:obj:`list` < [:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`, :obj:`str`] >) #: list of [signal, slot] object to connect self.signal2slot = [ [self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.clicked, self._emitApplyROIPressed], [self.__ui.fetchROIPushButton.clicked, self._emitFetchROIPressed], [self.__ui.angleqPushButton.clicked, self._setGeometry], [self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setGSpaceIndex], [self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.mouseImageDoubleClicked, self._updateCenter], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._message], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self.updateGeometryTip], [self._mainwidget.geometryChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.applyROIPressed, self._mainwidget.applyROIs], [self.fetchROIPressed, self._mainwidget.fetchROIs], [self.roiInfoChanged, self._mainwidget.updateDisplayedText], [self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.textChanged, self._updateApplyButton], [self.__ui.roiSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.updateROIs], [self.__ui.roiSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.roiSpinBox.valueChanged, self._mainwidget.writeDetectorROIsAttribute], [self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.textEdited, self._writeDetectorROIs], [self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.textEdited, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.roiLineEditChanged, self._updateApplyButton], [self._mainwidget.roiAliasesChanged, self.updateROILineEdit], [self._mainwidget.roiValueChanged, self.updateROIDisplayText], [self._mainwidget.roiNumberChanged, self.setROIsNumber], # [self._mainwidget.sardanaEnabled, self.updateROIButton], [self._mainwidget.mouseImagePositionChanged, self._roimessage], [self.__ui.funComboBox.currentIndexChanged, self._setFunction], [self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.textChanged, self._updateRows], [self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.textChanged, self._updateColumns], [self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.textChanged, self._mainwidget.emitTCC], [self._mainwidget.scalesChanged, self._updateRows], [self._mainwidget.scalesChanged, self._updateColumns], ]
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """ set configuration for the current tool :param configuration: configuration string :type configuration: :obj:`str` """ if configuration: cnf = json.loads(configuration) if "geometry" in cnf.keys(): try: self._updateGeometry(cnf["geometry"]) except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) logger.warning(str(e)) if "rois_number" in cnf.keys(): try: self.__ui.roiSpinBox.setValue(int(cnf["rois_number"])) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if "rois_coords" in cnf.keys(): self._mainwidget.updateROIs( len(cnf["rois_coords"]), cnf["rois_coords"]) if "aliases" in cnf.keys(): aliases = cnf["aliases"] if isinstance(aliases, list): aliases = " ".join(aliases) self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.setText(aliases) if "units" in cnf.keys(): idxs = ["angles", "q-space"] xcrd = str(cnf["units"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception: idx = 0 self.__ui.angleqComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx) if "apply" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["apply"]: self._emitApplyROIPressed() if "fetch" in cnf.keys(): if cnf["fetch"]: self._emitFetchROIPressed() if "mapping" in cnf.keys(): idxs = ["mean", "sum"] xcrd = str(cnf["mapping"]).lower() try: idx = idxs.index(xcrd) except Exception: idx = 0 self.__ui.funComboBox.setCurrentIndex(idx) if "rows" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.setText(cnf["rows"]) if "columns" in cnf.keys(): self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.setText(cnf["columns"])
[docs] def configuration(self): """ provides configuration for the current tool :returns configuration: configuration string :rtype configuration: :obj:`str` """ cnf = {} cnf["aliases"] = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()).split(" ") cnf["rois_number"] = self.__ui.roiSpinBox.value() cnf["rois_coords"] = self._mainwidget.roiCoords() cnf["mapping"] = str( self.__ui.funComboBox.currentText()).lower() cnf["rows"] = self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.text() cnf["columns"] = self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.text() cnf["units"] = str( self.__ui.angleqComboBox.currentText()).lower() cnf["geometry"] = { "centerx": self.__settings.centerx, "centery": self.__settings.centery, "energy":, "pixelsizex": self.__settings.pixelsizex, "pixelsizey": self.__settings.pixelsizey, "detdistance": self.__settings.detdistance, } return json.dumps(cnf, cls=numpyEncoder)
[docs] def activate(self): """ activates tool widget """ self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) self._mainwidget.changeROIRegion() self.setROIsNumber(len(self._mainwidget.roiCoords())) self.__aliases = self._mainwidget.getElementNames("ExpChannelList") self.updateROILineEdit(self._mainwidget.roilabels) self.__updateCompleter() # self.updateROIButton( # self.__settings.sardana or bool(self.__settings.analysisdevice)) if self.__bottomplot is None: self.__bottomplot = self._mainwidget.onedbarbottomplot() if self.__rightplot is None: self.__rightplot = self._mainwidget.onedbarrightplot() self.__bottomplot.setVisible(True) self.__rightplot.setVisible(True) self._updateSlices() self._plotCurves()
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ deactivates tool widget """ self._mainwidget.roiCoordsChanged.emit() if self.__bottomplot is not None: self.__bottomplot.hide() self.__bottomplot.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removebottomplot(self.__bottomplot) self.__bottomplot = None if self.__rightplot is not None: self.__rightplot.hide() self.__rightplot.setVisible(False) self._mainwidget.removerightplot(self.__rightplot) self.__rightplot = None
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _writeDetectorROIs(self): """ writes Detector rois and updates roi labels """ self._mainwidget.roilabels = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) self._mainwidget.writeDetectorROIsAttribute() def __updateslice(self, text, dx=None, ds=None): """ create slices from the text """ rows = "ERROR" dsrows = "ERROR" if text: try: if ":" in text: slices = text.split(":") s0 = int(slices[0]) if slices[0].strip() else 0 s1 = int(slices[1]) if slices[1].strip() else None if len(slices) > 2: s2 = int(slices[2]) if slices[2].strip() else None rows = slice(s0, s1, s2) if dx is not None: dsrows = slice((s0-dx)/ds, (s1-dx)/ds, s2/ds) else: dsrows = rows else: rows = slice(s0, s1) if dx is not None: dsrows = slice((s0-dx)/ds, (s1-dx)/ds) else: dsrows = rows else: rows = int(text) if dx is not None: dsrows = int((rows - dx)/ds) else: dsrows = rows except Exception: pass else: rows = None dsrows = None return rows, dsrows @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateSlices(self): """ updates applied button""" rtext = str(self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.text()).strip() ctext = str(self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.text()).strip() rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) self.__rows, self.__dsrows = self.__updateslice( rtext, int(dy), int(ds2)) self.__columns, self.__dscolumns = self.__updateslice( ctext, int(dx), int(ds1)) else: self.__rows, self.__dsrows = self.__updateslice(rtext) self.__columns, self.__dscolumns = self.__updateslice(ctext) if self.__rows is None: self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(None, None) elif isinstance(self.__rows, int): self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(self.__rows, self.__rows + 1) elif isinstance(self.__rows, slice): self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(self.__rows.start, self.__rows.stop) if self.__columns is None: self._mainwidget.updateVBounds(None, None) elif isinstance(self.__columns, int): self._mainwidget.updateVBounds(self.__columns, self.__columns + 1) elif isinstance(self.__columns, slice): self._mainwidget.updateVBounds( self.__columns.start, self.__columns.stop) self._plotCurves() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateRows(self): """ updates applied button""" rtext = str(self.__ui.rowsliceLineEdit.text()).strip() rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) self.__rows, self.__dsrows = self.__updateslice( rtext, int(dy), int(ds2)) else: self.__rows, self.__dsrows = self.__updateslice(rtext) if self.__rows is None: self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(None, None) elif isinstance(self.__rows, int): self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(self.__rows, self.__rows + 1) elif isinstance(self.__rows, slice): self._mainwidget.updateHBounds(self.__rows.start, self.__rows.stop) self._plotCurves() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateColumns(self): """ updates applied button""" text = str(self.__ui.columnsliceLineEdit.text()).strip() rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: dx, dy, ds1, ds2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) if rwe: self.__columns, self.__dscolumns = self.__updateslice( text, int(dx), int(ds1)) else: self.__columns, self.__dscolumns = self.__updateslice(text) if self.__columns is None: self._mainwidget.updateVBounds(None, None) elif isinstance(self.__columns, int): self._mainwidget.updateVBounds(self.__columns, self.__columns + 1) elif isinstance(self.__columns, slice): self._mainwidget.updateVBounds( self.__columns.start, self.__columns.stop) self._plotCurves() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setFunction(self, findex): """ set sum or mean function :param findex: function index, i.e. 0:mean, 1:sum :type findex: :obj:`int` """ self.__funindex = findex self._plotCurves()
[docs] def afterplot(self): """ command after plot """ self._plotCurves()
@QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _plotCurves(self): """ plots the current image in 1d plots """ if self._mainwidget.currentTool() == if self.__bottomplot is None or self.__rightplot is None: return dts = self._mainwidget.rawData() if dts is not None: while dts.ndim > 2: dts = np.nanmean(dts, axis=2) if dts is not None: if self.__funindex: npfun = np.nansum else: npfun = np.nanmean if self.__dsrows == "ERROR": sx = [] elif self.__dsrows is not None: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r'Mean of empty slice') if isinstance(self.__dsrows, slice): sx = npfun(dts[:, self.__dsrows], axis=1) else: sx = dts[:, self.__dsrows] except Exception: sx = [] else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r'Mean of empty slice') sx = npfun(dts, axis=1) if self.__dscolumns == "ERROR": sy = [] if self.__dscolumns is not None: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r'Mean of empty slice') if isinstance(self.__dscolumns, slice): sy = npfun(dts[self.__dscolumns, :], axis=0) else: sy = dts[self.__dscolumns, :] except Exception: sy = [] else: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r'Mean of empty slice') sy = npfun(dts, axis=0) except Exception: sy = [] rwe = self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled() if rwe: x, y, s1, s2 = self._mainwidget.scale( useraxes=False, noNone=True) if self._mainwidget.transformations()[3]: x, y = y, x s1, s2 = s2, s1 xx = list( range(int(x), len(sx) * int(s1) + int(x), int(s1))) yy = list( range(int(y), len(sy) * int(s2) + int(y), int(s2))) else: s1 = 1.0 s2 = 1.0 xx = list(range(len(sx))) yy = list(range(len(sy))) width = [s1] * len(sx) height = [s2] * len(sy) self.__bottomplot.setOpts( y0=[0]*len(sx), y1=sx, x=xx, width=width) self.__bottomplot.drawPicture() self.__rightplot.setOpts( x0=[0]*len(sy), x1=sy, y=yy, height=height) self.__rightplot.drawPicture() if self.__settings.sendresults: xslice = self.__dsrows yslice = self.__dscolumns if hasattr(xslice, "start"): xslice = [xslice.start, xslice.stop, xslice.step] if hasattr(yslice, "start"): yslice = [yslice.start, yslice.stop, yslice.step] self.__sendresults( xx, [float(e) for e in sx], s1, xslice, yy, [float(e) for e in sy], s2, yslice, "sum" if self.__funindex else "mean" ) def __sendresults(self, xx, sx, xscale, xslice, yy, sy, yscale, yslice, fun): """ send results to LavueController :param xx: x's coordinates :type xx: :obj:`list` <float> :param sx: projection to x coordinate :type sx: :obj:`list` <float> :param xscale: x scale :type xscale: :obj:`float` :param xslice: x slice :type xslice: :obj:`list` <float> :param yy: y's coordinates :type yy: :obj:`list` <float> :param sy: projection to y coordinate :type sy: :obj:`list` <float> :param yscale: y scale :type yscale: :obj:`float` :param yslice: y slice :type yslice: :obj:`list` <float> :param fun: projection function name :type fun: :obj:`str` """ results = {"tool": self.alias} results["imagename"] = self._mainwidget.imageName() results["timestamp"] = time.time() results["xx"] = xx results["sx"] = sx results["xscale"] = xscale results["xslice"] = xslice results["yy"] = yy results["sy"] = sy results["yscale"] = yscale results["yslice"] = yslice results["function"] = fun self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "ToolResults", json.dumps(results, cls=numpyEncoder)) def __updateCompleter(self): """ updates the labelROI help """ text = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) sttext = text.strip() sptext = sttext.split() stext = "" if text.endswith(" "): stext = sttext elif len(sptext) > 1: stext = " ".join(sptext[:-1]) if stext: if self.__aliases: hints = ["%s %s" % (stext, al) for al in self.__aliases] else: hints = [stext] else: hints = self.__aliases or [] completer = QtWidgets.QCompleter(hints, self) self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.setCompleter(completer) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _roimessage(self): """ provides roi message """ message = "" current = self._mainwidget.currentROI() coords = self._mainwidget.roiCoords() if current > -1 and current < len(coords): message = "%s" % coords[current] self.__setDisplayedText(message) def __setDisplayedText(self, text=None): """ sets displayed info text and recalculates the current roi sum :param text: text to display :type text: :obj:`str` """ sroiVal = "" if text is not None: self.__lasttext = text else: text = self.__lasttext if self.__settings.showallrois: currentroi = self._mainwidget.currentROI() roiVals = self._mainwidget.calcROIsums() if roiVals is not None: sroiVal = " / ".join( [(("%g" % roiv) if roiv is not None else "?") for roiv in roiVals]) else: roiVal, currentroi = self._mainwidget.calcROIsum() if roiVal is not None: sroiVal = "%.4f" % roiVal if currentroi is not None: self.updateROIDisplayText(text, currentroi, sroiVal) else: self.__ui.roiinfoLineEdit.setText(text) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _emitApplyROIPressed(self): """ emits applyROIPressed signal""" text = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) roispin = int(self.__ui.roiSpinBox.value()) self.applyROIPressed.emit(text, roispin) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _emitFetchROIPressed(self): """ emits fetchROIPressed signal""" text = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) self.fetchROIPressed.emit(text) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateApplyButton(self): """ updates applied button""" stext = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) self._mainwidget.roilabels = stext currentlength = len(stext) if not stext.strip(): self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setEnabled(False) self.__updateCompleter() else: self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setEnabled(True) if stext.endswith(" ") or currentlength < self.__textlength: self.__updateCompleter() self.__textlength = currentlength
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def updateROILineEdit(self, text): """ updates ROI line edit text :param text: text to update :type text: :obj:`str` """ if not self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.hasFocus(): self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.setText(text) self._updateApplyButton()
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def updateROIButton(self, enabled): """ enables/disables ROI buttons :param enable: buttons enabled :type enable: :obj:`bool` """
# self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setEnabled(enabled) # self.__ui.fetchROIPushButton.setEnabled(enabled)
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def updateApplyTips(self, rid): """ updates apply tips :param rid: current roi id :type rid: :obj:`int` """ if rid < 0: self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setToolTip( "remove ROI aliases from the Door environment" " as well as from Active MntGrp") else: self.__ui.applyROIPushButton.setToolTip( "add ROI aliases to the Door environment " "as well as to Active MntGrp")
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, int, str) def updateROIDisplayText(self, text, currentroi, roiVal): """ updates ROI display text :param text: standard display text :type text: :obj:`str` :param currentroi: current roi label :type currentroi: :obj:`str` :param text: roi sum value :type text: :obj:`str` """ roilabel = "roi [%s]" % (currentroi + 1) slabel = [] rlabel = str(self.__ui.labelROILineEdit.text()) if rlabel: slabel = re.split(';|,| |\n', rlabel) slabel = [lb for lb in slabel if lb] if slabel: roilabel = "%s [%s]" % ( slabel[currentroi] if currentroi < len(slabel) else slabel[-1], (currentroi + 1) ) if "/" in roiVal: self.__ui.roiinfoLineEdit.setText( "%s, %s; values = %s" % (text, roilabel, roiVal)) else: self.__ui.roiinfoLineEdit.setText( "%s, %s = %s" % (text, roilabel, roiVal))
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def setROIsNumber(self, rid): """sets a number of rois :param rid: number of rois :type rid: :obj:`int` """ self.__ui.roiSpinBox.setValue(rid)
# self._mainwidget.writeDetectorROIsAttribute() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(float, float) def _updateCenter(self, xdata, ydata): """ updates the image center :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` """ txdata = None if self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled(): txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy( xdata, ydata, useraxes=False) if txdata is not None: xdata = txdata ydata = tydata self.__settings.centerx = float(xdata) self.__settings.centery = float(ydata) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute("BeamCenterX", float(xdata)) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute("BeamCenterY", float(ydata)) self._message() self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _message(self): """ provides geometry message """ message = "" _, _, intensity, x, y = self._mainwidget.currentIntensity() if isinstance(intensity, float) and np.isnan(intensity): intensity = 0 if isinstance(intensity, np.ndarray): intensity = np.nansum( [0 if (isinstance(it, float) and np.isnan(it)) else it for it in intensity]) if self._mainwidget.rangeWindowEnabled(): txdata, tydata = self._mainwidget.scaledxy( x, y, useraxes=False) if txdata is not None: x = txdata y = tydata ilabel = self._mainwidget.scalingLabel() if self.__gspaceindex == 0: thetax, thetay, thetatotal = self.__pixel2theta(x, y) if thetax is not None: message = "th_x = %f deg, th_y = %f deg," \ " th_tot = %f deg, %s = %.2f" \ % (thetax * 180 / math.pi, thetay * 180 / math.pi, thetatotal * 180 / math.pi, ilabel, intensity) else: qx, qy, q = self.__pixel2q(x, y) if qx is not None: message = u"q_x = %f 1/\u212B, q_y = %f 1/\u212B, " \ u"q = %f 1/\u212B, %s = %.2f" \ % (qx, qy, q, ilabel, intensity) self._mainwidget.updateDisplayedText(message) def __pixel2theta(self, xdata, ydata): """ converts coordinates from pixel positions to theta angles :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` :returns: x-theta, y-theta, total-theta :rtype: (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) """ thetax = None thetay = None thetatotal = None if > 0 and self.__settings.detdistance > 0: xcentered = xdata - self.__settings.centerx ycentered = ydata - self.__settings.centery thetax = math.atan( xcentered * self.__settings.pixelsizex / 1000. / self.__settings.detdistance) thetay = math.atan( ycentered * self.__settings.pixelsizey / 1000. / self.__settings.detdistance) r = math.sqrt( (xcentered * self.__settings.pixelsizex / 1000.) ** 2 + (ycentered * self.__settings.pixelsizey / 1000.) ** 2) thetatotal = math.atan( r / self.__settings.detdistance) return thetax, thetay, thetatotal def __pixel2q(self, xdata, ydata): """ converts coordinates from pixel positions to q-space coordinates :param xdata: x pixel position :type xdata: :obj:`float` :param ydata: y-pixel position :type ydata: :obj:`float` :returns: q_x, q_y, q_total :rtype: (:obj:`float`, :obj:`float`, :obj:`float`) """ qx = None qy = None q = None if > 0 and self.__settings.detdistance > 0: thetax, thetay, thetatotal = self.__pixel2theta( xdata, ydata) wavelength = 12398.4193 / qx = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetax/2.) qy = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetay/2.) q = 4 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(thetatotal/2.) return qx, qy, q def __tipmessage(self): """ provides geometry messate :returns: geometry text :rtype: :obj:`unicode` """ return u"geometry:\n" \ u" center = (%s, %s) pixels\n" \ u" pixel_size = (%s, %s) \u00B5m\n" \ u" detector_distance = %s mm\n" \ u" energy = %s eV" % ( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery, self.__settings.pixelsizex, self.__settings.pixelsizey, self.__settings.detdistance, ) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setGeometry(self): """ launches geometry widget :returns: apply status :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ cnfdlg = geometryDialog.GeometryDialog() cnfdlg.centerx = self.__settings.centerx cnfdlg.centery = self.__settings.centery = cnfdlg.pixelsizex = self.__settings.pixelsizex cnfdlg.pixelsizey = self.__settings.pixelsizey cnfdlg.detdistance = self.__settings.detdistance cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__settings.centerx = cnfdlg.centerx self.__settings.centery = cnfdlg.centery = self.__settings.pixelsizex = cnfdlg.pixelsizex self.__settings.pixelsizey = cnfdlg.pixelsizey self.__settings.detdistance = cnfdlg.detdistance self.__settings.updateAISettings() self._mainwidget.writeDetectorAttributes() self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) # @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateGeometry(self, geometry): """ update geometry widget :param geometry: geometry dictionary :type geometry: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`list`> """ try: if "centerx" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.centerx = float(geometry["centerx"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterX", float(self.__settings.centerx)) except Exception: pass try: if "centery" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.centery = float(geometry["centery"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "BeamCenterY", float(self.__settings.centery)) except Exception: pass try: if "energy" in geometry.keys(): = float(geometry["energy"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "Energy", float( except Exception: pass try: if "pixelsizex" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.pixelsizex = float(geometry["pixelsizex"]) except Exception: pass try: if "pixelsizey" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.pixelsizey = float(geometry["pixelsizey"]) except Exception: pass try: if "detdistance" in geometry.keys(): self.__settings.detdistance = float(geometry["detdistance"]) self._mainwidget.writeAttribute( "DetectorDistance", float(self.__settings.detdistance)) except Exception: pass if geometry: self.updateGeometryTip() self._mainwidget.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) self._mainwidget.emitTCC() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setGSpaceIndex(self, gindex): """ set gspace index :param gspace: g-space index, i.e. angle or q-space :type gspace: :obj:`int` """ self.__gspaceindex = gindex
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateGeometryTip(self): """ update geometry tips """ message = self.__tipmessage() self._mainwidget.updateDisplayedTextTip( "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer\n%s" % message) self.__ui.angleqPushButton.setToolTip( "Input physical parameters\n%s" % message) self.__ui.angleqComboBox.setToolTip( "Select the display space\n%s" % message) self.__ui.toolLabel.setToolTip( "coordinate info display for the mouse pointer\n%s" % message)
#: ( :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, any > ) tool widget properties twproperties = [] for nm in __all__: if nm.endswith("ToolWidget"): cl = globals()[nm] twproperties.append( { 'alias': cl.alias, 'name':, 'widget': nm, 'requires': cl.requires, })