Source code for lavuelib.liveViewer

# Copyright (C) 2017  DESY, Christoph Rosemann, Notkestr. 85, D-22607 Hamburg
# lavue is an image viewing program for photon science imaging detectors.
# Its usual application is as a live viewer using hidra as data source.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation in  version 2
# of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Authors:
#     Christoph Rosemann <>
#     Jan Kotanski <>

""" live viewer settings """

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import time
import socket
import warnings
import json
from .qtuic import uic
from .qtuic import QWebView
from .qtuic import qwebview_error
from .qtuic import qwebview_traceback
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as _pg
from pyqtgraph import QtCore, QtGui
import os
import zmq
import sys
import argparse
import ntpath
import logging
import scipy.ndimage

    from pyqtgraph import QtWidgets
except Exception:
    from pyqtgraph import QtGui as QtWidgets

from . import imageSource as isr
from . import messageBox

# from . import sourceGroupBox
from . import sourceTabWidget
from . import toolWidget
from . import sourceWidget
from . import preparationGroupBox
from . import memoryBufferGroupBox
from . import scalingGroupBox
from . import overflowValueGroupBox
from . import levelsGroupBox
from . import channelGroupBox
from . import statisticsGroupBox
from . import imageWidget
from . import imageField
from . import configDialog
from . import release
from . import edDictDialog
from . import filters
from . import rangeWindowGroupBox
from . import filtersGroupBox
from . import helpForm
from .sardanaUtils import debugmethod, numpyEncoder

    from . import controllerClient
except Exception:

from . import imageFileHandler
from . import sardanaUtils
from . import dataFetchThread
from . import settings

from .hidraServerList import HIDRASERVERLIST

    from numpy.lib.nanfunctions import _replace_nan
    from numpy.lib.nanfunctions import _copyto
    NPNAN = True
except Exception:
    NPNAN = False

logger = logging.getLogger("lavue")

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    basestring = str
    unicode = str


#: ( (:obj:`str`,:obj:`str`,:obj:`str`) )
#:         pg major version, pg minor verion, pg patch version
_VMAJOR, _VMINOR, _VPATCH = _pg.__version__.split(".")[:3] \
    if _pg.__version__ else ("0", "9", "0")

_formclass, _baseclass = uic.loadUiType(
                 "ui", "MainDialog.ui"))

_logginglevel = 'warning'

[docs]def setLoggerLevel(logger, level): global _logginglevel """ sets logging level from string :param logger: logger :type logger: :obj:`logging.logger` :param level: logging level :type level: :obj:`str` """ levels = {'debug': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'critical': logging.CRITICAL} _logginglevel = level if level in levels else "warning" dlevel = levels.get(level, logging.WARNING) logger.setLevel(dlevel)
[docs]class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): @debugmethod def __init__(self, options, parent=None): """ constructor :param options: commandline options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.__lavue = LiveViewer(options, self) self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self) self.gridLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.centralwidget) try: self.gridLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) except Exception: self.gridLayout.setMargin(0) self.gridLayout.setSpacing(0) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.__lavue, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) if hasattr(options, "instance") and options.instance: self.setWindowTitle( "laVue: Live Image Viewer (v%s) [%s]" % (str(release.__version__), options.instance)) else: self.setWindowTitle( "laVue: Live Image Viewer (v%s)" % str(release.__version__))
[docs] @debugmethod def closeEvent(self, event): """ stores the setting before finishing the application :param event: close event :type event: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QEvent`: """ self.__lavue.closeEvent(event) QtWidgets.QMainWindow.closeEvent(self, event)
[docs]class LavueState(object): """ lavue state """ @debugmethod def __init__(self): """ constructor """ #: (:obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`any`>) lavue state dictionary self.__state = {}
[docs] def updateState(self, dct): """update lavue state dictonary :param dct: lavue state dictionary :type dct: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`any`> """ if dct is not None: self.__state.update(dct) self.__state["__timestamp__"] = time.time()
[docs] def dump(self): """ returns string representation :returns: string representation :rtype: :obj:`str` """ return json.dumps(self.__state, cls=numpyEncoder)
[docs]class PartialData(object): """ partial data """ #: ( :obj:`dict < :obj:`str`, :obj:'bool`> `) # transformation transpose map tpose = { "none": False, "fup": False, "flr": False, "t": True, "r90": True, "r180": False, "r270": True, "r180t": True, } @debugmethod def __init__(self, name, rawdata, metadata, x, y, tr): """ constructor :param name: data name :type name: :obj:`str` :param rawdata: raw data :type rawdata: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :param metadata: json dictionary with metadata :type metadata: :obj:`str` :param x: x translation :type x: :obj:`int` :param y: y translation :type y: :obj:`int` :param tr: transformation, e.g. fup, flr, t, r90, r180, r270, r180t :type tr: :obj:`str` """ #: (:obj:`str`) data name = name #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) raw data self.__rawdata = rawdata #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) transformed data self.__data = None #: (:obj:`str`) json dictionary with metadata self.metadata = metadata #: (:obj:`int`) x translation self.x = x #: (:obj:`int`) y translation self.y = y #: (:obj:`int`) x size = 1 #: (:obj:`int`) y size = 1 #: (:obj:`int`) color channel size self.scc = 1 #: (:obj:`str`) transformation = tr #: (:obj:`bool`) rgb flag if hasattr(self.__data, "shape"): if len(self.__data.shape) > 2: self.scc = self.__data.shape[0] = self.__data.shape[1] = self.__data.shape[2] else: if len(self.__data.shape) > 0: = self.__data.shape[0] if len(self.__data.shape) > 1: = self.__data.shape[1]
[docs] def dtype(self): """ provides data type :returns: numpy data type :rtype: :obj:`numpy.dtype` """ if hasattr(self.__data, "dtype"): return self.__data.dtype else: return None
[docs] def intmaxvalue(self): """ provides data type maximal value :returns: integer data type maximal value :rtype: :obj:`int` """ maxval = None if self.dtype() is not None and \ issubclass(self.dtype().type, np.integer): try: maxval = np.iinfo(self.dtype()).max except Exception: maxval = None return maxval
[docs] def data(self): """ provides transformed data :returns: transformed data :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` """ if self.__data is None: if hasattr(self.__rawdata, "shape") and \ len(self.__rawdata.shape) < 2: nshape = list(self.__rawdata.shape) while len(nshape) < 2: nshape.append(1) rawdata = self.__rawdata.reshape(nshape) else: rawdata = self.__rawdata if not or == "none": self.__data = rawdata elif == 'fud': self.__data = np.fliplr(rawdata) elif == 'flr': self.__data = np.flipud(rawdata) elif == 't': self.__data = np.swapaxes(rawdata, 0, 1) elif == 'r90': self.__data = np.swapaxes(np.flipud(rawdata), 0, 1) elif == 'r180': self.__data = np.flipud(np.fliplr(rawdata)) elif == 'r270': self.__data = np.swapaxes(np.fliplr(rawdata), 0, 1) elif == 'r180t': self.__data = np.swapaxes( np.fliplr(np.flipud(rawdata)), 0, 1) else: try: if"rot") and"t"): rot = -float([3:-1]) self.__data = scipy.ndimage.rotate( rawdata, rot).T elif"rot"): rot = -float([3:]) self.__data = scipy.ndimage.rotate(rawdata, rot) elif"r") and"t"): rot = -float([1:-1]) self.__data = scipy.ndimage.rotate( rawdata, rot).T elif"r"): rot = -float([1:]) self.__data = scipy.ndimage.rotate(rawdata, rot) else: self.__data = rawdata except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e)) self.__data = rawdata return self.__data
[docs] @debugmethod def tolist(self): """ converts partial data to a list :returns: a list: [name, rawdata, metadata, x, y, sx, sy, tr] :rtype: [:obj:`str`, :obj:`numpy.ndarray', :obj:`str`, :obj:`int`, :obj:`int`, :obj:`int`, :obj:`int`, :obj:`str`] """ return [, self.__rawdata, self.metadata, self.x, self.y,,,]
def _nansum(a, axis=None): """ old the numpy nansum :param axis: axis to sum up :type axis: :obj:`int` :returns: numpy array with the sum :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if not NPNAN: return np.nansum(a, axis) a, mask = _replace_nan(a, 0) if mask is None: return np.sum(a, axis=axis) mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis) tot = np.sum(a, axis=axis) if np.any(mask): tot = _copyto(tot, np.nan, mask) return tot
[docs]class LiveViewer(QtWidgets.QDialog): '''The master class for the dialog, contains all other widget and handles communication.''' #: (:class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.pyqtSignal`) state updated signal _stateUpdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) @debugmethod def __init__(self, options, parent=None): """ constructor :param options: commandline options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) # self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) if options.mode and options.mode.lower() in ["expert"]: #: (:obj:`str`) execution mode: expert or user self.__umode = "expert" else: #: (:obj:`str`) execution mode: expert or user self.__umode = "user" if hasattr(options, "configpath") and options.configpath: QtCore.QSettings.setPath( QtCore.QSettings.NativeFormat, QtCore.QSettings.UserScope, options.configpath ) #: (:obj:`str`) instance name self.__instance = options.instance #: (:obj:`bool`) histogram should be updated self.__updatehisto = False #: (:obj:`int`) program pid self.__apppid = os.getpid() #: (:obj:`str`) host name self.__targetname = socket.getfqdn() #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > ) allowed source metadata self.__allowedmdata = ["datasources", "asapostreams"] #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > ) allowed widget metadata self.__allowedwgdata = ["axisscales", "axislabels"] #: (:class:`lavuelib.sardanaUtils.SardanaUtils`) #: sardana utils self.__sardana = None #: (:class:`lavuelib.settings.Settings`) settings self.__settings = settings.Settings() self.__settings.load(QtCore.QSettings()) self.__lavuestate = LavueState() # (:class:`lavuelib.imageSource.BaseSource`) data source object self.__datasources = [isr.BaseSource() for _ in range(self.__settings.nrsources)] #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > ) source class names self.__sourcetypes = [] #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > ) all source aliases self.__allsourcealiases = [] #: (:obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`str` > ) source alias names self.__srcaliasnames = {} #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > ) tool class names self.__tooltypes = [] #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > ) all tool aliases self.__alltoolaliases = [] #: (:obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`str` > ) tool alias names self.__tlaliasnames = {} self.__updateTypeList( sourceWidget.swproperties, self.__sourcetypes, self.__allsourcealiases, self.__srcaliasnames ) self.__updateTypeList( toolWidget.twproperties, self.__tooltypes, self.__alltoolaliases, self.__tlaliasnames ) #: (:class:`lavuelib.controllerClient.ControllerClient`) #: tango controller client self.__tangoclient = None #: (:obj:`int`) stacking dimension self.__growing = None #: (:obj:`int`) current frame id self.__frame = None #: (:obj:`str`) nexus field path self.__fieldpath = None #: (:obj:`bool`) closing flag self.__closing = False #: (:obj:`bool`) ploting flag self.__ploting = False #: (:class:`filters.FilterList` ) user filters self.__filters = filters.FilterList() #: (:obj:`int`) filter state self.__filterstate = 0 #: (:obj:`float`) last time read self.__lasttime = 0 #: (:obj:`float`) current time self.__currentime = 0 # WIDGET DEFINITIONS #: (:class:`lavuelib.sourceTabWidget.SourceTabWidget`) source groupbox self.__sourcewg = sourceTabWidget.SourceTabWidget( parent=self, sourcetypes=self.__sourcetypes, expertmode=(self.__umode == 'expert'), nrsources=self.__settings.nrsources ) self.__sourcewg.updateSourceComboBox( [self.__srcaliasnames[twn] for twn in json.loads(str(self.__settings.imagesources)) if twn in self.__srcaliasnames.keys()] ) #: (:class:`lavuelib.rangeWindowGroupBox.RangeWindowGroupBox`) #: memory buffer groupbox self.__rangewg = rangeWindowGroupBox.RangeWindowGroupBox( parent=self) self.__rangewg.factorChanged.connect(self._resizePlot) self.__rangewg.rangeWindowChanged.connect(self._resizePlot) self.__rangewg.functionChanged.connect(self._resizePlot) #: (:class:`lavuelib.memoryBufferGroupBox.MemoryBufferGroupBox`) #: memory buffer groupbox self.__mbufferwg = memoryBufferGroupBox.MemoryBufferGroupBox( parent=self) self.__mbufferwg.setMaxBufferSize(self.__settings.maxmbuffersize) self.__mbufferwg.setComputeSum(self.__settings.accelbuffersum) #: (:class:`lavuelib.filtersGroupBox.FiltersGroupBox`) # filters widget self.__filterswg = filtersGroupBox.FiltersGroupBox( parent=self) #: (:class:`lavuelib.preparationGroupBox.PreparationGroupBox`) #: preparation groupbox self.__prepwg = preparationGroupBox.PreparationGroupBox( parent=self, settings=self.__settings) #: (:class:`lavuelib.scalingGroupBox.ScalingGroupBox`) scaling groupbox self.__scalingwg = scalingGroupBox.ScalingGroupBox(parent=self) #: (:class:`lavuelib.overflowValueGroupBox.OverflowValueGroupBox`) # scaling groupbox self.__overflowwg = overflowValueGroupBox.OverflowValueGroupBox( parent=self) #: (:class:`lavuelib.levelsGroupBox.LevelsGroupBox`) level groupbox self.__levelswg = levelsGroupBox.LevelsGroupBox( parent=self, settings=self.__settings, expertmode=(self.__umode == 'expert')) #: (:class:`lavuelib.levelsGroupBox.LevelsGroupBox`) channel groupbox self.__channelwg = channelGroupBox.ChannelGroupBox( parent=self, settings=self.__settings, expertmode=(self.__umode == 'expert')) #: (:class:`lavuelib.statisticsGroupBox.StatisticsGroupBox`) #: statistic groupbox self.__statswg = statisticsGroupBox.StatisticsGroupBox(parent=self) #: (:class:`lavuelib.imageWidget.ImageWidget`) image widget self.__imagewg = imageWidget.ImageWidget( parent=self, tooltypes=self.__tooltypes, settings=self.__settings) self.__imagewg.updateToolComboBox( [self.__tlaliasnames[twn] for twn in json.loads(str(self.__settings.toolwidgets)) if twn in self.__tlaliasnames.keys()] ) for iid in range(3): self.__levelswg.setImageItem(self.__imagewg.image(iid), iid) self.__levelswg.showGradient(True) self.__levelswg.showChannels(False) self.__channelwg.showGradient(True) self.__levelswg.updateHistoImage(autoLevel=True) #: (:class:`lavuelib.maskWidget.MaskWidget`) mask widget self.__maskwg = self.__prepwg.maskWidget #: (:class:`lavuelib.highValueMaskWidget.HighValueMaskWidget`) # high value mask widget self.__highvaluemaskwg = self.__prepwg.highValueMaskWidget #: (:class:`lavuelib.bkgSubtractionWidget.BkgSubtractionWidget`) #: background subtraction widget self.__bkgsubwg = self.__prepwg.bkgSubWidget #: (:class:`lavuelib.normalizationWidget.NormalizationWidget`) #: background subtraction widget self.__normwg = self.__prepwg.normWidget #: (:class:`lavuelib.transformationsWidget.TransformationsWidget`) #: transformations widget self.__trafowg = self.__prepwg.trafoWidget # keep a reference to the "raw" image and the current filename #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) raw image self.__rawimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) raw image self.__filteredimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) raw gray image self.__rawgreyimage = None #: (:obj:`str`) image name self.__imagename = None #: (:obj:`str`) last image name self.__lastimagename = None #: (:obj:`int`) integer max value self.__intmaxvalue = None #: (:obj:`str`) metadata JSON dictionary self.__metadata = "" #: (:obj:`str`) metadata dictionary self.__mdata = {} #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) displayed image after preparation self.__displayimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) scaled displayed image self.__scaledimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) color mask image self.__overflowimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) background image self.__backgroundimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) scaled background image self.__scbackgroundimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) scaled background scale self.__backgroundscale = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) brightfield image self.__brightfieldimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) scaled brightfield image self.__scbrightfieldimage = None #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) scaled brightfield scale self.__brightfieldscale = None #: (:obj:`bool`) apply brightfield - darkfield image subtraction self.__bfmdfimage = None #: (:obj:`bool`) apply background image subtraction self.__dobkgsubtraction = False #: (:obj:`bool`) apply brightfield image subtraction self.__dobfsubtraction = False #: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) mask image self.__maskimage = None #: (:obj:`str`) source configuration string self.__sourceconfiguration = None #: (:obj:`str`) source label self.__sourcelabel = None #: (:obj:`list`< ( :obj:`int`,:obj:`int` ) > ) # image module translations self.__translations = [(0, 0)] #: (:obj:`list`< (:obj:`str`) > ) image module transformations self.__transformations = [''] #: (:obj:`list`< (:obj:`str`) >) image module # translations and transformations self.__trans = [''] #: (:obj:`dict`< (:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`)) transformation names map self.__transmap = { "flipud": "fud", "flip-up-down": "fud", "r90t": "fud", "rot90t": "fud", "rot90+transpose": "fud", "fliplr": "flr", "flip-left-right": "flr", "r270t": "flr", "rot270t": "flr", "rot270+transpose": "flr", "transpose": "t", "rot90": "r90", "rot180": "r180", "rot270": "r270", "rot180t": "r180t", "rot180+transpose": "r180t", } #: (:obj:`str`) reload flag self.__reloadflag = False #: (:obj:`str`) transformation name self.__trafoname = "None" #: (:obj:`bool`) lazy image slider self.__lazyimageslider = False #: (:obj: dict < :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` >) unsigned/signed int map self.__unsignedmap = { "uint8": "int16", "uint16": "int32", "uint32": "int64", "uint64": "int64" # "uint64": "float64" } #: (:class:`Ui_LevelsGroupBox') ui_groupbox object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _formclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) # # LAYOUT DEFINITIONS self.__ui.confVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__sourcewg) self.scroll = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self.scroll.setSizeAdjustPolicy(self.scroll.AdjustToContents) self.scrollWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.scrollVerticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.scroll.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.scroll.setFrameStyle(QtWidgets.QFrame.NoFrame) self.scrollWidget.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.scrollVerticalLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.__ui.confVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.scroll) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__rangewg) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__filterswg) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__mbufferwg) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__channelwg) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__prepwg) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__overflowwg) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__scalingwg) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__levelswg) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__statswg) self.scrollWidget.setLayout(self.scrollVerticalLayout) self.scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.scroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scroll.setWidget(self.scrollWidget) self.scroll.setMinimumWidth(380) self.__ui.imageVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.__imagewg) spacer = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding ) self.scrollVerticalLayout.addItem(spacer) self.__ui.splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 1) self.__ui.splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 10) # SIGNAL LOGIC:: # signal from intensity scaling widget: # self.__scalingwg.scalingChanged.connect(self.scale) self.__scalingwg.simpleScalingChanged.connect(self._plot) self.__scalingwg.scalingChanged.connect( self._setScalingState) # signal from limit setting widget self.__levelswg.minLevelChanged.connect(self._setMinLevelState) self.__levelswg.maxLevelChanged.connect(self._setMaxLevelState) self.__levelswg.channelLevelsChanged.connect( self._setChannelLevelState) self.__levelswg.autoLevelsChanged.connect(self._setAutoLevelsState) self.__levelswg.levelsChanged.connect(self._setLevelState) self.__levelswg.gradientChanged.connect( self._setGradientState) self.__ui.cnfPushButton.clicked.connect(self._configuration) self.__ui.quitPushButton.clicked.connect(self.close) self.__ui.loadPushButton.clicked.connect(self._clickloadfile) self.__ui.reloadPushButton.clicked.connect(self._pushreloadfile) self.__ui.helpPushButton.clicked.connect(self._showhelp) if self.__umode in ["user"]: self.__ui.cnfPushButton.hide() if QtGui.QIcon.hasThemeIcon("applications-system"): icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("applications-system") self.__ui.cnfPushButton.setIcon(icon) self.__ui.cnfPushButton.setText("") if QtGui.QIcon.hasThemeIcon("document-open-recent"): icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("document-open-recent") self.__ui.reloadPushButton.setIcon(icon) self.__ui.reloadPushButton.setText("") if QtGui.QIcon.hasThemeIcon("document-open"): icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("document-open") self.__ui.loadPushButton.setIcon(icon) # self.__ui.loadPushButton.setText("") if QtGui.QIcon.hasThemeIcon("application-exit"): icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("application-exit") self.__ui.quitPushButton.setIcon(icon) # self.__ui.quitPushButton.setText("") if QtGui.QIcon.hasThemeIcon("help-browser"): icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("help-browser") self.__ui.helpPushButton.setIcon(icon) # self.__ui.helpPushButton.setText("") self.__imagewg.roiCoordsChanged.connect(self._calcUpdateStatsSec) self.__imagewg.currentToolChanged.connect(self._setToolState) # connecting signals from source widget: # gradient selector self.__channelwg.rgbChanged.connect(self._setRGBState) self.__channelwg.channelChanged.connect(self._setChannelState) self.__imagewg.aspectLockedToggled.connect(self._setAspectLocked) self.__levelswg.storeSettingsRequested.connect( self._storeSettings) self.__imagewg.replotImage.connect(self._replot) # simple mutable caching object for data exchange with thread #: (:class:`lavuelib.dataFetchTread.ExchangeList`) #: exchange list self.__exchangelists = [] for ds in self.__datasources: self.__exchangelists.append(dataFetchThread.ExchangeList()) #: (:class:`lavuelib.dataFetchTread.DataFechThread`) #: data fetch thread self.__dataFetchers = [] for i, ds in enumerate(self.__datasources): dft = dataFetchThread.DataFetchThread( ds, self.__exchangelists[i], i) self.__dataFetchers.append(dft) self._stateUpdated.connect(dft.changeStatus) self.__dataFetchers[0].newDataNameFetched.connect(self._getNewData) self.__sourcewg.sourceStateChanged.connect(self._updateSource) self.__sourcewg.sourceChanged.connect(self._onSourceChanged) self.__sourcewg.sourceConnected.connect(self._connectSource) self.__sourcewg.sourceDisconnected.connect(self._disconnectSource) self.__bkgsubwg.bkgFileSelected.connect(self._prepareBkgSubtraction) self.__bkgsubwg.useCurrentImageAsBkg.connect( self._setCurrentImageAsBkg) self.__bkgsubwg.applyStateChanged.connect(self._checkBkgSubtraction) self.__bkgsubwg.bkgScalingFactorChanged.connect(self._updateBkgScale) self.__normwg.bfFileSelected.connect(self._prepareBFSubtraction) self.__normwg.useCurrentImageAsBF.connect( self._setCurrentImageAsBF) self.__normwg.applyBFStateChanged.connect(self._checkBFSubtraction) self.__normwg.bfScalingFactorChanged.connect(self._updateBFScale) self.__maskwg.maskFileSelected.connect(self._prepareMasking) self.__maskwg.applyStateChanged.connect(self._checkMasking) self.__highvaluemaskwg.maskHighValueChanged.connect( self._checkHighMasking) self.__highvaluemaskwg.applyStateChanged.connect( self._checkHighMasking) self.__overflowwg.overflowValueChanged.connect( self._checkOverflow) self.__overflowwg.applyStateChanged.connect( self._checkOverflow) # signals from transformation widget self.__trafowg.transformationChanged.connect( self._assessTransformation) # signals from transformation widget self.__filterswg.filtersChanged.connect( self._assessFilters) # signals from transformation widget self.__mbufferwg.bufferSizeChanged.connect( self._setBufferSizeState) # set the right target name for the source display at initialization self.__sourcewg.sourceLabelChanged.connect( self._switchSourceDisplay) self.__sourcewg.addIconClicked.connect( self._addLabel) self.__sourcewg.removeIconClicked.connect( self._removeLabel) self.__sourcewg.translationChanged.connect(self._setTranslation) self.__ui.frameLineEdit.textChanged.connect(self._spinreloadfile) self.__ui.lowerframePushButton.clicked.connect( self._lowerframepushed) self.__ui.higherframePushButton.clicked.connect( self._higherframepushed) self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.valueChanged.connect( self._sliderreloadfilelazy) self.__connectslider() self.__sourcewg.updateLayout() self.__sourcewg.emitSourceChanged() self.__imagewg.showCurrentTool() self.__loadSettings() self.__resetFilters(self.__settings.filters) self.__updateframeview() self.__imagewg.resetUserFunctions(self.__settings.userfunctions) self.__imagewg.onedshowuserplot(self.__settings.showuserplot) self.__updateframeratetip(self.__settings.refreshtime) self.__imagewg.setExtensionsRefreshTime( self.__settings.toolrefreshtime) start = self.__applyoptions(options) self._plot() self.setState() if start: self.__sourcewg.start() self.__updateTool(options.tool) self.__imagewg.toolConfigurationChanged.connect( self._onToolConfigurationChanged)
[docs] @debugmethod def setState(self): """ set current state """ dssa = ";".join(self.__sourcewg.currentDataSourceAlias()) configuration = ";".join(self.__sourcewg.configuration()) if not self.__levelswg.isAutoLevel(): levels = self.__levelswg.levels() autofactor = None else: autofactor = self.__levelswg.autoFactor() levels = "" bkgfile = "" if self.__bkgsubwg.isBkgSubApplied(): if self.__settings.bkgimagename: bkgfile = str(self.__settings.bkgimagename) bffile = "" if self.__normwg.isBFSubApplied(): if self.__settings.bfimagename: bffile = str(self.__settings.bfimagename) maskfile = "" if self.__maskwg.isMaskApplied(): if self.__settings.maskimagename: maskfile = str(self.__settings.maskimagename) maskhighvalue = "" if self.__settings.showhighvaluemask: maskhighvalue = str(self.__highvaluemaskwg.mask() or "") overflowvalue = "" if self.__settings.showoverflow: overflowvalue = str(self.__overflowwg.overflowValue() or "") bkgscale = self.__backgroundscale \ if self.__settings.showsubsf else None bfscale = self.__brightfieldscale \ if self.__settings.shownormsf else None self.setLavueState( { "connected": self.__sourcewg.isConnected(), "source": dssa, "configuration": configuration, "offset": self._translations(), "mode": self.__umode, "instance": self.__instance or "", "scaling": str(self.__scalingwg.currentScaling()), "transformation": str(self.__trafowg.transformation()), "tool": str(self.__imagewg.tool()), "toolconfig": self.__imagewg.toolConfiguration(), "levels": levels, "autofactor": autofactor, "gradient": self.__levelswg.gradient(), "maskhighvalue": maskhighvalue, "overflowvalue": overflowvalue, "maskfile": maskfile, "bkgfile": bkgfile, "bkgscale": bkgscale, "brightfieldfile": bffile, "brightfieldscale": bfscale, "channel": self.__channelwg.channelLabel(), "mbuffer": (self.__mbufferwg.bufferSize() or None), "doordevice": self.__settings.doorname, "tangodevice": (self.__tangoclient.device() if self.__tangoclient else ""), "analysisdevice": self.__settings.analysisdevice, "rangewindow": self.__rangewg.rangeWindow(), "dsfactor": self.__rangewg.factor(), "dsreduction": str(self.__rangewg.function()), "filters": self.__filterstate, "imagefile": (self.__settings.imagename or ""), "version": str(release.__version__), })
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _setScalingState(self, scaling): """ sets scaling state :param scalingtype: scaling type, i.e. log, linear, sqrt :type scalingtype: :obj:`str` """ self.__levelswg.setScalingLabel(scaling) self.setLavueState({"scaling": str(scaling)}) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setChannelState(self): """ sets gradient state """ # eself.__levelswg.setScalingLabel(scaling) self.__levelswg.setRGBChannels(self.__channelwg.rgbchannels()) self.setLavueState({"channel": self.__channelwg.channelLabel()}) self._plot() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setGradientState(self): """ sets gradient state """ self.setLavueState({"gradient": self.__levelswg.gradient()}) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _setToolState(self, _): """ sets tool state """ self.setLavueState({"tool": self.__imagewg.tool()}) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setBufferSizeState(self, size): """ sets buffer size state """ self.setLavueState({"mbuffer": size or None}) if size == 0: if "channellabels" in self.__mdata: self.__mdata.pop("channellabels") if "suminthelast" in self.__mdata: self.__mdata.pop("suminthelast") if "skipfirst" in self.__mdata: self.__mdata.pop("skipfirst") self.__channelwg.updateChannelLabels() def __setLevelState(self): """ sets intensity level state """ if not self.__levelswg.isAutoLevel(): levels = self.__levelswg.levels() autofactor = None else: autofactor = self.__levelswg.autoFactor() levels = "" self.setLavueState({"levels": levels, "autofactor": autofactor}) def _setLevelState(self): """ sets intensity level state and plot """ self.__setLevelState() self._plot() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(float) def _setMinLevelState(self, level=None): """ sets minimum intensity level :param level: minimum intensity :type level: :obj:`float` """ self.__imagewg.setMinLevel(level) self.__imagewg.setLevelMode(self.__levelswg.levelMode()) self._setLevelState() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(float) def _setMaxLevelState(self, level=None): """ sets maximum intensity level :param level: maximum intensity :type level: :obj:`float` """ self.__imagewg.setMaxLevel(level) self.__imagewg.setLevelMode(self.__levelswg.levelMode()) self._setLevelState() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setChannelLevelState(self): """ sets maximum intensity level :param level: json with channel levels :type level: :obj:`str` """ levels = self.__levelswg.channelLevels() if levels is not None: self.__imagewg.setLevelMode(self.__levelswg.levelMode()) self.__imagewg.setChannelLevels(levels) self._setLevelState() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _setAutoLevelsState(self, autolevels): """ sets auto levels :param autolevels: 2: auto levels enabled 1: with autofactor :type autolevels: :obj:'int` """ self.__imagewg.setAutoLevels(autolevels) self._setLevelState()
[docs] @debugmethod def setLavueState(self, dct=None): """ update LavueState of LavueController :param dct: lavue state dictionary :type dct: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`any`> """ if dct is not None: self.__lavuestate.updateState(dct) self.__lavuestate.updateState({ "viewrange": self.__imagewg.viewRange() }) self.__imagewg.writeAttribute( "LavueState", self.__lavuestate.dump())
@debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _showhelp(self): """ shows the detail help """ if QWebView is None: messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: " "Help cannot be display because " "QtWebKitWigets or QtWebKit module is not installed", str(qwebview_error), str(qwebview_traceback), ) else: form = helpForm.HelpForm("qrc:/help/index.html", self) @debugmethod def _translations(self): """ povides translations and optional transformations of the given sources :returns: x,y tranlation or x,y,transformations, e.g. 2345,354,r90 :rtype: :obj:`str` """ nrsources = min(len(self.__datasources), len(self.__trans)) return ";".join(self.__trans[:nrsources]) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, int) def _setTranslation(self, trans, sid): """ sets translation and optional transfromation of the given source :param trans: x,y tranlation or x,y,transformations, e.g. 2345,354 :type trans: :obj:`str` :param sid: source id :type sid: :obj:`int` """ try: x = None y = None tr = '' strans = trans.split(",") if len(strans) > 0: try: x = int(strans[0].replace("m", "-")) except Exception: pass if len(strans) > 1: try: y = int(strans[1].replace("m", "-")) except Exception: pass if len(strans) > 2: try: tr = str(strans[2]).lower() except Exception: pass while len(self.__translations) <= sid: self.__translations.append((None, None)) while len(self.__transformations) <= sid: self.__transformations.append('') while len(self.__trans) <= sid: self.__trans.append('') self.__translations[sid] = (x, y) self.__transformations[sid] = self.__transmap.get(tr, tr) self.__trans[sid] = trans except Exception: pass offset = self._translations() self.setLavueState({"offset": offset}) # @debugmethod def __updateTypeList(self, properties, typelist, allaliases, snametoname): """ updates type list, i.e. typelist, allaliases and snametoname :param properties: dictionary with properies, i.e. {"requires": ("<PACKAGE1>","<PACKAGE2>"), "alias": "<alias>", "widget": "<widgettype>", "name": "<name>"} :type properties: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :param typelist: type list :type typelist: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str`> :param allaliases: a list of aliases :type allaliases: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str`> :param snametoname: alias to name dictionary :type snametoname: :obj:`dict` < :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> """ typelist[:] = [] allaliases[:] = [] for wp in properties: avail = True for req in wp["requires"]: if not getattr(isr, req): avail = False break if avail: if wp["alias"] not in typelist: typelist.append(wp["widget"]) allaliases.append(wp["alias"]) snametoname[wp["alias"]] = wp["name"] # @debugmethod def __switchlazysignals(self, lazy=False): """switch lazy signals :param lazy: lazy image slider flag :type lazy: :obj:`bool` """ if lazy: self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.sliderReleased.connect( self._sliderreloadfile) self.__lazyimageslider = True else: self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.sliderReleased.disconnect( self._sliderreloadfile) self.__lazyimageslider = False # @debugmethod def __disconnectslider(self): """switch lazy signals :param lazy: lazy image slider flag :type lazy: :obj:`bool` """ if self.__lazyimageslider: self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.sliderReleased.disconnect( self._sliderreloadfile) # @debugmethod def __connectslider(self): """switch lazy signals :param lazy: lazy image slider flag :type lazy: :obj:`bool` """ if self.__lazyimageslider: self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.sliderReleased.connect( self._sliderreloadfile) # @debugmethod def __resetFilters(self, filters): """ resets filters :param filters: filters settings :type filters: :obj:`str` """ try: fsettings = json.loads(filters) self.__filters.reset(fsettings) cfsettings = json.loads(self.__filters.currentconfig) # if filters != self.__filters.currentconfig: label = " | ".join([flt[0].split(".")[-1] for flt in cfsettings if (flt[0] and flt[2])]) if len(label) > 32: label = label[:32] + " ..." self.__filterswg.setLabel(label) self.__filterswg.setToolTip( "\n".join( ["%s(%s)" % (flt[0], ("'%s'" % flt[1]) if flt[1] else "") for flt in cfsettings if flt[0]]) ) if self.__settings.filters != self.__filters.currentconfig: self.__settings.filters = self.__filters.currentconfig except Exception as e: self.__filterswg.setState(0) import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: problems in setting filters", "%s" % str(e), "%s" % value) if self.__filters.errors: messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: problems in setting filters", "%s" % "\n".join(er[0] for er in self.__filters.errors if er), "%s" % "\n".join(er[1] for er in self.__filters.errors if (er and len(er) > 1))) # print(str(e)) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, str) def _addLabel(self, name, value): """ emits addIconClicked signal :param name: object name :type name: :obj:`str` :param value: text value :type value: :obj:`str` """ name = str(name) value = str(value) labelvalues = json.loads(getattr(self.__settings, name) or '{}') dform = edDictDialog.EdDictDialog(self) dform.record = labelvalues dform.newvalues = [value] # dform.title = self.__objtitles[repr(obj)] dform.createGUI() dform.exec_() if dform.dirty: labelvalues = dform.record for key in list(labelvalues.keys()): if not str(key).strip(): labelvalues.pop(key) setattr(self.__settings, name, json.dumps(labelvalues, cls=numpyEncoder)) self.__updateSource() self._storeSettings() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, str) def _removeLabel(self, name, label): """ emits addIconClicked signal :param name: object name :type name: :obj:`str` :param value: text value label to remove :type value: :obj:`str` """ name = str(name) label = str(label) labelvalues = json.loads( getattr(self.__settings, name) or '{}', cls=numpyEncoder) if label in labelvalues.keys(): labelvalues.pop(label) setattr(self.__settings, name, json.dumps(labelvalues, cls=numpyEncoder)) self.__updateSource() self._storeSettings() @debugmethod def __updateSource(self): detservers = json.loads(self.__settings.detservers) if detservers: if self.__settings.defdetservers: serverdict = dict(HIDRASERVERLIST) defpool = set(serverdict["pool"]) defpool.update(detservers) serverdict["pool"] = list(defpool) else: serverdict = {"pool": list(detservers)} elif self.__settings.defdetservers: serverdict = HIDRASERVERLIST else: serverdict = {"pool": []} if self.__settings.autozmqtopics: zmqtopics = self.__settings.zmqtopics or None else: zmqtopics = self.__settings.zmqtopics self.__sourcewg.updateMetaData( zmqtopics=zmqtopics, zmqcolon=self.__settings.zmqcolon, dirtrans=self.__settings.dirtrans, tangoattrs=self.__settings.tangoattrs, tangoevattrs=self.__settings.tangoevattrs, tangofileattrs=self.__settings.tangofileattrs, tangodirattrs=self.__settings.tangodirattrs, zmqservers=self.__settings.zmqservers, httpurls=self.__settings.httpurls, autozmqtopics=self.__settings.autozmqtopics, nxslast=self.__settings.nxslast, nxsopen=self.__settings.nxsopen, serverdict=serverdict, hidraport=self.__settings.hidraport, doocsprops=self.__settings.doocsprops, tineprops=self.__settings.tineprops, epicspvnames=self.__settings.epicspvnames, epicspvshapes=self.__settings.epicspvshapes, asaposerver=self.__settings.asaposerver, asapotoken=self.__settings.asapotoken, asapodatasources=self.__settings.asapodatasources, asapobeamtime=self.__settings.asapobeamtime, asaposourcepath=self.__settings.asaposourcepath, asapobtmetafile=self.__settings.asapobtmetafile ) self._updateSource(-1, -1) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _updateLavueState(self, state): """ updates lavue state configuration :param state: json dictionary with configuration :type state: :obj:`str` """ if state: dctcnf = json.loads(str(state)) if dctcnf: srccnf = "source" in dctcnf.keys() or \ "configuration" in dctcnf.keys() stop = dctcnf["stop"] if "stop" in dctcnf.keys() else None start = dctcnf["start"] if "start" in dctcnf.keys() else None tool = dctcnf["tool"] if "tool" in dctcnf.keys() else None if "connected" in dctcnf.keys() and \ stop is None and start is None: if dctcnf["connected"]: start = True else: stop = True running = self.__sourcewg.isConnected() if srccnf or stop is True or start is True: if self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): self.__sourcewg.toggleServerConnection() self.__applyoptionsfromdict(dctcnf) if not self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): if start is True: self.__sourcewg.toggleServerConnection() elif running and srccnf and stop is not True: self.__sourcewg.toggleServerConnection() self.__updateTool(tool) self._plot() self.setState() if not dctcnf or \ ("__update__" in dctcnf.keys() and dctcnf["__update__"]): self.setLavueState() @debugmethod def __updateTool(self, tool): """ update current tool :param tool: alias tool name :type tool: :obj:`str` """ if tool and tool != self.__imagewg.tool(): self.__imagewg.showCurrentTool() # @debugmethod def __applyoptionsfromdict(self, dctcnf): """ apply options :param dctcnf: commandline options :type dctcnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, any > """ if dctcnf: options = argparse.Namespace() for key, vl in dctcnf.items(): setattr(options, key, vl) self.__applyoptions(options) @debugmethod def __applyoptions(self, options): """ apply options :param options: commandline options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :returns: start flag :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if hasattr(options, "log") and options.log is not None: setLoggerLevel(logger, options.log) self.setLavueState({"log": _logginglevel}) if hasattr(options, "doordevice") and options.doordevice is not None: self.__settings.doorname = str(options.doordevice) self.setLavueState({"doordevice": self.__settings.doorname}) if hasattr(options, "analysisdevice") and \ options.analysisdevice is not None: self.__settings.analysisdevice = str(options.analysisdevice) self.setLavueState( {"analysisdevice": self.__settings.analysisdevice}) # load image file if hasattr(options, "imagefile") and options.imagefile is not None: oldname = self.__settings.imagename oldpath = self.__fieldpath oldgrowing = self.__growing try: sfid = 0 self.__growing = 0 newname = str(options.imagefile) if "," in newname: splname = newname.split(",") newname = splname[0] if splname[1]: try: self.__growing = int(splname[1]) except Exception: pass if len(splname) > 2: sfid = splname[2].replace("m", "-") self.__settings.imagename = newname if ":/" in self.__settings.imagename: self.__settings.imagename, self.__fieldpath = \ self.__settings.imagename.split(":/", 1) else: self.__fieldpath = None imagename = self.__settings.imagename if not imagename.endswith(".nxs") \ and not imagename.endswith(".h5") \ and not imagename.endswith(".nx") \ and not imagename.endswith(".ndf") \ and not imagename.endswith(".hdf"): fid = self.__findfid(imagename) else: try: fid = int(sfid) except Exception: fid = 0 self._loadfile(fid=fid) except Exception: self.__settings.imagename = oldname self.__fieldpath = oldpath self.__growing = oldgrowing self.setLavueState( {"imagefile": (self.__settings.imagename or "")}) # set image source sourcechanged = False if hasattr(options, "source") and options.source is not None: srcnames = str(options.source).split(";") self.__setNumberOfSources(max(len(srcnames), 1)) for i, srcname in enumerate(srcnames): if srcname in self.__srcaliasnames.keys(): self.__sourcewg.setSourceComboBoxByName( i, self.__srcaliasnames[srcname]) sourcechanged = True if sourcechanged: self.__updateSource() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() if hasattr(options, "configuration") and \ options.configuration is not None: cnfs = str(options.configuration).split(";") for i, cnf in enumerate(cnfs): if i < self.__sourcewg.count(): self.__sourcewg.configure(i, str(cnf)) if sourcechanged: self._setSourceConfiguration() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() if hasattr(options, "offset") and options.offset is not None: offs = str(options.offset).split(";") for i, offset in enumerate(offs): if i < self.__sourcewg.count(): self._setTranslation(str(offset), i) self.__sourcewg.setTranslation(str(offset), i) if hasattr(options, "rangewindow") and \ options.rangewindow is not None: if not self.__settings.showrange: self.__settings.showrange = True self.__rangewg.changeView(True) self._resizePlot(True) self.__rangewg.setFactor(str(options.dsfactor)) self.__rangewg.setRangeWindow(str(options.rangewindow)) if hasattr(options, "dsfactor") and \ options.dsfactor is not None: if not self.__settings.showrange: try: dsf = int(options.dsfactor) except Exception: dsf = 1 if dsf != 1: self.__settings.showrange = True self.__rangewg.changeView(True) self._resizePlot(True) self.__rangewg.setFactor(str(options.dsfactor)) if hasattr(options, "dsreduction") and \ options.dsreduction is not None: if not self.__settings.showrange: try: dsf = int(options.dsfactor) except Exception: dsf = 1 if dsf != 1: self.__settings.showrange = True self.__rangewg.changeView(True) self._resizePlot(True) self.__rangewg.setFunction(str(options.dsreduction)) if hasattr(options, "mbuffer") and options.mbuffer is not None: if not self.__settings.showmbuffer: self.__settings.showmbuffer = True self.__mbufferwg.changeView(True) self.__mbufferwg.onOff(True) try: self.__mbufferwg.setBufferSize(int(options.mbuffer)) except Exception: pass if hasattr(options, "bkgfile") and options.bkgfile: if not self.__settings.showsub: self.__settings.showsub = True self.__prepwg.changeView(showsub=True) self.__bkgsubwg.setBackground(str(options.bkgfile)) elif hasattr(options, "bkgfile"): self.__bkgsubwg.checkBkgSubtraction(0) self.__settings.bkgimagename = "" self.__dobkgsubtraction = None self.__backgroundimage = None self.__scbackgroundimage = None if hasattr(options, "bkgscale") and \ options.bkgscale not in [None, ""]: if not self.__settings.showsubsf: self.__settings.showsub = True self.__settings.showsubsf = True self.__prepwg.changeView(showsub=True, showsubsf=True) self.__bkgsubwg.setBkgScalingFactor(str(options.bkgscale)) self._updateBkgScale() elif hasattr(options, "bkgscale") and \ options.bkgscale in [None, ""]: self.__bkgsubwg.setBkgScalingFactor("") self._updateBkgScale() if hasattr(options, "brightfieldfile") and options.brightfieldfile: if not self.__settings.shownorm: self.__settings.shownorm = True self.__prepwg.changeView(shownorm=True) self.__normwg.setBrightField(str(options.brightfieldfile)) elif hasattr(options, "brightfieldfile"): self.__normwg.checkBFSubtraction(0) self.__dobfsubtraction = None self.__settings.bfimagename = "" self.__bfmdfimage = None self.__brightfieldimage = None self.__scbrightfieldimage = None if hasattr(options, "brightfieldscale") and \ options.brightfieldscale not in [None, ""]: if not self.__settings.shownormsf: self.__settings.shownorm = True self.__settings.shownormsf = True self.__prepwg.changeView(shownorm=True, shownormsf=True) self.__normwg.setBFScalingFactor(str(options.brightfieldscale)) self._updateBFScale() elif hasattr(options, "brightfieldscale") and \ options.brightfieldscale in [None, ""]: self.__normwg.setBFScalingFactor("") self._updateBFScale() if hasattr(options, "channel") and is not None: try: ich = int( + 1 except Exception: if == "mean": ich = -2 elif == "rgb": ich = -1 elif "," in try: ich = [int(ch) for ch in",")] except Exception: ich = 0 else: ich = 0 self.__channelwg.setDefaultColorChannel(ich) if hasattr(options, "maskfile") and options.maskfile: if not self.__settings.showmask: self.__settings.showmask = True self.__prepwg.changeView(True) self.__maskwg.setMask(str(options.maskfile)) elif hasattr(options, "maskfile"): self.__maskwg.noImage() self.__imagewg.setApplyMask(False) if hasattr(options, "maskhighvalue") and \ options.maskhighvalue is not None: if not self.__settings.showhighvaluemask: self.__settings.showhighvaluemask = True self.__prepwg.changeView(showhighvaluemask=True) self.__highvaluemaskwg.setMask(str(options.maskhighvalue)) self._checkHighMasking() if hasattr(options, "overflowvalue") and \ options.overflowvalue is not None: if not self.__settings.showoverflow: self.__settings.showoverflow = True self.__overflowwg.changeView(showoverflow=True) self.__overflowwg.setOverflowValue(str(options.overflowvalue)) self._checkOverflow() if hasattr(options, "transformation") and \ options.transformation is not None: if not self.__settings.showtrans: self.__settings.showtrans = True self.__prepwg.changeView(showtrans=True) self.__trafowg.setTransformation(str(options.transformation)) if hasattr(options, "filters"): if options.filters is True: if not self.__settings.showfilters: self.__settings.showfilters = True self.__filterswg.changeView( showfilters=True) self.__filterswg.setState(2) elif options.filters is False: self.__filterswg.setState(0) if hasattr(options, "scaling") and options.scaling is not None: if not self.__settings.showscale: self.__settings.showscale = True self.__scalingwg.changeView(True) self.__scalingwg.setScaling(str(options.scaling)) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() if hasattr(options, "gradient") and options.gradient is not None: if not self.__settings.showlevels: self.__settings.showslevels = True self.__levelswg.changeView(showlevels=True) self.__channelwg.changeView(showlevels=True) self.__levelswg.setGradient(str(options.gradient)) if hasattr(options, "autofactor") and options.autofactor is not None: if not self.__settings.showlevels: self.__settings.showslevels = True self.__levelswg.changeView(showlevels=True) self.__channelwg.changeView(showlevels=True) self.__levelswg.setAutoFactor(str(options.autofactor)) if hasattr(options, "levels") and options.levels is not None: if not self.__settings.showlevels: self.__settings.showslevels = True self.__levelswg.changeView(showlevels=True) self.__channelwg.changeView(showlevels=True) self.__levelswg.setLevels(str(options.levels)) if hasattr(options, "tool") and options.tool is not None: tlname = str(options.tool) if tlname == 'rgbintensity': tlname = 'intensity' if tlname in self.__tlaliasnames.keys(): self.__imagewg.setTool(self.__tlaliasnames[tlname]) if hasattr(options, "toolconfig") and options.toolconfig is not None: if isinstance(options.toolconfig, dict): try: tlconfig = str( json.dumps(options.toolconfig, cls=numpyEncoder)) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) tlconfig = str(options.toolconfig) else: tlconfig = str(options.toolconfig) self.__imagewg.setToolConfiguration(tlconfig) if hasattr(options, "tangodevice") and \ TANGOCLIENT and options.tangodevice is not None: if self.__tangoclient is not None: self.__tangoclient.unsubscribe() self.__tangoclient = controllerClient.ControllerClient( str(options.tangodevice)) self.__tangoclient.energyChanged.connect( self.__imagewg.updateEnergy) self.__tangoclient.detectorDistanceChanged.connect( self.__imagewg.updateDetectorDistance) self.__tangoclient.beamCenterXChanged.connect( self.__imagewg.updateBeamCenterX) self.__tangoclient.beamCenterYChanged.connect( self.__imagewg.updateBeamCenterY) self.__tangoclient.pixelSizeXChanged.connect( self.__imagewg.updatePixelSizeX) self.__tangoclient.pixelSizeYChanged.connect( self.__imagewg.updatePixelSizeY) self.__tangoclient.detectorROIsChanged.connect( self.__imagewg.updateDetectorROIs) self.__imagewg.setTangoClient(self.__tangoclient) self.__tangoclient.subscribe() self.__tangoclient.lavueStateChanged.connect( self._updateLavueState) self.setLavueState({"tangodevice": self.__tangoclient.device()}) elif not TANGOCLIENT or ( hasattr(options, "tangodevice") and not options.tangodevice): self.__tangoclient = None self.setLavueState({"tangodevice": ""}) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() if hasattr(options, "viewrange") and options.viewrange is not None: self.__imagewg.setViewRange(str(options.viewrange)) self.__sourcewg.updateLayout() if hasattr(options, "start"): return options.start is True else: return False def __loadSettings(self): """ loads settings from QSettings object """ settings = QtCore.QSettings() if self.parent() is not None: self.parent().restoreGeometry(settings.value( "Layout/Geometry", type=QtCore.QByteArray)) self.restoreGeometry(settings.value( "Layout/DialogGeometry", type=QtCore.QByteArray))"Loading settings from '%s'" % (str(settings.fileName()))) status = self.__settings.load(settings) logger.debug("lavuelib.liveViewer.LiveViewer.__loadSettings %s" % self.__settings.__dict__) self.__levelswg.updateCustomGradients( self.__settings.customGradients()) for topic, value in status: text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText(topic) messageBox.MessageBox.warning(self, topic, text, str(value)) self.__setSardana(self.__settings.sardana) self.__imagewg.setAspectLocked(self.__settings.aspectlocked) self.__imagewg.setAutoDownSample(self.__settings.autodownsample) self._assessTransformation(self.__trafoname) for i, ds in enumerate(self.__datasources): ds.setTimeOut(self.__settings.timeout) dataFetchThread.GLOBALREFRESHTIME = self.__settings.refreshtime dataFetchThread.GLOBALAUTOREFRESHTIME = \ self.__settings.autorefreshtime self.__imagewg.setStatsWOScaling(self.__settings.statswoscaling) self.__imagewg.setColors(self.__settings.roiscolors) self.__imagewg.setOverflowColor(self.__settings.overflowcolor) self.__updateSource() self.__statswg.changeView( self.__settings.showstats, self.__settings.calcvariance) self.__viewFrameRate(False) self.__levelswg.changeView( self.__settings.showhisto, self.__settings.showlevels, self.__settings.showaddhisto ) self.__channelwg.changeView( self.__settings.showlevels ) self.__prepwg.changeView( self.__settings.showmask, self.__settings.showsub, self.__settings.showtrans, self.__settings.showhighvaluemask, self.__settings.showsubsf, self.__settings.shownorm, self.__settings.shownormsf ) self.__overflowwg.changeView( self.__settings.showoverflow ) self._updateBkgScale() self._updateBFScale() self.__rangewg.changeView(self.__settings.showrange) self._resizePlot(self.__settings.showrange) self.__filterswg.changeView(self.__settings.showfilters) self.__mbufferwg.changeView(self.__settings.showmbuffer) self.__scalingwg.changeView(self.__settings.showscale) self.__imagewg.setGradientColors(self.__settings.gradientcolors) self.__levelswg.setGradientColors(self.__settings.gradientcolors) self.__levelswg.changeView() self.__channelwg.changeView() if self.__lazyimageslider != self.__settings.lazyimageslider: self.__switchlazysignals(self.__settings.lazyimageslider) # @debugmethod def __viewFrameRate(self, status): """ show/hide frame rate :param status: True for show and False for hide :type status: :obj:`bool` """ if status: else: self.__ui.framerateLineEdit.hide() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _storeSettings(self): """ stores settings in QSettings object """ settings = QtCore.QSettings()"Saving settings to '%s'" % (str(settings.fileName()))) if self.parent() is not None and self.parent().parent() is not None: settings.setValue( "Layout/Geometry", QtCore.QByteArray(self.parent().parent().saveGeometry())) settings.setValue( "Layout/DialogGeometry", QtCore.QByteArray(self.saveGeometry())) # self.__settings.refreshtime = dataFetchThread.GLOBALREFRESHTIME self.__settings.sardana = True if self.__sardana is not None else False @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def _setAspectLocked(self, status): self.__settings.aspectlocked = status self.__imagewg.setAspectLocked(self.__settings.aspectlocked)
[docs] @debugmethod def closeEvent(self, event): """ stores the setting before finishing the application :param event: close event :type event: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QEvent`: """ if not self.__closing: self.__sourcewg.sourceStateChanged.disconnect( self._updateSource) self.__sourcewg.sourceChanged.disconnect( self._onSourceChanged) self.__sourcewg.sourceConnected.disconnect( self._connectSource) self.__sourcewg.sourceDisconnected.disconnect( self._disconnectSource) if self.__imagewg: self.__imagewg.disconnecttool() if self.__tangoclient: self.__tangoclient.unsubscribe() self._storeSettings() self.__settings.secstream = False for dft in self.__dataFetchers: try: dft.newDataNameFetched.disconnect(self._getNewData) except Exception: pass # except Exception as e: # print (str(e)) if self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): self.__sourcewg.toggleServerConnection() self.__disconnectSource() for df in self.__dataFetchers: df.stop() df.wait() self.__settings.seccontext.destroy() self.__closing = True QtWidgets.QApplication.closeAllWindows() if event is not None: event.accept()
@debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _clickloadfile(self): """ reloads the image file """ self._loadfile() @debugmethod def _loadfile(self, fid=None): """ reloads the image file :param fid: frame id :type fid: :obj:`int` """ self._reloadfile(fid, showmessage=True) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _spinreloadfile(self, fid=None, showmessage=False): """ reloads the image file :param fid: frame id :type fid: :obj:`int` or :obj:`str` :param showmessage: no image message :type showmessage: :obj:`bool` """ try: if not self.__reloadflag: self.__reloadflag = True if fid is None: fid = self.__ui.frameLineEdit.text() try: fid = int(fid) self._reloadfile(fid, showmessage) except Exception: pass time.sleep(0.1) finally: self.__reloadflag = False @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _pushreloadfile(self): """ reloads the image file :param fid: frame id :type fid: :obj:`int` or :obj:`str` :param showmessage: no image message :type showmessage: :obj:`bool` """ try: self.__reloadflag = True fid = self.__ui.frameLineEdit.text() try: fid = int(fid) self._reloadfile(fid, True) except Exception: pass finally: self.__reloadflag = False @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _lowerframepushed(self): step = self.__ui.framestepSpinBox.value() try: frame = int(self.__ui.frameLineEdit.text()) except Exception: frame = self.__frame or 0 nframe = frame - step if frame >= 0: nframe = max(nframe, 0) self.__ui.frameLineEdit.setText(str(nframe)) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _higherframepushed(self): step = self.__ui.framestepSpinBox.value() try: frame = int(self.__ui.frameLineEdit.text()) except Exception: frame = self.__frame or 0 nframe = frame + step if frame < 0: nframe = min(nframe, -1) self.__ui.frameLineEdit.setText(str(nframe)) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _sliderreloadfilelazy(self, _=None): """ reloads the image file or if lazy flag it displays only splider value """ if self.__lazyimageslider: fid = self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.value() self.__ui.frameLineEdit.textChanged.disconnect( self._spinreloadfile) self.__ui.frameLineEdit.setText(str(fid)) self.__ui.frameLineEdit.textChanged.connect( self._spinreloadfile) else: self._sliderreloadfile() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _sliderreloadfile(self, fid=None, showmessage=False): """ reloads the image file :param fid: frame id :type fid: :obj:`int` :param showmessage: no image message :type showmessage: :obj:`bool` """ try: if not self.__reloadflag: self.__reloadflag = True if fid is None: fid = self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.value() self._reloadfile(fid, showmessage) finally: self.__reloadflag = False def __findfid(self, imagename): """ find file id """ try: ipath, iname = ntpath.split(imagename) basename, ext = os.path.splitext(iname) ival = True w = 0 while ival: try: int(basename[(- w - 1):]) w += 1 if w == len(basename): ival = False except Exception: ival = False ffid = basename[-w:] fid = int(ffid) except Exception: fid = 0 return fid @debugmethod def _reloadfile(self, fid=None, showmessage=False, nexus=None): """ reloads the image file :param fid: frame id :type fid: :obj:`int` :param showmessage: no image message :type showmessage: :obj:`bool` :param nexus: nexus image name :type nexus: :obj:`str` """ newimage = None metadata = None if fid is not None: imagename = self.__settings.imagename if nexus \ or imagename.endswith(".nxs") \ or imagename.endswith(".h5") \ or imagename.endswith(".nx") \ or imagename.endswith(".ndf") \ or imagename.endswith(".hdf"): self.__frame = int(fid) elif fid >= 0: try: ipath, iname = ntpath.split(imagename) basename, ext = os.path.splitext(iname) ival = True w = 0 while ival: try: int(basename[(- w - 1):]) w += 1 if w == len(basename): ival = False except Exception: ival = False fprefix, ffid = basename[:-w], basename[-w:] if w: fmt = "%sd" % w fmtfid = ("%0" + fmt) % fid else: fmtfid = "" fprefix = ffid ffid = "" self.__frame = int(fid) iname = "%s%s%s" % (fprefix, fmtfid, ext) imgname = os.path.join(ipath, iname) if os.path.isfile(imgname): imagename = imgname except Exception: imagename = None fid = None if fid is None: if nexus: imagename = nexus else: fileDialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() fileout = fileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Load file', self.__settings.imagename or '.') if isinstance(fileout, tuple): imagename = str(fileout[0]) else: imagename = str(fileout) if imagename: if nexus \ or imagename.endswith(".nxs") \ or imagename.endswith(".h5") \ or imagename.endswith(".nx") \ or imagename.endswith(".ndf") \ or imagename.endswith(".hdf"): try: handler = imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler( str(imagename)) fields = handler.findImageFields() self.__settings.imagename = imagename except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) fields = None self.setLavueState( {"imagefile": (self.__settings.imagename or "")}) currentfield = None if fields: if fid is None or self.__fieldpath is None: imgfield = imageField.ImageField(self) imgfield.fields = fields imgfield.createGUI() if imgfield.exec_(): self.__fieldpath = imgfield.field self.__growing = imgfield.growing self.__frame = imgfield.frame else: return currentfield = fields[self.__fieldpath] try: newimage = handler.getImage( currentfield["node"], self.__frame, self.__growing, refresh=False) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) metadata = handler.getMetaData(currentfield["node"]) # if metadata: # print("Metadata = %s" % str(metadata)) self.__ui.frameLineEdit.textChanged.disconnect( self._spinreloadfile) self.__disconnectslider() self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.valueChanged.disconnect( self._sliderreloadfilelazy) try: if len(currentfield["shape"]) < 3: gsize = 0 else: gsize = currentfield["shape"][self.__growing] - 1 if gsize >= 0: self.__ui.frameLineEdit.setToolTip( "current frame (max: %s)" % gsize) self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.setMaximum(gsize) self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.setToolTip( "current frame (max: %s)" % gsize) else: self.__ui.frameLineEdit.setToolTip("current frame") self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.setMaximum(0) self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.setToolTip( "current frame") except Exception: self.__ui.frameLineEdit.setToolTip("current frame") while newimage is None and self.__frame > 0: self.__frame -= 1 newimage = handler.getImage( currentfield["node"], self.__frame, self.__growing, refresh=False) if currentfield and len(currentfield["shape"]) > 2: self.__updateframeview(True, True) else: self.__updateframeview() self.__ui.frameLineEdit.textChanged.connect( self._spinreloadfile) self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.valueChanged.connect( self._sliderreloadfilelazy) self.__connectslider() else: if showmessage: text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: Image %s cannot be loaded" % self.__settings.imagename) messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: File %s cannot be loaded" % self.__settings.imagename, "File %s without images" % self.__settings.imagename) return if imagename: imagename = "%s:/%s" % ( self.__settings.imagename, currentfield["nexus_path"]) if currentfield and len(currentfield["shape"]) > 2: self.__updateframeview(True, True) else: self.__updateframeview() else: try: fh = imageFileHandler.ImageFileHandler( str(imagename)) newimage = fh.getImage() if hasattr(newimage, "dtype") \ and str(newimage.dtype) == 'object': self._reloadfile(fid, showmessage, nexus=imagename) return if isinstance(newimage, float) and newimage == -1.0: newimage = None if newimage is None: raise Exception( "Cannot read the image %s" % str(imagename)) metadata = fh.getMetaData() self.__settings.imagename = imagename self.setLavueState( {"imagefile": (self.__settings.imagename or "")}) try: ipath, iname = ntpath.split(imagename) basename, ext = os.path.splitext(iname) ival = True w = 0 while ival: try: int(basename[(- w - 1):]) w += 1 if w == len(basename): ival = False except Exception: ival = False fprefix, ffid = basename[:-w], basename[-w:] self.__frame = int(ffid) iname = "%s%s%s" % (fprefix, ffid, ext) imagename = os.path.join(ipath, iname) except Exception: self.__frame = None self.__updateframeview(self.__frame is not None) self.__fieldpath = None except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) if newimage is not None: self.__metadata = metadata if metadata: self.__mdata = json.loads(str(metadata)) if self.__settings.geometryfromsource: self.__settings.updateMetaData(**self.__mdata) self.__imagewg.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) self.__imagewg.mouseImagePositionChanged.emit() self.__imagewg.geometryChanged.emit() else: self.__mdata = {} self.__imagename = imagename self.__rawimage = np.transpose(newimage) self.__intmaxvalue = None pd = PartialData(imagename, self.__rawimage, metadata, 0, 0, None) imv = pd.intmaxvalue() if imv is not None: self.__intmaxvalue = imv self._plot() if fid is None: self.__imagewg.autoRange() else: text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: File %s cannot be loaded" % self.__settings.imagename) messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: File %s cannot be loaded" % self.__settings.imagename, text, str("lavue: File %s cannot be loaded" % self.__settings.imagename)) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _configuration(self): """ launches the configuration dialog """ cnfdlg = configDialog.ConfigDialog(self) if not self.__settings.doorname and self.__sardana is not None: self.__settings.doorname = self.__sardana.getDeviceName("Door") cnfdlg.sardana = True if self.__sardana is not None else False cnfdlg.door = self.__settings.doorname cnfdlg.crosshairlocker = self.__settings.crosshairlocker cnfdlg.addrois = self.__settings.addrois cnfdlg.orderrois = self.__settings.orderrois cnfdlg.imagechannels = self.__settings.imagechannels cnfdlg.showsub = self.__settings.showsub cnfdlg.showsubsf = self.__settings.showsubsf cnfdlg.shownorm = self.__settings.shownorm cnfdlg.shownormsf = self.__settings.shownormsf cnfdlg.showtrans = self.__settings.showtrans cnfdlg.showscale = self.__settings.showscale cnfdlg.showlevels = self.__settings.showlevels cnfdlg.showframerate = self.__settings.showframerate cnfdlg.showhisto = self.__settings.showhisto cnfdlg.showaddhisto = self.__settings.showaddhisto cnfdlg.showmask = self.__settings.showmask cnfdlg.showhighvaluemask = self.__settings.showhighvaluemask cnfdlg.showoverflow = self.__settings.showoverflow cnfdlg.showmbuffer = self.__settings.showmbuffer cnfdlg.showrange = self.__settings.showrange cnfdlg.showfilters = self.__settings.showfilters cnfdlg.showstats = self.__settings.showstats cnfdlg.showsteps = self.__settings.showsteps cnfdlg.showuserplot = self.__settings.showuserplot cnfdlg.calcvariance = self.__settings.calcvariance cnfdlg.filters = self.__settings.filters cnfdlg.userfunctions = self.__settings.userfunctions cnfdlg.secautoport = self.__settings.secautoport cnfdlg.secport = self.__settings.secport cnfdlg.hidraport = self.__settings.hidraport cnfdlg.maxmbuffersize = self.__settings.maxmbuffersize cnfdlg.gradientcolors = self.__settings.gradientcolors cnfdlg.floattype = self.__settings.floattype cnfdlg.secstream = self.__settings.secstream cnfdlg.zmqcolon = self.__settings.zmqcolon cnfdlg.zeromask = self.__settings.zeromask cnfdlg.nanmask = self.__settings.nanmask cnfdlg.negmask = self.__settings.negmask cnfdlg.refreshtime = self.__settings.refreshtime # cnfdlg.refreshtime = dataFetchThread.GLOBALREFRESHTIME cnfdlg.autorefreshtime = self.__settings.autorefreshtime cnfdlg.toolrefreshtime = self.__settings.toolrefreshtime cnfdlg.toolpollinginterval = self.__settings.toolpollinginterval cnfdlg.timeout = self.__settings.timeout cnfdlg.nrsources = self.__settings.nrsources cnfdlg.aspectlocked = self.__settings.aspectlocked cnfdlg.autodownsample = self.__settings.autodownsample cnfdlg.keepcoords = self.__settings.keepcoords cnfdlg.accelbuffersum = self.__settings.accelbuffersum cnfdlg.lazyimageslider = self.__settings.lazyimageslider cnfdlg.statswoscaling = self.__settings.statswoscaling cnfdlg.zmqtopics = self.__settings.zmqtopics cnfdlg.autozmqtopics = self.__settings.autozmqtopics cnfdlg.interruptonerror = self.__settings.interruptonerror cnfdlg.dirtrans = self.__settings.dirtrans cnfdlg.tangoattrs = self.__settings.tangoattrs cnfdlg.tineprops = self.__settings.tineprops cnfdlg.epicspvnames = self.__settings.epicspvnames cnfdlg.epicspvshapes = self.__settings.epicspvshapes cnfdlg.doocsprops = self.__settings.doocsprops cnfdlg.tangoevattrs = self.__settings.tangoevattrs cnfdlg.tangofileattrs = self.__settings.tangofileattrs cnfdlg.tangodirattrs = self.__settings.tangodirattrs cnfdlg.httpurls = self.__settings.httpurls cnfdlg.zmqservers = self.__settings.zmqservers cnfdlg.nxslast = self.__settings.nxslast cnfdlg.nxsopen = self.__settings.nxsopen cnfdlg.sendrois = self.__settings.sendrois cnfdlg.sendresults = self.__settings.sendresults cnfdlg.singlerois = self.__settings.singlerois cnfdlg.labelrois = self.__settings.labelrois cnfdlg.showallrois = self.__settings.showallrois cnfdlg.storegeometry = self.__settings.storegeometry cnfdlg.geometryfromsource = self.__settings.geometryfromsource cnfdlg.roiscolors = self.__settings.roiscolors cnfdlg.overflowcolor = self.__settings.overflowcolor cnfdlg.sourcedisplay = self.__settings.sourcedisplay cnfdlg.imagesources = self.__settings.imagesources cnfdlg.imagesourcenames = self.__srcaliasnames cnfdlg.toolwidgets = self.__settings.toolwidgets cnfdlg.toolwidgetnames = {} cnfdlg.diffnpt = self.__settings.diffnpt cnfdlg.correctsolidangle = self.__settings.correctsolidangle cnfdlg.availimagesources = self.__allsourcealiases cnfdlg.availtoolwidgets = self.__alltoolaliases cnfdlg.defdetservers = self.__settings.defdetservers cnfdlg.asaposerver = self.__settings.asaposerver cnfdlg.asapotoken = self.__settings.asapotoken cnfdlg.asapobeamtime = self.__settings.asapobeamtime cnfdlg.asaposourcepath = self.__settings.asaposourcepath cnfdlg.asapobtmetafile = self.__settings.asapobtmetafile cnfdlg.asapodatasources = self.__settings.asapodatasources cnfdlg.detservers = json.dumps( self.__mergeDetServers( HIDRASERVERLIST if cnfdlg.defdetservers else {"pool": []}, json.loads(self.__settings.detservers)), cls=numpyEncoder) cnfdlg.createGUI() if cnfdlg.exec_(): self.__updateConfig(cnfdlg) self._storeSettings() @debugmethod def __updateConfig(self, dialog): """ updates the configuration """ replot = False self.__settings.doorname = dialog.door self.setLavueState({"doordevice": self.__settings.doorname}) if dialog.sardana != (True if self.__sardana is not None else False): self.__setSardana(dialog.sardana) self.__settings.sardana = dialog.sardana self.__settings.addrois = dialog.addrois self.__settings.orderrois = dialog.orderrois self.__settings.imagechannels = dialog.imagechannels self.__settings.floattype = dialog.floattype self.__settings.crosshairlocker = dialog.crosshairlocker if self.__settings.showsub != dialog.showsub: self.__prepwg.changeView(showsub=dialog.showsub) self.__settings.showsub = dialog.showsub if self.__settings.shownorm != dialog.shownorm: self.__prepwg.changeView(shownorm=dialog.shownorm) self.__settings.shownorm = dialog.shownorm if self.__settings.showsubsf != dialog.showsubsf: if dialog.showsubsf: self.__settings.showsub = True self.__prepwg.changeView(showsub=True, showsubsf=dialog.showsubsf) else: self.__prepwg.changeView(showsubsf=dialog.showsubsf) self.__settings.showsubsf = dialog.showsubsf self._updateBkgScale() if self.__settings.shownormsf != dialog.shownormsf: if dialog.shownormsf: self.__settings.shownorm = True self.__prepwg.changeView(shownorm=True, shownormsf=dialog.shownormsf) else: self.__prepwg.changeView(shownormsf=dialog.shownormsf) self.__settings.shownormsf = dialog.shownormsf self._updateBFScale() if self.__settings.showtrans != dialog.showtrans: self.__prepwg.changeView(showtrans=dialog.showtrans) self.__settings.showtrans = dialog.showtrans if self.__settings.showmask != dialog.showmask: self.__settings.showmask = dialog.showmask self.__prepwg.changeView(dialog.showmask) if self.__settings.showhighvaluemask != dialog.showhighvaluemask: self.__settings.showhighvaluemask = dialog.showhighvaluemask self.__prepwg.changeView( showhighvaluemask=dialog.showhighvaluemask) self._checkHighMasking() replot = True if self.__settings.showoverflow != dialog.showoverflow: self.__settings.showoverflow = dialog.showoverflow self.__overflowwg.changeView( showoverflow=dialog.showoverflow) self._checkOverflow() replot = True if self.__settings.showrange != dialog.showrange: self.__settings.showrange = dialog.showrange self.__rangewg.changeView(dialog.showrange) self._resizePlot(self.__settings.showrange) if self.__settings.showfilters != dialog.showfilters: self.__settings.showfilters = dialog.showfilters self.__filterswg.changeView( showfilters=dialog.showfilters) if self.__settings.showmbuffer != dialog.showmbuffer: self.__settings.showmbuffer = dialog.showmbuffer self.__mbufferwg.changeView(dialog.showmbuffer) if self.__settings.showscale != dialog.showscale: self.__scalingwg.changeView(dialog.showscale) self.__settings.showscale = dialog.showscale if self.__settings.showlevels != dialog.showlevels: self.__levelswg.changeView(showlevels=dialog.showlevels) self.__channelwg.changeView(showlevels=dialog.showlevels) self.__settings.showlevels = dialog.showlevels if self.__settings.showframerate != dialog.showframerate: self.__settings.showframerate = dialog.showframerate self.__viewFrameRate(self.__settings.showframerate and self.__sourcewg.isConnected()) if self.__settings.showhisto != dialog.showhisto: self.__levelswg.changeView(dialog.showhisto) self.__settings.showhisto = dialog.showhisto if self.__settings.showaddhisto != dialog.showaddhisto: self.__levelswg.changeView(showadd=dialog.showaddhisto) self.__settings.showaddhisto = dialog.showaddhisto if self.__settings.showsteps != dialog.showsteps: self.__settings.showsteps = dialog.showsteps self.__updateframeview(self.__frame is not None) if self.__settings.showuserplot != dialog.showuserplot: self.__settings.showuserplot = dialog.showuserplot self.__imagewg.onedshowuserplot(dialog.showuserplot) statschanged = False if self.__settings.showstats != dialog.showstats: self.__settings.showstats = dialog.showstats statschanged = True if self.__settings.calcvariance != dialog.calcvariance: self.__settings.calcvariance = dialog.calcvariance statschanged = True if statschanged: self.__statswg.changeView( dialog.showstats, dialog.calcvariance) if self.__settings.imagesources != dialog.imagesources: self.__settings.imagesources = dialog.imagesources self.__sourcewg.updateSourceComboBox( [self.__srcaliasnames[twn] for twn in json.loads(str(self.__settings.imagesources))], self.__sourcewg.currentDataSourceNames()) if self.__settings.toolwidgets != dialog.toolwidgets: self.__settings.toolwidgets = dialog.toolwidgets self.__imagewg.updateToolComboBox( [self.__tlaliasnames[twn] for twn in json.loads(self.__settings.toolwidgets)], self.__imagewg.currentTool()) dataFetchThread.GLOBALREFRESHTIME = dialog.refreshtime dataFetchThread.GLOBALAUTOREFRESHTIME = dialog.autorefreshtime if self.__settings.refreshtime != dialog.refreshtime: self.__settings.refreshtime = dialog.refreshtime self.__updateframeratetip(self.__settings.refreshtime) if self.__settings.autorefreshtime != dialog.autorefreshtime: self.__settings.autorefreshtime = dialog.autorefreshtime if self.__settings.toolrefreshtime != dialog.toolrefreshtime: self.__settings.toolrefreshtime = dialog.toolrefreshtime self.__imagewg.setExtensionsRefreshTime( self.__settings.toolrefreshtime) if self.__settings.toolpollinginterval != dialog.toolpollinginterval: self.__settings.toolpollinginterval = dialog.toolpollinginterval self.__imagewg.setExtensionsRefreshTime( self.__settings.toolrefreshtime) if self.__settings.filters != dialog.filters: self.__resetFilters(dialog.filters) replot = True if self.__settings.userfunctions != dialog.userfunctions: self.__imagewg.resetUserFunctions(dialog.userfunctions) replot = True if self.__settings.secstream != dialog.secstream or ( self.__settings.secautoport != dialog.secautoport and dialog.secautoport): if self.__settings.secstream: # workaround for a bug in libzmq try: self.__settings.secsocket.unbind( self.__settings.secsockopt) except Exception: pass if self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): self.__sourcewg.connectSuccess(None) if dialog.secstream: if dialog.secautoport: self.__settings.secsockopt = b"tcp://*:*" self.__settings.secsocket.bind(self.__settings.secsockopt) dialog.secport = unicode( self.__settings.secsocket.getsockopt( zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT)).split(":")[-1] else: self.__settings.secsockopt = b"tcp://*:%s" % dialog.secport self.__settings.secsocket.bind(self.__settings.secsockopt) if self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): self.__sourcewg.connectSuccess(dialog.secport) self.__settings.secautoport = dialog.secautoport self.__settings.secport = dialog.secport self.__settings.zmqcolon = dialog.zmqcolon self.__settings.timeout = dialog.timeout for i, ds in enumerate(self.__datasources): ds.setTimeOut(self.__settings.timeout) self.__settings.aspectlocked = dialog.aspectlocked self.__imagewg.setAspectLocked(self.__settings.aspectlocked) self.__settings.autodownsample = dialog.autodownsample self.__imagewg.setAutoDownSample(self.__settings.autodownsample) remasking = False if self.__settings.accelbuffersum != dialog.accelbuffersum: self.__settings.accelbuffersum = dialog.accelbuffersum self.__mbufferwg.setComputeSum(self.__settings.accelbuffersum) if self.__settings.gradientcolors != dialog.gradientcolors: self.__settings.gradientcolors = dialog.gradientcolors self.__imagewg.setGradientColors(dialog.gradientcolors) self.__levelswg.setGradientColors(dialog.gradientcolors) replot = True if self.__settings.keepcoords != dialog.keepcoords: self.__settings.keepcoords = dialog.keepcoords self._assessTransformation(self.__trafoname) replot = True if self.__settings.lazyimageslider != dialog.lazyimageslider: self.__settings.lazyimageslider = dialog.lazyimageslider self.__switchlazysignals(self.__settings.lazyimageslider) setsrc = False if self.__settings.nrsources != dialog.nrsources: setsrc = True oldsize = self.__settings.nrsources if self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): self.__sourcewg.toggleServerConnection() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() time.sleep(1) self.__setNumberOfSources(dialog.nrsources) self.__settings.nrsources = dialog.nrsources self.__sourcewg.updateSourceComboBox( [self.__srcaliasnames[twn] for twn in json.loads(str(self.__settings.imagesources))], self.__sourcewg.currentDataSourceNames()[:oldsize]) self.__settings.secstream = dialog.secstream self.__settings.storegeometry = dialog.storegeometry self.__settings.geometryfromsource = dialog.geometryfromsource self.__settings.interruptonerror = dialog.interruptonerror self.__settings.sourcedisplay = dialog.sourcedisplay if self.__settings.hidraport != dialog.hidraport: self.__settings.hidraport = dialog.hidraport setsrc = True if self.__settings.dirtrans != dialog.dirtrans: self.__settings.dirtrans = dialog.dirtrans setsrc = True if self.__settings.tangoattrs != dialog.tangoattrs: self.__settings.tangoattrs = dialog.tangoattrs setsrc = True if self.__settings.tineprops != dialog.tineprops: self.__settings.tineprops = dialog.tineprops setsrc = True if self.__settings.epicspvnames != dialog.epicspvnames: self.__settings.epicspvnames = dialog.epicspvnames setsrc = True if self.__settings.epicspvshapes != dialog.epicspvshapes: self.__settings.epicspvshapes = dialog.epicspvshapes setsrc = True if self.__settings.doocsprops != dialog.doocsprops: self.__settings.doocsprops = dialog.doocsprops setsrc = True if self.__settings.tangoevattrs != dialog.tangoevattrs: self.__settings.tangoevattrs = dialog.tangoevattrs setsrc = True if self.__settings.tangofileattrs != dialog.tangofileattrs: self.__settings.tangofileattrs = dialog.tangofileattrs setsrc = True if self.__settings.tangodirattrs != dialog.tangodirattrs: self.__settings.tangodirattrs = dialog.tangodirattrs setsrc = True if self.__settings.httpurls != dialog.httpurls: self.__settings.httpurls = dialog.httpurls setsrc = True if self.__settings.zmqservers != dialog.zmqservers: self.__settings.zmqservers = dialog.zmqservers setsrc = True if self.__settings.zmqtopics != dialog.zmqtopics: self.__settings.zmqtopics = dialog.zmqtopics setsrc = True if self.__settings.asapodatasources != dialog.asapodatasources: self.__settings.asapodatasources = dialog.asapodatasources setsrc = True if self.__settings.defdetservers != dialog.defdetservers: self.__settings.defdetservers = dialog.defdetservers setsrc = True detservers = json.dumps(self.__retrieveUserDetServers( HIDRASERVERLIST if dialog.defdetservers else {"pool": []}, json.loads(dialog.detservers)), cls=numpyEncoder) if self.__settings.detservers != detservers: self.__settings.detservers = detservers setsrc = True if self.__settings.asaposerver != dialog.asaposerver: self.__settings.asaposerver = dialog.asaposerver setsrc = True if self.__settings.asapotoken != dialog.asapotoken: self.__settings.asapotoken = dialog.asapotoken setsrc = True if self.__settings.asapobeamtime != dialog.asapobeamtime: self.__settings.asapobeamtime = dialog.asapobeamtime setsrc = True if self.__settings.asaposourcepath != dialog.asaposourcepath: self.__settings.asaposourcepath = dialog.asaposourcepath setsrc = True if self.__settings.asapobtmetafile != dialog.asapobtmetafile: self.__settings.asapobtmetafile = dialog.asapobtmetafile setsrc = True if self.__settings.autozmqtopics != dialog.autozmqtopics: self.__settings.autozmqtopics = dialog.autozmqtopics setsrc = True if self.__settings.nxsopen != dialog.nxsopen: self.__settings.nxsopen = dialog.nxsopen setsrc = True if self.__settings.nxslast != dialog.nxslast: self.__settings.nxslast = dialog.nxslast setsrc = True if self.__settings.sendrois != dialog.sendrois: self.__settings.sendrois = dialog.sendrois if self.__settings.sendresults != dialog.sendresults: self.__settings.sendresults = dialog.sendresults if self.__settings.singlerois != dialog.singlerois: self.__settings.singlerois = dialog.singlerois if self.__settings.labelrois != dialog.labelrois: self.__settings.labelrois = dialog.labelrois if self.__settings.showallrois != dialog.showallrois: self.__settings.showallrois = dialog.showallrois if setsrc: self.__updateSource() if self.__settings.maxmbuffersize != dialog.maxmbuffersize: self.__settings.maxmbuffersize = dialog.maxmbuffersize self.__mbufferwg.setMaxBufferSize(self.__settings.maxmbuffersize) self.__settings.statswoscaling = dialog.statswoscaling replot = replot or \ self.__imagewg.setStatsWOScaling( self.__settings.statswoscaling) if self.__settings.zeromask != dialog.zeromask: self.__settings.zeromask = dialog.zeromask remasking = True replot = True if self.__settings.diffnpt != dialog.diffnpt: self.__settings.diffnpt = dialog.diffnpt replot = True if self.__settings.correctsolidangle != dialog.correctsolidangle: self.__settings.correctsolidangle = dialog.correctsolidangle replot = True if self.__settings.nanmask != dialog.nanmask: self.__settings.nanmask = dialog.nanmask remasking = True replot = True if self.__settings.negmask != dialog.negmask: self.__settings.negmask = dialog.negmask remasking = True replot = True if self.__settings.roiscolors != dialog.roiscolors: self.__settings.roiscolors = dialog.roiscolors self.__imagewg.setColors(self.__settings.roiscolors) if self.__settings.overflowcolor != dialog.overflowcolor: self.__settings.overflowcolor = dialog.overflowcolor self.__imagewg.setOverflowColor(self.__settings.overflowcolor) if remasking: self.__remasking() if replot: self._plot() @debugmethod def __setNumberOfSources(self, nrsources): """ set a number of image sources :param nrsources: a number of image sources :type nrsources: :obj:`int` """ nrsources = max(int(nrsources), 1) if len(self.__dataFetchers) > nrsources: for _ in reversed(range(nrsources, len(self.__dataFetchers))): df = self.__dataFetchers.pop() df.stop() df.wait() df = None self.__datasources.pop() self.__exchangelists.pop() elif len(self.__dataFetchers) < nrsources: for i in reversed(range(len(self.__dataFetchers), nrsources)): self.__datasources.append(isr.BaseSource()) self.__exchangelists.append(dataFetchThread.ExchangeList()) dft = dataFetchThread.DataFetchThread( self.__datasources[-1], self.__exchangelists[-1], len(self.__exchangelists) - 1) self.__dataFetchers.append(dft) self._stateUpdated.connect(dft.changeStatus) self.__sourcewg.setNumberOfSources(nrsources) self._setSourceConfiguration() self.__settings.nrsources = nrsources self.__sourcewg.updateLayout() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() # @debugmethod def __mergeDetServers(self, detserverdict, detserverlist): """ merges detector servers from a dictionary and a list :param detserverdict: detector server dictionary :type detserverdict: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`<:obj:`str`>> :param detserverklist: detector server list :type detserverlist: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str`> :returns: merged detector server list :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str`> """ servers = set(detserverdict["pool"]) if self.__targetname in detserverdict.keys(): servers.update(detserverdict[self.__targetname]) if detserverlist: servers.update(detserverlist) return list(servers) # @debugmethod def __retrieveUserDetServers(self, detserverdict, detserverlist): """ retrives user detector servers from a list which are not in a dictionary :param detserverdict: detector server dictionary :type detserverdict: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`<:obj:`str`>> :param detserverklist: detector server list :type detserverlist: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str`> :returns: user detector server list :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str`> """ servers = [] if detserverlist: defservers = set(detserverdict["pool"]) if self.__targetname in detserverdict.keys(): defservers.update(detserverdict[self.__targetname]) servers = list(set(detserverlist) - defservers) return list(servers) @debugmethod def _setSourceConfiguration(self, sourceConfiguration=None): """ sets the source configuration :param sourceConfiguration: source configuration string :type sourceConfiguration: :obj:`str """ if sourceConfiguration is None: sourceConfiguration = self.__sourcewg.configuration() self.__sourceconfiguration = sourceConfiguration cdss = self.__sourcewg.currentDataSources() for i, ds in enumerate(cdss): if ds == \ str(type(self.__datasources[i]).__name__): self.__datasources[i].setConfiguration(sourceConfiguration[i]) self.setLavueState( {"configuration": ";".join(self.__sourceconfiguration or "")}) @debugmethod def _switchSourceDisplay(self, label): """switches source display parameters :param sourceConfiguration: source configuration string :type sourceConfiguration: :obj:`str """ if self.__sourcelabel != str(label) and label and \ self.__settings.sourcedisplay: self.__sourcelabel = str(label) values = self.__settings.sourceDisplay( self.__sourcelabel) self.__applyoptionsfromdict(values) # @debugmethod def __setSourceLabel(self): """sets source display parameters """ if self.__sourcelabel and self.__settings.sourcedisplay: label = self.__sourcelabel values = {} values["transformation"] = self.__trafowg.transformation() values["tool"] = self.__imagewg.tool() values["toolconfig"] = self.__imagewg.toolConfiguration() values["scaling"] = self.__scalingwg.currentScaling() if not self.__levelswg.isAutoLevel(): values["levels"] = self.__levelswg.levels() values["autofactor"] = None else: values["autofactor"] = self.__levelswg.autoFactor() values["gradient"] = self.__levelswg.gradient() if self.__bkgsubwg.isBkgSubApplied() \ and self.__settings.bkgimagename: values["bkgfile"] = str(self.__settings.bkgimagename) else: values["bkgfile"] = "" if self.__normwg.isBFSubApplied() \ and self.__settings.bfimagename: values["brightfieldfile"] = str( self.__settings.bfimagename) else: values["brightfieldfile"] = "" bkgscale = self.__backgroundscale \ if not self.__settings.showsubsf else None bfscale = self.__brightfieldscale \ if not self.__settings.shownormsf else None values["bfscale"] = bfscale values["bkgscale"] = bkgscale if self.__maskwg.isMaskApplied() and \ self.__settings.maskimagename: values["maskfile"] = str(self.__settings.maskimagename) else: values["maskfile"] = "" mvalue = self.__highvaluemaskwg.mask() if mvalue is not None: values["maskhighvalue"] = str(mvalue) else: values["overflowvalue"] = "" mvalue = self.__overflowwg.overflowValue() if mvalue is not None: values["overflowvalue"] = str(mvalue) else: values["overflowvalue"] = "" values["viewrange"] = self.__imagewg.viewRange() values["offset"] = self._translations() self.__settings.setSourceDisplay(label, values) # @debugmethod def __setSardana(self, status): """ sets the sardana utils """ if status is False: self.__sardana = None else: self.__sardana = sardanaUtils.SardanaUtils() self.__imagewg.setSardanaUtils(self.__sardana) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _onSourceChanged(self, status): """ update a list of sources according to the status :param status: json list on status, i.e source type ids :type status: :obj:`str` """ lstatus = json.loads(str(status)) dss = self.__sourcewg.currentDataSources() for i, ds in enumerate(dss): if lstatus[i]: if ds != str(type(self.__datasources[i]).__name__): self.__datasources[i] = getattr( isr, ds)(self.__settings.timeout) self._setSourceConfiguration() for i, ds in enumerate(dss): self.__sourcewg.updateSourceMetaData( i, **self.__datasources[i].getMetaData()) dssa = ";".join(self.__sourcewg.currentDataSourceAlias()) self.setLavueState({"source": dssa}) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _onToolConfigurationChanged(self): """ update tool configuration in lavue state """ self.setLavueState( {"tool": self.__imagewg.tool(), "toolconfig": self.__imagewg.toolConfiguration()}) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int, int) def _updateSource(self, status, sid): """ update the current source :param status: current source combobox status id from starting from 1, 0 is disconnected, -1 current source :type status: :obj:`int` :param sid: source tab id starting from 0 and -1 for all :type sid: :obj:`int` """ if status: dss = self.__sourcewg.currentDataSources() if sid == -1: for i, ds in enumerate(self.__datasources): ds.setTimeOut(self.__settings.timeout) self.__dataFetchers[i].setDataSource(ds) if self.__sourceconfiguration and \ self.__sourceconfiguration[i] and \ dss[i] == str(type(ds).__name__): ds.setConfiguration(self.__sourceconfiguration[i]) self.__sourcewg.updateSourceMetaData(i, **ds.getMetaData()) else: ds = self.__datasources[sid] ds.setTimeOut(self.__settings.timeout) self.__dataFetchers[sid].setDataSource(ds) if self.__sourceconfiguration and \ self.__sourceconfiguration[sid] and \ dss[sid] == str(type(ds).__name__): ds.setConfiguration(self.__sourceconfiguration[sid]) self.__sourcewg.updateSourceMetaData( sid, **ds.getMetaData()) dataFetchThread.GLOBALREFRESHTIME = self.__settings.refreshtime dataFetchThread.GLOBALAUTOREFRESHTIME = self.__settings.autorefreshtime self._stateUpdated.emit(bool(status)) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def _replot(self, autorange): """ The main command of the live viewer class: draw a numpy array with the given name and autoRange. """ self._plot() if autorange: self.__imagewg.autoRange() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _plot(self): """ The main command of the live viewer class: draw a numpy array with the given name. """ if self.__ploting: return self.__ploting = True try: self.__filteredimage = self.__rawimage # apply user range self.__applyRange() # apply user filters self.__applyFilters() if self.__settings.showmbuffer and self.__mbufferwg.isOn(): result = self.__mbufferwg.process( self.__filteredimage, self.__imagename) if isinstance(result, tuple) and len(result) == 2: self.__filteredimage, mdata = result self.__mdata.update(mdata) if "channellabels" in self.__mdata: self.__channelwg.updateChannelLabels( self.__mdata["channellabels"]) # prepare or preprocess the raw image if present: self.__prepareImage() # perform transformation # (crdtranspose, crdleftrightflip, crdupdownflip, # orgtranspose, orgleftrightflip, orgupdownflip) allcrds = self.__transform() self.__imagewg.setTransformations(*allcrds) # use the internal raw image to create a display image with chosen # scaling self.__scale(self.__scalingwg.currentScaling()) # calculate and update the stats for this self.__calcUpdateStats() # calls internally the plot function of the plot widget if self.__imagename is not None and self.__scaledimage is not None: self.__ui.fileNameLineEdit.setText( self.__imagename.replace("\n", " ")) self.__ui.fileNameLineEdit.setToolTip(self.__imagename) self.__imagewg.plot( self.__scaledimage, self.__displayimage if self.__settings.statswoscaling else self.__scaledimage, self.__imagename, self.__overflowimage ) if self.__settings.showhisto and self.__updatehisto: self.__levelswg.updateHistoImage() self.__updatehisto = False finally: self.__ploting = False @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _calcUpdateStatsSec(self): """ calcuates statistics without sending security stream """ self.__calcUpdateStats(secstream=False) # @debugmethod def __calcUpdateStats(self, secstream=True): """ calcuates statistics :param secstream: send security stream flag :type secstream: :obj:`bool` """ # calculate the stats for this auto = self.__levelswg.isAutoLevel() stream = secstream and self.__settings.secstream and \ self.__scaledimage is not None display = self.__settings.showstats calcvariance = self.__settings.calcvariance maxval, meanval, varval, minval, maxrawval, maxsval, channels = \ self.__calcStats( (stream or display, stream or display, display and calcvariance, stream or auto, stream, auto) ) smaxval = "%.4f" % maxval smeanval = "%.4f" % meanval svarval = "%.4f" % varval sminval = "%.3f" % minval smaxrawval = "%.4f" % maxrawval calctime = time.time() currentscaling = self.__scalingwg.currentScaling() # update the statistics display if stream: messagedata = { 'command': 'alive', 'calctime': calctime, 'maxval': smaxval, 'maxrawval': smaxrawval, 'minval': sminval, 'meanval': smeanval, 'pid': self.__apppid, 'scaling': ( 'linear' if self.__settings.statswoscaling else currentscaling)} topic = 10001 message = "%d %s" % ( topic, str(json.dumps( messagedata, cls=numpyEncoder)).encode("ascii")) self.__settings.secsocket.send_string(str(message)) self.__statswg.updateStatistics( smeanval, smaxval, svarval, 'linear' if self.__settings.statswoscaling else currentscaling) # if needed, update the level display if auto: self.__levelswg.updateAutoLevels(minval, maxsval, channels) @debugmethod def _startPlotting(self): """ mode changer: start plotting mode. It starts plotting if the connection is really established. """ # if not self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): return for dft in self.__dataFetchers: dft.changeStatus(True) if not dft.isFetching(): dft.start() @debugmethod def _stopPlotting(self): """ mode changer: stop plotting mode """ for dft in self.__dataFetchers: if dft is not None: dft.changeStatus(False) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _connectSource(self, status): """ calls the connect function of the source interface :param status: current source status id :type status: :obj:`int` """ # print("Connect Source %s" % status) lstatus = json.loads(str(status)) status = lstatus[0] self.__viewFrameRate(self.__settings.showframerate) for i, status in enumerate(lstatus): self._updateSource(status, i) for ds in self.__datasources: if ds is None: messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: No data source is defined", "No data source is defined", "Please select the image source") self._setSourceConfiguration() consuccess = bool(len(self.__datasources)) states = self.__sourcewg.tabCheckBoxStates() for ids, ds in enumerate(self.__datasources): if not ds.connect() and states[ids]: self.__sourcewg.connectFailure() messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: The %s connection could not be established" % type(ds).__name__, "The %s connection could not be established" % type(ds).__name__, str(ds.errormessage)) consuccess = False if consuccess: self.__sourcewg.connectSuccess( self.__settings.secport if self.__settings.secstream else None) if self.__settings.secstream: calctime = time.time() messagedata = { 'command': 'start', 'calctime': calctime, 'pid': self.__apppid} topic = 10001 # print(str(messagedata)) self.__settings.secsocket.send_string("%d %s" % ( topic, str(json.dumps( messagedata, cls=numpyEncoder)).encode("ascii"))) self.__updatehisto = True self.__setSourceLabel() self.setLavueState({"connected": self.__sourcewg.isConnected()}) self._startPlotting() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _disconnectSource(self): """ calls the disconnect function of the source interface """ self.__disconnectSource() self._updateSource(0, -1) self.__setSourceLabel() self.setLavueState({"connected": self.__sourcewg.isConnected()}) # self.__datasources[0] = None def __disconnectSource(self): """ calls the disconnect function of the source interface """ self._stopPlotting() for ds in self.__datasources: ds.disconnect() self.__viewFrameRate(False) if self.__settings.secstream: calctime = time.time() messagedata = { 'command': 'stop', 'calctime': calctime, 'pid': self.__apppid} # print(str(messagedata)) topic = 10001 self.__settings.secsocket.send_string("%d %s" % ( topic, str(json.dumps( messagedata, cls=numpyEncoder)).encode("ascii"))) # @debugmethod def __mergeData(self, fulldata, oldname, channels=False): """ merge data parts to (name, rawdata, metadata) :param fulldata: a list of PartialData objects :type fulldata: :obj:`list` <:class:`PartialData`> :param oldname: old name :type oldname: :obj:`str` :param channels: map image sources into different color channels :type channels: :obj:`bool` :returns: tuple of exchange object (name, data, metadata) :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`str` > """ names = [ for pdata in fulldata if] rawimage = None metadata = None if "__ERROR__" in names: name = "__ERROR__" rawimage = " ".join( [str(pdata.tolist()[1]) for pdata in fulldata if == "__ERROR__"] ) return name, rawimage, metadata name = "\n".join(names).strip() name = name or None mdata = [pdata.metadata for pdata in fulldata if pdata.metadata] if oldname == name and not mdata: return None, None, None if mdata: dmdata = {} for md in mdata: if md: try: dmdata.update(json.loads(md)) except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e)) logger.debug( "lavuelib.liveViewer.LiveViewer.__getNewData " "update metadata %s: (%s)" % (md, type(md))) metadata = str(json.dumps(dmdata, cls=numpyEncoder)) if name: ldata = [pdata for pdata in fulldata if] if len(ldata) == 1: name, rawimage, metadata = ldata[0].tolist()[:3] elif len(ldata) > 1: pd = ldata[0] shape = [,] dtype = pd.dtype() scc = pd.scc while len(shape) < 2: shape.append(1) pd.x = pd.x or 0 pd.y = pd.y or 0 shape[0] += pd.x shape[1] += pd.y nx = min(0, pd.x) ny = min(0, pd.y) for pd in ldata[1:]: scc = max(scc, pd.scc) pd.x = pd.x or 0 if pd.y is None: try: rgb = self.rgb() except Exception: rgb = False if rgb: pd.y = 0 else: pd.y = shape[1] psh = [,] while len(psh) < 2: psh.append(1) psh[0] += pd.x psh[1] += pd.y if dtype != pd.dtype(): dtype = self.__settings.floattype shape[0] = max(shape[0], psh[0]) shape[1] = max(shape[1], psh[1]) nx = min(nx, pd.x) ny = min(ny, pd.y) if channels: scc = max(len(ldata), scc) if scc > 1: nshape = (scc, shape[0] - nx, shape[1] - ny) else: nshape = (shape[0] - nx, shape[1] - ny) if self.__settings.nanmask: dtype = self.__settings.floattype rawimage = np.zeros(shape=nshape, dtype=dtype) if self.__settings.nanmask: rawimage.fill(np.nan) for i, pd in enumerate(ldata): lsh = len( if lsh == 2: if scc == 1: rawimage[ pd.x - nx: + pd.x - nx, pd.y - ny: + pd.y - ny] = \ else: rawimage[ i, pd.x - nx: + pd.x - nx, pd.y - ny: + pd.y - ny] = \ else: if pd.scc == 1: rawimage[ i: i+1, pd.x - nx: + pd.x - nx, pd.y - ny: + pd.y - ny ] = \ else: rawimage[ 0: pd.scc, pd.x - nx: + pd.x - nx, pd.y - ny: + pd.y - ny] = \ return name, rawimage, metadata @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, str) def _getNewData(self, name, metadata=None): """ checks if data is there at all :param name: image name :type name: :obj:`str` :param metadata: JSON dictionary with metadata :type metadata: :obj:`str` """ fulldata = [] states = self.__sourcewg.tabCheckBoxStates() name = None for i, df in enumerate(self.__dataFetchers): if states[i]: cnt = 0 name = None while (not df.fetching() and self.__sourcewg.isConnected() and cnt < 100 and not name): time.sleep(self.__settings.refreshtime/100.) cnt += 1 if cnt < 100: # print("READ", i, time.time()) name, rawimage, metadata = \ self.__exchangelists[i].readData() else: name, rawimage, metadata = None, None, None if i < len(self.__translations): x, y = self.__translations[i] else: x, y = None, None if i < len(self.__transformations): tr = self.__transformations[i] else: tr = '' logger.debug( "lavuelib.liveViewer.LiveViewer.__getNewData " "%s: %s %s %s, [%s, %s]" % (i, name, metadata, rawimage.shape if hasattr(rawimage, "shape") else "", x or "", y or "") ) fulldata.append( PartialData(name, rawimage, metadata, x, y, tr)) self.__intmaxvalue = None if self.__settings.negmask: imvtb = [fd.intmaxvalue() for fd in fulldata] imvtb = [vl for vl in imvtb if vl is not None] if imvtb: self.__intmaxvalue = np.max(imvtb) if not self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): return if len(fulldata) == 1: name, rawimage, metadata = fulldata[0].tolist()[:3] else: name, rawimage, metadata = self.__mergeData( fulldata, str(self.__imagename).strip(), self.__settings.imagechannels) if hasattr(rawimage, "dtype") and str(rawimage.dtype) == 'object' \ and rawimage: rawimage = "%s string (%s) cannot be read" % (name, rawimage) name = "__ERROR__" if str(self.__imagename).strip() == str(name).strip() and not metadata: for dft in self.__dataFetchers: dft.ready() return if name == "__ERROR__": if self.__settings.interruptonerror: if self.__sourcewg.isConnected(): self.__sourcewg.toggleServerConnection() errortext = rawimage messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: Error in reading data", "Viewing will be interrupted", str(errortext)) else: self.__sourcewg.setErrorStatus(name) for dft in self.__dataFetchers: dft.ready() return self.__sourcewg.setErrorStatus("") if name is None: for dft in self.__dataFetchers: dft.ready() return # first time: if str(self.__metadata) != str(metadata) and str(metadata).strip(): imagename, self.__metadata = name, metadata if str(imagename).strip() and \ not isinstance(rawimage, basestring): if not hasattr(rawimage, "size") or rawimage.size != 0: self.__imagename = imagename self.__rawimage = rawimage try: if metadata: self.__mdata = json.loads(str(metadata)) else: self.__mdata = {} if self.__mdata and isinstance(self.__mdata, dict): resdata = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in self.__mdata.items() if k in self.__allowedmdata) wgdata = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in self.__mdata.items() if k in self.__allowedwgdata) if wgdata: self.__imagewg.updateMetaData(**wgdata) if resdata: self.__sourcewg.updateMetaData(**resdata) if self.__settings.geometryfromsource: self.__settings.updateMetaData(**self.__mdata) self.__imagewg.updateCenter( self.__settings.centerx, self.__settings.centery) self.__imagewg.mouseImagePositionChanged.emit() self.__imagewg.geometryChanged.emit() except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) # print(str(e)) elif str(name).strip(): if self.__imagename is None or str(self.__imagename) != str(name): self.__imagename, self.__metadata \ = name, metadata if not isinstance(rawimage, basestring): if not hasattr(rawimage, "size") or rawimage.size != 0: self.__rawimage = rawimage if not str(metadata).strip(): self.__mdata = {} self.__updateframeview() self.__currenttime = time.time() if self.__settings.showframerate and self.__lasttime: self.__updateframerate(self.__currenttime - self.__lasttime) self.__lasttime = self.__currenttime self._plot() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() if len(self.__dataFetchers) > 1: tm = self.__dataFetchers[0].getTimeStamp() for idf, dft in enumerate(self.__dataFetchers): dft.ready() if idf: dft.setTimeStamp(tm) # @debugmethod def __updateframeview(self, status=False, slider=False): if status and self.__settings.showsteps: if self.__frame is not None: self.__ui.frameLineEdit.setText(str(self.__frame)) if slider: if self.__frame >= 0: self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.setValue(self.__frame) else: self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.setValue( self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.maximum()) else: # self.__fieldpath = None self.__ui.lowerframePushButton.hide() self.__ui.higherframePushButton.hide() self.__ui.framestepSpinBox.hide() self.__ui.frameLineEdit.hide() self.__ui.framestepLabel.hide() if slider: else: self.__ui.frameHorizontalSlider.hide() # @debugmethod def __updateframerate(self, ratetime): if ratetime: fr = 1.0/float(ratetime) if fr >= 9.9: self.__ui.framerateLineEdit.setText("%.0f Hz" % fr) else: self.__ui.framerateLineEdit.setText("%.1f Hz" % fr) else: self.__ui.framerateLineEdit.setText("") # @debugmethod def __updateframeratetip(self, ratetime): if ratetime: fr = 1.0/float(ratetime) if fr >= 9.9: self.__ui.framerateLineEdit.setToolTip( "Set frame rate: %.0f Hz" % fr) else: self.__ui.framerateLineEdit.setToolTip( "Set frame rate: %.1f Hz" % fr) else: self.__ui.framerateLineEdit.setToolTip("Frame rate in Hz") # @debugmethod def __prepareImage(self): """applies: make image gray, substracke the background image and apply the mask """ self.__overflowimage = None if self.__filteredimage is None: return ics = 0 if "suminthelast" in self.__mdata.keys(): ics = int(self.__mdata["suminthelast"]) if len(self.__filteredimage.shape) == 3: self.__channelwg.setNumberOfChannels( self.__filteredimage.shape[0] - ics) if not self.__channelwg.colorChannel(): if self.rgb(): self.setrgb(False) self.__levelswg.showGradient(True) if ics: self.__rawgreyimage = self.__filteredimage[-1, :, :] elif ("skipfirst" in self.__mdata.keys() and self.__mdata["skipfirst"]): self.__rawgreyimage = _nansum( self.__filteredimage[1:, :, :], 0) else: self.__rawgreyimage = _nansum(self.__filteredimage, 0) else: try: if len(self.__filteredimage) - ics >= \ self.__channelwg.colorChannel(): self.__rawgreyimage = self.__filteredimage[ self.__channelwg.colorChannel() - 1] if self.rgb(): self.setrgb(False) self.__levelswg.showGradient(True) elif (len(self.__filteredimage) + 1 - ics == self.__channelwg.colorChannel()): if self.rgb(): self.setrgb(False) self.__levelswg.showGradient(True) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', r'Mean of empty slice') if "skipfirst" in self.__mdata.keys() and \ self.__mdata["skipfirst"]: self.__rawgreyimage = np.nanmean( self.__filteredimage[1:, :, :], 0) else: self.__rawgreyimage = np.nanmean( self.__filteredimage, 0) elif self.__filteredimage.shape[0] - ics > 1: if not self.rgb(): self.setrgb(True) self.__levelswg.showGradient(False) self.__rawgreyimage = np.moveaxis( self.__filteredimage, 0, -1) rgbs = self.__channelwg.rgbchannels() if rgbs == (0, 1, 2): if self.__rawgreyimage.shape[-1] > 3: self.__rawgreyimage = \ self.__rawgreyimage[:, :, :3] elif self.__filteredimage.shape[-1] == 2: nshape = list(self.__rawgreyimage.shape) nshape[-1] = 1 self.__rawgreyimage = np.concatenate( (self.__rawgreyimage, np.zeros( shape=nshape, dtype=self.__rawgreyimage.dtype)), axis=2) else: zeros = None nshape = list(self.__rawgreyimage.shape) nshape[-1] = 1 if -1 in rgbs: zeros = np.zeros( shape=nshape, dtype=self.__rawgreyimage.dtype) if self.__settings.nanmask and \ self.__rawgreyimage.dtype.kind == 'f': zeros[:] = np.nan self.__rawgreyimage = np.concatenate( (self.__rawgreyimage[:, :, rgbs[0]]. reshape(nshape) if rgbs[0] != -1 else zeros, self.__rawgreyimage[:, :, rgbs[1]]. reshape(nshape) if rgbs[1] != -1 else zeros, self.__rawgreyimage[:, :, rgbs[2]]. reshape(nshape) if rgbs[2] != -1 else zeros), axis=2) elif self.__filteredimage.shape[0] - ics == 1: if self.rgb(): self.setrgb(False) self.__channelwg.showGradient(True) self.__levelswg.showGradient(True) self.__rawgreyimage = self.__filteredimage[:, :, 0] except Exception: import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: color channel %s does not exist." " Reset to grey scale" % self.__channelwg.colorChannel()) messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: color channel %s does not exist. " " Reset to grey scale" % self.__channelwg.colorChannel(), text, str(value)) self.__channelwg.setChannel(0) elif len(self.__filteredimage.shape) == 2: if self.rgb(): self.setrgb(False) self.__channelwg.showGradient(True) self.__levelswg.showGradient(True) if self.__imagewg.applyMask(): self.__rawgreyimage = np.array(self.__filteredimage) else: self.__rawgreyimage = self.__filteredimage self.__channelwg.setNumberOfChannels(0) elif len(self.__filteredimage.shape) == 1: if self.rgb(): self.setrgb(False) self.__channelwg.showGradient(True) self.__levelswg.showGradient(True) self.__rawgreyimage = np.array( self.__filteredimage).reshape( (self.__filteredimage.shape[0], 1)) self.__channelwg.setNumberOfChannels(0) self.__displayimage = self.__rawgreyimage if self.__dobkgsubtraction and self.__scbackgroundimage is not None: try: if (hasattr(self.__rawgreyimage, "dtype") and in self.__unsignedmap.keys()) \ and (hasattr(self.__scbackgroundimage, "dtype") and in self.__unsignedmap.keys()): self.__displayimage = np.subtract( self.__rawgreyimage, self.__scbackgroundimage, dtype=self.__unsignedmap[]) else: self.__displayimage = \ self.__rawgreyimage - self.__scbackgroundimage except Exception: self._checkBkgSubtraction(0) self.__backgroundimage = None self.__scbackgroundimage = None self.__dobkgsubtraction = False import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: Background image does not match " "to the current image") messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: Background image does not match " "to the current image", text, str(value)) if self.__dobfsubtraction and self.__bfmdfimage is not None: try: self.__displayimage = self.__displayimage * self.__bfmdfimage except Exception: self._checkBFSubtraction(0) self.__bfmdfimage = None self.__brightfieldimage = None self.__scbrightfieldimage = None self.__dobfsubtraction = False import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: Bright field image does not match " "to the current image") messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: Bright field image does not match " "to the current image", text, str(value)) if self.__settings.showmask and self.__imagewg.applyMask() and \ self.__imagewg.maskIndices() is not None: # set all masked (non-zero values) to zero by index try: if not self.__settings.nanmask: self.__displayimage = np.array(self.__displayimage) self.__displayimage[self.__imagewg.maskIndices()] = 0 else: self.__displayimage = np.array( self.__displayimage, dtype=self.__settings.floattype) self.__displayimage[self.__imagewg.maskIndices()] = np.nan except IndexError: self.__maskwg.noImage() self.__imagewg.setApplyMask(False) import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: Mask image does not match " "to the current image") messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: Mask image does not match " "to the current image", text, str(value)) if self.__settings.showhighvaluemask and \ self.__imagewg.maskValue() is not None: maskvalue = self.__imagewg.maskValue() if self.__settings.negmask and \ maskvalue < 0 and self.__intmaxvalue is not None: maskvalue += self.__intmaxvalue try: if self.__settings.nanmask: self.__displayimage = np.array( self.__displayimage, dtype=self.__settings.floattype) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', r'invalid value encountered in greater') self.__imagewg.setMaskValueIndices( self.__displayimage > maskvalue) self.__displayimage[ self.__imagewg.maskValueIndices()] = np.nan else: self.__displayimage = np.array(self.__displayimage) self.__imagewg.setMaskValueIndices( self.__displayimage > maskvalue) self.__displayimage[ self.__imagewg.maskValueIndices()] = 0 except IndexError: # self.__highvaluemaskwg.noValue() import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: Cannot apply high value mask to the current image") messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: Cannot apply high value mask" " to the current image", text, str(value)) if self.__settings.showoverflow and \ self.__imagewg.overflowValue() is not None and \ self.__displayimage is not None: overflowvalue = self.__imagewg.overflowValue() try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', r'invalid value encountered in greater') self.__imagewg.setOverflowValueIndices( self.__displayimage > overflowvalue) self.__overflowimage = np.full( self.__displayimage.shape, np.nan, dtype=self.__settings.floattype) self.__overflowimage[ self.__imagewg.overflowValueIndices()] = 1.0 except IndexError: self.__overflowimage = None import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: Cannot apply high value mask to the current image") messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: Cannot apply high value mask" " to the current image", text, str(value)) # @debugmethod def __transform(self): """ does the image transformation on the given numpy array. :returns: crdtranspose, crdleftrightflip, crdupdownflip, orgtranspose, orgleftrightflip, orgupdownflip flags :rtype: (:obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`,:obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`) """ crdupdownflip = False crdleftrightflip = False crdtranspose = False orgupdownflip = False orgleftrightflip = False orgtranspose = False if self.__trafoname == "none": pass elif self.__trafoname == "flip (up-down)": orgupdownflip = True if self.__settings.keepcoords: crdupdownflip = True elif self.__displayimage is not None: self.__displayimage = np.fliplr(self.__displayimage) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.fliplr(self.__overflowimage) elif self.__trafoname == "flip (left-right)": orgleftrightflip = True if self.__settings.keepcoords: crdleftrightflip = True elif self.__displayimage is not None: self.__displayimage = np.flipud(self.__displayimage) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.flipud(self.__overflowimage) elif self.__trafoname == "transpose": orgtranspose = True if self.__displayimage is not None: self.__displayimage = np.swapaxes( self.__displayimage, 0, 1) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.swapaxes( self.__overflowimage, 0, 1) # self.__displayimage = np.transpose(self.__displayimage) if self.__settings.keepcoords: crdtranspose = True elif self.__trafoname == "rot90 (clockwise)": orgtranspose = True orgupdownflip = True if self.__settings.keepcoords: crdtranspose = True crdupdownflip = True if self.__displayimage is not None: self.__displayimage = np.swapaxes( self.__displayimage, 0, 1) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.swapaxes( self.__overflowimage, 0, 1) # self.__displayimage = np.transpose(self.__displayimage) elif self.__displayimage is not None: # self.__displayimage = np.transpose( # np.flipud(self.__displayimage)) self.__displayimage = np.swapaxes( np.flipud(self.__displayimage), 0, 1) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.swapaxes( np.flipud(self.__overflowimage), 0, 1) elif self.__trafoname == "rot180": orgupdownflip = True orgleftrightflip = True if self.__settings.keepcoords: crdupdownflip = True crdleftrightflip = True elif self.__displayimage is not None: self.__displayimage = np.flipud( np.fliplr(self.__displayimage)) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.flipud( np.fliplr(self.__overflowimage)) elif self.__trafoname == "rot270 (clockwise)": orgtranspose = True orgleftrightflip = True if self.__settings.keepcoords: crdtranspose = True crdleftrightflip = True if self.__displayimage is not None: self.__displayimage = np.swapaxes( self.__displayimage, 0, 1) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.swapaxes( self.__overflowimage, 0, 1) # self.__displayimage = np.transpose(self.__displayimage) elif self.__displayimage is not None: self.__displayimage = np.swapaxes( np.fliplr(self.__displayimage), 0, 1) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.swapaxes( np.fliplr(self.__overflowimage), 0, 1) # self.__displayimage = np.transpose( # np.fliplr(self.__displayimage)) elif self.__trafoname == "rot180 + transpose": orgtranspose = True orgupdownflip = True orgleftrightflip = True if self.__settings.keepcoords: crdtranspose = True crdupdownflip = True crdleftrightflip = True if self.__displayimage is not None: # self.__displayimage = np.transpose(self.__displayimage) self.__displayimage = np.swapaxes( self.__displayimage, 0, 1) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.swapaxes( self.__overflowimage, 0, 1) elif self.__displayimage is not None: self.__displayimage = np.swapaxes( np.fliplr(np.flipud(self.__displayimage)), 0, 1) if self.__overflowimage is not None: self.__overflowimage = np.swapaxes( np.fliplr(np.flipud(self.__overflowimage)), 0, 1) # self.__displayimage = np.transpose( # np.fliplr(np.flipud(self.__displayimage))) return (crdtranspose, crdleftrightflip, crdupdownflip, orgtranspose, orgleftrightflip, orgupdownflip) # @debugmethod def __applyRange(self): """ applies user range """ if self.__settings.showrange and \ self.__filteredimage is not None: x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.__rangewg.rangeWindow() position = [None, None] if x1 is not None or y1 is not None or \ x2 is not None or y2 is not None: position = self.__setrange(x1, y1, x2, y2) scale = [None, None] factor = self.__rangewg.factor() if factor > 1: function = self.__rangewg.function() scale = self.__npresize(factor, function) if self.__trafoname in ["transpose", "rot90 (clockwise)", "rot270 (clockwise)", "rot180 + transpose"]: position = [position[1], position[0]] scale = [scale[1], scale[0]] # @debugmethod def __setrange(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ sets window range :param x1: x1 position :type x1: :obj:`int` :param y1: y1 position :type y1: :obj:`int` :param x2: x2 position :type x2: :obj:`int` :param y2: y2 position :type y2: :obj:`int` :returns: x,y - start x,y-position :rtype: (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`) """ image = None position = [0, 0] shape = self.__filteredimage.shape if len(shape) == 1 and shape[0]: image = self.__filteredimage[x1:x2] elif len(shape) == 2: image = self.__filteredimage[x1:x2, y1:y2] elif len(shape) == 3: image = self.__filteredimage[:, x1:x2, y1:y2] if image is not None and image.size > 0: self.__filteredimage = image position = [x1 or 0, y1 or 0] return position # @debugmethod def __npresize(self, factor, function): """ resizes image :param factor: down-sampling factor :type factor: :obj:`int` :param function: reduction function :type function: :obj:`str` :returns: x,y - invert scale :rtype: (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`) """ shape = self.__filteredimage.shape scale = [1, 1] if len(shape) > 1 and factor > 1: w = shape[-2] // factor h = shape[-1] // factor ww = w * factor hh = h * factor if ww < factor or hh < factor: nfactor = max(min(int(shape[-2]), int(shape[-1])), 1) self.__rangewg.setFactor(nfactor) factor = 1 w = shape[-2] // factor h = shape[-1] // factor ww = w * factor hh = h * factor if len(shape) == 2 and factor > 1: self.__filteredimage = \ getattr( self.__filteredimage[:ww, :hh]. reshape(w, factor, h, factor), function)((-1, -3)) elif len(shape) == 3: self.__filteredimage = \ getattr( self.__filteredimage[:, :ww, :hh]. reshape(shape[0], w, factor, h, factor), function)((-1, -3)) scale = [factor, factor] return scale @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _resizePlot(self, show=True): """ resize window and plot :param show: enable/disable resizing :type show: :obj:`bool` """ x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.__rangewg.rangeWindow() factor = self.__rangewg.factor() positionscale = [x1, y1, factor, factor] if show and (x1 or y1 or factor != 1): self.__imagewg.updateMetaData( positionscale, rescale=True) else: self.__imagewg.updateMetaData( [0, 0, 1, 1], rescale=False) self.setLavueState({ "rangewindow": self.__rangewg.rangeWindow(), "dsfactor": self.__rangewg.factor(), "dsreduction": str(self.__rangewg.function())}) self._plot() # @debugmethod def __applyFilters(self): """ applies user filters """ # self.__filteredimage = self.__rawimage if self.__filterstate: for flt in self.__filters: try: if self.__filteredimage is not None: image = flt( self.__filteredimage, self.__imagename, self.__metadata, self.__imagewg ) fltmdata = None if isinstance(image, tuple): if len(image) >= 2: image, fltmdata = image[:2] if len(image) == 1: image = image if image is not None and ( hasattr(image, "size") and image.size > 1): self.__filteredimage = image if isinstance(fltmdata, dict): self.__mdata.update(fltmdata) except Exception as e: self.__filterswg.setState(0) import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: problems in applying filters", "%s" % str(e), "%s" % value) # print(str(e)) # @debugmethod def __scale(self, scalingtype): """ sets scaletype on the image :param scalingtype: scaling type :type scalingtype: :obj:`str` """ self.__imagewg.setScalingType(scalingtype) if self.__displayimage is None: self.__scaledimage = None elif scalingtype == "sqrt": self.__scaledimage = np.clip(self.__displayimage, 0, np.inf) self.__scaledimage = np.sqrt(self.__scaledimage) elif scalingtype == "log": self.__scaledimage = np.clip(self.__displayimage, 10e-3, np.inf) self.__scaledimage = np.log10(self.__scaledimage) elif _VMAJOR == '0' and _VMINOR == '9' and int(_VPATCH) > 7: # (for 0.9.8 <= version < 0.10.0 i.e. ubuntu 16.04) self.__scaledimage = self.__displayimage.astype( self.__settings.floattype) else: self.__scaledimage = self.__displayimage # @debugmethod def __calcStats(self, flag): """ calcualtes scaled limits for intesity levels :param flag: (max value, mean value, variance value, min scaled value, max raw value, max scaled value) to calculate :type flag: [:obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`, :obj:`bool`] :returns: max value, mean value, variance value, min scaled value, max raw value, max scaled value :rtype: [:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`] """ if self.__settings.statswoscaling and self.__displayimage is not None \ and self.__displayimage.size > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', r'All-NaN slice encountered') warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', r'Mean of empty slice') maxval = np.nanmax(self.__displayimage) if flag[0] else 0.0 meanval = np.nanmean(self.__displayimage) if flag[1] else 0.0 varval = np.nanvar(self.__displayimage) if flag[2] else 0.0 maxsval = np.nanmax(self.__scaledimage) if flag[5] else 0.0 elif (not self.__settings.statswoscaling and self.__scaledimage is not None and self.__displayimage.size > 0): maxval = np.nanmax(self.__scaledimage) \ if flag[0] or flag[5] else 0.0 meanval = np.nanmean(self.__scaledimage) if flag[1] else 0.0 varval = np.nanvar(self.__scaledimage) if flag[2] else 0.0 maxsval = maxval else: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, None with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', r'All-NaN slice encountered') maxrawval = np.nanmax(self.__rawgreyimage) if flag[4] else 0.0 minval = np.nanmin(self.__scaledimage) if flag[3] else 0.0 channels = None if hasattr(self.__scaledimage, "shape") \ and len(self.__scaledimage.shape) == 3: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered') nch = self.__scaledimage.shape[2] channels = [ [np.nanmin(self.__scaledimage[:, :, i]) if flag[3] else 0.0, np.nanmax(self.__scaledimage[:, :, i]) if flag[5] else 0.0] for i in range(nch)] else: channels = None return (maxval, meanval, varval, minval, maxrawval, maxsval, channels) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _checkHighMasking(self, _=''): """ reads the mask image, select non-zero elements and store the indices """ value = self.__highvaluemaskwg.mask() try: self.__imagewg.setMaskValue(float(value)) except Exception: self.__imagewg.setMaskValue(None) maskhighvalue = "" if self.__settings.showhighvaluemask: maskhighvalue = str(value or "") self.setLavueState({"maskhighvalue": maskhighvalue}) self._plot() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _checkOverflow(self, _=''): """ reads the mask image, select non-zero elements and store the indices """ value = self.__overflowwg.overflowValue() try: self.__imagewg.setOverflowValue(float(value)) except Exception: self.__imagewg.setOverflowValue(None) overflowvalue = "" if self.__settings.showoverflow: overflowvalue = str(value or "") self.setLavueState({"overflowvalue": overflowvalue}) self._plot() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _checkMasking(self, state): """ replots the image with mask if mask exists """ self.__imagewg.setApplyMask(state) if self.__imagewg.applyMask() and self.__maskimage is None: self.__maskwg.noImage() maskfile = "" if self.__maskwg.isMaskApplied() and self.__settings.maskimagename: maskfile = str(self.__settings.maskimagename) self.setLavueState({"maskfile": maskfile}) self._plot() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _prepareMasking(self, imagename): """ reads the mask image, select non-zero elements and store the indices """ imagename = str(imagename) if imagename: if imagename.endswith(".nxs") or imagename.endswith(".h5") \ or imagename.endswith(".nx") or imagename.endswith(".ndf"): fieldpath = None growing = 0 frame = 0 handler = imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler( str(imagename)) fields = handler.findImageFields() if fields: imgfield = imageField.ImageField(self) imgfield.fields = fields imgfield.frame = 0 imgfield.createGUI() if imgfield.exec_(): fieldpath = imgfield.field growing = imgfield.growing frame = imgfield.frame else: return currentfield = fields[fieldpath] self.__maskimage = np.transpose(handler.getImage( currentfield["node"], frame, growing, refresh=False)) else: return else: self.__maskimage = np.transpose( imageFileHandler.ImageFileHandler( str(imagename)).getImage()) if self.__settings.zeromask: self.__imagewg.setMaskIndices(self.__maskimage == 0) else: self.__imagewg.setMaskIndices(self.__maskimage != 0) else: self.__maskimage = None # @debugmethod def __remasking(self): """ recalculates the mask """ if self.__maskimage is not None: if self.__settings.zeromask: self.__imagewg.setMaskIndices(self.__maskimage == 0) else: self.__imagewg.setMaskIndices(self.__maskimage != 0) @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _checkBkgSubtraction(self, state): """ replots the image with subtranction if background image exists :param state: checkbox state :type state: :obj:`int` """ self.__dobkgsubtraction = bool(state) if self.__dobkgsubtraction and self.__scbackgroundimage is None: self.__bkgsubwg.setDisplayedName("") else: self.__bkgsubwg.checkBkgSubtraction(state) self.__imagewg.setDoBkgSubtraction(state) bkgfile = "" if self.__bkgsubwg.isBkgSubApplied() and \ self.__settings.bkgimagename: bkgfile = str(self.__settings.bkgimagename) self.setLavueState({"bkgfile": bkgfile}) self._plot() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int) def _checkBFSubtraction(self, state): """ replots the image with subtranction if background image exists :param state: checkbox state :type state: :obj:`int` """ self.__dobfsubtraction = bool(state) if self.__dobfsubtraction and self.__scbrightfieldimage is None: self.__normwg.setDisplayedBFName("") else: self.__normwg.checkBFSubtraction(state) self.__imagewg.setDoBFSubtraction(state) bffile = "" if self.__normwg.isBFSubApplied() and \ self.__settings.bfimagename: bffile = str(self.__settings.bfimagename) self.setLavueState({"brightfieldfile": bffile}) self._plot() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _prepareBkgSubtraction(self, imagename): """ reads the background image :param imagename: image name :type imagename: :obj:`str` """ imagename = str(imagename) if imagename: if imagename.endswith(".nxs") or imagename.endswith(".h5") \ or imagename.endswith(".nx") or imagename.endswith(".ndf"): fieldpath = None growing = 0 frame = 0 handler = imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler( str(imagename)) fields = handler.findImageFields() if fields: imgfield = imageField.ImageField(self) imgfield.fields = fields imgfield.frame = 0 imgfield.createGUI() if imgfield.exec_(): fieldpath = imgfield.field growing = imgfield.growing frame = imgfield.frame else: return currentfield = fields[fieldpath] self.__backgroundimage = np.transpose( handler.getImage( currentfield["node"], frame, growing, refresh=False)) self._updateBkgScale(False) else: return else: self.__backgroundimage = np.transpose( imageFileHandler.ImageFileHandler( str(imagename)).getImage()) self._updateBkgScale(False) else: self.__backgroundimage = None self.__scbackgroundimage = None self.__updatebfmdf() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _prepareBFSubtraction(self, imagename): """ reads the brightfield image :param imagename: image name :type imagename: :obj:`str` """ imagename = str(imagename) if imagename: if imagename.endswith(".nxs") or imagename.endswith(".h5") \ or imagename.endswith(".nx") or imagename.endswith(".ndf"): fieldpath = None growing = 0 frame = 0 handler = imageFileHandler.NexusFieldHandler( str(imagename)) fields = handler.findImageFields() if fields: imgfield = imageField.ImageField(self) imgfield.fields = fields imgfield.frame = 0 imgfield.createGUI() if imgfield.exec_(): fieldpath = imgfield.field growing = imgfield.growing frame = imgfield.frame else: return currentfield = fields[fieldpath] self.__brightfieldimage = np.transpose( handler.getImage( currentfield["node"], frame, growing, refresh=False)) else: return else: self.__brightfieldimage = np.transpose( imageFileHandler.ImageFileHandler( str(imagename)).getImage()) self._updateBFScale(False) else: self.__brightfield = None self.__updatebfmdf() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setCurrentImageAsBkg(self): """ sets the chrrent image as the background image """ if self.__rawgreyimage is not None: self.__backgroundimage = self.__rawgreyimage self._updateBkgScale(False) self.__bkgsubwg.setDisplayedName(str(self.__imagename)) else: self.__bkgsubwg.setDisplayedName("") @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateBkgScale(self, fetchscale=True): if fetchscale: self.__backgroundscale = self.__bkgsubwg.bkgScalingFactor() if self.__backgroundimage is None: self.__scbackgroundimage = None elif self.__backgroundscale in [1, None] \ or not self.__settings.showsubsf: self.__scbackgroundimage = self.__backgroundimage else: self.__scbackgroundimage = \ self.__backgroundimage * self.__backgroundscale self.__updatebfmdf() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _updateBFScale(self, fetchscale=True): if fetchscale: self.__brightfieldscale = self.__normwg.bfScalingFactor() if self.__brightfieldimage is None: self.__scbrightfieldimage = None elif self.__brightfieldscale in [1, None] \ or not self.__settings.shownormsf: self.__scbrightfieldimage = self.__brightfieldimage else: self.__scbrightfieldimage = \ self.__brightfieldimage * self.__brightfieldscale self.__updatebfmdf() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _setCurrentImageAsBF(self): """ sets the chrrent image as the brightfield image """ if self.__rawgreyimage is not None: self.__brightfieldimage = self.__rawgreyimage self._updateBFScale(False) self.__normwg.setDisplayedBFName(str(self.__imagename)) else: self.__normwg.setDisplayedBFName("") def __updatebfmdf(self): """ sets brightfield - darkfield image """ if self.__scbrightfieldimage is not None and \ self.__scbackgroundimage is not None: try: with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): self.__bfmdfimage = np.true_divide( 1, (self.__scbrightfieldimage - self.__scbackgroundimage), dtype=self.__settings.floattype) self.__bfmdfimage[np.isinf(self.__bfmdfimage)] = np.nan except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) self._checkBFSubtraction(0) self.__brightfieldimage = None self.__scbrightfieldimage = None self.__dobfsubtraction = False import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() text = messageBox.MessageBox.getText( "lavue: Bright field image does not match " "to the current image") messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: Bright field image does not match " "to the current image", text, str(value)) self.__bfmdfimage = None elif self.__scbrightfieldimage is not None: with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): self.__bfmdfimage = np.true_divide( 1, self.__scbrightfieldimage, dtype=self.__settings.floattype) self.__bfmdfimage[np.isinf(self.__bfmdfimage)] = np.nan else: self.__bfmdfimage = None @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def _assessFilters(self, state): """ assesses the filter on/off state :param state: assess filter status :type state: :obj:`bool` """ if self.__filterstate != state: self.__filterstate = state for flt in self.__filters: try: if state: if hasattr(flt, "initialize"): flt.initialize() else: if hasattr(flt, "terminate"): flt.terminate() except Exception as e: self.__filterswg.setState(0) import traceback value = traceback.format_exc() messageBox.MessageBox.warning( self, "lavue: problems in starting or stoping filters", "%s" % str(e), "%s" % value) # print(str(e)) self.setLavueState({"filters": bool(self.__filterstate)}) if self.__displayimage is not None: self._plot() @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def _assessTransformation(self, trafoname): """ assesses the transformation and replot it :param imagename: transformation name :type imagename: :obj:`str` """ self.__trafoname = trafoname if trafoname in [ "transpose", "rot90 (clockwise)", "rot270 (clockwise)", "rot180 + transpose"]: self.__trafowg.setKeepCoordsLabel( self.__settings.keepcoords, True) else: self.__trafowg.setKeepCoordsLabel( self.__settings.keepcoords, False) self.setLavueState({"transformation": trafoname}) self._plot()
[docs] @debugmethod def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ skips escape key action :param event: close event :type event: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QEvent`: """ if event.key() != QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape: QtWidgets.QDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event)
# else: # self.closeEvent(None)
[docs] @debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def setrgb(self, status=True): """ sets RGB on/off :param status: True for on and False for off :type status: :obj:`bool` """ self.__levelswg.setrgb(status) self.__imagewg.setrgb(status) self._plot()
@debugmethod @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def _setRGBState(self, status=True): """ sets RGB on/off :param status: True for on and False for off :type status: :obj:`bool` """ self.__levelswg.setrgb(status) self.__imagewg.setrgb(status) self.setLavueState({"channel": self.__channelwg.channelLabel()}) self._plot()
[docs] @debugmethod def rgb(self): """ gets RGB on/off :returns: True for on and False for off :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ return self.__imagewg.rgb()