User Function pluginsΒΆ
A User Function plugin can be defined by a class or a function in a python package.
A user function plugin defined by a function is a simple python function with one argument: results which contain a python dictionary of ToolResults.
This function returns a python dictionary with x and y (list) data to plot , title, bottom and left (string) labels color and hvscolor (string) or (int) . For user plots with mutli-curves the python dictionary can contains nrplots (int) , x_%i, y_%i (list) data to plot, color_%i and hvscolor_%i (string) or (int) where %i runs from 1 to nrplots. If y_%i is set to None
the previous plot will stay shown.
, e.g.
def positive(results):
""" plot positive function values on the LineCut tool
:param results: dictionary with tool results
:type results: :obj:`dict`
:returns: dictionary with user plot data
:rtype: :obj:`dict`
userplot = {}
if "linecut_1" in results:
userplot = {"x": results["linecut_1"][0],
"y": [max(0.0, yy) for yy in results["linecut_1"][1]]}
return userplot
A user function plugin defined by a class it should have defined __call__ method with one argument: results.
This __call__ function returns a python dictionary with x and y list data to plot and optionally title, bottom and left string labels.
Moreover, the class constructor has one configuration string argument initialized by an initialization parameter, e.g.
class LineCutFlat(object):
"""Flatten line cut"""
def __init__(self, configuration=None):
""" constructor
:param configuration: JSON list with horizontal gap pixels to add
:type configuration: :obj:`str`
#: (:obj:`list` <:obj: `str`>) list of indexes for gap
self.__index = 1
self.__flat = float(configuration)
except Exception:
self.__flat = 100000000.
def __call__(self, results):
""" call method
:param results: dictionary with tool results
:type results: :obj:`dict`
:returns: dictionary with user plot data
:rtype: :obj:`dict`
userplot = {}
if "tool" in results and results["tool"] == "linecut":
nrplots = int(results["nrlinecuts"])
except Exception:
nrplots = 0
userplot["nrplots"] = nrplots
userplot["title"] = "Linecuts flatten at '%s'" % (self.__flat)
for i in range(nrplots):
xlabel = "x_%s" % (i + 1)
ylabel = "y_%s" % (i + 1)
label = "linecut_%s" % (i + 1)
cllabel = "hsvcolor_%s" % (i + 1)
if label in results:
userplot[xlabel] = results[label][0]
userplot[ylabel] = [min(yy, self.__flat)
for yy in results[label][1]]
userplot[cllabel] = i/float(nrplots)
if "unit" in results:
userplot["bottom"] = results["unit"]
userplot["left"] = "intensity"
return userplot
import json
class DiffPDF(object):
"""diffpy PDF user function"""
def __init__(self, configuration=None):
""" constructor
:param configuration: JSON list with config file and diff index
:type configuration: :obj:`str`
#: (:obj:`list` <:obj: `str`>) list of indexes for gap
self.__configfile = None
config = None
config = json.loads(configuration)
self.__index = int(config[1])
except Exception:
self.__index = 1
self.__configfile = str(config[0])
except Exception:
self.__index = 1
self.__configfile = str(configuration)
from diffpy.pdfgetx import loadPDFConfig
self.__cfg = loadPDFConfig(self.__configfile)
def __call__(self, results):
""" call method
:param results: dictionary with tool results
:type results: :obj:`dict`
:returns: dictionary with user plot data
:rtype: :obj:`dict`
userplot = {}
from diffpy.pdfgetx import PDFGetter
self.__pg = PDFGetter(config=self.__cfg)
label = "diff_%s" % self.__index
if label in results and self.__configfile:
qq = results[label][0]
df = results[label][1]
data_gr = self.__pg(qq, df)
x = data_gr[0]
y = data_gr[1]
userplot = {
"x": x, "y": y,
"title": "DiffPDF: %s with %s" % (label, self.__configfile)
return userplot
import json
class LineCut(object):
""" LineCut selection"""
def __init__(self, configuration=None):
""" constructor
:param configuration: JSON list with horizontal gap pixels to add
:type configuration: :obj:`str`
#: (:obj: `int`) line cut index
self.__index = int(json.loads(configuration)[0])
except Exception:
self.__index = 1
#: (:obj: `int`) buffer length
self.__buflen = max(int(json.loads(configuration)[1]), 1)
except Exception:
self.__buflen = 20
#: (:obj: `list`) buffer
self.__buffer = []
def __call__(self, results):
""" call method
:param results: dictionary with tool results
:type results: :obj:`dict`
:returns: dictionary with user plot data
:rtype: :obj:`dict`
userplot = {}
label = "linecut_%s" % self.__index
if label in results:
if len(self.__buffer) >= self.__buflen:
self.__buffer.append([results[label][0], results[label][1]])
userplot["nrplots"] = len(self.__buffer)
for i, xy in enumerate(self.__buffer):
userplot["x_%s" % (i + 1)] = xy[0]
userplot["y_%s" % (i + 1)] = xy[1]
if i != len(self.__buffer) - 1:
userplot["color_%s" % (i + 1)] = i/float(self.__buflen)
userplot["color_%s" % (i + 1)] = 'r'
userplot["title"] = "History of %s" % label
if "unit" in results:
userplot["bottom"] = results["unit"]
userplot["left"] = "intensity"
return userplot
To configure user functions see User Functions settings.